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High Holidays With Havurat Tikvah
September 2024
Havurat Tikvah will host in-person, lay-led High Holiday services for the Charlotte community. A Zoom option will also be available.
Services will begin with Rosh HaShanah Day 1 on Thursday, Oct. 3 at 10 a.m. A potluck kiddush luncheon will follow.
The High Holidays will continue with Kol Nidre services on Friday evening, Oct. 11 at 6:45 p.m. Yom Kippur services will convene on Saturday morning, Oct. 12 at 10 a.m. Congregants will return after an afternoon break for Ne’ilah services. A potluck Break Fast will follow.
All services, except Tashlich on Rosh HaShanah afternoon, will be held at Avondale Presbyterian Church, 2821 Park Rd., in the MacLean Fellowship Hall.
Members and guests are encouraged to bring a tallit and kippah if available. However, a limited quantity of both will be available. Attendees can bring their shofar to participate in the shofar services on Rosh HaShanah and the concluding service on Yom Kippur.
As in past years, first-time attendees, including students and active military members, are welcome at no cost to attend services and participate in Tachlich. They can also stay for the luncheon served after Rosh HaShanah services and for the break fast after the end of Yom Kippur worship. All others are asked to pay a nominal fee ($54 for individuals, and $90 for families). Mail checks to Havurat Tikvah, P.O. Box 12684, Charlotte, NC 28220.
For the latest information on the havurah’s High Holidays schedule, email admin@havurattikvah.org or visit havurattikvah.org.
More details will also be available in the October Charlotte Jewish News.
Havurat Tikvah is a warm, supportive, and nurturing Jewish Reconstructionist congregation with religious, cultural, and educational activities for both families and single adults. We are a diverse group of families, singles, and Jewish and interfaith couples who participate in projects that promote social justice.
Havurat Tikvah is an affiliate of Reconstructing Judaism. For more information on upcoming services, programs, membership, or other queries, call (980) 225-5330, write to Havurat Tikvah, P.O. Box 12684, Charlotte, NC 28220, email membership@havurattikvah.org or visit havurattikvah.org. Havurat Tikvah is also on Facebook at facebook.com/groups/havurattikvah/.