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Jewish Family Services Senior Connections Newsletter Named in Honor of Harry Berzack
The Charlotte Jewish News, March 2023
By Richard Klein and Howard Olshansky
Thanks to the generous support of Stan Greenspon, Jewish Family Services will be naming their quarterly senior newsletter the Harry Berzack Senior Connections Newsletter while at the same time enhancing needed services in our community to our growing senior population. According to Greenspon, “Our senior community is growing, living longer, and facing increased isolation and loneliness along with the challenges of managing the increased cost of living in Charlotte on fixed incomes.”
Harry Berzack was a longtime cherished friend of Stan Greenspon. When he passed away, Greenspon wanted to do something that would honor his friend in a way that would also benefit the community.
Berzack was born in South Africa before immigrating to the U.S. in 1981. He died on October 30, 2021, after a long career in the needle trade/sewn products industry. He was also an avid collector of antique sewing machines.
Berzack was actively involved with Congregation Ohr HaTorah. The congregation’s senior rabbi, Yossi Groner, said, “It’s fair to say that Harry believed in the core Jewish values and fought valiantly to uphold them. In our meetings, he would philosophize about Judaism or relate historical facts about Jewish communities all over the world. Ultimately, the conversation would revert to how we can strengthen Jewish life in Charlotte.”
Stan Greenspon, reflecting on his tribute to Harry Berzack, said “There was instant chemistry with him even though he was from a different part of the world. I was drawn to his uniqueness and cordial personality. And he did so much for me … showing respect for my business and me personally. We had a tremendous relationship.”
Greenspon said he also admired how Harry Berzack dealt with his customers and his business staff. Berzack’s children, Kevin and Nicole Keylin, continue to operate the company their father founded.
According to Howard Olshansky, executive director of JFS, “the needs of our aging community are great and they hit all aspects of life- emotional, physical, financial, and social. Stan has always been a huge advocate and supporter of meeting the needs of our senior community. So, when he came to me wanting to honor his friend in a way that would make a difference, the answer was easy.” JFS is continually working to keep our senior community engaged. From services that enable seniors to age in place in their own homes, Jewish cultural programming for those in senior living facilities, to providing mental health counseling, “Every day our staff is challenged to keep up with the demand for senior programs and services.”
Stan Greenspon’s support will serve as a springboard towards JFS’s ability to grow its programs and services and ensure that Jewish seniors in our community have their needs met and most importantly stay connected to their Jewish culture and heritage.
The Harry Berzack Senior Connections Newsletter will be distributed to more than 300 seniors and is another way to en- sure our seniors stay informed, entertained, and connected to our community. Greenspon said, “Harry Berzack was my inspiration. I’m thrilled to be able to honor him this way. And there are so many Jewish seniors who are lonely and isolated and are struggling emotionally. The services through JFS will make a huge differ-
For more information on services for seniors contact JFS at (704) 364-6594 or www. jfscharlotte.org.