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North Carolina Hillel
Federation Impact: Beneficiary Agency Spotlight
As a means of bettering our greater Charlotte Jewish community, Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte allocates donation funds to local Jewish organizations who embody Jewish values and overall better our community. In recognition of their work, we at Federation wish to bring attention to these organizations and the good that they do.
With eight campuses across North Carolina, NC Hillel plays a vital role in supporting Jewish young adults throughout their college years and beyond. It provides a welcoming and inclusive environment where Jewish students from diverse backgrounds can form lasting friendships and explore their Jewish identity. Through a variety of programs and events, NC Hillel encourages students to engage deeply with their heritage, develop meaningful connections, and become active, thoughtful members of both the Jewish and broader communities — missions shared with Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte.
As college campuses increasingly become centers for protests and heightened tensions, NC Hillel has increased efforts to combat antisemitism, becoming a crucial resource for Jewish students facing these challenges. NC Hillel and Federation work together extensively to address antisemitism on college campuses, keeping in constant contact with university administrators and local security to ensure the needs of Jewish students are being met. This partnership not only provides immediate support and safety measures but also fosters a proactive approach in creating a campus environment where Jewish students can thrive without fear of discrimination or hostility.
Amidst tense atmospheres, NC Hillel Executive Director Hannah Spinrad is dedicated to continuing a focus on creating and maintaining Jewish safe spaces where students can gather and participate in exciting events like Shabbaton, Passover celebrations, and attending Hillel International’s Israel Summit in Atlanta. “Being Jewish is a gift,” she affirms, highlighting the im portance of embracing what she terms “Jewish joy” in our current landscape. Through programs, events, and advocacy, NC Hillel em powers students to live their best Jewish life, stand up against antisemitism, and be proud of their identities. Their efforts ensure that Jewish students have a supportive network and the resources necessary to navigate the complexities of college life while maintaining their Jewish identity and values. In these uncertain times NC Hillel and the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte stand united, ensuring that Jewish students can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.