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Spring senior celebrations highlight outgoing senior athletes
by Ashley Turner Staff Writer
As the final sports of the 2022-2023 school year ended their seasons, senior nights were held at their final home games as a farewell to the graduating seniors. The five spring sports, consisting of beach volleyball, lacrosse, track and field, softball and swimming, all put great dedication into their celebrations.
Beach volleyball celebrated their senior night on the beach courts. It was a game day against Crystal Springs, a team known for their ability to touch any ball. The game was opened with the gifting posters and a bouquet of flowers for the five seniors. The team members decorated posters consisting of pictures and notes on the back. Parents of both NDB and Crystal Springs players applauded them for their dedication to the sport and for their future careers.
Crystal Springs teams even presented the NDB seniors with bouquets, displaying good sportsmanship. The games commenced, as well as a potluck dinner with contributions from both teams. The players and parents were able to eat together after and in between games. Five pairs of players participated in the match and all seniors played their final match on NDB’s home courts.
The Lacrosse senior night was set for their game against Presentation. The rest of the team arrived early to help decorate for the ceremony and surprised their seniors. For the brief ceremony, the seniors of Presentation went first, receiving a bouquet from the NDB players. Each NDB senior was announced and given a sash, poster, gift basket, and a bouquet. Their teammates had created the posters during school in a classroom to ensure that they would remain a surprise. The baskets were a collaborative effort between players and parents with comforting gifts such as blankets, fuzzy socks, and candies. The lacrosse senior night finished with a 10 to 3 victory over Presentation. The track and field senior night coincided with their team banquet. The banquet was planned for after the season’s con- clusion a few days prior. It was hosted in the NDB dining hall on Monday, May 11 with tons of spirited decorations for the occasion. Junior Carly Sullivan gifted the seniors with a handmade poster and a gift basket. The gift basket included a sash, the senior’s favorite candy, slippers, and a t-shirt of their future college. Parents were invited to the banquet as well, and took photos with their graduating daughter. Softball’s senior night coincided with their Fan Fest banquet on May 11. They faced off NDSJ and beat them with a score of 4 to 2. Christina Okubo announced the seniors of both teams following their warmups. The booster club managed a barbeque that had hot dogs and ham- burgers. The two softball seniors were surprised with balloons, posters, sashes and gift baskets from the whole team. Their dugout even featured balloon decorations overhead all of the players. With the chance of playing past the regular season, their teammates hoped to win the game to give the seniors a longer final season. The perfect ending of Senior Night was the eventual victory which opened their postseason being #4 seed in the Division 5 CCS softball championships.
The swimming seniors were recognized at their championship swim meet at SHP HS with an announcement of their name and favorite memory, and were given a rose from their teammates. Their team- mates decorated their tent with spirited decorations to celebrate their last meet all together. The seniors were also surprised with a gift basket. Each team member chipped in to fill the basket with water bottles, necklaces, and snacks. A more personal gift were the posters which were made collaboratively. With there only being three senior swimmers, they were given a special celebration of their years participating in NDB swim.
Celebrating the seniors was bittersweet, yet their teammates wished them the best on their next endeavors. Senior athletes leave NDB with a support system of teammates that will continue to cheer them on.