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campus due to catering restrictions, but the donation method has worked well for the fundraisers, raising about $335 in the first week. There is also a GoFundMe page started by students that has gained some traction, currently at $820. While it may seem a bit strange to fundraise for the cost of a class, international travel has only become more expensive since COVID and the petrol shortage. This experiential learning course is one of the only opportunities for practical archaeological experience students are particularly pressed for experiential learning, since their studies distinctly deal with the Ancient Mediterranean.
There are two sessions for the trip, one running from late May to late June, and then from June to July, with the option to stay for both. The itinerary is to fly into Athens, then travel to a small town near Ancient Corinth and spend four weeks there working full-time on the archaeological site, with related coursework to complete. There are also opportunities to of the course requirements take place before it starts; in addition to fundraising, students are exploring an online course in modern Greek. Many of them are familiar with Ancient Greek and are bemused by the changes in pronunciation that have taken place over 2,000 years. Since the trip has been cancelled for the past three years due to COVID and other complications, many of the participants are full of anticipation. Fourth-year classics honours student Hailey Swift, who had been accepted to go since she was in first year, said: “I’m most excited to see the Lion’s Gate in Mycenae, since I’ve seen pictures of it every year in my classes. Being able to see these ancient sites in person is really cool.” through Bishop’s for those interested in studying archaeology at the Master’s or PhD level. Classics visit museums and important sites like the Parthenon while taking time off from the dig site. Some
The trip is doing well on its fundraising goal, having raised $26,000 out of $74,000, and will take place even if the ultimate goal is not reached. For those interested in supporting the trip, the GoFundMe is still accepting donations at: https:// www.gofundme.com/f/bishopsuniversity-archeology-studyabroad.