3 minute read
The CAREAudits System
The CAREAudits compliance auditing tool is now being used throughout the UK and Ireland in numerous locations by all care service providers Carers and managers are checking everything from CQC Compliance and Safety to Medication Audits Training and Maintenance as well as service users quality and wellbeing
The system allows care providers to audit or check just about everything and manage all areas requiring actions (or non-compliances) in its Web Portal Encrypted date and time stamped evidence including photos is seamlessly auto attached and recorded in the system Management see in real time exactly were best to focus their attention and resources and how they are meeting their compliance requirements
The system has over 150 easy to use example audits to select from which you can easily add to or edit your own audits in minutes ensuring simple instant updates of ever-changing requirements App care auditors can use CAREAudits with virtually no training it’s that simple The Care Auditor s Hands Free Operation guides the user through each audit each question and answer with its own help text standard answers and standard actions required ensuring
The UK has seen a rise in Social Prescribing Services with many NHS Trusts and local authorities now offering services that connect patients with community activities and voluntary groups
Social prescribing is an alternative to traditional healthcare models, which aims to improve health outcomes by connecting people with the wider community It is also a preventative treatment that can be used alongside other treatments to reduce the need for medication
Social prescribing is one of the most effective ways to provide healthcare to people struggling with mental health problems and it s a practice that has been growing in popularity for the past few years However it s also a relatively new field and there aren t a lot of people who have been trained in this area
If you re looking for a new job or are planning to retrain a career in social prescribing this article will give you an overview of what s involved and how to get started
Social prescribing is a form of community-based health care that helps people with social or emotional problems improve their health and well-being It involves the assessment of someone's needs, matching them with appropriate services and then supporting them to use those services effectively
Social prescribing has been shown to help people access the right support at the right time and can help to reduce the use of acute services It also improves outcomes for patients as they are more satisfied with their care and experience fewer repeat visits to the hospital or A&E
Social prescribing is a way of helping people access services and support they need but may not know about or have the confidence to access alone It can be used as a treatment for people with long-term conditions or mental health problems such as depression or anxiety Social prescribing can also address loneliness and isolation amongst older people in the community
Social Prescribing is an opportunity for GPs and other health professionals to work with local organisations, such as community groups and voluntary organisations, to help their patients improve their health and well-being The aim is for patients to maintain good health by accessing meaningful activities and meeting their needs
There are three main components: the person who makes the referral; the link-worker who helps the individual choose what kind of help they need and where to find it; and the activity itself
One of the biggest challenges in social prescribing is finding people who are knowledgeable qualified and willing to do it It s also important that they have a good understanding of their local area as well as being able to work with other agencies and professionals
Social prescribers are trained to assess the needs of their patients and connect them with services that can help them address those needs
It s a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on not only physical symptoms but also mental health financial stability and other factors
If you re interested in becoming a social prescriber yourself there are three steps you should take:
1 Learn about social prescribing and its principles so that you can understand what it means to be a social prescriber and how it differs from other approaches to healthcare
2 Complete an accredited training course from Need2Succeed this will ensure that you know what your role as a social prescriber is and how best to serve your community
3 Look for opportunities within your area or network with others working toward similar goals this will help you build a support system while also helping others become interested in social prescribing themselves!
If you d like to learn more about our online distance learning courses or specialist training opportunities don t hesitate to contact us today!
Visit https://need2succeed co uk/national-qualifications/level-3-certificate-in-social-prescribing