1 minute read
Staying the Course
Charlotte Jewish News May 2021
By Terri Beattie
As of April 1, 23.5% of the North Carolina population were fully vaccinated, and 36.5% were partially vaccinated. In Mecklenburg County, the home of Shalom Park, 207,887 individuals, or 12.2%, have been fully vaccinated. As of April 7, all North Carolinian adults were eligible to be vaccinated.
Most of us have gone a year or more without seeing friends and enjoying the social interactions we were accustomed to pre-pandemic. And we are getting so close to being able to return to enjoying those relationships and activities — but we’re not there yet, and we need to stay the course. That is what we’re doing at the Foundation of Shalom Park — staying the course.
Shalom Park continues to implement health measures to minimize the spread of infection until the North Carolina governor, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, and the Centers for Disease Control indicate that it is safe to abandon these measures.
In April 2020, the Foundation of Shalom Park convened a COVID-19 Medical Advisory Panel to advise on Shalom Park health measures. Its guidance and recommendations will be critical to implementing steps to a full reopening of Shalom Park facilities.
Recently the Foundation of Shalom Park relaxed its COVID-19 exposure policy, allowing those who have been exposed to COVID-19 but are fully vaccinated and can provide proof of their vaccination status and who are asymptomatic to enter Shalom Park facilities without a quarantine period.
Though our state health officials and Shalom Park medical advisers continue to monitor the presence of COVID-19 and its more contagious variants in North Carolina, we will continue to practice safety precautions, including the Three Ws: wear a mask, wait six feet apart, and wash hands often. So get your spot and take your shot so we can all get back to the dynamic and event-filled Shalom Park we all love.
The Foundation of Shalom Park is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency that owns and manages the properties and facilities for most of the organizations that are located on the central campus of Shalom Park. Foundation of Shalom Park Medical Advisors
Dr. Esther Chipps Dr. Lisa Davidson Dr. Derek Raghavan Dr. Steve Teich Dr. David Weinrib Dr. Ross Udoff