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Join Temple Koi Ami for Religious School Open House
August 2024
By Shari Baum
It has been a hot summer, but it's about to get even hotter at Temple Kol Ami (TKA) of Fort Mill, South Carolina. Our amazing religious school teachers have been planning a new curriculum and are excited to welcome back our awesome students! We are looking forward to reuniting with returning kids as well as seeing new faces for another year of wonderful Jewish education and friendships. We will kick the year off with our annual Pancake Breakfast on Aug. 25 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Walnut Grove Christian School, 1036 Maxwell Mill Road, Fort Mill. Everyone is welcome to tour the school, meet the fantastic staff, and ask any questions you may have. Come find out why Sundays are Fun Days at TKA Religious School!
Is your child ready for Hebrew school? No matter where they are on their path of Jewish learning, we can accommodate their needs and get them up to speed. Our religious school meets three Sundays per month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Walnut Grove Christian School in Fort Mill, convenient to the York County/Ballantyne/South Charlotte area. We can accommodate Torah Tots through b'nei mitzvah. Please check our website at www.templekolamisc.org or contact us at tka.religiousschool@gmail.com for more information. It has never been more important than now to give your child a Jewish education and a Jewish community to feel a part of.
After a long summer break, Temple Kol Ami will also be starting our Friday night Shabbat services again on Aug. 23 at 7 p.m. We are excited to welcome Cantor Mary Thomas on a more regular basis in the coming year to lead us in Kabbalat Shabbat services (please see our calendar on the website for dates she will be with us). Cantor Thomas will also be joining Rabbi Bruce Aft to lead High Holiday services in October. Attendance at TKA High Holiday services is free for temple members and available to the general public for a fee of $150 (inclusive of all services and break fast). Contact us for more information. We can't wait to hear Cantor Thomas' beautiful voice as she chants the Kol Nidre.
If you live in the greater York County or the Ballantyne area, Temple Kol Ami might be the place for you! We are a warm and inclusive Reform congregation comprising Jews from diverse backgrounds. There are so many wonderful advantages to being a member of TKA, not the least of which is being a part of the revitalization of the Jewish community in this area! We hope you will come play and pray with us sometime soon!