1 minute read
Why I am Catholic
By Maureen Daly
blessing it was to be allowed to attend formation classes with him. Knowledge made the sacraments come alive for me. I discovered all kinds of things I never knew about my faith and being Catholic. I was starved and searching for anything I could find to strengthen my relationship with Jesus. I started with the (Archbishop Flynn) Catechetical Institute (at The St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul), which is life changing, and it was my jumping-off point to more learning. It was so extraordinary, I followed it up with the institute’s School of Discipleship and School of Prayer. Currently, I am learning to teach Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at our parish.
Why am I Catholic? It was gifted to me at my baptism and nurtured throughout my life, through the sacraments. It makes me a whole person and brings me happiness I cannot live without.
Daly, 56, is a member with her husband of Our Lady of the Prairie in Belle Plaine, and a graduate of the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul.
“Why I am Catholic” is an ongoing series in The Catholic Spirit. Want to share why you are Catholic? Submit your story in 300-500 words to CatholiCSpirit@arChSpm org with subject line “Why I am Catholic.”
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