Right Start for New-Born Calves, Support for Lactating Cows, Transition Your Herd Into Warmer Weather
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Right Start for New-Born Calves, Support for Lactating Cows, Transition Your Herd Into Warmer Weather Table of Contents 4 Colostrum Gives New-Born Calves the Right Start 8 Give Lactating Cows a Spring Boost 11 Tips to Transition Your Herd Into Warmer Weather
The Cattleman, the monthly journal of Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, is pleased to partner with Merck Animal Health on a series of seasonal beef cattle health management manuals. Thanks to the generous support of the Merck Animal Health technical services veterinarians, we are able to provide easy-to-read articles that educate and inform ranchers about various aspects of beef cattle health management.
Colostrum Gives New-Born Calves the Right Start By Gary DiGiuseppe
With the high value of calves, the nutrition of the cow and her calf should be of utmost importance. Dr. David Hutcheson, animal nutritionist and consultant with Animal Agricultural Consulting in Scroggins, says the period during calving and the following 90 days is critical for both the cow and calf. The calf will require consumption of colostrum from the cow immediately after birth, and as quickly as possible. The single most important management factor determining calf health and survival is adequate colostrum intake within the first 24 hours after birth. Hutcheson says that for the first 6 hours after birth, 100 percent of calves are able to absorb the needed nutrients and antibodies in the colostrum. “But then, very quickly — after 24 hours for sure, but somewhere after 12 hours — the gut begins to close and will not absorb those antibodies. They are large proteins and they won’t be absorbed.” Table 1 shows that all of the calves will absorb colostrum in the first 12 hours. However, the percentage of calves able to make use of the colostrum drops off dramatically as the hours go on. Thus, the more quickly the colostrum is fed to the calf, the better protection the calf will have against diseases. “The point
is, they have to get up and nurse as quickly as possible,” he says. The colostrum contains antibodies that provide the overall disease resistance of the calf during the first few weeks of life. Colostrum, the first milk, contains high concentrations of solids with large quantities of protective antibodies, protein and energy. Twenty-four hours after birth, fewer than half of all calves are able to take advantage of this vital disease protection. Adequate and timely consumption of colostrum by the calf is a key factor controlling early calfhood diseases and death loss. “Colostrum contains all of the antibodies they need to improve overall disease resistance during those first few weeks. At some point after that, the calf will start building its own antibodies,” Hutcheson says. “But the calf needs those in that first milk because the milk is very highly concentrated,” as Table 2 shows. The fact that the gut is no longer able to absorb the antibodies shortly after birth becomes a bigger issue, so the cattle producer’s management of the herd is important. “Many cows may be out on pasture during calving, and the owner won’t see them for over 24 hours after the birth,” Hutcheson says. “This is okay as long as that calf gets up and
20 will rebreed 70 properly and produce a Hutcheson says, “Cows in good condition at calving 24 42 healthy, growing calf.” Table calf milk Table 11 — — Absorption Absorption ofof colostrum colostrum byby calf Table Table 22 — — Transition Transition of of colostrum colostrum toto milk Time after Total Hours Percent of calves Casein Albumin Fat Lactose Total Solids after Birth absorbing colostrum Calving Protein percent percent percent percent percent (hour) percent 0 100 0 17.6 5.1 11.3 5.1 2.2 27.0 12 95 6 10.0 3.5 5.3 5.8 2.7 20.5 16 82 6 3.0 10.0 3.5 5.3 3.7 5.8 14.5 2.7 20 12 6.0 3.0 3.8 20 70 12 6.0 3.0 3.0 3.8 3.7 14 24 4.5 2.8 1.5 3.4 4.0 12.8 24 42 24 4.5 2.8 1.5 3.4 4.0 12 needs prior to and after calving Table 3 — N utritional Table 2 — Transition of colostrum to milk Table 3330 prior after calving Table — — Nutritional N utritional nceeds prior toto and and after calving immediately nurses, but if the cow has a problem the calf Cow or weight of 1200 ays prior to needs alving Time after Total Casein Albumin Fat Lactose Total Sdolids Cow wand eight odf ays 1200 30 days prior to calving can’t get up, it becomes a real problem. pounds 9 0 a fter Calving Protein percent percent percent percent percent pounds and 90 days after calving “My recommendation (hour) percent is to have a really clean calving pasture calving for so they 5.1 can be observed you TDN can per ensure day 14.7 0 these cows, 17.6 11.3 and5.1 2.2 27.0 TDN p13.3 er day 14.7 that the calves are getting up and nursing as quickly as posNEM Mcal/day NEM M cal/day 13.3 sible.” The possibility of nighttime births further complicates Protein pounds/day 2.3 Protein p ounds/day 2.3 surveillance. Recent research following the observations of a Calcium Gm/day 33 33 Canadian rancher suggests that cattle fed in the evening are Phosphorus Gm/day Calcium 25 Gm/day more likely to give birth during daytime hours. That is obviously Phosphorus G m/day 25 Vitamin A IU/day 40,000 important to northern producers, who have to fight the elements Vitamin A I U/day 40,000 during February or March calving, but it also has implications says a creep feed that only the calf has access to can be for all ranchers who will need to know when Pull theirqcows uotes have He Pull qbeneficial uotes calved and whether the offspring have received the critical very any time after 4 to 6 weeks and will increase intake Adequate colostrum within the calf first at 24 weaning. hours after birth determines calf health and early nourishment and antibodies. the weight of the Adequate c olostrum i ntake within twhen he first 24 cow hours after birth determine survival. Commercial colostrum products can be substituted if a calf During the 90 days after calving, the is contributing survival. is too weak to stand and be fed, if the cow does not produce co- to the nutrition of the calf through her milk, she is also going to Colostrum contains antibodies that provide the overall disease resistance of the calf during th lostrums, or with first-calf heifers who may produce poor quality be bred to chave another calf. The nutrition is extremely Colostrum ontains antibodies that cow’s provide the overall disease resistance first few weeks of life. colostrums. But Hutcheson emphasizes that those products are important at this time. It can affect both the cow and calf if her first f ew w eeks o f l ife. not as good for the calf as its mother’s milk. In addition, neither nutrition level is not adequate to promote both calf nutrition the commercial product nor the real thing will do its work unless and rebreeding. The nutritional needs of the cow prior to, and a Spring provided to the calf within that first 12-hour window. after calving, are in Table 3. Give Lactating Cows Boost Lactating Csums ows aup Spring Boost By Gary DiGiuseppe In addition to the antibodies, there is the actual nutrition of Give Hutcheson by saying the cow needs more energy By G ary D iGiuseppe For 4 m onths o ut o f t he y ear, t here i s a l ot o f e xtra s tress n your you colostrums. Hutcheson says, “The colostrum contains 17 to 18 at this time than it did previously. The ocow alsocows. needsBe atsure least a take care For 4 m onths out of the year, there is a lot of extra stress on your cows. B of t heir n utritional n eeds a ccordingly. percent protein. It has a high fat content and the total solids in couple pounds of protein per day to enhance its milk production. of taheir niutritional needs accordingly. “When cow births ccombined alf, t begins lactating,” explains r. David utcheson, animal that milk are about 25 to 27 percent. Within hours afterthe calving, Hay, with 6 to 8 pounds of aDlactating,” good 20 Hpercent protein “When t he c ow b irths a calf, it bC egins explains “That Dr. Dlavid Hutch nutritionist and consultant with Animal Agricultural onsulting in Scroggins. actation that will reduce to about 6 percent protein, and from 14 down complete supplement, should beAnimal sufficient. nutritionist a nd c onsultant w ith A gricultural C onsulting i n S croggin period will last about 6 months or 200 days, or until you wean the calf. Very few producers to about 10 percent solids. The colostrum contains The ofback the supplement by size period wamount ill last about 63 m 200 ddictated ays, or cu ntil ou w the calf. Ve wean protein earlier. and The cow is usually bred 0 onths to 90 o dr ays aisfter the alf is ybthe orn, sean o 6of 0 days afte energy (fat and lactose) that are necessary for calving a healthy start.” the cow the the bhay is3fed. isanalso wean earlier. The cow is uof sually red back 0 to There 9f0 fter calf is b the cow is normally wand hat w e cquality onsider pregnant ashe nd lactating or dtays he ext 4tahe months.” calving the is production ncormally wbetween hat wTe consider pbut regnant nd lactating for t difference incow milk of sustenan That compares to the period after the alf is weaned. he bbreeds, red cow is sregardless till paroviding That compares to otn he period tthe alf is for wm eaned. Tafter he bred till Meet the cow’s nutritional needs during to transition the breed the cow should giveafter enough milk her thecow is wsith the fetus but is no longer drawing her resources o pcroduce ilk. calf This corresponds to t he f etus b ut i s n o l onger d rawing o n h er r esources t o p roduce m ilk. Th the m id-‐gestation p eriod o f a bout 3 m onths, a nd t he p re-‐calving p eriod o f t he l ast 3 0 d ays. Following the initial dose of colostrum, the cow will transi- colostrums, provided she is receiving a good nutritional balance. the tm id-‐gestation period of about 3 months, awnd the pre-‐calving paeriod o Hutcheson s ays, “ From he t ime t he c ow b ecomes p regnant u ntil eaning, s he n eeds bout tion to providing regular milk. Hutcheson says this will provide The nutrients needed, with respect to expected milk producHutcheson says, “From the atnd ime the c2ow becomes pregnant udntil wsee eaning 13.6 p ounds o f t otal d igestible n utrient ( TDN) 1 .9 t o p ounds o f p rotein p er ay ( adequate nutrition until the calf starts to turn to the same feed tion during this period, will vary with the environment and the 13.6 pounds of total digestible nutrient (TDN) and 1.9 to 2 pounds of prot Table). sources as are available to the mother and as it is gradually type of cows. Hutcheson says the cow will produce the most Table).
able to take full advantage of the feed as its rumen develops.
milk during the first 60 days after calving. Then, the amount
Colostrum contains antibodies that provide the overall disease resistance of the calf during the first few weeks of life.
Adequate colostrum intake within the first 24 hours after birth determines calf health and survival. of milk produced daily will decrease, in part because she has been rebred. Helping calves along with feed He says, “This is when the calf needs to be eating the forages, eating any supplement the cow has been given, or even eating the creep feed. As high priced as they are now, anything that you can do to put weight on the calf is going to add value to that calf. We still sell cattle by their weight.” Hutcheson recommends that the creep feed carry 18 to 20 percent protein and that it be high in energy from a mixture of grains. Since this is initially unfamiliar to the calf, it needs to be very palatable and can have molasses included to attract the calf to come in to eat. It should also be complete, with all of the minerals and vitamins necessary for the calf. Free-choice minerals should be available for this period of time as well. In fact, minerals in the form of a lick may be the first food the calf actually eats. He says, “I would say it’s very prudent to supplement during the period from January to April, especially if the forage is of very low quality.” To gauge whether the calf is getting enough nutrition, since it is very difficult to measure its performance, Hutcheson suggests observing the cow and calf. He says, “If a calf looks like he is not performing like the other calves, or if he doesn’t have a good hair coat and is not doing well, I would separate him out, look him over and see if there was anything that was contributing to the lack of thriftiness. Sometimes we’ll see
scours when calves are born during wet, cold weather. Scours can be prevented with vaccines, but it can be prevented with nutrition as well.” Hutcheson says it is not likely that the calf will get too much nutrition. “He may get fatter or, as we say, too much condition, but he will grow out of his condition with adequate protein,” he says. “The key is having adequate protein for that calf. His period of most rapid growth is in the first 6 months after he’s born. We want to make sure he gets everything he needs. If you’re not supplementing anything on forage, he will not do as well as he would if the forage is supplemented to the cow, and the calf can get to some of the supplement as well.” It is important to maintain a body condition at calving time that will allow the cows to reproduce economically and efficiently. The maintenance of body condition is important to the profitability of a cow herd. Poor body condition affects pregnancy rate, calving interval, calf age at weaning and calf daily gain. A body condition score (BCS) of 5 should be the goal for the cows at calving. Cows that are at less than 5 should be separated from the herd and fed 20 to 30 percent more energy and protein depending on how far in arrears they are. A cow is at BCS 5 or better if its spine and ribs are not visible, except for perhaps 1 or 2 ribs. A cow is at 6 or better if there is fat on the cow’s tailhead and brisket. Hutcheson says, “Cows in good condition at calving will rebreed properly and produce a healthy, growing calf.” ❚
Raise your expectations.
Making the right reproductive management decisions can make a world of difference. Like when you make Estrumate® (cloprostenol sodium) part of your cattle operation. You tighten up breeding and calving seasons, maximize the use of selected bulls, and use AI more conveniently.
Results you can see, whatever the season. At 50 and 100 times the recommended dose, mild side effects may be detected in some cattle; these include increased uneasiness, slight frothing, and milk letdown. For complete information on use, withdrawal period, contraindication, adverse reactions, refer to product package insert below. • 800-521-5767 Copyright © 2017 Intervet Inc., doing business as Merck Animal Health, a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 1/17 OB 51265
Estrumate® (cloprostenol sodium)
US 3686/1 F-30510615 USA067796IN v
Prostaglandin Analogue for Cattle Equivalent to 250 mcg cloprostenol/mL
Estrumate® (cloprostenol sodium) is a synthetic prostaglandin analogue structurally related to prostaglandin F2 α (pGF2 α). each mL of the colorless aqueous solution contains 263 mcg of cloprostenol sodium (equivalent to 250 mcg of cloprostenol) in a sodium citrate, anhydrous citric acid and sodium chloride buffer containing 0.1% w/v chlorocresol bp as a bactericide. pH is adjusted, as necessary, with sodium hydroxide or citric acid. OH COOH O OH
ACTION: Estrumate causes functional and morphological regression of the corpus luteum (luteolysis) in cattle. In normal, nonpregnant cycling animals, this effect on the life span of the corpus luteum usually results in estrus 2 to 5 days after treatment. In animals with prolonged luteal function (pyometra, mummified fetus, and luteal cysts), the induced luteolysis usually results in resolution of the condition and return to cyclicity. Pregnant animals may abort depending on the stage of gestation. INDICATIONS: For intramuscular use to induce luteolysis in beef and dairy cattle. The luteolytic action of Estrumate can be utilized to manipulate the estrous cycle to better fit certain management practices, to terminate pregnancies resulting from mismatings, and to treat certain conditions associated with prolonged luteal function. RECOMMENDED USES: Unobserved or nondetected estrus Cows which are not detected in estrus, although ovarian cyclicity continues, can be treated with Estrumate if a mature corpus luteum is present. Estrus is expected to occur 2 to 5 days following injection, at which time animals may be inseminated. Treated cattle should be inseminated at the usual time following detection of estrus. If estrous detection is not desirable or possible, treated animals may be inseminated twice at about 72 and 96 hours postinjection. Pyometra or Chronic Endometritis Damage to the reproductive tract at calving or postpartum retention of the placenta often leads to infection and inflammation of the uterus (endometritis). Under certain circumstances, this may progress into chronic endometritis with the uterus becoming distended with purulent matter. This condition, commonly referred to as pyometra, is characterized by a lack of cyclical estrous behavior and the presence of a persistent corpus luteum. Induction of luteolysis with
Estrumate usually results in evacuation of the uterus and a return to normal cyclical activity within 14 days after treatment. After 14 days posttreatment, recovery rate of treated animals will not be different than that of untreated cattle. Mummified Fetus Death of the conceptus during gestation may be followed by its degeneration and dehydration. Induction of luteolysis with Estrumate usually results in expulsion of the mummified fetus from the uterus. (Manual assistance may be necessary to remove the fetus from the vagina). Normal cyclical activity usually follows. Luteal Cysts A cow may be noncyclic due to the presence of a luteal cyst (a single, anovulatory follicle with a thickened wall which is accompanied by no external signs and by no changes in palpable consistency of the uterus). Treatment with Estrumate can restore normal ovarian activity by causing regression of the luteal cyst. Pregnancies from Mismating Unwanted pregnancies can be safely and efficiently terminated from 1 week after mating until about 5 months of gestation. The induced abortion is normally uncomplicated and the fetus and placenta are usually expelled about 4 to 5 days after the injection with the reproductive tract returning to normal soon after the abortion. The ability of Estrumate to induce abortion decreases beyond the fifth month of gestation while the risk of dystocia and its consequences increases. Estrumate has not been sufficiently tested under feedlot conditions; therefore, recommendations cannot be made for its use in heifers placed in feedlots. Controlled Breeding The luteolytic action of Estrumate can be utilized to schedule estrus and ovulation for an individual cycling animal or a group of animals. This allows control of the time at which cycling cows or heifers can be bred. Estrumate can be incorporated into a controlled breeding program by the following methods: 1. Single Estrumate injection: only animals with a mature corpus luteum should be treated to obtain maximum response to the single injection. However, not all cycling cattle should be treated since a mature corpus luteum is present for only 11 to 12 days of the 21-day cycle. Prior to treatment, cattle should be examined rectally and found to be anatomically normal, be nonpregnant, and have a mature corpus luteum. If these criteria are met, estrus is expected to occur 2 to 5 days following injection, at which time animals may be inseminated. Treated cattle should be inseminated at the usual time following detection of estrus. If estrous detection is not desirable or possible, treated animals may be inseminated either once at about 72 hours or twice at about 72 and 96 hours post injection. With a single injection program, it may be desirable to assess the cyclicity status of the herd before Estrumate treatment. This can be accomplished by heat detecting and breeding at the usual time following detection of estrus for a 6-day period, all prior to injection. If by the sixth day the cyclicity status appears normal (approximately 25%-30% detected in estrus), all cattle not already inseminated should be palpated for normality, nonpregnancy, and cyclicity, then injected with Estrumate. Breeding should then be continued at the usual time following signs of estrus on the seventh and eighth days. On the ninth and tenth days,
breeding may continue at the usual time following detection of estrus, or all cattle not already inseminated may be bred either once on the ninth day (at about 72 hours postinjection) or on both the ninth and tenth days (at about 72 and 96 hours post injection). 2. Double Estrumate injections: prior to treatment, cattle should be examined rectally and found to be anatomically normal, nonpregnant, and cycling (the presence of a mature corpus luteum is not necessary when the first injection of a double injection regimen is given). A second injection should be given 11 days after the first injection. In normal, cycling cattle, estrus is expected 2 to 5 days following the second injection. treated cattle should be inseminated at the usual time following detection of estrus. If estrous detection is not desirable or possible, treated animals may be inseminated either once at about 72 hours or twice at about 72 and 96 hours following the second Estrumate injection. Many animals will come into estrus following the first injection; these animals can be inseminated at the usual time following detected estrus. Animals not inseminated should receive a second injection 11 days after the first injection. Animals receiving both injections may be inseminated at the usual time following detection of estrus or may be inseminated either once at about 72 hours or twice at about 72 and 96 hours post second injection. Any controlled breeding program recommended should be completed by either: • observing animals (especially during the third week after injection) and inseminating or hand mating any animals returning to estrus, or • turning in clean-up bull(s) 5 to 7 days after the last injection of Estrumate to cover any animals returning to estrus. REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTROLLED BREEDING PROGRAMS: A variety of programs can be designed to best meet the needs of individual management systems. A controlled breeding program should be selected which is appropriate for the existing circumstances and management practices. Before a controlled breeding program is planned, the producer’s objectives must be examined and he must be made aware of the projected results and limitations. The producer and his consulting veterinarian should review the operation’s breeding history, herd health, and nutritional status and agree that a controlled breeding program is practical in the producer’s specific situation. For any successful controlled breeding program: • cows and heifers must be normal, nonpregnant, and cycling (rectal palpation should be performed); • cattle must be in a fit and thrifty breeding condition and on an adequate or increasing plane of nutrition; • proper program planning and record keeping are essential; • if artificial insemination is used, it must be performed by competent inseminators using high-quality semen. It is important to understand that Estrumate is effective only in animals with a mature corpus luteum (ovulation must have occurred at least 5 days prior to treatment). This must be considered when breeding is intended following a single Estrumate injection.
SAFETY AND TOXICITY: At 50 and 100 times the recommended dose, mild side effects may be detected in some cattle. These include increased uneasiness, slight frothing, and milk let-down. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Estrumate should not be administered to a pregnant animal whose calf is not to be aborted PRECAUTIONS: There is no effect on fertility following the single or double dosage regimen when breeding occurs at induced estrus or at 72 and 96 hours posttreatment. Conception rates may be lower than expected in those fixed time breeding programs which omit the second insemination (ie, the insemination at or near 96 hours). This is especially true if a fixed time insemination is used following a single Estrumate injection. As with all parenteral products, careful aseptic techniques should be employed to decrease the possibility of postinjection bacterial infection. Antibiotic therapy should be employed at the first sign of infection. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: Two mL of Estrumate (500 mcg of cloprostenol) should be administered by INTRAMUSCULAR INJECTION for all indications in both beef and dairy cattle. Do not puncture stopper more than 10 times. WARNINGS For veterinary use only. Women of childbearing age, asthmatics, and persons with bronchial and other respiratory problems should exercise extreme caution when handling this product. In the early stages, women may be unaware of their pregnancies. Estrumate is readily absorbed through the skin and may cause abortion and/or bronchiospasms; direct contact with the skin should therefore be avoided. Accidental spillage on the skin should be washed off immediately with soap and water. STORAGE CONDITIONS: 1. Protect from light. 2. Store in container. 3. Store at controlled room temperature 59°-86° F. (15°-30° c). HOW SUPPLIED: 20mL and 100mL multidose vials CAUTION: Federal (USA) law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian. Made in Germany. Copyright © 1999, 2006, Schering-Plough Animal Health corp., Summit, NJ 07901. All rights reserved. 30510615 rev. 3/07 Schering-Plough Animal Health
US 3686/1 F-30510615 USA067796IN v
Give Lactating Cows a Spring Boost By Gary DiGiuseppe
For 4 months out of the year, there is a lot of extra stress on your cows. Be sure you take care of their nutritional needs accordingly. “When the cow births a calf, it begins lactating,” explains Dr. David Hutcheson, animal nutritionist and consultant with Animal Agricultural Consulting in Scroggins. “That lactation period will last about 6 months or 200 days, or until you wean the calf. Very few producers wean earlier. The cow is usually bred back 30 to 90 days after the calf is born, so 60 days after calving the cow is normally what we consider pregnant and lactating for the next 4 months.” That compares to the period after the calf is weaned. The bred cow is still providing sustenance to the fetus but is no longer drawing on her resources to produce milk. This corresponds with the mid-gestation period of about 3 months, and the pre-calving period of the last 30 days. Hutcheson says, “From the time the cow becomes pregnant until weaning, she needs about 13.6 pounds of total digestible nutrient (TDN) and 1.9 to 2 pounds of protein per day (see Table). “After weaning, her protein needs drop to about 1.4 pounds per day because she’s not producing any milk. “About 30 days before calving, the fetus will be growing
rapidly, so the cow’s needs are approaching 1.7 pounds of protein per day. At this point during pregnancy and lactation, she has 2 demands. After the lactation period, she just has a pregnancy demand during the most rapid growth period of the fetus.” The good news is that these twin demands on the cow take place just as fields are greening up. “In general, a good quality grass can supply most of the nutritional needs,” Hutcheson says. “Supplementation may or may not be needed depending on the type of forage we have available in that period of time. This would be around March, April and May. Spring rains will have come by then, and grass will be beginning to grow when cows are pregnant.” Cows should be in a body condition score of about 4.5 to 5.0 when they enter the lactating/pregnancy period, and they should get to a score of 5 to 6 by calving. A body condition score of 6 would be best. Don’t forget you are also serving the cow’s own nutritional needs, and cows younger than 4 years old are still growing. “Energy and protein are the most important things for maintenance,” Hutcheson says. “When the cow is lactating, she pulls energy off her body in the form of fat tissue, so you need to put fat tissue back on for the condition score. It’s best if you keep them between the condition scores of 5 and 6 all
Protein and energy requirements for the beef cow pregnancy lactation Protein and energy requirements for tduring he beef cow dand uring pregnancy and lactation Cow Weight, 1,100 Pregnant Mid-‐ Pre-‐Calving pounds and Gestation Lactating TDN per Day 13.6 12.9 14.6 NEM Mcal/day 12.83 11.51 14.27 Protein 1.87 1.38 1.67 pounds/day Calcium Gm/day 27 17 25 Phosphorus 22 17 20 Gm/day Vitamin A IU/day 36,000 25,000 27,000 time, which is very difficult, as she can get as low as a 4 the Hutcheson notes, “When she’s pregnant and lactating, the quotes atPull the end of lactation.” cow will usually lose body condition if she’s not watched closely. In Cows general, a good quality grass can than supply most nutritional needs. with body condition scores of less 5 should beof the Regardless of what stage of pregnancy or lactation she’s in, separated from the rest of the herd and fed 20 to 30 percent the first priority use of the food she eats is to maintain her own more energy andforage proteinqdepending their scores. “In thewith body. If she gets too thin, she’ll take away from fetal growth. Testing the uality can onprevent problems body condition. past — and some may still do this — producers have allowed And if her body condition gets too low, the cow will quit giving cows to go way down in condition, and then they try to get them milk. This is why, if we let them get down to a body condition back on grass,” he says. “The cattle market has been going score of 3 or 4, it’s very difficult to get them bred. We’ll only up and down, but cows are always going to be very valuable get about 60 to 70 percent of those cows bred.” commodities, so the more weight you can get on them and the If forages are inadequate, “during the lactation period we better shape you can keep them in, the more likely they are to like to use a protein and an energy supplement depending on reproduce next year.” forage,” he says. “This could be a 20 percent type of product Tips to Transition Your Herd Into Warmer Weather with some grain. It could be provided in a tub or block, or a Minerals the cow and calf lick tank, although the lick tanks are mostly protein without as By Gary for DiGiuseppe Minerals will also be needed, including trace minerals for much energy. When we get to mid-gestation, we don’t need the development of the fetus. The cow supplies these trace as much energy and protein. The calf’s nutritional transition from birth through weaning is a gradual one, and can be made minerals to the growing calf through lactation. “If we have gotten the cow in a very good body condition, smoother and less stressful by paying attention eeds likely of bshe oth can the make calf itand cow. provided there is a “Calcium and phosphorus are required nutrients for metab-to the it’snquite on grass, “After irth, and then through most for of the the growing pre-‐weaning ime, at ofleast portion f the lactating, calf's we need to olism,” he b says. “Calcium is also very important goodtamount grass.a After she’sodone nutrition i s c oming f rom t he c ow,” n otes D r. B en H olland, t echnical s ervices n utritionist with fetus. The fetus is quite small until the last 60 days of growth consider feeding her more energy than protein to get her body before calving. That is when“Initially, it grows very andto the to 6.” in which to provide milk Merck Animal Health. the crapidly ow has be in condition a good sback ituation needs calcium and up. tAnd when the cow and for continue to pphosphorus rovide it go over ime, as w ell as isget pregnant and support the growth of that lactating, calcium and phosphorus are necessary for the milk.” Test your forage for quality new fetus. As spring grass begins to grow and adequate growth is Foragerange during the periodTcan have tremendous “We would like to see cows in a body condition score (BCS) of 5spring to 6growing at calving. hough available, relying on the energy provided by the forage system variations in protein, energy and all minerals. Growing forage their nutrient requirements increase substantially during early lactation, we need our cows to may be limiting. Energy supplements should be considered, should be sampled to determine proper supplementation for maintain g ood b ody c ondition t hrough t he b reeding cycle. Maintaining even if adequate forage is available. During this period, dry the growth of the fetus.that body condition of 5 to 6 hconsumption elps the cow’s subsequent reproductive performance and nutrition and matter is important and can be estimated based “I would saysupports that a lot cofalf people probably do not test their ongrowth.” the stage of forage growth, or hay quality if forage growth forage, but testing the forage quality can actually prevent probisThe impaired. Later in the season, there mayto bewmore of alneed lemsawith body condition,” most important point is not ait too ong before ttempting to get Hutcheson the cow says. into “It can also tell you forcondition. additional protein. to supplement. cows perform will tell you what The cow’s body condition score should be how monitored and iHow f it’s the less than optimal heading into calving, supplemental energy and protein should be provided in the winter or early
In general, a good quality grass can supply most of the nutritional needs.
Testing the forage quality can prevent problems with body condition.
they need to some degree, but if you don’t know what’s in the forage you are just guessing, and you’re probably overfeeding. I like to test it in the spring, sometime after it’s up a little bit and growing, and again in the fall after it enters the dormancy stage or if it’s a different forage.” Using 2 forage systems can resolve some of the problems. So will adequate fertilization, although Hutcheson says, “Some of the ranges out in West Texas will not be fertilized, and we pretty well know what those forages will be. They won’t have the volume that comes with a lot of rain. “I always say you can either feed the protein, or you can fertilize and let the cow pick it up,” he says. Bermudagrass will start growing strong in May, just as the seeded winter grasses like ryegrass are declining. If you’re only using a single forage like bermudagrass, there will be a period during pregnancy and lactation where the cow will need supplementation for about 30 days or so, until the grass is enough to meet her needs.
Water, minerals and dewormers Water is also very important, particularly during the lactation phase. After all, milk is 85 percent water. Calves simply can’t get enough water from forages, even when the forages are fast growing and have high moisture. Minerals are also very important during this time, and it would be best to use a complete trace mineral product, with calcium and phosphorus in it as well. Among the other minerals crucial to the needs of both the cow and calf are zinc, copper, cobalt and selenium. Vitamin E is also very important during this time period, because it and the trace minerals help the immune system stay functional. Finally, make sure the cow is up to date on her health regimen. A vaccination protocol should be established at the start of the season. And as Hutcheson also points out, “When you are moving into spring grazing, that is the time you’re going to see parasites come back in, so use a good dewormer. It can be administered either by injection or added to the feed.” ❚
Tips to Transition Your Herd Into Warmer Weather By Gary DiGiuseppe
The calf’s nutritional transition from birth through weaning is a gradual one, and can be made smoother and less stressful by paying attention to the needs of both the calf and cow. “After birth, and then through most of the pre-weaning time, at least a portion of the calf’s nutrition is coming from the cow,” notes Dr. Ben Holland, technical services nutritionist with Merck Animal Health. “Initially, the cow has to be in a good situation in which to provide milk and continue to provide it over time, as well as get pregnant and support the growth of that new fetus. “We would like to see cows in a body condition score (BCS) range of 5 to 6 at calving. Though their nutrient requirements increase substantially during early lactation, we need our cows to maintain good body condition through the breeding cycle. Maintaining that body condition of 5 to 6 helps the cow’s subsequent reproductive performance and supports calf nutrition and growth.” The most important point is not to wait too long before attempting to get the cow into condition. The cow’s body condition score should be monitored and if it’s less than optimal heading into calving, supplemental energy and protein should be provided in the winter or early spring. That way, her condition won’t be poor and continuing to slide through calving and early lactation. But Holland notes, “The positive thing in most spring-calving operations is that when environmental conditions are normal
and moisture is good, we rely on pasture and forage to provide enough energy and protein to support both lactation and reproduction in the cow, especially during early growth stages in warm-season forages.” For a fall calving herd, a couple of management components change. If the animals are placed on a pasture with native or warm-season forages, protein content will get pretty low after mid-summer and supplementation may be needed earlier, compared with cattle that are on cool-season forages that grow quite a bit during the fall as well as earlier in the spring. Creep feeding systems Calves will begin eating solid feed as early as 3 weeks of age, and that will increase over time as they head toward weaning. “Certainly by 6 weeks of age, calves need to be in a situation where they can consume other feedstuffs,” Holland says. “Where there is a lot of forage available, the calf is going to learn from the cows how to eat the forage. Provided it is available, that transition is going to happen just fine.” But many ranchers use grazing systems designed to divert higher quality forages to calves, under the broad definition of creep feeding. Holland says you can use specific feeders or gates that allow only the calf to get to the feeder, a pasture, or a different area of a pasture. Merck Animal Health BEEF CATTLE PRODUCTION SERIES – PART 5
Prior to weaning, it’s beneficial to give calves exposure to dry feed and to feeding out of a trough.
“Creep feeds can consist of highly concentrated, energy-based supplements,” he says. “These could be higher levels of cereal grains, corn or byproducts. From a dry feed standpoint, you could also provide supplements with higher concentrations of protein-based feed like cottonseed meal, soybean meal or some of the corn processing byproducts.” There is also what’s called a “green creep,” allowing calves into different pastures or parts of a pasture that are off limits to the cows. This could include areas where a cereal grain or a summer annual has been planted. Dr. Vanessa Corriher-Olson, a Texas A&M AgriLife Extension forage researcher at Overton, says she has experimented with creep grazing using the tropical legume Aeschynomene, commonly known as joint vetch or deer vetch. “Calves obviously have a higher nutrient requirement than cows, so you create a smaller area of higher quality forage available to calves,” she says. “Legumes are higher quality than are grasses. So, it’s an opportunity to strictly allow only the calves to have access into this creep grazing area.” Other alternative methods include first-last grazing, where animals that need the highest nutrition get new grass first; as well as forward creep grazing and strip grazing, which has the highest efficiency of all grazing methods. Corriher-Olson says, “The more frequently we move our livestock, rotating them in our pastures, the more we’re increasing their efficiency. They’re going to be more effective at harvesting nutrients from forage and converting it into our ultimate goal as producers, whether that is calves or weight gain.” One creep grazing method involves subdividing a single pas-
ture using electric wire set about 30 inches above the ground, thereby keeping the cows in the paddock while allowing the calves to go underneath the wire to the next paddock. That way, the calves are learning to graze and get the most nutritious part of the forage, the top, while they can still return and nurse from their mothers. A modified version of this is fenceline weaning, where the calves are separated from their mothers by an electric fence. While they can’t nurse, they can still see and smell each other and are typically weaned within a couple of days. Holland notes, “Weaning is the most stressful period in the calf’s life, so all we can do to prepare that calf to successfully go through the weaning process is a positive thing.” He says the cows will initially remain close to the calves, and then begin to venture away over a relatively short period of time. There are also devices that can be placed in the calf’s nose to prevent nursing, while allowing the animals to remain in the herd, or more labor-intensive methods of separation, such as placing the cows in a separate pen or pasture during periods of the day. The key is low-stress management of the weaning process, which should be a priority in cattle operations. The calf needs to be able to grow to its potential during the pre-weaning period, so there is a risk of malnutrition during times of low forage availability; typically due to an improperly stocked pasture or during drought conditions. Either way, there may not be sufficient forage to support the cow’s milk production as well as her calf. As warm season forages like bermudagrass begin to mature late in the summer and become low in protein, a high-protein creep feed might be beneficial. Holland recommends limiting intake of the supplement to about 1 pound per day per calf through the use of salt or ionophores. He notes that the protein derived from a supplement can stimulate the microbial organisms in the calf’s rumen and increase forage intake, thereby improving performance. On the other hand, if the goal is to reduce pressure on forage due to drought or from overgrazing, creep feeds with high grain composition could be used to replace forage intake. He says studies have shown this can reduce forage intake in calves by as much as 11 to 12 percent. In most cases, lactation and the calf’s need for milk end at about the same time, but that isn’t the case where forage supplies are inadequate. Under those circumstances, producers may choose to wean earlier or be more aggressive in supple-
12 Merck Animal Health BEEF CATTLE PRODUCTION SERIES – PART 5 Right Start for New-Born Calves
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To find the PrimeVAC preconditioning program that’s right for your operation, talk to your veterinarian and visit Always consult your veterinarian concerning: best health management decisions specific to your operation, selection of qualified USDA/FDA approved products, optimum use of combination products, and the efficacy of vaccination in the face of maternal antibodies. Always read, understand, and follow product label and use as directed. Data on file. • 800-521-5767 Copyright © 2016 Intervet Inc., doing business as Merck Animal Health, a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 54670 1/16 BV-PV-51322
When the temperatures change in a short period of time, heat stress can be induced at lower temperatures, and earlier in the season. menting cows or calves. But Holland notes that in most cases, by the time calves are weaned, they are not consuming as much milk as they were before they started receiving the majority of their feed from forages and other sources. Learning about feed and water troughs Prior to weaning, it’s beneficial to give calves exposure to dry feed and to feeding out of a trough, whether that is a creep feeder or a small amount of supplementation that is also available to the cow. It’s also important to ensure calves have access to a source of clean water and learn how to consume water from troughs or steel tanks if those are used. Heat stress — earlier than anticipated Holland notes that heat stress can cause significant reductions in performance, particularly in animals that are not adapted to the conditions. It’s not just a concern in the heart of the summer, either. He says, “In the spring we go from cooler, wetter conditions to suddenly being pretty hot. When the temperatures change in a short period of time, heat stress can be induced at lower temperatures, and earlier in the season than we might have seen later in the season, after animals are well adapted.” Producers should keep an eye on the forecast. When the relative humidity climbs up into the 80s and 90s, and when nighttime temperatures are in the mid-70s or higher, Holland says, “we don’t provide a good opportunity for animals to dissipate the heat that they have absorbed throughout the day. As multiple days with those types of conditions continue, the heat load continues to increase. That’s when we tend to have bigger
reductions in performance, and see the large heat-stress death losses that you find in feedlots from time to time.” It’s best to prepare for heat stress before it occurs. In addition to monitoring ambient conditions, keep a closer eye on animals at higher risk; such as newly arrived cattle, dark-coated cattle, and those that are in fatter body condition. Access to shade and to water sources that the cattle can enter can ease the effects of heat, but Holland warns, “If there’s a pond where cows might take refuge from heat, is that the same source that provides their drinking water? If it’s a relatively small pond and the cows spend a lot of time there, that may reduce the freshness of the water. “If we are using automatic waterers or smaller water tanks, we should have at least enough room for all of those animals to consume water.” In situations where cattle are receiving feed, that can also be managed during times of heat stress to reduce the heat increment of the rations. If the fat content is increased, it can replace the energy the animal gets from carbohydrates while reducing overall intake, as well as the amount of heat that would be associated with fermentation and digestion. Holland says, “Another thing to be mindful of is handling or working cattle later in the day during times of heat stress. If it is going to be hot, try to do all those working events early in the day, before the impact of the sun really takes effect. Fly control would also be important. Allow cattle to choose to stand further apart from one another to prevent touching, which disrupts cooling.” And finally, make sure there is a quality trace mineral block or mix available during the summer, so the animals can replace any electrolytes or minerals they lose by sweating. ❚
Get all the health and performance benefits of an effective deworming without all the labor, handling and stress. With range cubes, mineral, top dress pellets or blocks there’s a Safe-Guard® Self-Deworming form to fit YOUR operation. Safe-Guard even controls the resistant worms pour-ons leave behind1. It’s so easy the cattle will deworm themselves!
Watch the short demonstration video at
Ask your animal health supplier or Merck Animal Health representative about Safe-Guard Self-Deworming cattle products.
Important Safety Information:
Safe-Guard En-Pro-Al Block: RESIDUE WARNING: Cattle must not be slaughtered within 11 days following last treatment. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in pre-ruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal.
Safe-Guard mineral and feed through products: RESIDUE WARNING: Cattle must not be slaughtered within 13 days following last treatment. For dairy cattle, the milk discard time is zero hours. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in pre-ruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal.
Always read and follow label directions.
Consult your local veterinarian for assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and control of parasitism.
Safe-Guard Protein Blocks: RESIDUE WARNING: Cattle must not be slaughtered within 16 days following last treatment. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in pre-ruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal.
2 Giralda Farms – Madison, NJ 07940 – – 800.521.5767 Copyright ©2015 Intervet, Inc. d/b/a Merck Animal health, a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. All rights reserved 10/15 BV-SG-54399 Stromberg, B.E., et al., Cooperia punctata: Effect on cattle productivity? Vet. Parasitol. (2011), doi: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2011.07.030
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