2 minute read
Letter From The Editor
Mark Infield Editor / Owner Mark@FTCarolinas.com
Molly “WildThing” Infield Operations Manager Molly@FTCarolinas.com
Lincoln Infield Art Director / Janitor Lincoln@FTCarolinas.com
Maggie Infield Hot Intern Accounts@FTCarolinas.com “Dirty Dave” Baker Graphic Designer / The $500 Man
Sales Staff
Lincoln, Alan, Scott, Crystal T, Christian, Mark H., Rose, Lloyd, Elwin, Anthony, Gary, Trisha, David, Bill, Mike & Kim, Paulette, Amy, Len, Tiffany, Gene, Mike, Pam, Angelo
Chaos, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Wally Wersching, Gary Steelman, Austin Eason, Len Montgomery, David Burnette, Belinda Crane-Isenhower, Vann Pierce, Mike Humbles, Bill Gallaway
Mark, WildThing, Alan Dockery, Lincoln Infield, Ms. Pat, Wally Wersching, Gary Steelman, Len Montgomery, David Burnette, Belinda Crane-Isenhower, Vann Pierce, Mike Humbles, Bill Gallaway, P.J. Davis
Thunder www.TheThunderZone.com
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle P.O. Box 2294 Jamestown NC 27282 (336) 885-5400 Fax (336) 833-6794 Email: Editor@FTCarolinas.com www.FullThrottleMagazine.com
Well, cuss! Here we are. 22 years and 265 issues after our initial issue in August of 1998. It has been one helluva journey, or should I say “ride”? Whatever! It has been an adventure to say the least. I think we have experienced the buffet of good times and bad, documenting the history of motorcycling in the Carolinas. We have seen the birth of businesses, economic down turns, friends get married and some get divorced, too. We have seen a bunch of startup magazines and even some well-established national publications fade into the rearview mirror of time. We have shared joy, heartbreak, and even death on our pages. It truly has been an adventure. However, we cannot take all the credit for our success. We have had and still have a staff of dedicated salespeople and contributors along with many loyal advertisers to mention who all helped make it happen. Looking forward, we are in it for the long haul and will continue publishing The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine every month and on time!
We hope that as many of you as possibly can will come celebrate our 22nd Anniversary/ Bike Night with us at our office (711 W. Main Street, Jamestown, NC) from 6-9pm on August 11th. See the display ad in this issue for more details. We hope to see you then and for the foreseeable future.
Ride on !
The Carolinas’ Full Throttle Magazine 2020 is published monthly and no reproduction of any content is permitted except by prior express written approval of Mark D. Infield, Publisher, Editor, & CEO.
Publisher assumes no financial responsibility for errors in ads beyond the cost of space occupied by error. Publisher is not liable for: any slandering of an individual or group, as we mean no malice or individual criticism at any time. We are not responsible for the opinions or comments of our columnists. The advertisers are solely responsible for content of their ads, promises, and coupons, or any lack of fulfillment thereof. Publisher is also to be held harmless from: failure to produce any issue as scheduled due to reasons beyond control; all suits, claims or loss of expenses; including but is not limited to: suits for libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and unauthorized use of a person’s name or photograph. Publisher does not promote excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages.