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Lox-in-a-Box and Tie Dye with Hadassah
Charlotte Jewish News May 2021
By Aileen Greenberg-Kriner
Shavout (or Shavuos as my family says it) begins the evening of Sunday, May 16 and ends at sundown on May 18. Shavuot is one of the three Jewish harvest festivals, along with Passover and Sukkot. On Shavuot we also commemorate G-d giving the Ten Commandments to Moses on Mount Sinai. We traditionally eat dairy foods on Shavuot. One reason is derived from the Torah, which says Jews eat dairy to symbolize Israel as the Land of Milk and Honey.
I remember as a little girl going to my grandparents’ house before Shavuos to help my great-grandmother make cheese blintzes. I wish I knew her recipe, but I do have my mom’s recipe for dairy kugel, which we also ate on Shavuos, and was passed down from my great-grandmother.
Mom’s Dairy Kugel
Mix together in a large bowl: 1 lb. medium noodles, cooked and drained ¼ lb. butter, melted 1 pint sour cream 1 lb. cottage cheese 4 eggs (beaten) ¾ cup sugar Pinch of salt
Put in a 9” x 13” ungreased pan.
Beat together 2 eggs and 2 cups of milk. Pour over top.
To make the topping: Combine crushed corn flakes (2 cups) with cinnamon (~2 tsp.). Sprinkle over top of casserole.
Bake at 375º for one hour.Enjoy!
Mother’s Day
Speaking of moms and grandmoms, Mother’s Day is coming. Celebrate yourself, your mom, daughter, friend, or anyone else you love with a Lox Box. For $18 per person, you will receive a hand-delivered box of deliciousness on Mother’s Day morning, May 9. Enjoy lox, choice of bagel, cream cheese, kugel, rugelach, and more for your Mother’s Day brunch. Order by Monday, May 3 at hadassahcltevents.org. Questions? Contact Roz at rcooper133@aol. com.
Mai Tai Tie-Dye
Then plan for a colorful afternoon outside with our Mai Tai Tie-Dye event on Sunday, June 13. Enjoy fruity drinks and express your creativity. Bring a clean, white item to tie-dye. Maybe a nice t-shirt for a Father’s
Day gift? Location shared after you RSVP. Contact Roz at rcooper133@aol.com with questions.
Happy Hour Meet & Greet
Mark your calendar for our Happy Hour Meet & Greet membership event on May 20, from 7-8 p. m. This free event is open to both prospective and current Hadassah members. Bring your drink of choice and join us on Zoom as we have a great time getting to know one another while hearing about future Hadassah events. RSVP to Karen Hauser, VP of Membership Development, by May 17 at karenleslie2603@gmail.com. See you there!
No-Show Trip to Israel
No, you didn’t miss the flight! There’s still time to donate to the Hadassah No-Show Trip To Israel fundraiser to renovate the Round Building at Hadassah Hospital, Ein Kerem in Jerusalem. Go to hadassahcltevents. org to make your tax-deductible donation. Safe travels!
Short Story Discussion Group
The next meeting of Hadassah’s Short Story Discussion Group is on Friday, May 21. The story is All the Children Are Isaac, on page 145 of the book “Many Seconds Into the Future,” by John J. Clayton. The next meeting is on June 18. The group meets on the third Friday of each month at 11:45 a.m. to discuss stories with Jewish content. For information, email Amalia Warshenbrot at AmaliaIma@ATT.net or Linda Levy at levyollie@aol.com.
On March 15, Hadassah CLT members and guests were honored to hear Holocaust Survivor Suly Chenkin share her amazing life story. Suly showed a film of her experience and answered our many questions. Suly was ten months old when her parents were forced to move to the Kovno Ghetto in Lithuania. She lived in the ghetto for three years before being smuggled out. Her parents were taken to concentration camps when the ghetto was liquidated in 1944. After a long journey, Suly and her foster family found safety in Palestine. She was eventually reunited with her parents, finding refuge in Cuba. The evening was coordinated with the Levine JCC Butterfly Project, a Holocaust Education and Remembrance Program.
Hadassah CLT. Thank you for supporting Vintner and thank you, Vintner, for supporting Hadassah.
Hadassah’s Sunshine Committee prepares much-needed meals for JFS Circle of Caring Hearts on a monthly basis. If you would like to help purchase supplies, cook, or assemble meals, please contact Elissa at svining@aol.com.
The next Hadassah Charlotte board meeting will be on Monday, May 17 at 7:00 p.m. All members are invited. For more information about Hadassah Charlotte events, refer to our website at hadassahcltevents. org.