1 minute read
Celebrating the Selkin Family Inclusive Fun Zone
By Sue Schreiber, Family Coordinator, Friendship Circle

On January 8, more than 200 Friendship Circle friends and supporters came out to celebrate the Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting of the Selkin Family Inclusive Fun Zone. The evening included speeches by donors, Friendship Circle participants, and city council members with delicious food and music by our own Friendship Circle Band. Attendees were also treated to tours of the new Fun Zone where they had the opportunity to visit Jeremy’s Dream Room; a sensory friendly space where quiet and calm is the theme; the Music and Movement Room with a piano, mirrored wall, and a complete drum set; and the Arts and Creativity Studio; where everyone’s inner artist can come to life. One of the highlights of the evening was when attendees had the opportunity to try out the musical stairs leading to the indoor tree house, slide down the twisty slide into the play park, and jump on the trampoline into the foam pit. Charlotte’s first Inclusive Fun Zone is a space where individual interests and abilities are honored and lifelong friendships will be created.
Friendship Circle is a beneficiary agency of the Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte. To learn more, visit Friendshipcirclenc.org.

Anonymous* (1)
Susan and Benjamin Aizenman
Anthony and Brooke Amo
Brian and Glenda Bernhardt
Andrew Bernstein
Susan P. Bessey
Lillian (OBM) and Irving Bienstock
David and Bonnie Bornstein
Michael and Karen Coates-Traynor
Jennifer and Jonathan Collman
Andrea and Jeremy Davids
Jill and Michael Dinerman
Elizabeth Ren and Michael Grunwald