Easter Term 2023 | The Cambridge Union

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E A S T E R T E R M 2 0 2 3

“Even against the backdrop of an ancient and respected University, the Cambridge Union stands out as a distinguished forum for the free and rigorous exchange of ideas. For over two hundred years, undergraduates have come through its doors to consider questions old and new, to test their opinions and hone their skills of debate, and to speak as equals with their opponents - be they students or statesmen. The lessons it provides - in self-confidence; in clear-thinking; in challenging others’ beliefs while always respecting them - are valuable ones indeed.”

Welcome to the Union

In Easter term 1970, just over half a century ago, King Charles was persuaded to deliver his maiden speech at a Cambridge Union debate, which was entitled ‘This House believes that technological advance threatens the individuality of man and is becoming his master’. As topical then as it is now, he was anxious at the thought of speaking at such a forum as ours. Nevertheless, on May 6th he will be crowned King of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms. In the same spirit, in this Easter term of 2023, I encourage you all, just like our King, to speak in our chamber. Whether that is in the form of a paper speech, floor speech or asking questions to our invited guests, we welcome and value your participation in our debates and discussions.

As we begin the Easter term, a time marked by academic challenges and examinations, let the Union serve as a haven for dialogues, laughter and a refuge from stress, where you can momentarily escape the demands of academic life. To better facilitate these benefits, we have recently renovated our members’ room, providing a space where you can study, socialise with friends and take a break from revision. The Union is not just a place to debate but a society to make friends, build relationships and learn from one another.

This term, our debates will span a diverse array of topics, encompassing political, philosophical, and economic spheres, among others. We will explore questions such as whether inheriting wealth is a right, the role of outsiders in the Israel-Palestine conflict, and

if the free market aligns with our fundamental values. Additionally, we will consider the plausibility of a loving God and conclude the term by discussing the ongoing celebration of our King’s rule over the Commonwealth. Our debate guests include former Union Presidents, former and current leaders of political parties, journalists, religious leaders, academics, and cabinet ministers. Keep an eye on our members’ Facebook group for opportunities to get involved in our main debates alongside some of the most influential figures of our time. You can also participate by challenging ideas and sharing your viewpoints on Thursday nights, this is a chance to contribute to the intellectual discourse whilst exploring some of the most pressing questions.

Our lineup of speakers features world leaders, including the Prime Minister of Montenegro and the President of Armenia as well as distinguished figures in their respective fields. Among them are: Gina Miller, Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Rina Sawayama. We will also be hosting Marianne Williamson - US presidential candidate for 2024, Premier League winning Manager Claudio Ranieri, and many more.

At this institution, we are dedicated to enhancing your voice no matter your background. Our all-women debate on feminism, held in our chamber, will exemplify this commitment, alongside our intersubjectivity exhibition created to celebrate the diverse identities amongst our membership. The Union’s social calendar caters to a wide variety of interests and preferences.


Events range from a Eurovision viewing to a cheese sampling experience crafted for refined palates. The jewel in the crown is undoubtedly the Union summer party, serving as the finale to the Union term. As examinations come to an end, there will be a sense of high spirits and excitement.

Since its inception, the cornerstone of our society has been the freedom of speech. Yet, just as in 1815, this cherished ideal is still threatened in various aspects of our daily lives. However, the Union remains steadfast in upholding and actively defending this vital principle. As we embark on a new term, our commitment to maintaining the Union’s legacy as a world-class institution remains unwavering. While there will inevitably be voices that you may agree or disagree with, our institution values the crucial role of constructive dialogue and offers a platform for members to share their ideas and engage in intellectual discourse. Our society also instils the vital lesson of respecting the

opinions of others, even in the face of disagreements, and promotes the value of tolerating views that may differ from your own. Ultimately, the Union’s dedication to free expression and respectful dialogue fosters a diverse and inclusive community where individuals from all backgrounds are welcome to share their perspectives. Whether you find yourself nodding along in agreement or shaking your head in disagreement, know that you always have the right to stand up and express your views. After all, our noble room, our arena, is made all the more worthy with your ambition.

Best wishes,

05 Contents pg. 03 pg. 06 pg. 07 pg. 09 pg. 21 pg. 39 pg. 47 pg. 52 & 53 pg. 54 pg. 57 Welcome Membership Competitive Debating Debates Speakers Equalities Social Events Standing and Full Committee Getting involved President’s thanks


Why join the Union?

As the oldest free speech society in the world, stretching back to 1815, the Union has for decades been at the heart of student life in Cambridge. A unique venue in the very heart of our city, the Union regularly hosts leading politicians, activists, artists, entrepreneurs and thinkers from around the world. Offering students the opportunity to learn from and challenge such figures is at the core of what we do.

Nearly everything you’ll see in our termcard is open to members only. Joining the Union grants you acess to our speaker events, debates, and socials for your whole life. What’s more, the Union houses an incredible library, our new members’ lounge, the versatile Footlight Cellars (which on Wednesday evenings transform into a nightclub) as well as The Orator, our bar and restaurant, where members receive a 20% on all purchases..

Membership is open to all students as staff from the University of Cambridge and Anglia Ruskin University, as well as Judge Business School and BPP Law School Cambridge.

Access Membership

At the Union we know that becoming a member can be a big commitment. It is for this reason that we continually strive to ensure that everyone has the same opportunities to make the most of what our Society has to offer, regardless of their background. Providing access memberships for those on university bursaries forms a key part of this effort.

Access prices are as follows:

£200 reduced to £130, for incomes below £25,000

£200 reduced to £150, for incomes between £25,001 and £33,750

£200 reduced to £170, for incomes between £33,751 and £42,620

If you are unsure if you qualify, or have any questions for us, please email info@cus.org.

Credits Tobia Nava

Competitive Debating

Competitive Debating at the Union?

In addition to our weekly Thursday night debates, the Cambridge Union runs a long established and prestigious competitive debating program. CUS regularly sends debaters to competitions across the world to represent the Union and Cambridge, including the World and European Universities Debating Championships. Our competitive debating program also forms a core part of our outreach work through Cambridge Schools and ICYD.

What is Competitive Debating?

Competitive debating at the university level often follows the British Parliamentary (‘BP’) format. There are four teams of two speakers each, with two teams proposing the motion (the ‘Government’ teams) and two teams opposing the motion (the ‘Opposition’ teams). On each side, there are both Opening half and Closing half teams (i.e. Opening Government or ‘OG’ and Closing Government or ‘CG’). Teams must represent their side of the motion and are competing to present the most compelling, impactful, unique and substantiated arguments for their side. Each team is given 15 minutes to prepare once the motion is released and speakers are given 7 minutes each to present their arguments. The speaking order starts with the first speaker of OG followed by the first speaker of Opening Opposition and alternates with the last speaker coming from the Closing Opposition or ‘CO’.

How do you get involved with competitive debating?

The most direct way to get involved in competitive debating is to join one of our training streams. We offer three streams: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. In each stream, we have dedicated trainers who will run weekly workshops and/or competitive debates to help you improve your debating skills. Additionally, you can sign up to represent Cambridge at external tournaments and competitions — these opportunities will be publicised regularly via our mailing list and our group chats for each stream.

You can also get involved by volunteering at tournaments organised by Cambridge. In Michaelmas

term, we successfully organised Cambridge Wom*n’s and Gender Minorities which attracted more than 30 of the best teams worldwide. Additionally, we organised our flagship Cambridge Intervarsity tournament, welcoming the best debaters to one of the most prestigious debate tournaments in the world. In Lent term we ran Cambridge Schools, one of the largest tournaments in the UK for schools with regionals across the country and wider world. Additionally, this year, Cambridge is organising the International Competition for Young Debaters, which will welcome young debaters from all around the world to our very own Cambridge Union. You can get involved at these tournaments as a judge, tabulation team member or simply volunteering to help with logistics.

Keeping in touch

To stay up to date with all our latest achievements and activities, you may request to join the Cambridge Debating Facebook group, and join our mailing list. All relevant links can be found at: https:// cambridgedebating2022.carrd.co/.

Follow us on Instagram (@cambridgedebating) to receive the most recent updates about our competition performances, upcoming opportunities, and to find out more about our members!

Our Competitive Debating Officers

Isabelle Sim | Trinity Hall

Bernd Wong | Peterhouse

C.D.O. designate: Marchus Choy | Magdalene

C.D.O. designate: Wei Kang Lee| Hughe’s Hall

To contact Bernd and Isabelle email debating@cus.org, or alternatively use bernd.wong@cus.org or isabelle.sim@cus.org.

Competitive Debating Officer Competitive Debating Officer


I Debate II Debate III Debate IV Debate | THB You Have No Right to Inherit Wealth | THW Pressurise Israel to Exchange Land for Peace | THB the Free Market is the Enemy of Freedom and Democracy | THB in a Loving God PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE
the Commonwealth still serves a purpose

Thursday night debates are the essence of the Union. They can facilitate the most electrifying, imaginative and contentious exchanges. They should make you feel strongly, but then think deeply. Indeed, there is no greater compliment to be paid to a debate than to leave and say, ‘I changed my mind’. At its best, the Union is a space where debates move beyond glib soundbites, challenge orthodoxy and embody authenticity.

I want to thank my whole subcommittee who made this happen. We owe this line-up of speakers to them and their commitment turning up to office hours week in and week out. I want to thank James, our President, for leading our team and always pushing us to be ambitious. I want to thank every speaker who has taken the time to agree to come to our chamber and every person who will give an insightful floor speech or POI to make these Thursday evenings the best they can be.

We have a set of debates which takes us on an Odyssey, where we begin with a motion contesting the right to inherit wealth and round Easter term off with a debate concerning the international institution of the Commonwealth. Along the way, we will challenge the divine and almighty, argue about what freedom really entails, address grim violence in the Middle East and dispute where the rights of the family ends and the right to socioeconomic equality begins.

I like to think a common thread that links these debates together is what does justice look like and how can we make it work. Luckily enough, we have some eminent, brilliant speakers to help us on our way. These debates are not abstract intellectual exercises, but speak to issues which shape millions of peoples lives; this should underpin the tone of every debate. Indeed, these motions won’t always be comfortable and they may get a bit existential, but they will be your debates and a space where you can make your voice heard.


You Have No Right to Inherit Wealth

Is inheritance an unjustified tool for entrenching privilege or a crucial right in a society of families? With millennials set to inherit £327 billion from their parents over the next decade in Britain alone, conversations about privilege are set to intensify further. This is particularly since home ownership is becoming increasingly subject to parental income. In our opening debate of term, we’re provoking a difficult conversation on a subject which seamlessly intertwines the personal and political.

Thursday 27th April

This House Believes

Ava-Santina Evans is the political correspondent at PoliticsJOE and has been a lead producer at LBC. She has been a critical voice regarding many of the government’s social and economic policies.

Andrew Harrop is the General Secretary of the Fabian Society, Britain’s oldest political think tank. He has served on the Labour Party National Policy Forum and Joint Policy Committee. He is currently leading a review on the roadmap to a national care service to inform the Labour party’s policy program.


Olivia Utley is a prominent journalist and political reporter at GB news who has written for national publications, including the Sun and Telegraph. At the Sun, she was the Deputy Lead Writer and Head of PR.

Samuel Kasumu is an awardwinning social entrepreneur, commentato and strategist. He served as Special Advisor to Prime Minister Boris Johnson where he held the Civil Society and Communities brief. His work included leading on the crossgovernment vaccine deployment confidence programme. He was the most senior black Advisor in government. He is also the founder of Inclusive Boards.

Sir Vince Cable is former leader of the Liberal Democrats. He was Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Skill during the Coalition government and authored multiple books on the financial crisis and emerging economic challenges. Most notably, he served as President of the Cambridge Union in Easter, 1965.

11 Proposition
Ava-Santina Evans Olivia Utley Andrew Harrop Samuel Kasumu Sir Vince Cable Student Speaker

This House Would

Pressurise Israel to Exchange Land for Peace

This debate will be examining Israel’s military and settler presence since 1967 in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. In the wake of an especially violent year in the West Bank and the recent election of an Israeli government particularly committed to the retention and settlement of these territories, engaging with this enduring conflict is particularly vital. We will examine whether there should be more pressure on Israel to give up control of the West Bank and East Jerusalem and if doing so now is a crucial step towards lasting peace.

Thursday 4th May

Avi Shlaim is an Emeritus Professor of International Relations at the University of Oxford and a Fellow of the British Academy. His books include Collusion across the Jordan: King Abdullah, the Zionist Movement, and the Partition of Palestine; The Iron Wall: Israel and the Arab World; Lion of Jordan: The Life of King Hussein in War and Peace and most recently Three Worlds: Memoir of an Arab-Jew


Wadah Khanfar is the President of the non-profit al Sharq Forum and former director general of Al Jazeera Network. He is a current member of the International Crisis Group’s Board of Trustees and board member of the Global Editors Network. He has addressed leading think tanks including the Middle East Institute and Chatham House and been named Foreign Policy’s top 100 global thinkers.

Natasha Hausdorff is a barrister at Six Pump Court Chambers, a frequent speaker on international law and a commentator on the Arab Israeli conflict. She clerked for the late Chief Justice Miriam Naor, President of Israel’s Supreme Court, and was a Fellow at Columbia Law School’s National Security Law Program. Natasha read law at Oxford University, qualified as a solicitor at Skadden, and subsequently gained an LLM from Tel Aviv University, specialising in public international law.

Professor Avi Shlaim Natasha Hausdorff Wadah Khanfar Student Speaker Student Speaker Student Speaker

This House Believes

the Free Market is the Enemy of Freedom and Democracy

Some argue that in a world of growing inequality, where eight men own as much wealth as the poorest 3.6 billion people and transnational corporations can threaten to move capital fluidly across borders, that freedom is made a nonsense and democracy is eroded. Others characterise the free market as responsible for unprecedented global and British prosperity, arguing this economic model goes organically hand-in-hand with representative democracy. Liz Truss’s premiership in particular has recently reignited a discussion about the role of the free market as an ideological construct.

Thursday 11th May

Kate Smuthwaite is a left-wing comedian and political activist. She performs stand up comedy around the UK and is currently touring her 16th one-woman show, Humanity’s Last Hope. She has written for TV shows including the Bafta-Award winning The Revolution will be Televised and appeared as a panellist on Question Time, BBC News and Sky News. Her campaign work has included almost a decade as spokesperson for Abortion Rights UK and working with female asylum seekers.


Serena Kutchinsky has been the assistant editor at Sky News since 2023. Before this she worked for a variety of prominent media outlets, including as a senior journalist at BBC 3, director of editorial at JOE media and digital editor at the New Statesman.

Student Speaker

Dr Eamonn Butler is an economist and author, who is the co-founder and director of a leading freemarket think tank, the Adam Smith Institute. He has written extensively about social and economic policy, including the books Classical Liberalism: A Primer and the Economics of Success

Peter Lilley served in the Thatcher and Major Cabinets as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry then Social Security and was Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party under Hague. He was an MP for 34 years and now sits in the House of Lords. He is a former Chairman of the Bow Group Chairman and Alumnus of Clare College, Cambridge.

Tracy Blackwell is the CEO of Pension Insurance Corporation plc (PIC), a specialist insurer of pension schemes with the clear purpose of paying the pensions of its current and future policyholders. With almost £50 billion of assets, PIC is a significant investor in social housing, renewable energy and the UK’s universities.

15 Proposition
Kate Smurthwaite Eamonn Butler Serena Kutchinsky Lord Peter Lilley Tracy Blackwell

This House Believes

in a Loving God

Does it make sense to believe in a God who loves us? Or, is the only God which could plausibly exist ultimately flawed and weak? Many faiths promote this idea of God being not just a powerful force, but a force which is just, merciful and fair. There is a long lineage of justifications as to why God allows suffering, but as we look at a world blighted by injustices as arbitrary as disease, others argue if God was good, would he really allow this?

Thursday 18th May


Zara Mohammed has a master’s degree in Human Rights Law and a Training and Development Consultant. She was elected the first female, first Scot and youngest Secretary-General of the Muslim Council of Britain in February 2021 and re-elected last month for a second term. She is passionate about community change, empowering young people, and improving diversity and inclusion both within her communities and beyond.


Katherine Kelaidis is the Director of Research and Content at the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago and a Research Fellow at the Institute of Christian Studies, Cambridge. Her first book Holy Russia? Holy War?: Why the Russian Church is Backing Putin Against Ukraine is available now.

Eizabeth Theokritoff is a Senior Research Associate and lecturer at the institute of Orthodox christian Studies. She completed her doctorate in liturgical theology at Oxford and served as the General Secretary of the ecumenical Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius in London. She is the coeditor of the Cambridge Companion to Orthodox Christian Theology

Rae Langton is the Knightbridge Professor of Philosophy and a Fellow of Newnham College. Born and raised in India as the daughter of missionaries, she was educated at Sydney and Princeton, and has had an extensive international career. She publishes widely in a variety of areas including moral and political philosophy, metaphysics, the history of philosophy, speech act theory, and feminist philosophy.

Zara Mohammed Rae Langton Katherine Kelaidis Student Speaker Elizabeth Theokritoff Student Speaker

This House Believes

the Commonwealth still serves a purpose

Since the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the coronation of His Majesty King Charles, there have been debates about the role of monarchy and the imperial era. There are those that see the Commonwealth as the vestige of the British Empire which confers no significant benefits to its members. Others highlight the virtues of the Commonwealth in our modern era and argue it promotes peace and prosperity. This debate brings to light the question of whether the Commonwealth is an outdated relic or a purposeful institution in today’s global landscape.

Thursday 15th June

P R E S I D E N T I A L D E B A T E the

Mitchell MP

The Rt. Hon. Andrew Mitchell MP is the Minister of State for Development and Africa in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. Andrew was Secretary of State for International Development in the British Government from May 2010 until he became Government Chief Whip in September 2012. He was appointed to the Privy Council in 2010. He is a graduate of Cambridge and former Cambridge Union President.


Rawiri Waititi MP

Rawiri Waititi is an MP in the Parliament of New Zealand for Waiariki and has been the co-leader of the Te Pāti Māori since 2020. He is an advocate for constitutional reform who has spoken passionately about the destructive impact of Britain’s imperial past and its legacy today.

Shailesh Vara MP has been a Conservative MP for North West Cambridgeshire since 2005. He has served in a number of Ministerial roles including as Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. Prior to entering Parliament, he practised as a solicitor.

Shailesh Vara MP Jonty Yin

Jonty Yin is a final undergraduate studying Law at Downing College. He is co-founder of the Cambridge University Mock Trial Society and served as Outreach Director of the United Nations Association Youth Platform of the UK. He was also Debates and Moots officer for Cambridge University Lawyers Without Borders.

James Appiah is a final year undergraduate studying HSPS at Pembroke College and is the outgoing President of the Cambridge Union. He looks forward to a future career in the world of finance (with hopefully some rest in between).

Student Speaker

19 Proposition
Andrew James Appiah



Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Rina Sawayama

Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu

David Einhorn

Wim Hof

Michael van Gerwen

Gabby Logan

Marianne Williamson

Claudio Ranieri

25/04 27/04 04/05 09/05 10/05 11/05 12/05 12/05 16/05 17/05 22/05 23/05 13/06 15/06 16/06 | Gina Miller | H.E. Dritan Abazović |
Vahagn Khachaturyan | Laurence
| Baroness
Tim Marshall

With exam season descending on Cambridge, I’m delighted to be able to announce an incredible line-up of speakers at the Union for Easter term which will hopefully present an excellent distraction from revision!

I truly believe that there is a speaker for everyone in our termcard. For politics, current affairs and international relations enthusiasts, we’re hosting the PM of Montenegro, the President of Armenia and 2024 US Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson. From the world of arts, media and culture, award-winning musician Rina Sawayama, Horrible Histories star Laurence Rickard and Love Island winner Ekin-Su will be joining us this term. We even have Dutch extreme athlete and motivational speaker Wim Hof to give us tips on de-stressing and re-energising - perfect for exam term!

There will also be lots of opportunities for you to get involved. With book signings and meet and greets, you’ll be able to interact with our guests beyond just the speaker event itself. We’ll also be opening up interview slots so that, if you’re really passionate and enthusiastic about a particular speaker, you might be able to interview them yourself! Keep an eye out for auditions for the chance to interview some of our speakers!

I’d also like to take this opportunity to thank my incredible speakers subcommittee who have worked tirelessly throughout Lent term sending literally thousands of emails to make this term possible and bring us the line-up we have!

I hope you’re as excited about this term at the Union as I am and I hope to see you at lots of our events!


Gina Miller

Businesswoman and activist

Gina Miller is a businesswoman, political activist and the leader of the True & Fair Party, which advocates for systemic reform in politics to strengthen accountability, transparency and ethics. She is also well-known for winning two high-profile constitutional legal battles against the UK government’s attempts to bypass Parliament during the Brexit process: in 2016, challenging the government’s invocation of Article 50 and, in 2019, opposing the prorogation of Parliament.

Tuesday 25th April - 18:30

the Chamber OPEN TO ALL

H.E. Dritan Abazović

Prime Minister of Montenegro

His Excellency Dr. Dritan Abazović has been the Prime Minister of Montenegro since 2022. Active in politics since his youth, impressively he is currently the third-youngest head of government in the world. Montenegro has excelled in foreign affairs in recent years, with a particularly vibrant tourism sector. Notably, it is a green and eco-friendly state by the constitution, an important step considering the imminent climate crisis.

He is also an active academic, having published seven papers in national and international journals as well as two books, primarily in the field of political philosophy and international relations. He will undoubtedly provide an intellectually stimulating discussion on regional Balkan politics and Montenegro’s role on the world stage.

Thursday 27th April - 16:30

the Library OPEN TO ALL

H.E. Vahagn Khachaturyan

President of the Republic of Armenia

His Excellency Vahagn Khachaturyan is the current President of Armenia. From 1992 to 1996, he served as the Mayor of Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, before being appointed an adviser to the then President Robert Kocharyan. From 2021 to 2022, he was the Minister of High-Tech Industry before being elected President in March 2022 following the resignation of Armen Sarkissian. He graduated from the Yerevan Institute of National Economy with a qualification in economics.


Thursday 4th May - 15:00

the Library

Laurence Rickard

Actor, writer and comedian

Laurence is a BAFTA-winning comedy writer and actor. He is best known for cowriting and starring in critically lauded sketch show Horrible Histories, which has won more than 20 major awards, including two National Comedy Awards and four successive BAFTA’s (a Guinness World Record).

Following this, Laurence continued to work with his Horrible Histories co-stars, creating the acclaimed fantasy sitcom Yonderland and the hit BBC1 sitcom Ghosts. Ghosts received a glowing critical reception, quickly becoming the most watched comedy on UK television, and has recently wrapped filming on its fifth and final series and received its third BAFTA nomination. He had also worked on films such as Paddington 2 and Aardman’s Shaun the Sheep and Chicken Run sequels.

Tuesday 9th May - 19:00

the Library

Tim Marshall

In partnership with Waterstones


Tim Marshall is a British journalist, broadcaster and bestselling author who has written and reported widely on foreign affairs, international diplomacy and post-war geopolitics. He started his broadcasting career at LBC and reported for the BBC, before moving onto Sky News, where he worked as a longstanding Foreign Affairs Editor and subsequently their Diplomatic Editor. In 2015, Marshall published the bestselling Prisoners of Geography and his other works include Worth Dying For (2016), Divided (2018), Shadowplay (2019) and The Power of Geography (2021).

Tim Marshall joins us, in conversation with Professor Brendan Simms the Director of the Centre for Geopolitics at Cambridge, to present his latest book The Future of Geography which lays bare the new geopolitical realities of the modern world. This event is being run in collaboration with Waterstones and there will be an opportunity for a book signing after the event.

Cambridge Union members should reserve their tickets for this event, free of charge, using the URL: https://www.waterstones.com/events/an-evening-with-tim-marshall-atthe-cambridge-union/cambridge.

Wednesday 10th May - 18:00

the Chamber

Baroness Moyo

In conversation with Mohamed El-Erian

Baroness Moyo is an influential economist and businesswoman. She serves on the boards of 3M, Chevron and Conde Nast as well as the Oxford University Endowment investment committee. She is the author of five global bestsellers including Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa and Edge of Chaos: Why Democracy Is Failing to Deliver Economic Growth – and How to Fix It, as well as being a regular columnist in the WSJ and NYT. She was appointed to the House of Lords in 2022.

She will be joined in conversation by Mohamed El-Erian. Dr El-Erian is the President of Queens’ College Cambridge and formerly the CEO of investment management firm PIMCO, in addition to being a regular contributor to Bloomberg and the FT and the author of two NYT bestsellers. He is also the Chairman of Trustees of the Cambridge Union.

This event will be preceded by a signing of Baroness Moyo’s latest bestseller How Boards Work: And How They Can Work Better in a Chaotic World.

Thursday 11th May - 17:30

the Library

Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Exiled Russian businessman and activist

Mikhail Khodorkovsky was head of Yukos, one of the world’s largest oil producers, and was at one point the richest man in Russia. As a pioneering philanthropist, he established the Open Russia Foundation in 2001 with the aim of building and strengthening civil society in Russia.

In 2003, after criticising endemic corruption at a televised meeting with President Putin, he was arrested, and jailed, on charges of tax evasion and fraud and his shares in Yukos were frozen. He was declared a prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International, and finally released in December 2013.

Since his release, Khodorkovsky has advocated for an alternative vision for his country, based on a parliamentary republic model and the rule of law, and has been described by the Economist as ‘the Kremlin’s leading critic-in-exile’.

This event is hosted in collaboration with the Cambridge University Russian Society.

Friday 12th May - 14:00

the Library

Rina Sawayama

Singer, actress and model

Rina Sawayama is a British-Japanese singer, actress, and model. Born and raised in Japan until moving to the UK at the age of 5, Rina went on to study politics, psychology, and sociology at Cambridge University. Fresh off her headline world tour, which sold out Brixton Academy in London and saw five-star reviews from The Guardian and NME, the pop star has followed up her celebrated debut album SAWAYAMA with sophomore LP Hold The Girl. A colossally ambitious record marrying intimate storytelling with arena-sized tunes, the album reached #3 in the UK charts, the highest ever for a Japanese artist.

In between TV performances for Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers, Strictly Come Dancing and Graham Norton, starring alongside Keanu Reeves in John Wick: Chapter 4, sparking a change in the BRITS and Mercury Prize eligibility criteria, and with a BRIT nomination for ‘Best New Artist’, you’d be forgiven for wondering when she even sleeps.

Friday 12th May - 18:00

the Chamber OPEN TO ALL

Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu

Influencer and winner of Love Island Season 8

Ekin-Su Cülcüloğlu rose to fame as the winner of Love Island Season 8. Immediately capturing the hearts of fans globally, she went on to sign a record-breaking brand partnership and competed in Series 15 of Dancing on Ice. Her recent collection with Irish cosmetics brand BPerfect has become an Internet sensation and Ekin-Su is set to take both British television, and the Union chamber, by storm in 2023.

Tuesday 16th May - 14:00

the Chamber

David Einhorn

Investor and hedge fund manager

David Einhorn is president of Greenlight Capital, Inc., a pre-eminent value-oriented hedge fund, which he co-founded in January 1996 and whose investment philosophy is to combine the analytical discipline of determining fair value with a practical understanding of markets. He is also the author of Fooling Some of the People All of the Time: A Long Short Story, published in May 2008.

A major philanthropist, David is focused on helping Americans build stronger relationships, embrace our differences, and rediscover our shared values and humanity so we can find common ground and solve our most urgent challenges together.

David is a keen poker player, finishing 18th in the 2006 WSOP main event and 3rd in the 2012 WSOP Big One for One Drop. He graduated summa cum laude with distinction in all subjects from Cornell University, where he earned a B.A. from the College of Arts and Sciences.

Wednesday 17th May - 18:30

the Library OPEN TO ALL

Wim Hof a.k.a. ‘The Iceman’

Extreme athlete and motivational speaker

Wim is a Dutch motivational speaker and extreme athlete. He first rose to fame for his low temperature challenges, achieving world records for the fastest half marathon barefoot on ice and snow and longest swim under ice. He is also the founder of the world-renowned Wim Hof Method, a wellness regimen that utilises cold therapy and breathing techniques for self-improvement. He has written about his experiences and method in multiple popular books and was the subject of the New York Times bestselling book What Doesn’t Kill Us


Monday 22nd May - 19:00


the Library

Michael van Gerwen

Professional darts player

Michael van Gerwen is one of the most successful, and popular, darts players of all time, ranked jointly with Phil Taylor as the best player to ever play the sport of darts. He was the PDC world number 1 player in the world continuously from 2014 to 2021. He has won the World Championship three times, in 2014, 2017 and 2019 and, at the age of just 24, was the youngest player to ever be World Champion.

Tuesday 23rd May - 14:30

the Library

Gabby Logan

Sports presenter and television personality

Gabby Logan is a Welsh sports presenter and television personality. She first came to fame as the presenter of On the Ball and ITV’s coverage of the 2005 and 2006 Champions League finals. Since moving to BBC Sport in 2006, she has fronted some of the BBC’s biggest sporting events, including, most recently, the 2022 FIFA world cup and 2022 UEFA Women’s Euros. Since 2013, she has also led BBC Sports Personality of the Year and, away from sports coverage, has been a contestant on Strictly Come Dancing and a regular panellist on A League of Their Own.


Tuesday 13th June - 18:00

the Library

Marianne Williamson

Writer, politician and 2024 U.S. Presidential candidate

Marianne Williamson is a writer, activist and a 2024 US Presidential candidate, challenging incumbent President Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination. She has written four New York Times number one bestsellers, including A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles about which Oprah Winfrey said ‘I have never been more moved by a book’.

Marianne also founded Project Angel Food in 1989 to support HIV/AIDS patients and the Peace Alliance in 1998 to promote domestic and international peace-building. She ran for the US House of Representatives in 2014, and for President in 2020, advocating for structural renovation of the American economic and political system, especially in regard to foreign policy and healthcare reform; she joins us at the advent of her campaign for the 2024 US Presidential election.

Thursday 15th June - 16:00

the Library

Claudio Ranieri

Football manager and former player

Claudio Ranieri is an Italian football manager and former player and the current manager of Serie B side Cagliari. He started his managerial career at Cagliari where he helped them from the third division to Serie A in just three seasons and since then he has managed Chelsea, Juventus and Inter Milan as well as the Greece national team. He is perhaps best known for his spell at Leicester City where he famously led them to the Premier League title in 2016 after, the season before, only narrowly avoiding relegation. He was named the Premier League Manager of the season and best FIFA men’s coach in 2016 as a result of this achievement.

Friday 16th June - TBC

the Library

More than a Union bar...

Your Union bar and restaurant, The Orator is a central hub of activity with events taking place throughout the week and is a beautiful place to sit and work (wi-fi is free) or just chat with friends.

Grab a coffee with friends, catch up over lunch or dinner, listen to the debate results over a cocktail.

Check out our menu


26/04 26/04 01/05 23/05

| Intersubjectivity Exhibition (runs until 27th April)


Panel Event: Tolerance Means Dialogue


Panel Event: Assessing Priorities for Climate and Development


Debate: THB it is Impossible for Feminism to be Truly Inclusive

The Cambridge Union is the oldest continuing free speech society in the world. We cherish the right to debate, to hear unfamiliar perspectives, and to challenge others to listen as well as speak, with humility and respect. The aim of the equalities’ committee is to ensure that all voices, including those of minorities, are platformed within our chamber, library, and the Orator. With free speech comes responsibility, and ensuring that this institution empowers a diverse range of views on topical issues is our priority.

Join us for a collaborative exhibition with Disruption and the Fitzwilliam Museum Society on the theme of intersubjectivity. Through paint, photography, and spoken poetry, artists will convey how different facets of their respective identities intersect and inform their lived experiences.

Our two panels involve very different but equally important discussions. The first, in association with CULA and Tolerance Means Dialogue, will explore how trans athletes can be integrated in sports whilst maintaining a commitment to fairness (featuring a 250$ prize for the best floor question!) The collaborative panel with the Cambridge Climate Society will assess priorities when it comes to balancing the risks of climate change and economic development, moderated by a representative of the Indigenous Methodologies Reading Group.

The equalities’ committee has also organised a Women and Non-Binary debate in addition to the weekly debate series, on the motion “This House Believes it is impossible for feminism to be truly inclusive.” Our intention is to create a safe space for Women and Non-binary students to speak and evaluate the current state, and potential, of the movement - and to empower them to rectify the inequality of voices that continues to exist in our chamber.

This term we have formalised a reserved seating system for members with mobility issues. We will continue to run a public speaking debates workshop for ethnic and gender minorities every Thursday at 6PM in the chamber. One session will also host ex-offenders who are in the process of re-integrating into society, in collaboration with the Skill Mill.

Our events are open to all as well as members, so I do look forward to seeing you there, and genuinely hope you enjoy!


the Women & Non-Binary Debate

This House Believes

it is Impossible for Feminism to be Truly Inclusive

This debate will evaluate the current state, and potential, of feminism as a philosophy and movement. We will be hearing a variety of perspectives including radical, decolonial, and counter-ableist feminisms. Our intention is to create a safe and respectful place for this conversation to take place, and to empower Women and Non-Binary students to challenge the inequality of voices that continues to exist in our chamber. This is an opportunity to practice the skills learned at our equalities’ debating and public speaking workshop: there are two student speaker slots so please do audition to speak on either side of the motion if you identify as Women or Non-Binary.

Tuesday 23rd May

Laura Smith is a British Labour Party politician who served as the Member of Parliament for Crewe and Nantwich from 2017 to 2019, and won a seat that had previously been Conservative since 2008. She was also Shadow Minister for the Cabinet Office under Jeremy Corbyn.


Janine Francois is a Black British academic and writer and currently a Visiting Lecturer at the Royal College of Art at Birkbeck College, University of London. Janine’s work focuses primarily on racial equity, intersectionality and climate justice. They are also an advocate of complaint activism and believes in abolishing the bio-industrial complex.

Gillian Angela Joseph is a British newscaster currently working for Sky News. Joseph is the anchor of weekend editions of Sky News at Ten. She has also presented BBC London News, Newsroom South East, and Sky News Breakfast.

Carly Jones has been a campaigner for the rights of autistic women and girls since 2008 . The first British Autistic woman to address the United Nations, she is now the NHS Co-Production Lead for Autism and Learning Disabilities. Carly also authored the book ‘Safeguarding Autistic Girls- strategies for professionals’.

41 Proposition
Laura Smith MP Gillian Joseph Janine Francois Carly Jones MBE Student Speaker Student Speaker

Tolerance Means Dialogue

How did trans athletes in sport becoming a polarising debate? Is it possible to balance the inclusion of all athletes whilst maintaining a commitment to women’s sports and fariness - affirming human rights for all? This panel aims to explore these question, while examining how values of tolerance and free-speech can facilitate dialogue.

Friday 28th April from 18:00 to 20:00

Two students will be awarded a $750 scholarshp for their ideas on bridging divides.

To attend please RSVP at www.tolerancemeans.com/rsvp.

This event is hosted in collaboration with

Panel Event
Robin Fretwell Wilson J. Stuart Adams Panelist Panelist Holly Sheridan Moderator Kera Birkeland Panelist Shannon Minter Panelist

Panel Event

Assessing Priorities for Climate and Development

The collaborative panel with the Cambridge Climate Society will assess priorities when it comes to balancing the risks of climate change and economic development. We will hear from experts in this field including the national finance co-ordinator for the Green Party and the founder and director of Barranquilla+20. The event will be moderated by a representative of the Cambridge indigenous society.

Monday 1st May from 18:00 to 20:00

Moderating the event: Yolanda Dyer

representing Cambridge’s Indigenous Methodologies Reading Group

This event is hosted in collaboration with

Indigenous Methodologies

Reading Group

Cambridge Climate Society

On the panel

Chidi Obihara

Chidi is an experienced climate advocate, banker, and corporate risk professional. He has most recently worked as the cofounder and lead author of the COP26 Climate Action Plan. Aside from running for a seat in the UK Parliament for the Green Party in 2017, Chidi also served as national finance co-ordinator for the Green Party of England and Wales in 2018. As senior fellow for climate finance with Drawdown Labs, Chidi Oti Obihara focuses on mapping banking and finance solutions to climate change.

Xiomara Acevedo

Xiomara is a climate, nature and gender justice activist, consultant, and social entrepreneur from Columbia. She is the founder and director of the Barranquilla+20, a women-led NGO founded in 2012 with a mission to educate and recognise women and youth leadership in climate change, biodiversity and water issues in Columbia and LAC countries. It has reached over 30,000 people with its campaigns, projects and initiatives, and was one of the 10 Generation Equality youth grantees.

Olivia Blake MP

Olivia is a British Labour politician who was elected as member of parliament for Sheffield Hallam in the 2019 general election. She was the Shadow Minister for Climate Change between December 20221 and June 2022.

Omnia El Omrani

Omnia El Omrani is a medical doctor and the first official Youth Envoy for the President of the 27th UN Climate Change Conference (COP27) and Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs. She is a Climate Change and Health Junior Policy Fellow at Imperial College London with more than seven years of experience in climate change facilitating over 74 hours of training sessions in 15 countries globally. She was a commissioner at the Lancet-Chatham House Commission on Post-Covid Population Health, a Youth Sounding Board member of the European Union DG-INTPA, an associate at Women Leaders for Planetary Health, and a member for the New York Times Generation Climate Cohort.

Social Events

03/05 06/05 10/05 13/05 20/05 20/05 10/06 14/06 17/06 | Cheese Tasting | Zumba @ the Union | Jazz After Dark | Eurovision Cellars | Zumba @ the Union | Puppy Therapy | Zumba @ the Union | Life Drawing After Dark | the Summer Party

Easter term’s social events are always slightly less rambunctious than Michaelmas or Lent Term as the Union looks to offer a range of events that allow students brief respite from the stress of revision.

Accordingly, we will be welcoming puppies back to the Cambridge Union in collaboration with Students Minds Cambridge so do come along and let your mind be taken off exams by the floofiness of the therapy dogs. We will also be holding three Zumba classes to help us stay active during what can be a sedentary term as well as a cheese tasting night in collaboration with Meadows Delicatessen where attendees will be talked through an exciting range of artisanal cheeses.

Our After Dark series continues with the ever-popular Jazz after Dark returning as well as a Life Drawing After Dark after the success of the event last term. On the 13th of May, the Union will be overtaken by Eurovision as we stream the finals.

The term will culminate in the Union Summer Party – the relaunch of our traditional Garden Party - which will be held at the Union and will feature live music performances (including by Hot Content), unlimited food & drink, and a ceilidh. I do hope there is something for everyone this term and I look to see you all at some of our events.


Cheese Tasting

Wednesday 3rd May from 18:00 to 20:00

The Library

Zumba @ the Union

Saturday 6th May, 20th May and 10th June from 11:00 to 12:00

Join us for an evening of artisan cheeses presented by the Cambridge Delicasterian, Meadows. Attendees will receive a board of five carefully selected cheeses with crackers and will be given a guided tour of each cheese by the expert and Meadows. Attendees are welcome to grab a glass of wine or port from the Orator to make it an even more exciting experience. Tickets will be £12.50 for members and £15 for non-members.

The Chamber

Date & Time Date & Time Date & Time

Zumba is back at the Union! At 11am on Saturday the 6th May, 20th May, and 10th of June, come down to the Union to unwind from revision and get your blood pumping. A local Zumba will be leading the session which will be just £2 for members and £5 for nonmembers. Tickets will be available closer to each session and we suggest getting one early to avoid missing out at spaces will be limited.

Jazz After Dark

Wednesday 10th May from 20:00 to 22:30

Location Location Location

The Union Cellars

On the 10th of May we will be holding our first After Dark of term and are absolutely delighted to welcome Magnetik Lettuce back to the Union. Their Union appearance in Michaelmas was a roaring success and, back by popular demand, they will be back in the Union Cellars with their exciting repertoire so do swing by the Union, grab a drink, and get those hips swaying. Tickets will be available closer to the event.


Eurovision Cellars

Date & Time

Saturday 13th May

from 20:00 to 22:00

Eurovision is back and we hope to see you at the Union for it! We will be streaming coverage of the finals in the Union so get ready for a night of atrocious singing, cheap booze, and great company. This event is free for members to attend and our Cellars bar will be open!

The Union Cellars

Puppy Therapy

Date & Time

Saturday 20th May

from 14:00 to 16:00

The Chamber

Put those pens and books down for an hour and come and relieve that exam stress by stroking some adorable therapy dogs. This is always a highlight of the for our members. More details will be available closer to the event.

Life Drawing After Dark

Date & Time

Wednesday 14th June from 20:00 to 22:30

Location Location Location

The Union Cellars

After the success of this event last term, Life Drawing will be back in the Union Cellars at 8pm on the 14th of June. Get those pencils sharpened and prepare for a relaxed evening of creativity. The Orator will be open for you to grab a drink. More details will follow closer to the time so do look out for those.




Debates Officer

Equalities Officer


Debates Officer elect

Social Events Officer

Equalities Officer elect

Speakers Officer

Social Events Officer elect elect

52 S T A N D I N G
Treasurer Vice-President Speakers Officer Charles Palmer | Homerton Nick Davis | Homerton Edward Hilditch | Corpus Alistair Mathieson | Pembroke Johan Nerlov | Pembroke Holly Sheridan | Queens’ President
James Appiah | Pembroke Communications Officer Mark Wadey | Pembroke Max Ghose | Trinity Hall Jasper Ostle | Queens’ Shibhangi Ghose | Newnham Matthew Haskett | Emmanuel Neha Pauly | Christ’s Credits Nordin Čatič

Secretary: Alex Horan | Churchill

Events Management Department

Head: Christian Owen | Trinity

Deputy: Ben Mays | Trinity

Lois Bryan-Evans | Homerton

Samuel Eastoe | Homerton

Haiwei Li | Trinity

Eddie Adams | Trinity

Laura Lock | Downing

Shruti Thatikonda | St John’s

Scarlett Hughes | Churchill

Henry Buxton | John’s

Helen Williams | Newnham

Aditya Mishra | Jesus

Felix Esche | Pembroke

Claire Gao | Robinson

Oliver Law | Corpus

Leonas Pausch | Homerton

Imran Hasan | ARU

Guest Liaison Department

Co-Head: Ben Carr | Queens’

Co-Head: Steph Lewis | Trinity

Victoria Greenhalgh | Lucy Cavendish

Grace Lozinski | Murray Edwards

Helena Trenkic | Jesus

Alessio D’Angelo | Jesus

Dominic Love | ARU

Prrajesh Varathan | Emmanuel

Connor Phillips | Trinity Hall

Veronica Hera | Hughes Hall

Addison Zhang | Pembroke

Anoushka Kale | Sidney Sussex

Publicity Department

Head: Lucrezia Gallli | Newnham

Charlie Jones | Caius

Alesia Laçi | Homerton

Salvadore Widdicombe | Homerton

Juan Albin | Emmanuel

Katie Marshall | Newnham

Penelope Slater | Girton

Head of Access: Katie Clarke | Sidney Sussex

In-Person Publicity Department

Head: Ellen Withington | Downing

Izzy Porter | Girton

Esha Patel | Murray Edwards

Jessica Spearman | Murray Edwards

Audio Visual Department

Co-Head: James Shillington | ARU

Co-Head: Ewan Woods | Corpus

Tom Pate | King’s

Oscar Beechey-Newman | St Catherine’s

Laura Potomova | Sidney Sussex

Szymon Sawicki | Christ’s

Press Department

Head: Neelkabir Varsha Kapil | Downing

Debates Editor: Joshua Lim Yao Hong | Wolfson

Jonathan Marrow | Homerton

Gretel Cuevas Verdin | Wolfson

Joe Fennell | Trinity

Mizanur Rahman | King’s

Sammy McDonald | St John’s


Lauren Tucker | Homerton

Liliana Walker | Homerton


Head: Nordin Catic | St John’s

Flo Tawns

Reva Croft | Girton

William Blakesley-Herbert

Jakob Schoser | Girton


Jake Havard | Queens’


Rachel Perry-Eichhorst

Senior Librarian

David Grace | Magdalene

53 F U L L C O M M I T T E E

Getting involved

From selecting motions to handing out mics, the Union is run by you, its student members. Each term there are many ways to get involved. The most important way to do so is to speak in debates - auditions for ‘Paper Speakers’ (those listed on the order papers) open each week, but all members are also welcome to come to a debate and give a floor speech without audition.

The Committees

There are three main committees, Standing Committee (the most senior), Full Committee, and the Sub Committees. Standing Committee is mostly elected by the membership each term and sets the direction and tone of the Society while putting together the events. Full Committee, made up of several departments such

as Events Management, Publicity and Guest Liaison, run the society on a day to day basis. Sub-committees work with their respective officers to put together the Termcard


Elections are held at the end of each term. Full Committee applications open at the end of each term for the following term, and Sub Committees at the start of each term. Other positions open for applications at various points across the year - look out for these in our email and on our social media. Please get in contact with Charlie, our Vice President, at ‘vicepresident@cus. org’ with any questions, or just ask any member of our friendly committee!

Full Committee, Lent Term 2023 | Credits Nordin Čatič

Debates Sub-Committee

Gabriel Apfel | Lucy Cavendish

Imran Hassan | ARU

Isaac Mellis-Glynn | Caius

Izzy Pearl | Queens’

Izzy Wyatt | Sidney Sussex

Jasper Ostle | Queens’

Jyothi Cross | St. Catherine’s

Josh Shortman | Caius

Leonas Pausch | Homerton

Mizanur Rahman | King’s

Oliver Law | Corpus

Pelin Kural | St. Catherine’s

Remi Saidane | Hughe’s Hall

Sammy McDonald | St. John’s

Stine Bentzen | Girton

Speakers Sub-Committee

Coordinator for Art and Culture:

Katie Clarke | Sidney Sussex

Coordinator for Academia:

Neha Pauly | Christ’s

Coordinator for Politics:

Matthew Haskett | Emmanuel

Coordinator for Sport:

Ed Marsh | King’s

Coordinator for Business and Entrepreneurship:

Haiwei Li | Trinity

Aditya Mishra | Jesus

Agred Tafaj | Darwin

Alesia Laci | Homerton

Alessio D’Angelo | Jesus

Amrit Gill | Caius

Gia Bao Tao | Trinity

Brandon Chang | Trinity

Claire Gao | Robinson

Connor Dennis | Downing

Emily Fella | Queens’

Eshank Arora | St Edmund’s

Ewan Woods | Corpus

Francesca Morgan | Fitzwilliam

Hasan Akeil | Lucy Cavendish

Jack Allinson | St John’s

James Quayle | Trinity

Juan Diego Albin | Emmanuel

Oscar Colliar | Trinity

Owen Cooper | Selwyn

Pelin Kural | St Catharine’s

Penelope Slater | Girton

Prrajesh Varathan | Emmanuel

Raphael Morter | Emmanuel

Rudi Ellis-Jones | Emmanuel

Steph Lewis | Trinity

Suren Pahlevan | Selwyn

Equalities Sub-Committee

Women & NB Officer: Naomi Hunter Epson | Hom.

Women & NB Officer: Ellen Withington| Downing

LGBTQ+ Officer: Connor Phillipps | Trinity Hall

Disabilities Officer: Jonathan Riggs | Selwyn

Class Act Officer: Jack Douglas | St John’s

BAME Officer: Senah Tuma | Queens’

Invites Officer: Emily McDonagh| Homerton

Invites Officer: Anoushka Kale | Sidney Sussex

Returning Officer: Michael Watts | Queens’

Deputy Returning Officer: James Hardy | Magdalene

Deputy Returning Officer: Archie McCann | St Catherine’s

Convenor: Charles Palmer | Homerton

Convenor: Charlotte Westwood | Christ’s

Deputy Convenor: Joshan Parmer | Fitzwilliam

Deputy Convenor: Neha Pauly | Christ’s

55 S U B - C O M M I T T E E S

Bursar: John Brown

General Manager: Joe Burman

Membership Secretary: Justyna Macoch

Membership Administrator: Adam Ganczakowski

AV Technician: Chris Izatt

Financial Manager: Patience Tilbury

Assistant Accountant: Ella Cairns

Sales and Marketing Executive: Ben Keen

Brasserie Manager: Sam Heap

Assistant Brasserie Manager: Thomas Armstrong

Lead Chef: Rodney Ingrey

Chair, Cocktail Selection Committee: Freddie Doe-Turner

Staffordshire Bull Terrier: Sky


Chair: Dr Mohamed El-Erian

Sir Chris Greenwood KC

Nick Heath

David Robinson

Rachel Green

Araba Taylor

David Branch

Philip Harrison

Sara Nathan

Lord Stephen Parkinson

James Appiah

Charles Palmer


Chair: Joshua Blanchard Lewis

Alex Forzani

Nick Wright

Sam Longton

Rachel Tustin

Freddie Dyke

Imran Mateo

56 S T A F F

President’s thanks

To begin, I would like to extend my warmest thanks to the three mandarins, the backbone of our committee –our esteemed appointed officers. Charlie, your reliability and dedication behind the scenes have been invaluable to the smooth running of the Union. Johan, your commitment as our treasurer and the wonderful design of the term card have not only earned my gratitude but also that of the entire Union. Mark, your tireless drive to revolutionise our communications has made a significant impact already, and I have no doubt you will continue to excel in this endeavour.

Nick, although we have been long standing political rivals – from PMQs to emergency debates – your passion to organise an excellent lineup of debates is truly commendable. I am grateful for your efforts in creating stimulating debates and securing engaging debate guests for our members.

Ed, from our humble beginnings working together on an investment club before university, we have come a long way. I have always trusted your judgement, and I am delighted that the speakers you have brought in this term are nothing short of exceptional. I look forward to the future projects you work on.

Holly, your genuine care for everyone in our community and your dedication to equalities have ensured that we have events this term that enable members to feel included and valued. Your subtle yet undeniable intelligence is a gift to our Union.

Alistair, you possess a likeability akin to that of a seasoned politician, and you have done a superb job organising social events this term. I am certain our members will thoroughly enjoy the gatherings you have planned.

Isabelle and Bernd, you have held great competitions over the last couple of terms and I know you will do well in handing over the baton to the next CDOs.

To the debates and speakers subcommittees, this term card is a product of the countless emails sent over the last few months. I thank you for all the work you have put in and I hope you are proud of what has been achieved.

To our remarkable in-house staff, I offer my gratitude: John the bursar, for your wise counsel; Sam Heap, for your empowering energy and diligence; to Joe and Patience for always being there when needed. To Adam, Pete, Ben and Chris - you may have just recently joined us but your impact has already been felt and I have enjoyed working with you all.

To the Orator staff; the bar and brasserie is a lovely place to drink and dine. Most of that is down to the way you treat your professions, a manner which is professional but fun which keeps all of us coming back to the Orator again.

I would also like to thank God, my parents, and my dear grandmother for their unyielding support and love.

Lastly, to our members, your presence and continuous contributions are the lifeblood of this society. It is you who keep us standing strong, fostering a vibrant environment for learning and growth. Together, we have crafted a memorable term ahead, and I am truly grateful to be a part of this extraordinary society.

With my very best wishes,


Our sponsors

We’d like to thank our dedicated sponsors, whose continued support has helped make this term card possible. Thank you.

The Cambridge Union Society 9a Bridge Street Cambridge CB2 1UB England

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