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Building motivation to move forwards
Building motivation
Thinking about the problem and beginning to work on the goals you have set. On a 0-100 scale rate:
How much impact does the problem have on my life currently? 0 not at all 50 100 affects everything
How important is it for me to reach my goals? 0 not at all 50 100 totally important
How willing and able am I to set aside enough time to get better? 0 not at all 50 100 totally willing
How much of a priority is getting better for me at the moment? 0 not at all 50 100 complete priority
Activity: Some people find it helpful to complete the following exercise. This is useful if you are struggling with your motivation because of how you are feeling. Write two short letters short letter to yourself. In the first letter, you are writing to yourself now as if it is five years into the future and you haven’t set aside the time to get better or improve your symptoms. What would life be like? What would you like to say to your current self to get you to set some time aside for feeling better?
Next, in the second short letter to yourself. It’s five years in the future and you have made the changes to break the vicious cycle and feel better. How pleased are you? What changes has it opened up in your life? What would you be doing? Where would you be going? Visualise your life improved as a result. Turn to the next page to get going towards that now. Every step is a step in the right direction.