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Miss Debby's Best Loved Books, February 2021
Debby Block
Books have brought me joy since I was a very little girl. Although, as a child, I longed to read the thick books on my parents’ shelves, today as an adult, my best-loved books are still children’s books! For February — the month of Federation’s Super Sunday — I recommend my favorite books about mitzvah goreret mitzvah (one good deed will bring forth another good deed) or, in contemporary verbiage, paying it forward.
“Because Amelia Smiled” by David Ezra
Written by David Ezra Stein, award-winning author and author of one of my all-time favorite books, “Interrupting Chicken,” this book shows us that even a smile can make a big difference! It all starts when Amelia smiles, causing a ripple of positive acts that travel around the world, including Mexico, England, France, and even Israel. I love the message that even the smallest person can spread joy and make a difference. Recommended for grades preschool-2nd grade.

“One Good Deed” by Terri Fields
One way to capture children’s attention and simultaneously provide a sense of comfort is through a predictable pattern or refrain. The phrase “He had a thought he’d never thought before,” repeats over and over in this positive tale of doing a mitzvah. Jake picks berries for his neighbor, and the neighbor is so amazed that she too has a thought she hadn’t had previously. Before long, each neighbor has done something helpful or kind for someone else. As a PJ Library selection, this book promotes paying it forward and the Jewish value of “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Recommended for ages 3-7 years old.

“Hooray for Hat” by Brian Won
Author and illustrator Brian Won finds the perfect way to show how the simple act of sharing his gift can help not only one, but six friends feel a whole lot better. Hooray for friends! This story is humorous and straightforward, but the message is valuable for all! Recommended for ages 2-5 years old.

“The Little Engine That Could” by Piper Watty
I think I can; I think I can make a difference! No engine wants to help the broken-down train get over the mountain to deliver food and toys to the children. Finally, a tiny, inexperienced engine agrees to help, and with sheer determination and an enormous heart, the littlest engine accomplishes a wonderful deed. The message of helping others, combined with never giving up, is truly perfect for children. This book is a classic that never gets old, and every time I read it at story time, children are enthralled! Recommended for grades preschool-2nd grade.

Miss Debby’s best-loved books may be borrowed from the Levine-Sklut Judaic Library, which is part of the Center for Jewish Education. You may find the books in person at the library or reserve a copy for curbside pickup. Please contact us for an appointment or pick up at www. jewishcharlotte/cje or call (704) 944-6783.