The CDLD June 2018 Issue

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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

Contents Travel & Leisure………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….4 Health & Fitness……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….10 Food………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………….……..15 Beauty & Fashion……………………………………………………………………………….…………………….……………….….…..24 Business………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………29 Finance………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..33 Home & Real Estate……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………37 Career & Education………………………………………………………………………….……………………………….……………….42 General Self-Help…………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………..47 Parenting……………………………………………………………………………….…………………….……………….…………………..50 Love & Romance……………………………………………………………………………….………….………….……………….….…..57 Astrology………………………………..………………………………………………………….…………………….……………….….…..61 Spotlight Series……………………………………………………………………………….……………………….……………….….…..68 Beasts of the Underground……………………………………….……………………….…………………….……………….….…..71 Outreach & Awareness……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..75

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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

The Incredible Edible My Sky-High Experience

It was 4/20 in Las Vegas and I had never done “it” before but I had the urge to try. After all, who knew where I would be next 4/20 and if recreational use would be legal? I went for it. Las Vegas doesn’t make it difficult to find what you’re looking for as there is practically a dispensary on every corner. Las Vegas may as well consider it a religion. The dispensary experience is quite overwhelming for someone who has never been to one. I mean, there were different strands, different blends and different strengths identified by “Dank”, “Danker”, and “Dankest”. What had I gotten myself into? I wasn’t prepared for Gorilla Goo 2000.

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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest I knew I didn’t want to inhale any smoke as an Asthmatic. I could just see the headlines. “28-Year-Old Magazine Editor Dies After Marijuana Smoke Induced Asthma Attack”. I didn’t want to go out like that so I solicited the help of an associate. He was a guru and knew everything there was to know about these products. Like with Allstate, I was in good hands. He introduced me to the section they had for edibles and asked if anything looked appealing. There were cookies, brownies, lollipops and even liquid you could add to juice. When I asked what his favorite was, he slowly removed a glowing silver packet from the case and said “Gummies. Sour Apple or Peach”. I purchased the little magic packet and hurried home for the experience. There I sat on my patio at approximately 7:37PM waiting for the edible to kick in and after 30 minutes of nothing, I ate another. Frustrated and over it, I decided to come inside and watch stand-up comedy until I was ready to head to bed. What a waste of money, time and excitement. Kevin Hart had told the funniest joke I had ever heard but he whispered it to me. Why? Doesn’t he want to share his hilarity with the world? I was laughing and I couldn’t stop laughing and I could see the tears filling my eyes but I couldn’t feel them on my face. Holy shit. I was high and the high kept getting higher.

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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest After acknowledging my highness, I felt a blanket of warm numbness cover my body from head to toe. Sounds were faint, physical sensations were diminished, and I couldn’t feel my face. The weekend was absolutely right but I didn’t love it. In fact, I was terrified. It dawned on me that the first edible had hit me and the other was lurking right around the corner. Whose bright idea was this anyway? I decided to play it cool and continue watching the comedy because surely, this high wouldn’t last long. The standup was seemingly never-ending but funny nonetheless. All was fine and well until I got “the munchies”. It’s like the lining of my stomach had been removed just to make room for more hunger. I was starving and even that was an understatement. I went to order pizza using my phone and the screen looked like it was a million miles away though the phone was in my hand. The font was thin, the screen was bright and I couldn’t feel my fingertips. A little more freaking out commenced. “GET IT TOGETHER CANDACE” I said aloud as I insisted that I wouldn’t be defeated by a gummy bear. Twenty minutes later, the order was complete. It was 8:22 PM. I paced back and forth waiting for the pizza to arrive and as moments passed, it seemed like months since Pizza Hut said the pizza was out for delivery. I tried to keep myself busy but all I could think about was my pizza. Was this some twisted game where the delivery guy knew I was high and wanted to play a

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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest joke on me? Had the pizza man already come and somehow my hearing had failed and he had left with my pizza because I didn’t answer the door? Or did I even order the pizza in the first place? By this point, everything was animated like a black and white comic strip but when I caught myself slipping back into the high, I would close my eyes tight, reopen them, and then things -still animated- were in color again. Everything I looked at was traced in stars while in color but when in black and white, it seemed quite morbid. I couldn’t take this bi-polar shit right now. I wanted out. I figured that if a high was anything like an alcohol buzz, I could sleep it off and throw the whole night away but that wasn’t the case. I laid in the bed, eyes, wide open terrified that I would be trapped in this horrifying fun house forever and that some wise guy would bury me in an Ohio State jersey. I must’ve died and gone to hell to deserve this.

The door-bell rang. In my mind, it had to be the police. They knew I was high and were here to haul me off to jail even though recreational use of marijuana was legal here. I wasn’t going to go easy so I sat very still and very quiet hoping they’d go away. I wasn’t expecting anyone so I opted not to answer; besides, who would be knocking at my door this late anyway? I looked down at my phone expecting it to be 3AM by now and it was merely 9:15. I got Page | 8

2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest up, disappointed in myself, got dressed, retrieved my pizza, sat it on the counter and headed back to bed. Shame on you Candace. Shame on you. I’m not sure how I finally got to sleep but I woke up half clothed in one sock and a pair of swear pants. The high (or most of the high) had now worn off, and I felt amazing. I was clear-headed and had the energy I hadn’t had since my early twenties. I got a week’s worth of work done and had laser focus doing it. Suddenly, those gummies didn’t seem like such a bad idea. Glutton for punishment, I know. My conclusion is that I still had the Sativa in my systemperhaps the amount I should have had the night before, had I eaten the right amount of the gummies. Would I consume another edible after the nightmare I endured? You better believe it. Consume responsibly. -CM

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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest


Types, Hazards, and Advice. Fasting is the act of abstinence from food and beverages either willingly or through suggestion and may be practiced for medical use. Some people prefer fasting to lose body fat or fast to enhance body metabolism. In fact, most people fast for health benefits that are associated with fasting (weight loss, increased metabolism, detoxification process acceleration in body, enhanced immunity etc.) Fasting may also be a religious obligation in some Faiths. There are different types of fasts including the three most common: •

Dry Fasting

Water Fasting

Intermittent fasting

The downside of long periods of fasting are that people sometimes experience the following symptoms during and after the fast. •




Exhaustion and Lightheadedness

“Fogginess” and trouble with focus and concentration

Stress and loss of sleep Page | 11

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Excessive weight loss

Issues with diet thereafter

Best Practices Fasting is an underestimated task for those who have never done it but in actuality, it is a tough commitment. Food is highly related to one`s mental and physical health status therefore anyone considering fasting should must be aware any existing conditions that may make fasting unsafe. Please consult your doctor before fasting if you fear you have any additional risk factors. Below, we have listed some of the best practices but please note that these tips should not be used as a substitute for a professional medical consultation. Fasting is not for everyone therefore reader discretion is advised. •

Plan and prepare for your fast. On a day that you are fasting, there will be lifestyle changes that may be necessary for the duration of the fast. For instance, it may not be a good idea to go to the gym on a day when you have had no caloric intake. Whatever fasting method you adopt (dry, water or intermittent fasting) you must be mentally and physically prepared for it.

Work your way into it. If you’ve never fasted before, you shouldn’t start off with a 24-hour dry fast. Start with 12 hours or a fast that allows you to drink juice.

Oily food or food with high fat content should be avoided in the days and times surrounding if you are fasting for weight loss. The intake of these foods can be counterproductive to your fasting goal.

Drink a lot of water during non-fasting period to maintain water balance of the body, fulfill water requirement of body and to avoid dehydration during fasting period.

Eat more fruits and vegetables surrounding your fast. These food items contain lot of fiber and water, and higher fiber content in plant food Page | 12

2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest sources make food digest more gradually causing the faster not to feel so hungry so soon. •

When the fasting ends, resist the desire to pig out. Stripping your body of food and then consuming it, especially a lot of it, in excess can cause you to become ill.

Start early so that you can end early and aren’t eating late when the fast ends.

If you decide to fast and these tips and tricks work for you or if you have tips that should have made the list but didn’t, be sure to tweet us and let us know! @TheCDLD

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Friday 1.

Saturday 2.























































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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

Dinner in One Hour or Less Lo Mein Primavera Use fresh linguine for this protein-packed, vegetarian Lo Mein. Cal/Serve: 395 Yields: 4 Prep Time: 0:18 Total Time: 0:30

Ingredients •

1 package extra-firm tofu

1 package fresh linguine

2 tbsp. vegetable oil

2 stalk celery

1 medium red pepper

3 clove garlic

1 large zucchini

2 large carrots

1/4 c. lower-sodium soy sauce

1/2 tsp. Asian sesame oil

Fresh cilantro leaves


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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest 1. Cut tofu block in half lengthwise. Cut each piece into 1/2-inch-thick slices. Place slices in single layer between paper towels to remove excess moisture. 2. In 12-inch nonstick skillet, heat 1 inch water to boiling on high. Add linguine and cook as label directs. Drain and rinse under cold running water to prevent pasta from sticking. 3. In same skillet, heat 1 tablespoon oil on medium 1 minute. Add tofu in single layer and cook 10 minutes or until golden brown, turning once. Transfer to plate. 4. In same skillet, heat remaining tablespoon oil on medium 1 minute. Add celery, pepper, and garlic; cook 2 minutes or until crisp-tender, stirring. Add zucchini; cook 1 to 2 minutes or until crisp-tender, stirring. 5. Add carrots, soy sauce, tofu, and noodles. Cook 2 minutes or until heated through, stirring to coat. 6. Remove from heat, stir in sesame oil, and transfer to serving plates. Garnish with cilantro.

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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

Chicken with Olives and Peppers With just a few rustic, rich-tasting add-ins — sherry, slivers of green olive, comforting cubes of bread — chicken thighs gain savory Spanish flavor. Cal/Serv: 385 Yields: 4 Prep Time: 0:30 Total Time: 0:35

Ingredients • 2 tbsp. olive oil • 4 clove garlic • 4 c. 1-inch cubed Italian bread • 1 lb. skinless, boneless chicken thighs salt pepper • 3 medium peppers, preferably red, yellow, and orange • 1 medium shallot • 3 tbsp. dry sherry • 2 tbsp. water •

1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice

1/4 c. pitted green olives

2 tbsp. finely chopped fresh parsley leaves

Directions 1. In 12-inch skillet, heat 1 tablespoon oil and half of garlic on medium until garlic begins to sizzle. Add bread and stir until well coated. Cook 5 to 6 Page | 18

2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest minutes or until golden brown and crisp, stirring occasionally. Transfer to large platter. 2. Wipe out same skillet and add remaining tablespoon oil; heat on mediumhigh until hot. Add chicken and sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Cook 3 minutes or until browned, stirring occasionally. Transfer to medium bowl. 3. Reduce heat to medium and add peppers. Cook 2 to 3 minutes or until peppers are just beginning to soften. Add shallots and remaining garlic; cook 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Stir in sherry and water, scraping up any browned bits. Cook 3 to 4 minutes longer or until peppers are very soft. Return chicken to skillet along with any juices. Cook 4 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink inside, stirring occasionally. 4. Remove skillet from heat and stir in lemon juice, olives, parsley, and 1/8 teaspoon salt. Pour chicken mixture over croutons. Serve immediately.

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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

Basil Chile Chicken Stir-Fry Whip up this simple, make-it-fast suppers in 30 minutes — with a single skillet. To make this Thai-inspired dish a bit spicier, leave the seeds in the chile. Cal/Serv: 325 Yields: 4 Prep Time: 0:25 Total Time: 0:30

Ingredients •

1 c. quick-cooking short-grain brown rice

4 cloves garlic

1 tbsp. vegetable oil

1 tsp. vegetable oil

1 lb. green beans, trimmed and cut into 1-in. pieces salt pepper

1 fresh Thai or serrano chile, stem and seeds discarded, finely chopped

1 1/4 chicken-breast tenders, very thinly sliced crosswise

2 tbsp. lower-sodium fish sauce

1 tsp. lower-sodium soy sauce

2 tsp. sugar

1 c. packed fresh basil leaves, plus additional for garnish

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Directions 1. Prepare rice as label directs, but do not add any salt. 2. Very thinly slice 2 cloves garlic; finely chop remaining 2 cloves garlic. 3. In 12-inch skillet, heat 1 teaspoon oil on medium-high until hot. Add thinly sliced garlic and cook 10 seconds or until garlic is golden. Add green beans, 1/4 cup water, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper. Cook 4 to 5 minutes or until beans are crisp-tender and water has evaporated, stirring frequently. Transfer bean mixture to large plate or bowl. 4. In same skillet, heat remaining 1 tablespoon oil on medium-high until hot. Add chile and chopped garlic and cook 10 seconds or until garlic is golden, stirring. Add chicken tenders in single layer and cook 2 to 3 minutes or until chicken just loses its pink color throughout, stirring mixture occasionally. 5. Add fish sauce, soy sauce, sugar, and 2 tablespoons water. Cook 1 minute or until chicken is just cooked through, stirring. Stir in basil and cook 15 to 20 seconds or until just wilted. 6. To serve, divide cooked rice, green beans, and chicken with sauce among serving plates. Garnish with 2 or 3 fresh basil leaves.

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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

Soy and Whiskey Glazed Pork Chops Add a kick to juicy pork chops with a "shot" of garlic- and ginger-infused whiskey glaze. Cal/Serv: 505 Yields: 4 Prep Time: 0:20 Total Time: 0:30

Ingredients •

1 piece fresh ginger

2 tbsp. vegetable oil

1 lb. broccoli florets

8 oz. fresh shiitake mushrooms

1/2 c. water

3 tbsp. water

1/4 c. lower-sodium soy sauce

1 tbsp. lower-sodium soy

sauce pepper •

4 center-cut boneless pork

chops •

2 clove garlic

2 tbsp. whiskey

Thinly sliced green onions

Directions 1. Cut half of ginger in quarters and finely chop remaining half.

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2nd Edition | June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest 2. In 12-inch skillet, heat 1 tablespoon oil on medium-high until hot. Add finely chopped ginger and cook 10 seconds, stirring. Add broccoli and mushrooms. Cook 1 minute; stir in 1/2 cup water and 1 tablespoon soy sauce. Cover and cook 3 minutes or until vegetables are tender and liquid has evaporated. Transfer to serving plates; keep warm. 3. Wipe out skillet and heat remaining tablespoon oil on medium. Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper on pork to season both sides. Add pork to skillet and cook 7 to 8 minutes or until browned on the outside and barely pink in center, turning once. Transfer pork chops to plate. 4. To skillet, add garlic, whiskey, sugar, quartered ginger, remaining 1/4 cup soy sauce, and remaining 3 tablespoons water; simmer 4 to 6 minutes or until the consistency of thin syrup, stirring occasionally. Stir in any accumulated pork juices from plate. Remove and discard garlic and ginger. 5. To serve, divide pork chops among plates with broccoli mixture. Spoon sauce over pork.

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

Why should you choose bundles from Royalty Hair Company over store bought hair? By Alisha Johnson

Have you ever wondered why women spend so much money on hair that they order online? The answer to this question is fairly simple: it lasts so much longer. I have been wearing extensions for about 10 years now and I have tried almost every kind of hair there is. Times have changed so much as we have gone from wearing hair that you couldn’t even curl to now having extensions that you can color and dye, that looks like it is growing from your scalp. I am the owner of Royalty Hair Company and we offer great quality extensions that are affordable for every budget. I am not just an owner but I wear these extensions as well. I prefer them over store bought hair because they are a lot easier to maintain. You can just wake up, brush your hair and start your day. You also have a variety of choices from straight, wavy, curly, and more. You are also able to dye and color them any color you want. This is something that you can’t do with store bought hair because bundles are not processed with any chemicals. I look at bundles as an investment, because you can reuse them over and over. I’ve have extensions that I have used for over a year and they still look brand new. I would rather pay $300 for good quality hair one time and use it over and over than buy store-bought hair and be forced to throw it away and buy more anytime I want to get my hair done. If saving money is what you want to do, ditch the store-bought hair and buy long lasting, quality bundles. Get your bundles at:

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Back Because We Never Left Celebration of the Curvy Comeback “The full-figured goddess…While some only glance and find the will to look away, I could spend an eternity staring at the hourglass before me. I’m in no hurry to leave it nor am I willing to let it out of my sight. I could behold her for hours. In fact, I must”. Social media has made the declaration that “thick is back in” as if it ever left. Images of curvy women circulate the internet as a PSA that society has finally decided that 2 isn’t the only acceptable size. Now women of all sizes can be regarded as beautiful. Imagine that! The absolutely stunning Dashca Polanco of Orange is the New Black, struggled some years ago to find a designer who would dress her for a red-carpet affair because they didn’t “make things in her size”. Just to note, Actress and comedian Leslie Jones recently had a similar problem. In an attempt to aid in Dashca’s defense, ESSENCE Magazine Published an article titled “Why Dashca Polanco is Our Curvy Girl Style Crush”. They thought they were complimenting her when all I got from that was an instinctive “you’re pretty for a big girl” kind of vibe. If she was a size 2, would the article’s title have then read “Why Dashca is Our Thin Girl Style Crush”? I think not.

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest I’ve got news for everyone out there thinking that thick girls need a separate category in order to compete. Full figured women are no longer in need of your backhanded compliments or your sympathetic approval. Thick is in and it’s the thing to be. Someone somewhere has come to their senses about queen sized women and it’s becoming an epidemic. May it continue to spread like wildfire. Even tiny strides such as this recognition didn’t happen all at once. Before folks were jumping onto the “BBW” bandwagon pretending to have been here the whole time, “slim thick” was a thing and it yielded arguments as to what was “appropriate” to be considered thick and what should be considered “fat” as if it truly mattered. A beautiful woman is a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman and for all the queen-sized women out there, this month, we would like to celebrate you. Come out of the shadows and do not be ashamed of the treasure you possess beneath your garments! You are a diamond!

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5 SIDE HUSTLES FOR THE WORKING (WO)MAN Uber/Lyft Pros: Flexibility, freedom, easy work. Cons: Damage to your personal vehicle, high rates for rentals, somewhat inconsistent. Difficulty: Easy Perhaps the most popular side hustle in America right now, Uber and Lyft have taken over as king in this realm. If there is a person alive who doesn’t know what Uber or Lyft is, they’re either elderly or live under a rock as both have become household names and trusted concepts. That being said, this opportunity requires no marketing on your end. You simply sign up, have your vehicle inspected and your credentials (license, registration, insurance) checked for validity and you’re on the road. They offer instant payouts as well so you could be profiting same day. The downside to driving for these companies is the damage and depreciation that happens to your vehicle. As a driver, I’ve put over 25,000 miles per year on my car while on the clock alone and have had passengers leave bodily fluid, steal things and even burn cigarette holes in my seats. Yes, both companies will compensate you for cleaning and damage but once an incident like this has happened, your vehicle will never be the same. If you care about your car and want to protect it from these factors, I suggest using one of their cars but you must be prepared for the price tag that comes with it.

Amazon Flex Delivery Pros: Easy work, good pay for the work. Cons: Extremely inconsistent, difficult to plan your day around, oversaturated markets. Difficulty: Moderate

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest As the popularity of Amazon (especially Amazon Prime) continues to increase, they are implementing several services to add ease and convenience to the online shopping experience, Amazon Flex being one of them. When someone places a Prime order, items are dispatched from local warehouses and delivered to customer’s doors. As a driver, all you have to do is pick up the package and take it to its destination. The work itself is easy. My pet peeve with Amazon is that they’ll allow so many people to sign up and not have enough work for them. As a delivery partner, I was on the app for four months prior to getting my first delivery request and from there, they were few and far in between. The market is extremely oversaturated and Amazon accepts drivers in high volumes based on anticipated business. That’s quite the gamble. Another downside is that you may get requests last minute so it’s hard to plan around but if you plan to deliver only on days dedicated to nothing else, you’ll be fine. Just don’t quit your day job for this opportunity.

Giving Lessons Pros: Flexible, set your own pricing, make your own schedule, easy work. Cons: Marketing and acquisition prices may be high. Difficulty: Easy as you should only teach subjects you are already well-versed in. They say that knowledge is regarded as one of the most valuable possessions because it’s something no one can take away from you but truthfully, its valuable because it can be profitable. We are a generation of trade and specialty learners who will pay for the education in exchange for the acquisition of a new hobby, skill or opportunity. If you have mastered any subject that falls in any of the three categories, you can cash in on what you know! All you need is a space to gather (unless you’re teaching online), a website for informative and promotional purposes and a curriculum and you’re all set to go. What knowledge can you share?

Host via Airbnb, HomeAway or VRBO 31 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest Pros: Low maintenance listing, easy to get started, flexible. Cons: Use of your private space, risk of bad travelers. Difficulty: Moderate Airbnb and home sharing services are on the rise of popularity as well. If you have a space that people can crash when they travel, you have a treasure, especially in a place like Las Vegas where resort fees can be as much as $40/night on top of your nightly rate. Airbnb has become to hotels what Uber and Lyft are to taxi companies: better competition and with over 400% growth since the end of its first year, Airbnb (and like services) don’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon. It’s insanely easy to get started as a host. It’s just a matter of setting up an account using the app wizard and uploading photos. The rest, including marketing and payment acceptance, is done by Airbnb. You truly just set it up and leave it. The listing itself is low maintenance. The reason this side hustle has been rated ‘moderate difficulty’ is because it is sometimes a pain dealing with inconsiderate customers, you must sometimes clean up messes and there are a lot of laws that you should stay on top of that impact you as a host. Still interested? Set up today and you could be hosting by tomorrow.

Sell Advertising Space for the CDLD Pros: Flexible, Uncapped Earning Potential. Difficulty: Easy If you’re connected in the small business community and know people who are trying to expand their marketing and promotion, you can turn those connections into cash by referring them to the CDLD. Our advertising is inexpensive, effective and straight to the point and you get paid every time someone you send purchases advertising space. To get started today, email , subject line “AFFILIATE”.

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There is plenty debate as to whether buying or leasing is the “best” option for auto financing and while both options have pros and cons, the beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. How do we measure “best”? Because each person has different priorities when it comes to vehicles, there is no blanketed rubric for auto acquisition. What works for one, may not work for everyone so rather than trying to conclude which option is best, here are the pros and cons as I see it. ❖ Leasing ➢ Pros ▪

New car every 2-3 years. Ability to have always experience the latest and greatest technology in vehicles

Getting a new car also gives you the benefits of top of the line style, appearance, and fun

Little to no startup cost, smaller overall loan from the bank – which also results in a smaller monthly payment

Minimal maintenance cost – Cars are less likely to have issues within the 1st couple of years. If you do, there’s a warranty to cover it. Some dealerships may even cover oil changes for the duration of the lease

Pay less sales tax – since you are only paying for the car’s depreciation – the overall purchase cost is less, therefore less taxes are paid

Ability to get a new car to fit your changing driving needs

At the end of 3 years – you will have another brand-new car

➢ Cons 34 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest ▪

Not financially optimal long term

Taxes, fees, registration

The ability to lease is only allotted to those with excellent credit

Restrictions of mileage allotment – you can drive over the agreed allotment, just be prepared to pay for it

Cars must be kept in pristine condition to not be hit with fees at the end of the lease

Will always have a car payment if you always lease

At the end of 3 years – you will have no equity and will have to invest time and money into finding a new vehicle

❖ Purchasing ➢ Pros ▪


Can eliminate a monthly expense once paid off

Flexibility to sell or trade when you please

Overall cost less than leasing over time

No Mileage restrictions

Ability to customize vehicle and not worry about excessive wear and tear

You do not need excellent credit

At the end of the 3 years – you will be closer to owning your own asset

➢ Cons ▪

More expensive short term

Requires heftier down payment

Monthly payment is higher than monthly lease payment

Cars are rapidly depreciating assets

Not keeping up with the latest technology and safety standards

Vehicle maintenance can get more expensive the older a car gets

At the end of the year – you will have 2-3 more years of payments on a 3-year-old car

❖ Overall verdict 35 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest ➢ As stated in the beginning, there is no “right” or “wrong” way to finance a vehicle as each option satisfies different consumer needs. When making the decision to lease or purchase, you should evaluate your long term and short-term goals to see which option suits your needs. Overall – if you are comfortable with ongoing car payments year over year, do not drive excessive miles, keep your car in good condition, and do not get emotionally attached to cars, then leasing is a respectable option. However, if ownership is important to you and you see priority in maintaining assets, purchasing may be most suitable. -P. Kimble

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HOTTEST REAL ESTATE MARKETS FOR 2019 BEST PLACES TO BUY Whether you’re looking for investment property or searching for your forever home, the real estate market is a tricky, and unstable thing. Purchasing property anywhere is a gamble but it makes so much more financial sense than continuing to pay rent all your life with no ownership at the end. If you’re looking to buy homes to flip, it’s a gamble and is a lot the buying and selling traditional stock. Here’s our top three picks if you’re the betting type.


Yes-this is the photo of a home in Detroit. I bet you wouldn’t have expected that, huh? In almost every existing list I’ve read to date, people pain the picture of Detroit that it’s some rundown city with no value. Journalists love to harp on the city’s 2013 bankruptcy as if it’s some indication of the city itself, but your president has filed for bankruptcy so, the point? While the city and the people of Detroit have truly seen some struggles, you’d be a fool to count out a city that has historically been responsible for the manufacturing of some of the world’s most popular vehicles and some of its most iconic music. Detroit is here to stay people. Understand that. JPMorgan Chase has name Detroit “America’s Comeback City” and in the recent years, the city has made some incredible strides towards recovery being just that. Recently 38 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest featured on the Netflix original, “Generation Startup”, Detroit was the highlighted as a home for several small business incentives. It’s not just a home for small businesses as companies like Quicken Loans are thriving. With local colleges like Wayne State University and U of D Mercy, and the incredible University of Michigan just miles away, education is a box checked as well. Regardless of where you find the appeal, there’s a little something for everyone in Detroit. Detroit is in the process of going through gentrification. I know that word is taboo but we are going to call it what it is. The rich and wealthy are coming in and buying up property left and right forcing some of its lifelong residents out as property value increases and property taxes go up with it. While this is happening, people -especially minorities- who can afford the rise in costs should capitalize on this opportunity to buy before the gentrification is complete. The object of the game is to identify a market where that’s on the come up before it comes up and buy. Detroit is the perfect situation for this equation. There are still homes that are abandoned that you can purchase fairly cheap and others that are going or have gone into bankruptcy. Right now, the median home price in Detroit is $151,000. Once the revitalization of the city is complete, you can trust that those values will double at least. I’m willing to bet on it and by bet, I mean purchase as much property as I possibly can.


Houston has been a hot market for some time now so if this isn’t news to you, I’m sorry. Glorified for the delicious BBQ, diversity, and the fact that it’s the birthplace of singer, Beyoncé, Houston remains on the radar. Studies show that Houston has exceeded the national average 39 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest in job growth in the last 5 years which makes this mega-city even more attractive. Unlike Las Vegas, Houston has a long-running history in the athletic department, their baseball team fresh off a World Series win in fact. There are hundreds of more reasons that folks are flocking to Houston but here’s one more. Housing Prices. Victimized by the 2017 disaster, Hurricane Harvey, the city of Houston is rebuilding but while the repairs are underway, it’s a great time to buy. Though sales didn’t suffer as a result of the tragedy and the city still experienced trending growth, the average home price is said to have been reduced from $292,000 to $230,000, a decrease of over twenty percent. That means if ever there was a time to purchase property in the world’s largest city, it’s now. When the city has been completely rehabbed from the Hurricane damage, the likelihood of those prices rising back to where they are is somewhere between high and inevitable.


I will be the first to say that I do not particularly enjoy living in Las Vegas however biases aside, I can’t pretend the housing economy isn’t booming. The best is yet to come. At the current moment, Las Vegas is an extremely transient place. There are few locals remaining and those who move there come and go, with an expected lifespan (of dwelling in the city) at 2-3 years on average. People get in and get out and the local government started looking for a way to change that. Ah. Sports.

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest It is no big secret that the Oakland Raiders will soon be the Las Vegas Raiders but the city has also recently acquired the Las Vegas Golden Knights (hockey), the Aces (women’s basketball), The Las Vegas Lights (soccer) and have started promoted the 51s (baseball team). The new teams are also bringing new stadiums that are scattered throughout the city. While none of them are in the Southwest, there are many people looking to call Vegas home and with an increase of demand comes an increase in value. If you own a home in Las Vegas in 2020, you can consider yourself hot shit. With all eyes on Las Vegas, the hottest place to live in Las Vegas is the Southwest. It is far away enough from the Strip that you can opt-out of the action but close enough that you could get to the life-of-the-party if you so choose. In the Southwest, you have easy access to all the main highways that take your everywhere you’d want to go. The city itself is expanding outward and you will notice that there is a plethora of new build in the Southwest, both in single family homes and apartment complexes. Many people who do not want to engage in the tourism of Las Vegas will also gather in the Southwest. Some of the best of dining include Skinny Fats, Pinches Tacos, and Baguette café just to name a few. There’s plenty of shopping too so whether paper of plastic, be prepared to spend. It’s a family friendly area with several family owned establishments and grants easy access to parks and dog parks and offers the best view of the mountains you’re going to get aside from Red Rock itself. Oh, and there’s an IKEA. Who doesn’t love IKEA?

Did we miss something? Should your city have been listed? Tweet us, let us know, and tell us why your city should make our next real estate hotlist. @TheCDLD

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Highest Paying Fields-2018 From the moment we make the determination of what we want to be when we grow up to the day that we accept the job, for most of us, salary is a huge determining factor. Some of us build our entire collegiate experience around the hopes that upon graduation, we will acquire jobs in the most prosperous fields. If you or someone you know is in the market for a new opportunity or you have loved ones going through the career selection process based on salary, here are the best options currently.

1. Sports Field Annual salary: $2.1Million+ Depending on the sport, professional athletes average between $2.1M and $6.2M per year. It’s no secret that they make more than our doctors, our teachers, our police officers and even our presidents. While there is no educational requirement aside from time served (in school), athletics is one of the most competitive fields in the world. According to an article published by the NCAA, only about 17% of high school athletes will have the opportunity to compete at a collegiate level and regardless of the sport, less than 10% of college athletes will go pro. This means only the best of the best make it, unless there’s a fluke like with Johnny Manziel. Yes, I said it.

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2. Medical Field Annual salary: $269,600+ The medical field always pays more than most others however it is also very much more demanding. The liability is high as you are responsible for administering drugs, making accurate diagnoses and ultimately saving lives. Let’s look at an Anesthesiologist for example. An anesthesiologist is responsible for administering anesthesia and monitoring the patient’s response. He or she is also responsible for managing the patient’s wellbeing during surgery. With all things considered, the medical field is rightfully high on this list. There is also a level of commitment to the job before a candidate is even hired as this position requires 8 years of schooling (undergraduate and medical school) plus a 4-year residency in most states. Power to all the medical field professionals out there!

3. Technology Annual salary: $150,000+ With the technology field producing some of the highest paying jobs in 2018, IT managers, software developers and web developers are reaping the benefits of the technological age we live in. This is likely due to the demand and projected job growth has been over 15% per year consistently, offering people in this field job security like few others. There are over 3 million apps in the Apple App Store alone and every brick and mortar Apple store you step into has a technician there to diagnose and address your Apple product issues. This is a representation of how necessary our tech wizards are, on all levels. To break into this field on an entry-level basis, a Bachelor’s Degree is required.

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4. Marketing Annual salary: $131,180 Billboards, magazine ads, social media campaigns, you name it and someone in marketing is responsible for its placement. Think about it…the folks in marketing are the reason you know the company exists thus the department is directly related to sales and profitability. It’s no wonder marketing executives make so much money. They are truly the pulse of every business. The minimum education requirement for an entry-level marketing position is a Bachelor’s degree however some companies prefer a Master’s Degree and years of experience before you can achieve the Director level and above. Some companies will accept business degrees instead of requiring a marketing degree exclusively but it may be a good idea to have, at the minimum, a concentration in marketing.

5. Banking and Finance Annual salary: $121,750 Are you financially responsible and have the confidence and assertiveness to help others manage their finances responsibly as well? If so, consider a career in the finance industry as a financial planner. Large firms and even athletes and entertainers look to financial planners for the management of their assets. Some are simply looking for advice on how to prepare for retirement, how to allocate business funds and things of the sort while other clients are looking 45 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest for advice on investments. Whatever the job, this field requires a person who is trustworthy, responsible and makes unbiased, realistic decisions. If this sounds like something you would be happy doing, prepare for 4 years in undergrad as a finance major and licensing with the appropriate authority over your field.

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Benefits of Meditation Life can be challenging sometimes and our minds need relaxation the same way our bodies do after so many days of such nerve-wrecking routine. We can get massages and take spa days to relax our muscles and our minds get some of the residual benefit but it is simply not enough. In fact, I can catch myself sometimes thinking about what I need to do after my massage during my massage although it’s quite counterproductive. Meditation is a great

way to put an overworked mind at ease and provide the perfect opportunity for a much needed “reset”. Here are just a few benefits that meditation can offer.

Stress reduction Stress can interfere with the happiness that exists in our lives. We all, at some point, deal with stress and from one experience to the next, the severity of that stress may vary. While there are anti-anxiety and stress relief medications, all drugs have side effects and the overuse can be detrimental to our physical health. Meditation has been regarded by mental health

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest professionals as holistic medicine for the mind for thousands of years and is said to provide the same level of relief with none of the health risks.

Improves concentration If you are suffering from a lack of concentration and/or find yourself experiencing brain fog, that may be an indication that it’s a good time to meditate. The object of meditation, once you’ve had some experience, is to be able to isolate and follow your thoughts rather than just allowing them to run rampant. In fact, several studies facilitated by Neurologists validate that the cognitive function is modified during meditation and the VPMC (part of the brain responsible for wandering thoughts) is more stablei. Therefore, you may find it beneficial to meditate for a couple of moments before school or work each morning to go into the day more clearheaded, focused and alert.

Self-awareness If you’re like most people, you’ve had a moment or two where you have said or done something without fully thinking it through. Whether out of anger or mere nonchalance, unfiltered thoughts and actions can be dangerous to us as well as others. Meditation teaches us to be consistently mindful and gives us the opportunity to virtually “freeze frame” and look at a situation holistically seeing the bigger picture rather than just the moment you’re currently in. This practice can eventually help you achieve more self-control long term and not just when you are in active meditation. Gaining and enhancing your self-awareness is also vital for fighting addictions and stopping bad habits. By being aware of your desires and acknowledging them as negative, you will have the willpower it takes to overcome.

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SURVIVING SUMMER BREAK Children require structure, which isn't programmed in the late spring and early Summer when they leave school for their much-anticipated Summer Break. They’ve been cooped up in classrooms for the last nine months and they’re ready for some adventure. They’re excited but even though they’re out for the Summer, unless you’re an academic faculty member or something of the sort, you aren’t. So how do you handle these three months of your child’s “home-all-the-timeness”? Here’s your survival guide. Step One: Consider keeping a schedule. It doesn’t have to be a repetitive schedule but a schedule nonetheless. Though your children may feel the strong desire to capitalize on the luxury of doing nothing but allowing them to fall into this trap will make the fall back-to-school adjustment much more difficult. Sure, you can start and end the day a little later and have flexibility throughout but the structure will remain. Release the rules (as much as you find appropriate) but remain on course. Keep the Mind Stimulated 51 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest They call it “Brain Drain” when people can’t retain information recently acquired because it isn’t being applied. If you don’t use it, you lose it, right? Educators and experts suggest that it is important to exercise brain muscles more often than we exercise our bodily muscles to keep them intact. Besides, trouble can be a result of the idle mind. To ensure that your child doesn’t experience the learning lag, it is important to keep them not only challenged over the summer, but to keep them engaged using information and skills that are relevant to recent learning. Some parents purchase workbooks from teacher supply stores or download exercises online for their children to work on occasionally throughout the summer. The easiest ones to find online are English and Math. Summer is also an excellent time for taking literary adventures by way of library trips. Other parents may prefer to keep their children sharp with puzzles and games like Sudoku, Scrabble and ABC mouse just to name a few. Keep the Body Stimulated As you know, your child needs exercise every season of the year. Excessive weight gain is only one of many dangers of having that much time idle with no dedication to getting active. It can be difficult in the summer with the heat, depending on where you are geographically, but it must happen. Physical activity doesn’t have to take place outdoors and there are several venues like the YMCA that provide indoor activity. If your child is into sports, this is an obvious way to keep them entertained but for children who aren’t interested in athletics, games like “tag” and even hiking trails are a decent source of exercise. There’s even yoga for kids! Keep Them Socialized 52 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest As a child growing up in Detroit, I attended a Summer Camp called Adams Butzel Day Camp where we actually checked off a lot of the suggestions on this list. We went on educational field trips, competed in sports competitions, did daily exercise and got to hang out with friends all at the same time. There was always something to do. If your city has summer camps like this one, it may be an excellent way to not only keep your child busy, entertained and stimulated, but to keep





communication skills are like all other skills; the less you use them, the rustier you’ll be so exercising them is always encouraged. Full time summer camps can be expensive but in my opinion, worth every dime. There are also a plethora of part time summer programs you may be able to get your child into and if hosted by a non-profit organization, attendance should be free.If you aren’t interested or can’t afford summer camps for your children, it is still important to afford the opportunity for your child to get some social interaction. Whether that requires you to host sleepovers and slumber parties , allowing them to just “hang out” with their friends or get your child involved in church,









development. One idea is to partner with other parents to take “shifts” or days where you will all take turns hosting the children’s get-togethers. Allow for Relaxation and Rejuvenation 53 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest It’s easy to be tempted to over-schedule and/or allow your children to make their own schedule but this time off is ultimately intended for your children to recharge their batteries. Studies prove that children who do not rest over the summer will be fatigued and lethargic throughout the beginning of the school year and may have their grades and extracurricular involvement suffer. Do not do this injustice to your children. Give them a bed time, even if it’s a bit later than normal and ensure that they take downtime between activity days. Don’t Forget the Quality Time One benefit of summer break, aside from relaxation and the fun of leisure activities, is the quality time you have to spend with your child. Don’t let the entire summer pass you by without establishing some intimate time with your family. The activities are wonderful but this is an opportunity to really talk to your child and continue to get to know them as they grow. Children are everchanging. Though you are probably the best parent in the world, your child is subject to the influence of those around them in









uninterrupted time to talk to them about


things will give you the ability to know what


up against as a parent. In a time when

bullying is

such a big problem, the summer may be


perfect time to educate your children on


bullying is wrong and the impact it could

have on

others. This is a habit that should also be practiced throughout the year. Reserve Some You Time Whether you’re a member of a two-parent household or are a single mother, father, or guardian, you will need to find time for you. Sanity and survival are all about equilibrium. If 54 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest you’re not able to find balance between your children’s wants, needs and activities, your work and your personal life, you run the risk of having a summer that causes anxiety. This is counterproductive to the purpose for the existence of summer break. No matter how busy the summer gets, don’t allow yourself to get so busy that you don’t treat yourself at least once a month, if not more. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on this personal time and could simply attend a happy hour, get a massage or hide away at a coffee shop or a bookstore and get lost in your favorite book (or copy of The CDLD). In whatever you decide to do, be certain to unplug from the chaos of your everyday routine. That means not picking up your phone, tablet or laptop between pages of your book to find out what time the waterpark opens on the weekends. Be completely removed. See last month’s issue for some additional balance achieving ideas. Additional Tips and Tricks Again, though your children may have all the free time in the world, this may not necessarily be the case for you so you want to get ahead of the weeks rather than allowing them to get ahead of you. Use Saturday or Sunday to set aside for the chores for the week. Laundry is an example of a chore that will become more and more demanding during the summer months. Try snack prepping (and perhaps even meal prepping) on your chore day. Buy things like juice boxes, cheese or peanut butter and crackers and chips in bulk and package them together in a ziplock, storing a week’s worth in the fridge. This will make it easy for your children to grab a snack pack with 55 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest no through-the-week effort from you. This will also keep your kitchen areas clean as there is little-to-no need for snack prep throughout the day. Lastly, create a scrapbook at the end of the summer with all the fun things you’ve done. Keep ticket stubs, receipts, wristbands, postcards and take plenty of photos. The assembly of the scrapbook in itself is an activity idea that will tie your entire summer together. Do this every month and keep them on a bookshelf as a collection. This way you can see how they have changed from year to year. Happy Summer!


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5 IDEAS FOR DATE NIGHT AT HOME As adults, it gets difficult to find time for things we enjoy. In fact, many married couples say when they have children, sex and romance are the first things to go. This doesn’t have to be the case. I mean, romance is essential to the survival of relationships so it is important to make time whenever and however you can. Whether you have children and don’t have a sitter or your simply don’t want to be bothered with the hustle and bustle of leaving the house, there are several date ideas that can be accomplished in the comfort of your own home. Here are a few. 1. Dinner and a MovieThis is an obvious one. Many people’s idea of dinner and a movie is Olive Garden and the local AMC but the same experience can be achieved at home. You may not be able to catch the newest releases but between Netflix, Hulu, Redbox, Amazon Video and YouTube Red, you have plenty to choose from. Want to get fancy for dinner? Do a Tapas style appetizer testing, created custom for your experience by Chef You. Dim the lights, light some candles and garnish the table with red roses and you’ve added the romantic feel of most restaurants. This date night idea can double as a Family Night. 2. Cooking LessonsWhether you consider yourself a culinary genius or not, it can always be romantic to take cooking lessons with your partner. You may learn some techniques or possibly just learn a new recipe but it’s more about the experience than anything. Most people will hire a personal chef to come in and host but for those who have less of a budget for date night, you can even choose a tutorial on

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest YouTube and commit to cooking together. Crack open a bottle of wine, cook, reminisce and enjoy.

3. Movie MarathonLike option one, this fun date night idea is one lovers of the cinema will enjoy. I can remember as a child, being allowed to go to Blockbuster Video a couple times per month and pick out five movies and as many snacks as I could buy for $10. You’ve done this too, right? Although Blockbuster is no longer around, the concept still exists. Make a list of your favorite movies and have your mate do the same. If you have classic favorites, you may have to do some digging to find them but there is nearly nothing you can’t find online. Grab your favorite snacks and prepare for a nostalgic night in.

4. Fashion ShowWhat I love about this idea is that it is as functional as it is fun. If it’s been a while since you’ve wore that red dress or you’re just curious as to what still fits, an in-home fashion show may be a great idea! Make a pile of clothing you haven’t seen in a while and cue the music as you rock the runway for your spouse. When your pile has been depleted, your partner should do the same. Feeling spicy? You can do the same thing with your partners favorite pieces of lingerie. When the smoke clears and the show is over, you can put all the items you don’t like, won’t wear again or can’t fit in a bag (aside 59 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest from undergarments) and donate it to the Goodwill. Not only will this be entertaining but you’ll get some Spring cleaning done and do a good deed. 5. Painting PartyThis is my favorite idea from the list because I did it with my partner and it was a blast. We couldn’t really find a painting experience that worked for us timewise and the dates and times that did work were associated with paintings I wasn’t interested in so I brought ‘Painting with a Twist’ to my living room. You can find the canvases, paint and easels cheap and order stencils of whatever you would like to paint online or at your local craft store. Uncork your favorite Riesling and you’ve got a drunken paint party at home. If you try any these ideas or would like to contribute your own, tweet us and let us know! Your story, photos or ideas might make it into the next issue. @TheCDLD.

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HOROSCOPES CAPRICON Dec 22 - Jan 21 Strengths: Disciplined, Patient and Organized. Challenges: Shyness, Depression and Stiffness. See influential individuals, pursue business, attend to duties. Home, family and psychological issues are going to be clarified as the month progresses. Overall health is good, however, rest and relax more. This is often a time to take care of family and domestic obligations and to slow down on the career front. Enhance intelligence and avoid arguments.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 Strengths: Humanitarian, Logical, Open-minded. Challenges: Carelessness, Confused, Extremism. It may be tough to synchronize as your spread reveals a slower schedule. Pour out a stream of consciousness on your journal pages. Read about ceremonies and rituals totally different from your own and be open minded and understand. Leave relationships that don’t pour into you this month. Love is active but more unstable than it's ever been. 62 | P a g e

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PICES Feb 20 - Mar 20 Strengths: Spiritual, Idealistic. Challenges: Distraction, Self-deceit. June is an excellent time to pursue interests that you have been ignoring for some time. Take some time to truly dive into who you want to be rather than who everyone else wants you to be. You’ve been under the influence of expectations for too long. Break free, follow your heart and chase your dreams.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 Strengths: Intelligent, Assertive, Courageous. Challenges: Trouble with sharing, Too much ego, Malevolence. Love remains complicated this month. An existing relationship continues to be under siege as you’re juggling two relationships, which might be nervewrecking. A friend or colleague is at odds with your beloved, however, once things get good, they be excellent. Things will be even better on the financial front than they have been.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest Strengths: Hard working, Truthful, Courageous. Challenges: Intractableness, Short seeing, Bullying tendencies. Guard your heart. This month, you will attract the attention of someone who you hadn’t formerly thought you ever could but you are encouraged to be skeptical of new acquaintances and fully evaluate their motives before allowing them close to you. This is not to say that you should expect all encounters to be ingenuine however you should remain vigilant.

GEMINI May 22 - Jun 21 Strengths: Humorous, Smart, Versatile. Challenges: Superficiality, Indecisiveness, Lack of commitment. Happy Birthday Month Gemini! This month, you will be celebrated; not just because of your special day, but people will come around to realizing your true value and will treat you accordingly this month. Be mindful of those who have previously been unkind who take a special liking to you this month Gemini. They could see all the recognition you’re receiving and want a piece of the pie. After all, who doesn’t want to bet on a winning horse?

CANCER Jun 22 - Jul 23 Strengths: Spontaneous, Nurturing, Maternal. Challenges: Authoritarianism, Emotional, Manipulative Streak. Happy Birthday Month Cancer! Ever thought of a career in arts and music? it is the best month to begin. You will find a peak in creativity this month that you have never seen before. Capitalize on it. Enhance your imagination and avoid laziness. You'll understand one thing that has dogged you for quite long. Open your mind and heart to new potential. 64 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest This can be a wonderful time to work with the professionals and realize something that may challenge your heart and mind.

LEO Jul 24 - Aug 23 Strengths: Brave, Honest, Confident. Challenges: Egotism, Stinginess, Bossy streak. If you aren’t careful, your ego will cause you to miss out on an opportunity this month Leo. You need to humble yourself in all aspects of your affairs and be open-minded to differing opinions. You will receive an introduction to someone you already know this month from a friend who sees a reason to connect you to this person. Rather than writing this person off as a person you haven’t pursued for a reason, look for the reason your loved one thought you should.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 Strengths: Precise, Organized, Efficient. Challenges: Nervousness, Sarcasm, Over-criticality.

You’ve been holding on to information for some time that means more to the person you’re withholding from than it does to you however, you’re abusing your position for power. Your greed for control will backfire this month Virgo, if you don’t find some humility. The person you’re hiding the truth from will stumble upon another avenue to the truth, ultimately deeming you worthless in the situation and overall untrustworthy. Speak up before you burn a bridge you can’t rebuild.

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 Strengths: Diplomatic, charming, aesthetic. Challenges: Indecision, narcissism, superficiality. Many positive things are happening financially in June. You are seeking assistance and will find it this month if you humble yourself enough to ask and are honest about the situation you are in. The narcissistic side of you will lead you to believe you have it all figured out but why keep practicing what hasn’t been working? Someone who admires you will be happy to help you with a struggle of yours but do not take advantage of this person’s kindness. Have and show your gratitude.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 Strengths: focused, emotionally strong, insightful. Challenges: Jealousy, malevolence, narcissism. You have recently lost a partner and have spent a lot of time trying to understand where they found the audacity to leave you. The problem is, while you have devoted much more time than it’s worth to reflecting, this person has moved on. This has made you incredibly upset though you won’t admit it. It’s time for you to let go and follow suit as someone better will be making an entrance into your life very shortly.

SAGITTARIUS Nov 23 - Dec 21 Strengths: Intelligent, forthright, adventurous.

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest Challenges: Trouble with sharing, lack of tactfulness, restlessness. Be still Sagittarius and listen for direction. In the months leading up to June, you have been a nervous wreck about something you want to happen in your life but if you continue to push and push you will only drive yourself crazy. Give in to the idea of destiny and understand that whatever will be, will be. Consider meditation as it may give you the clarity you so desperately seek.

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Meet Caribbean!

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest “My name is Caribbean, socially know on Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook as @DCaribbeanWay. I am a 25-year-old Haitian American model who has many of hidden talents. I reside in Las Vegas and attend college in which I major in business. I plan to be my own boss within the event coordinating industry, so I am in search for a mentor within that industry. I’ve began modeling since 2005. As my dream of becoming a singer died down, I found modeling had assisted me in staying in touch with my feminine side considering I was an athlete and had tomboy ways. In the beginning I struggled with runway due to me being left handed, initially I got in the grove of things and through more schooling, fashion shows, and photoshoots, I became the model you know today as Caribbean. It was hard staying consistent through all the scammers and the fraudulent but through it all I gain knowledge and understanding. My mother is from the island of Haiti and in Haiti we say “L’Union fait la force” which translates to “unity creates force.” I’ve been blessed to unite with people who are as passionate as me in this Industry and It has allowed me to continue to push forward. I’m blessed to have continued this journey and I’m excited for the future. If you’d like to work with me the best way to reach me is through Instagram @DCaribbeanWay or email”

Photos By:

Maximus Reid Photojournalist with the National Rock Review & Metal Wani Magazine Touring Music Photographer Based out of Detroit, MI 519-990-5016 Always available to photo and event or festival as well.

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest



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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest MEET BVLGARI “To have talent and not take every opportunity possible to show the world can be a blessing or mistake. For me, it has been a blessing. Being able to grow up listening to some of the greats such as Nas, CNN, Mob Deep, Biggie, and Raekwon, while witnessing the way hip hop evolved over the years, set the foundation for me to be able to create music on various levels. I started out writing in the 90’s when you could record a track using your boombox and a cassette tape. Back then, I was writing and making music as a hobby. Never did I image this is where music where would have led me. In 2015, I began focusing on my craft and it led me to the production side of music. I developed a passion for producing and taught myself how to use Logic, Fruity Loops, Reason, and Pro Tools. I write, produce, and mix & master. Having made music for a short amount of time, I believe I have come a long way. The passion I’ve had and the energy I’ve put into the art has been a blessing. Music seems to be my calling and I have realized long ago that maybe ‘m not meant to be an artist, maybe it is meant for me to help develop the artist. I encourage anyone who wants to do music to go for it. I learned from others’ mistakes and learned to never limit myself or others. Recently relocating to the west coast and seeing the difference in styles and art, I can’t wait to get to work! For production please email me at I have a quick turnaround...I am also happy to accept challenges...stay blessed and follow your dreams...Add me on Twitter@therealbvlgari, and I.G.@Mr_NoYuNot FB @Bvlgari Gotbeatz”

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

On a day no different from any other, all across the world, every single person stopped what they were doing and walked to the streets to kneel. They were in the presence of GOD. He spoke of how none amongst us had it correct, and how a rapture wasn't needed, as we did a good enough job of killing ourselves. He ended by saying that what he despised the most was a liar. GOD spoke of how he was closing the door to heaven and hell and leaving this world behind, anyone who lies will be erased from existence .

-COMING SOON74 | P a g e

June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest


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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

SPREAD LOVE Never be cruel. Never be mean. What does doing so honestly do for you? You might feel better in the moment. Does that moment impact your ENTIRE life? Sorry, sweetie. It doesn't. You do not know what they are going through. And vice versa. What you are doing is called misplaced anger, honey. Is it worth holding on to? How does being harsh help you proposer? It doesn't. And let's hope you don't believe in karma because it is coming back at you. You may have also ruined someone's day. They are human. Were they were having a bad day? Running late? Fired? Sickness? Had an argument with someone important to them? And the worse; a death of a loved one. To play it safe and maturely, just be kind. There is already enough negativity in the world. -Jessica Franklin

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest The Minority Resource Foundation is a Pi Kappa Psi Sorority initiative, created to assist members of minority groups in overcoming cultural, societal, and inherited disadvantages and to provide resources that are not otherwise readily available; to bridge the gap of opportunity for the disenfranchised and to act as an equalizer, granting a leveled playing field future success, survival and excellence. To Donate, please visit: Proposed Solutions: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Housing Assistance Downpayment Assistance (1st Time Homeowner) Credit Rehab Citizenship Assistance Home Repair Assistance Work Study (Temporary Gigs/Jobs) Mental Health Care Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Transportation Self Defense Training Scholarships and Application Fee Vouchers Grants for Business and Project Assistance Legal Counsel (Criminal/Civil/Family) Education in Trade Discount Health Insurance Job & Career Placement through Employer Partnerships Adult Literacy

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Dormitory Housing & Refugee Shelter (LGBTQ, Victims of Domestic Violence, etc) Child Care Life Insurance Funeral Assistance Clothing Vouchers Aftercare: Previously enlisted and/or incarcerated Business Investments Personal Loans Disability Assistance Financial Literacy Education Expense Assistance IDENTITY program for youth RYP (Realizing Your Potential) Program for youth BYBB (Building Young Black Billionaires) Business Competition English Language Learners Program Gang resistance training for youth and More.

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

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June 2018 | The Ceci Denise Lifestyle Digest

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