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Staffulty Week at NDB
From STAFFULTY| Page 1
“As teachers, we send so much out to students in terms of information, empathy and so much else, it’s just nice to know that some of it, at least, is being received,” said Social Science teacher Jonathan Tomczak, when reflecting on the notes of thanks that he received from students.
On Wednesday, NDB families organized a continental breakfast for all staffulty members, which was served in the staffulty room before classes started. Families signed up to bring food items and beverages to contribute to the early morning surprise. Food items included cronuts, yogurt, fresh fruit and some other homemade treats.
On Thursday, each staffulty member received a gift bag from an NDB family. Each contained the teacher’s favorite treats and a gift card to their favorite store. Popular cards included Trader Joe’s, Starbucks, Amazon and Target.
The week concluded on Friday with every staffulty member receiving a new vest in the school colors and embroidered with the school’s emblem, courtesy of the NDB Board of Directors.
Staffulty Appreci-