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Save the Dates: W.O.W March and April Events
Charlotte Jewish News March 2021
By Sara Oppenheim
January was a fun month with two activities from Charlotte Women of Wisdom (W.O.W.). First, we hosted a movie night and discussion of the film “Fill the Void.” Many women watched the movie on Amazon Prime to take part in the discussion. The film is a drama about Shira, an 18-year-old in Tel Aviv whose sister dies in childbirth, and Yochai, her late sister’s husband. Events occur that create an opening for Shira and Yochai to look at their relationship and both of their feelings toward Shira’s nephew, Yochai’s son. Shira is pressed by her family to marry Yochai, but the rabbi refuses to marry them. Even though you missed our discussion, watch the video for more details — it’s a good one!
Later in January, W.O.W. prepared for Tu B’Shvat by hosting a Scones and Tea Party, featuring Londonite Ilana Levin. Lady Ilana, as we call her, took us on a history trip of tea, beginning with Chinese and Indian origins through the English addition of sheep dung for color (in the 1700s — no need to worry about that addition anymore)! Participants now know the proper (read: English) way to brew and drink tea. One of the many great ideas I learned from Ilana was to place warmed water in the teacup prior to brewing, which makes the cup warm and ready to hold the proper temperature for the tea! We all munched on honey cherry scones with our PG Tips tea and delighted in Lady Ilana’s reading of the tea party from “Alice in Wonderland.” Ilana is an expert storyteller, so look for another event featuring her teaching us about expert storytelling later this year.
W.O.W.’s Purim event and fundraiser on February 21 was the Laughter Games Workshop with video coach Debbie Hirsch of Israel. For an hour, we joined the Fun Club and learned to live with more fun and positive energy in our lives!
March is going to be another blockbuster month with our Pesach Event and Book Club.
On March 14 at 7:30 p.m., join W.O.W. for an interactive pre-Passover event: Pesach Recipe Tips and Tricks Exchange. Do you have a family recipe that is the bomb? What is your most delicious Passover family memory or Passover family tradition? What are your tips and tricks for good substitutions and best methods for baking your delicious Passover cookies and cakes? Do you have a Seder brisket recipe? Connect to Passover foods with us and share your stories!
Email us at WOW@CharlotteTorahCenter.com, and then share at the March 14 event! You’ll take away new tips, recipes, and ideas to make your Pesach even more delicious!
On Tuesday evening, March 30, we look forward to your joining us for our Book Club meeting on “Here All Along: Finding Meaning, Spirituality and a Deeper Connection to Life — In Judaism,” by Sarah Hurwitz. Ms. Hurwitz is a political speechwriter and attorney who began her Jewish inquiry in earnest at 36 years old. Her book is one way in which she shares her insights in an engaging, upbeat way.
Save April 18 at 7:30 for a Challah Shapes experience! Make your own recipe, make ours, or buy challah dough in advance and learn how to shape your challah into different forms, from a Shlissel challah, Torah scroll, animals, and even napkin rings!
Please go to W.O.W.’s website at https://charlottewomenofwisdom.com/ for more information about W.O.W. and about our events. W.O.W. is a nondenominational group for Jewish women to engage, learn, and connect. No synagogue affiliation is necessary. We have more fun, enlightening, educational, interesting events in the works for 2021 and look forward to your participation!