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Sue's Bookshelf
The Charlotte Jewish News, December 2022
By Sue Littauer
It’s that time of year when I obsess about what books to choose for the Center for Jewish Education (CJE) Book Club for the coming year. Although it would be easier for the women who attend on a regular basis to choose the books, it doesn’t work like that in reality — they like for me to make the selections. So, taking into consideration which books will provide the best discussions, which are not too depressing, which are written by Jewish authors or have Jewish themes, the books I’ve chosen so far are:
“The Latecomer” by Jean Hanff Korelitz
“The Latecomer” is a layered and immersive literary novel about three siblings, desperate to escape one another, and the upending of their family by the late arrival of a fourth.” Amazon
“The Latecomer” raises mul tiple issues on which to base an excellent book club discussion.
“The German Wife” by Kelly Rimmer
“…A gripping novel inspired by the true story of Operation Paperclip: a controversial secret US intelligence program that employed former Nazis after WWII.” Goodreads
The German Wife is an excel lent novel on so many levels. It raises many issues from various points of view, and while read ing, I kept thinking how interest ing it will be to discuss.
“He Gets That From Me” by Jacqueline Friedland
It is hard to imagine a better novel for a book club discussion ... A thoughtful and gripping family tale that will haunt read ers long after finishing it. Kirkus Reviews
I did not read a review of this book before I read it, and would suggest that you don’t either. There are plot twists and turns that are best left to discover as you go along.
“Dirty Wars and Polished Sil ver” by Lynda Schuster
From a former Wall Street Journal foreign correspondent, an exuberant memoir of life, love, and transformation on the frontlines of conflicts around the world. Amazon
I admit that the title of the book is what intrigued me, but I had no idea what an excellent writer Lynda Schuster would be. The book is emotionally raw, ed ucational and inspiring. I would love to hear the author speak about her life.
"The Most Likely Club" by Elyssa Friedland
At their milestone high school reunion, a group of friends make a pact to finally achieve their high school superlatives one way or another, in the lively new novel from the acclaimed author of “Last Summer at the Golden Hotel.” Goodreads
Yes, the book is an easy read just like Elyssa Friedland’s “The Floating Feldmans” and “Last Summer at the Golden Hotel,” and is every bit as warm and wit ty yet filled with heavy themes for contemplation and discus sion.
Be on the lookout for the com plete schedule for the 2023 CJE Book Club, which meets on the second Wednesday of the month, at 10:30 a.m. on Main Street at Shalom Park. To join, please contact sueb.littauer@jewish charlotte.org.
If you’ve yet to discover the wealth of hardcover and eBooks available at the Levine-Sklut Ju daic Library and Resource Cen ter, please stop by for a visit or go online at www.jewishchar lotte.org.