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JFS Experiences Record Demand for Services
March 2024
By Julie Loftis, JFS Marketing Specialist
Over the years, Jewish Family Services (JFS) has led the response to our community's growing needs. In times of crisis, such as the pandemic, social unrest, and the recent Israel-Hamas war, JFS has become the emotional support system our community relies on to navigate stress, fears, and anxiety. Global issues like political discord, the economy, wars in Israel and Ukraine, community violence, and immigration have made it seem as if our society is in a constant state of crisis, impacting our day-today life management.
At JFS, we're directly experiencing this impact. In 2023, demand for services exceeded any previous time in our more than 40-year history across every service area. Consider the following 2023 data points:
- JFS provided 2,685 therapy sessions, a 77% increase over 2022.
- The JFS Food Pantry doubled the number of pantry recipients.
- Case management services for members of the Jewish community in financial crisis tripled.
- Close to $10,000 was distributed in rent assistance to Jewish seniors, preventing eviction and homelessness.
- Overall, JFS provided almost 5,500 touches to our community through participation in our programs and services, almost a 50% increase from 2022.
So, why the high spike in demand for services? Certainly, the global issues described above are significant causal factors. However, locally, two major factors influencing the increase in needed services are the growth in the number of people moving to the greater Charlotte area and the increase in the cost of living. The recommended living wage for a single adult to cover basic expenses in Charlotte is $37,851 or $3,154/month.For our seniors living on Social Security, their average monthly income in North Carolina is $1,790. For a family of four, the recommended living wage is $82,500. The median income in Charlotte is $68,367. The math is clear. Is it any wonder there's such an increase in the need for food pantry or financial support services?
Nationally, we're in a mental health crisis. The data doesn't lie. Youth suicides are up, and a 2023 report on mental health from the White House reported that two out of every five adults have reported symptoms of anxiety or depression. It's clear why, for the first time, JFS had a waitlist for therapy services in 2023.
One additional factor impacting the demand for services at JFS is the quality of care and treatment our clients receive.
Driven by data, JFS outcomes demonstrate our clients are achieving their goals. Client satisfaction surveys reflect that over 90% of clients are satisfied with JFS services. Anecdotally, JFS continuously receives accolades from clients on how JFS has made a difference in their lives.
According to Howard Olshansky, JFS’ executive director, “Over the past two years, JFS has put a great deal of effort into providing opportunities for our staff to develop their skills and grow their competencies to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Today, our therapists are credentialed in multiple, evidence-based interventions, including child and adult trauma, and our case managers have the experience and resource knowledge to connect our clients to the services they need. Most significantly, each and every staff member at JFS is committed to ensuring that JFS provides a caring and welcoming environment, along with the skill set to meet our client’s needs.”
Howard’s response was immediate when I asked how JFS managed the increase in services: "Only through the support of our community and the dedication of our staff and board. This year we were able to increase our staffing to bring down the waitlist for therapy and navigate the increase in case management services. Support from our donors, Federation, and grants have enabled JFS to continue to grow with the demand." Howard also recognized the importance of JFS’ volunteers and community partners in sustaining JFS’ impact in our community.
When asked about the future, Howard said, "Whether you see it as good or bad, one thing is clear: the need for our services is not going away, and they are not slowing down. Every day we receive requests for services, therapy, food pantry, and case management. And our seniors are continuously wanting more engagement. In December, we had a record number of 155 seniors at our annual Chanukah celebration. And, believe it or not, due to people relocating to Charlotte and the diligence of our staff, the number of Holocaust survivors involved with JFS has actually increased. As part of our strategic plan, we are strategizing on how we will continue to respond to those growing needs. Post-Covid, we are in a changed cultural environment. For example, we are learning how to use technology to improve efficiencies while at the same time not compromising the importance of personal connection. What I can tell you is JFS has been the source of support for those in need in our community, and we will continue to be in the future."
If you are in need of support or services, contact JFS at (704) 364-6594 or email info@jfscharlotte.org.