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Miracles of Light: Nissim Black's Extraordinary Journey From Darkness to Faith
November 2023
By Rabbi Levi Cohen
Join us in celebrating an extraordinary journey from adversity to faith at Chabad of Charlotte’s upcoming event, “Miracles of Light: A Chanukah Concert with Nissim Black.” While Nissim’s music has captured hearts worldwide, his path to becoming a musician and Orthodox Jew is a story of resilience and transformation.
A Glimpse into Nissim Black’s Early Life
Nissim Black’s life began in a challenging environment, growing up in a rough neighborhood in Seattle. His parents were involved in drug dealing, and the FBI raided their home when he was just eight years old. His grandfather, a significant presence in his life, ended up in prison.
“I didn’t grow up on the streets,” Nissim recalls. “The streets grew up in my house.”
His early years were tumultuous, marked by regular pot smoking by the age of 12 and expulsion from school. But at the age of 13, Nissim was offered a lifeline — an after-school hiphop program owned by a Christian organization. For the first time, he experienced a sense of normalcy and safety, which kept him away from trouble.
A Journey to Judaism
Nissim’s spiritual journey eventually led him to explore Judaism. After two years in a Messianic congregation, Nissim and his high school sweetheart, Adina, decided to convert to Judaism. They began their journey by studying under a local Sephardic rabbi, Rabbi Simon Benzaquen. The Sephardic community felt culturally close and welcoming, allowing them to grow and thrive.
However, Nissim’s spiritual journey was far from over. His fascination with Chassidic Judaism led him to immerse himself further in Torah study and spirituality. The teachings of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov resonated deeply with him, emphasizing personal prayer and building a close relationship with G-d. This connection to Chassidic Judaism became a driving force in Nissim’s life.
Chabad of Charlotte’s Journey to “Miracles of Light”
Chabad of Charlotte’s path to this grand event is a testament to its dedication to bringing the spirit of Chanukah to the community. It all started with creative ice, Lego, and coin chanukiot designed to capture attention and inspire the ideals of giving. Over the years, the event has grown steadily, evolving from a modest gathering of a few hundred people at indoor events at SouthPark Mall into a breathtaking spectacle.
In 2020, faced with the need to limit in-person gatherings, a novel idea emerged: a parking lot gathering with families in their cars, collectively tuned in to a broadcast on the radio as they watched the lighting of a giant menorah built from nine scissor lifts. Approximately 500 people attended this unique celebration.
The following year, nearly 800 participants enjoyed a joyful concert by 8th Day. In 2022, a stunning 1,000 attendees joined the “Unite with Light Chanukah Festival” at Symphony Park. Now, in 2023, Chabad of Charlotte aims to set a new milestone by bringing the sensational Chassidic rapper, Nissim Black, to Uptown Charlotte at Le Méridien for what promises to be the biggest Chanukah event yet.
An Ambassador of Faith and Inspiration
Today, Nissim Black and his family of nine live in Beit Shemesh, Israel, and are an integral part of the Hasidic com-
munity. Despite their unique background, they have been embraced and loved by the Orthodox Jewish community. Nissim’s music career has soared, with over 32,000 monthly listeners on Spotify and millions of views on YouTube.
Nissim’s music is a reflection of his personal growth and spirituality. His songs convey messages of unity, tolerance, and faith, making them suitable for audiences of all backgrounds. His latest release, “Victory,” is an emotional and upbeat tribute to Chanukah and the Jewish people’s resilience.
Join Us for “Miracles of Light”
As we look forward to “Miracles of Light: A Chanukah Concert with Nissim Black,” let Nissim’s story serve as a beacon of hope and a reminder that change is possible, even in the face of adversity. Join us on December 10, 2023, at Le Méridien Charlotte, as we celebrate Chanukah, unity, and the remarkable journey of Nissim Black. For more information and tickets, visit Chabad of Charlotte’s website or purchase tickets at the door. Be part of this historic event and experience the pride of being a part of an incredible community celebration.