2 minute read
NC Holocaust Foundation
November 2023
By Mitch Rifkin
The North Carolina Holocaust Foundation supports many exciting programs.
This fall semester we saw the rollout of a new Holocaust curriculum distributed to every middle and high school in the state. The curriculum, written by the Holocaust Foundation and Holocaust Council, is designed to teach the lessons learned from the Holocaust including the values of inclusion, democracy, plurality, and anti-bullying. Visit https://ncholocaustcouncilworkshops.org/nc-holocaust-curriculum/
The passage of the Gizella Abramson Holocaust Education Act made North Carolina one of 17 states to have mandatory teaching of the Holocaust. The Holocaust Foundation led the lobbying for this legislation.
We have increased our traveling exhibits, speaker visits, plays, and book purchase programs this school year.
If you’d like to sponsor a gift of books to a public school (such a great mitzvah!), please let us know. Each grade is assigned a book title. A classroom set comprises 30 books, with the average cost of a book to be $10.
The Holocaust Foundation will sponsor an excellent program led by the Anti-Defamation League which teaches middle and high school students how to effectively defend themselves from verbal and demonstrative acts of antisemitism. Stay tuned for more details!
If there is more you’d like to know about the North Carolina Holocaust Foundation, please contact me at rif121@carolina. rr.com or (704) 607-3936.