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Hadassah Women Are Always Giving
Charlotte Jewish News November 2021
By Aileen Greenberg-Kriner
This year, November brings two special holidays — Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. Two holidays of giving — giving thanks for what we have and giving gifts to those we love .
I would like to thank the many Hadassah volunteers who give their support to our chapter all year. They fundraise, organize events, make phone calls, design flyers, cook, and donate their time and money to support Hadassah’s many projects, including the Hadassah Medical Organization in Israel. Hadassah women believe that each of us has the power to heal our world, to take action, and to make a difference as we focus on advancing health care and medicine, our connection to Israel and Zionism, and advocating for change.
Jewish Community Directory
Speaking of volunteers, a team of Hadassah women is spending its time working on the 2022/5782 Hadassah Charlotte Area Jewish Community Directory. We want to include you, and we need your help!
There are two parts to the directory: personal and business listings and advertisements. To have a personal listing in the directory, you must enter your information online at www.hadassahcltevents.org. If you need help with your personal listing, email Yvette at cltdirectorylisting@gmail.com or call (980) 553-1880.
If you are a business owner, please submit your ad online as well. If you have not been contacted yet about placing an ad, email Laurie at clthadassahdir@ gmail.com.
This year, in addition to the print directory, we are adding a digital version that you can access via an app subscription. The phone app is easy to use and lets you look up people or businesses while you’re on the go. You can update your online personal or business listing at any time. No need to wait until the next directory is printed. Own a business? Your ad will be both online and in the print version. Enter your info now and help us make the new directory a huge success. Hanukkah Program On Sunday, December 5 from 6:30 to 8 p.m., celebrate the eighth night of Hanukkah with Hadassah CLT at Dish It Out in the Stonecrest shopping center. Paint a Star of David plate or a menorah tile while enjoying food, drinks, and music. An ugly Hanukkah sweater contest adds another layer of fun.
For those who don’t want to participate in person, we will have Hanukkah goodie bags (porch pickup) with yummy treats available for $18. Check hadassahcltevents.org for more information. Mah Jongg Cards One bam! Six crack! It’s time to order your 2021 Mah Jongg card. This year, the small cards are $9 and the large cards are $10. Why order through Hadassah? The National Mah Jongg League donates the proceeds from the sale of their official cards to charitable organizations, including Hadassah. It is a big fundraiser for our chapter. To order, please send a check to Merril Schenkel, 3315 Mannington Drive, Charlotte, NC 28270. Celebrate Heart Health
Support pioneering research about women’s heart health by the Hadassah Medical Organization. Sign up for the Turkey Trot. From November 26 to 29, walk or run, solo or with a team, anytime, anyplace, inside or outside. 5K your way!
Register at hadassahsupersouth.org/turkeytrot. Create a personalized Turkey Trot page. Invite family and friends to support your team and donate to the cause. Questions? Contact the Hadassah SuperSouth office at supersouth@hadassah.org or by phone at (678) 443-2961. The Short Stories Discussion Group reads stories each month from different eras, authors, and cultures. Next meeting is 11:45 a.m. on Friday, November 19. All meetings are held on the third Friday of the month at 11:45a.m. To confirm this month’s location and receive the stories, RSVP to Amalia at amaliaima@ATT. net. For additional information, email Amalia or email Linda Levy at levyollie@aol.com.
The next Hadassah Charlotte board meeting is on Monday, November 15 at 7 p.m. via Zoom. All members are invited. Contact Marci at marcig333@ gmail.com for the link.
Want to join Hadassah or learn about membership? Email Lori at lptrap@aol.com.
For up-to-date Hadassah information, check our website (HadassahCLTevents.org), like our Facebook page (Hadassah CLT), follow us on Instagram (Hadassah Charlotte) or Twitter (@HadassahCLT), or send us an email at HadassahCLT@gmail. comgmail.com.