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Tennessee Technological University
from Chairs of Excellence
Tennessee Technological University, 2020-21
Chair of Excellence
1) William E. Mayberry Chair of
Excellence in Business Administration
2) Jesse E. Owen Chair of Excellence in Emerging
Technologies, System Management, IT Human
Resources, and Strategic Management
Date Established
Feb 1990
Dr. Thomas A. Timmerman
June 1988 Dr. Tor Guimaraes
Tennessee Higher Education Commission 2020-21 Chairs of Excellence Annual Report Page 31
Status of the Chair of Excellence
The mission of the William E. Mayberry Chair of Excellence in Business Administration is to increase awareness and enhance the development of quality and performancemanagement practices on behalf of the TTU College of Business (COB), TTU, and Tennessee. The Chair maintains active involvement and support for National and Tennessee programs via research and analysis, a Mayberry Lecture Series, graduate assistants, class participation, and bringing business and education leaders to TTU. Research findings are disseminated via a newsletter and other publications. Dr. Thomas A. Timmerman was selected to replace Dr. Curt Reimann in August 2020. Dr. Reimann retired after 25 years of service. Dr. Timmerman has been a faculty member at Tennessee Tech since 2001 and his research has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, ESPN The Magazine, and The Washington Post.
Impact of Chair of Excellence on TTU, College, and Programs In 2020-21, Dr. Timmerman had two research papers accepted for publication:
Green, J., & Timmerman, T. (2021). Are Millennials more likely to be abusive supervisors? SAM Advanced Management Journal, 86(2),5-14. Guimaraes, T., Paranjape, K., & Timmerman, T. (2021). Looking at the user side of software engineering for project success. SAM Advanced Management Journal, 86(2),1531.
The Mayberry Professor and Associate Dean, Dr. Ramachandran Natarajan, actively supported the Chairholder through a variety of activities:
Gurjar, M., and Natarajan, R., "Reindeer Apparels: the growth and evolution of a microenterprise" forthcoming in the International Journal of Indian Culture and Business
Management. "Profit-Based Credit Models with Risk-Neutral, Risk-Averse, and Loss-averse Lending," presented at the annual conference (virtual) of Decision Sciences Institute (DSI),
November 21-23, 2020.
Recommendations to Enhance the Effectiveness of the Program
The traditional activities of the Mayberry Chair of Excellence (e.g., hosting events on campus) were hampered by the global pandemic, but the time was used to formulate a new vision consistent with the new Chairholder's strengths and interests. Moving forward, there will be an increased emphasis on the behavioral aspects of quality management and performance excellence. Plans are in progress for new graduate courses, corporate outreach, professional education, and research.
Tennessee Higher Education Commission 2020-21 Chairs of Excellence Annual Report Page 32
Tennessee Technological University Jesse E. Owen Chair of Excellence in Emerging Technologies, System Management, IT Human Resources, and Strategic Management
Status of the Chair of Excellence
The Jesse E. Owen Chair of Excellence mission is to conduct research projects to discover and validate new practical knowledge; use this knowledge to enhance undergraduate and graduate teaching; and provide service to the university, and the profession. An integral part of this chair is to promote TTU’s image throughout the world through publications and presentations. The current Chair Holder is Dr. Tor Guimaraes.
Impact of Chair of Excellence on TTU, College, and Programs
Dr. Tor Guimaraes is the recipient of the prestigious 2019-20 Caplenor Research Award and has been rated by several independent sources as one of the most productive researchers in the world based on publications in IS top journals. He is now working on several research projects, serving on the editorial board of many professional journals, and providing advice on research projects of other researchers throughout the world. Below are some of the publications and presentations for this year.
Publications (2020-21):
Guimaraes, T., and Srinivasan, A., “Assessing the Overall Impact of Data Analytics on
Company Decision Making and Innovation”, International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, forthcoming (2021). Guimaraes, T., and Timmerman, T., “Looking at the User Side of Software Engineering for Project Success”, SAM Advanced Management Journal, forthcoming (2021). Guimaraes, T., Guimaraes, V., and Caccia-Bava, M., “Human Factors Affecting HMS
Impact on Nurses Jobs”, International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and
Informatics, Vol. 15 Issue 1, (2020), pp. 63-80. Guimaraes, T., Caccia-Bava, M., and Geist, M., “The Moderating Effect of Organization
Culture on Competition Intensity and Hospital Quality”, International Journal of
Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, Vol. 15 Issue 3, (2020), pp. 47-64.
Presentations (2020-21):
Guimaraes, T., Timmerman, T., and Bell, R., “Success Factors for Managing Technology for Business Innovation”, SAMIBC, March 2021, Virtual/Cookeville TN. Guimaraes, T., Paranjape, K., and Walton, M., “Radical versus Incremental Product
Changes as Moderator for NPD Success”, SAMIBC, March 2021, Best Paper Award,
Virtual/Cookeville TN.
Recommendations to Enhance the Effectiveness of the Program
Because this Chair of Excellence's travel budget is supported by the department and college, while its primary objectives require making presentations of new knowledge at national and international meetings, some added funding is recommended for this purpose.
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