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2012 Leading With Faith Process

Phase I: timeframe @ March 1, 2012 – May 1, 2012 Solicit via email, US mail, website names of persons who would make good candidates for nomination. Get this information: Name of nominee, title, company, contact info – Why do you think this person deserves to be considered for a business leadership award? Nominators name, contact info and relationship. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Phase II: timeframe @ May 1, 2012 – June 22, 2012 Contact those who submitted names. Pose these questions; 1. Describe the work for which you are nominating this individual. Please give specific examples of the nominee’s faith-­‐based leadership. Examples might include; treatment of employees and/or shareholders, value-­‐based wages and benefits, role modeling, mentoring and other. 2. Describe nominee’s activities/role within this organization. Is there an ethical dilemma/adversity the nominee has faced in his/her work environment and how he/she resolved the issue. 3. List major parish, archdiocesan, spiritually based and/or non-­‐church community organizations to which the nominee belongs. Identify leadership roles with each organization. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Announce Winners ~ week of July 10th -­‐-­‐ notify winners/nominators, web post. Announce in the July 19th issue. ~ 4 & ½ weeks to promote event. Event date: Proposed ~ Thursday or Friday, August 23 or 24 – Rauenhorst Hall, Coeur de Catherine Building, St Catherine University; 2004 Randolph Ave., St Paul.

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