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It’s Time to Do Something for Yourself: Overbooked Women’s Book & Author Series
By Debby Block
We are all overextended and overbooked! Before COVID-19, women’s roles were diverse and frequently taxing, but during the pandemic, women assume an even more broad-ranging scope of duties. At the Center for Jewish Education (CJE), we believe that now, more than ever, women need to take time to feed their intellect and their souls. To meet this need, the CJE created the monthly book and author series aptly called “Overbooked: Strong Women, Extraordinary Circumstances.” This series highlights Jewish women authors and the bold stories they tell.
To date, the series has featured two amazing authors: Bess Kalb and Tiffany Shlain.
Bess Kalb, Emmy-winning writer for the Jimmy Kimmel Show, wowed us with her warmth and conversational rapport with our audiences. In her debut book, “Nobody Will Tell You This but Me,” Kalb tells us her family history, as told by her grandmother, Bobby Bell, and paints a beautiful portrait of love between a grandmother and granddaughter. We were excited to learn that Kalb’s book is now being made into a movie, with Kalb as the screenwriter.
February’s featured author was Tiffany Shlain who shared her philosophy about technology as outlined in her book “24/6: The Power of Unplugging.” Shlain showed us how to bring the time-honored tradition of Shabbat into our modern-day lives by unplugging from technology one day a week.
This month, Overbooked is featuring Anna Solomon and “The Book of V.” A modern retelling of the story of Queen Esther and the long-forgotten Vashti, this book intertwines the stories, identities, and powerlessness of three women: concubine Esther, a modern-day mother, and a 1970s senator’s wife. It is a fascinating look at women through the ages. The author talk will take place Wednesday, March 3 at 8 p.m.
Don’t miss our upcoming Overbooked programs! Our future programs include: April 21 “Donna Has Left the Building” by Susan Gilman. Former wild-girl, Donna’s life comes tumbling down at the age of 45. As Donna sets off in search of reclaiming her former youth, she unexpectedly finds a spiritual awakening through tikkun olam (repairing the world). The novel is irresistible, funny, smart, and surprisingly powerful. May 12 “The Boys Club” by Erica Katz (soon to become a Netflix movie). How does a young female lawyer survive professionally in the boys club? This novel offers readers an inside look into the male-centered world of a prestigious New York law firm while simultaneously providing a deliciously compelling fictional narrative. June 2 “What We Will Become: A Mother, a Son, and a Journey of Transformation” by Mimi LeMay. What would happen if you found that your child was different? What if you had to
risk everything to advocate for your child? This memoir tells the true story of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish mother who supports and advocates for her young transgender child. A story brimming with love and courage. Book Lovers’ Care Package As a value-add to enhance these stimulating book talks, women can purchase a specially curated “Book Lover’s Care Package” ($20). Each package includes a few surprises relating to the book’s theme (including a signature cocktail mix!) along with a signed copy of the book and a thought-provoking reader’s guide. Supplies are limited, so make sure you reserve yours in advance by registering online at www.jewishcharlotte.org.

“Donna Has Left the Building”
From the beloved New York Times bestselling author of “Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress” comes a hilarious, timely, and big-hearted novel about rebuilding life in the face of disaster.
Forty-five-year-old Donna Koczynski is an ex-punk rocker, a recovering alcoholic, and the mother of two teenagers whose suburban existence detonates when she comes home early from a sales conference in Las Vegas to the surprise of a lifetime. As her world implodes, she sets off on an epic road trip to reclaim everything she believes she's sacrificed since her wild youth: great friendship, passionate love, and her art. But as she careens across the U.S. from Detroit to New York to Memphis to Nashville, nothing turns out as she imagines. Ultimately, she finds herself resurrected on the other side of the globe, on a remote island embroiled in a crisis far bigger than her own.
Irresistibly funny, whip-smart, and surprisingly moving, “Donna Has Left the Building” spins an unforgettable tale about what it means to be brave — and to truly love — in a tumultuous world.