2 minute read
Temple Kol Ami Launching Teen Leadership Program
October 2024
By Shari Baum
Helping our youth feel a connection to Judaism and develop a strong Jewish identity has become increasingly more difficult, especially with the surge in antisemitism worldwide. At Temple Kol Ami (TKA), Jewish education has always been a central pillar and driving force of our congregation. We have done an excellent job of preparing our young congregants for their b’nei mitzvah, but we saw a need for further education and strengthening of Jewish bonds.. With this in mind, we are launching Dor Hadash (New Generation), a transformative Jewish teen leadership program designed to empower our postb’nei mitzvah teens. Temple Kol Ami Religious School director, Ashley Endy, recognized that several large cohorts of students were transitioning out of formal classes. “Historically, our community has focused on preparing students for their b’nei mitzvah, but we lacked programming to engage them afterward. Dor Hadash fills that gap,” Endy stated. “We recognize the importance of maintaining strong connections to the Jewish community they’ve built over the years.”
South comes with its own unique set of challenges, and we believe Dor Hadash can provide a safe and supportive space for our students to explore these issues, develop strong leadership skills, and cultivate a Jewish identity that will carry them through the next phases of their lives.
This program offers a unique blend of personal growth, Jewish learning, and social action, all rooted in the values and traditions of the Temple Kol Ami community. Through weekly interactive sessions, engaging activities, and a meaningful community mitzvah project, our teens will develop essential leadership skills and deepen their connection to Jewish values. This program is being offered for free to TKA members.
If you live in the Greater York County or Ballantyne area, TKA might be the place for you! We are a warm and inclusive Reform congregation comprised of Jews from diverse backgrounds. There are many advantages to being a member of TKA including programs such as Dor Hadash. Additionally, attendance at High Holiday services is included in your membership. It is not too late to join TKA for the High Holidays, whether you are a member or not. Contact us at yorksynagogue@gmail.com for more information!