2 minute read
Sex Education: A Sacred Responsibility
February 2024
By Rachel Glazer
Jewish traditions and teachings, rich in wisdom, debates, and guideposts, encompass every aspect of the human experience. Yes — even sex. Being a teen in 2024 poses many challenges, some of which are unique to this moment in time, while others are as old as the Jewish tradition itself.
Temple Beth El (TBE) is excited to present two sex education opportunities for our community’s Jewish youth this year. The first is the 6th-grade STAR program, standing for Sex, Torah, And Relationships. Initiated in 2004 with insights from Jewish educators, clergy, medical professionals, social workers, and teachers, STAR aims to assist kids in coping with their changing bodies and environments. It also seeks to foster dialogue between parents and children, affirming that while parents are primary sex educators, the synagogue community provides a supportive and safe space for discussing relationships and emerging sexuality.
This summer, TBE’s rabbinic intern, Ally Karpel, collaborated with Rabbi Lexi Erdheim to update the high school STAR curriculum. The revamped program, “Chai Intimacy: Unleashing Jewish Wisdom on Sex and Relationships,” addresses contemporary teen challenges. It opens conversations about consent, sexual health, gender identity, sexual orientation, and more. During Hebrew High's second trimester, teens will explore how Jewish values inform decision-making around sex, relationships, and intimacy. Chai Intimacy will be taught by Rachel Glazer, TBE’s assistant director of youth education and engagement, and Dr. Laura Sinai, a board-certifi ed pediatrician, with clergy presence from Rabbi Asher Knight.
These programs are unique in their comprehensive approach, combining scientifically informed sex education with Jewish learning in a positive, affirming, and open manner. We are proud to offer such high-quality programs to our community’s youth, empowering them with knowledge and wisdom.
To learn more about STAR, visit templebethel.org.