4 minute read
High Holidays Hope, Health, and Honey with Hadassah
The Charlotte Jewish News, September 2022
By Aileen Greenberg-Kriner
The High Holidays make me feel nostalgic. They also make me feel hopeful. Sweet nostalgia of the past - loving hope about the future. Nostalgic about the past as I remember my great-grandmother cooking brisket in my bubbe’s (grandmother’s) kitchen, and when, decades later, I learned to make round challah with honey and raisins at in the synagogue kitchen in Cincinnati. Hopeful for the future when my oldest son asked for “my” recipes for brisket and challah for his Rosh Hashanah dinner in Boston. Nostalgic as I remember my zayde’s (grandfather’s) beautiful baritone voice singing the blessings, and hopeful when I see my middle son and his friends saying the blessings on a Friday night at a music festival. Nostalgic when I think about holiday dinners with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and lots of cousins. Hopeful about the future when my youngest joins my extended family in Philadelphia and creates new memories with his aunts, uncles, and cousins. Past meets future, and life happens in between.
On behalf of the Hadassah Charlotte Metro chapter, I wish everyone a happy, sweet, and healthy New Year 5783! L’shanah tovah tikateivu v’tichateimu. May you have a good year, and may you be inscribed and sealed for blessing in the Book of Life.
Get Ready for Rosh Hashanah
Don’t miss your chance to wish friends and family a sweet New Year. Send them honey for Rosh Hashanah. Each 8 oz. jar of kosher honey is $14 plus shipping. Order by September 1 for guaranteed delivery by Rosh Hashanah. The personalized card tells recipients that a donation was made in their honor to the Hadassah Charlotte Metro Chapter. Order at www. orthoney.com/HCM.
Send your Rosh Hashanah card to the correct address. Make sure your friends are listed in the Hadassah Charlotte Metro Jewish Community Online Directory. It’s free! Go to the Hadassah website, Hadassah Directory tab, and follow the instructions in one of the green boxes to either sign up or update your listing in the online directory.
This year, make a resolution to take care of your health. The Mammovan (aka Novant Health Breast Center mobile unit) will be onsite at the JCC on Nov. 30, 2022. Call Novant to make an appointment. (704) 384-7226
Social Time
Join us on September 6, at 7 p.m. for Wine & Schmooze at Vintner Wine Market in the Arboretum Shopping Center. Whether you are a longtime, new, or potential member, stop by for a casual evening. No October meet-up (conflict with Kol Nidre), but we’ll resume our first Tuesday of the month event on November 1.
Post-High Holiday blues? Come play! What’s your game – Mahjongg? Canasta? Rummikub? Dominoes? Get your friends together and come to Hadassah’s Game Day on Sunday, October 23. Fun, lunch, and door prize ticket can be yours for $36. Check our website for venue and time.
Stay tuned for a Jewish Heritage Tour in November. Check our website for details/sign-ups.
Book Time
Hadassah BookTalk is off for the High Holidays in September. See you on October 25 at 7 p.m. for our fall kickoff.
Beverly’s Book Nook will meet on Friday, September 16 at 1:30 p.m. via Zoom. The September book selection is “We Stand Divided” by Daniel Gordis. The book examines the history of the troubled relationship between American Jews and Israel.
We will discuss “The Matzah Ball” by Jean Meltzer on October 14 and “Saving the Music” by Vincent B. “Chip” LoCoco on November 18.
Special for short story lovers! Author Sharon Hart-Green will be the guest speaker (via Zoom) at the Short Story Discussion Group on Friday, September 16 at 11:45 a.m. Dr. Hart-Green holds a PhD in Jewish Studies from Brandeis University, where her dissertation was a study on the Israeli Nobel prize winner S. Y. Agnon.
Beginning October 21, monthly discussions will be about stories from Israeli author Amos Oz’s collection “Scenes from a Village Life.” The Short Story Discussion Group meets monthly on the third Friday at 11:45 a.m.
Hadassah Happenings
The next Hadassah Charlotte Metro Board is on Monday, September 19 at 7 p.m. Check website for location.
Interested in joining Hadassah or learning more? Contact Anik Harrison at the phone or email below or come to one of our events. Our website, www.hadassah cltevents.org, has details about our events. If you have questions, email HadassahCLT@ gmail.com or call our general phone number, (980) 553-1880. Your message will be forwarded to the correct person.
Follow us on social media: Facebook (Hadassah CLT Metro), Instagram (Hadassah Charlotte Metro) and Twitter (@HadassahCLT).