East Falls Now March 2019

Page 1

Officials support Mifflin playground - Page 8

eastfallsnow.com • FREE

March 2019

Vol. 1, No. 11

In aftermath of fatal crash: Safety steps added to Henry Ave. vers in both directions. High intensity lighting bathes the street at night between School he City Streets DepartHouse Ln. and Midvale Ave. ment has begun adding More chevron markings -- signs safety enhancements to warning of curves -- and flashthe 3900 block of Henry Ave. ing signs warning of curves are between W. Coulter St. and scheduled. School House Ln. following a Montanez told the EFCC fatal crash that took the life of that he will talk to PennDOT a young male driver in the ear- “to see what additional steps ly morning hours of Jan. 27. we can take in the spring.” A household security camera Such steps might include caught the car traveling at a raised crosswalks or “speed high speed north on Henry tables,” a variation of the speed Ave. seconds before impact. cushions installed three years The driver, alone in the car, ago on Queen Ln. and later on was pronounced dead at the School House Ln. scene. Residents, long accustomed The violent crash demolished to crashes on the accidentthe car, knocked over a utility prone Henry Ave., especially in pole and destroyed a stone wall wet or icy weather, expressed in front of 3925 Henry Ave. shock at the latest crash. The day after the crash offi“The sadness and trauma cials of the East Falls Commu- from the event will be with my nity Council contacted Streets husband and me and our Department officials and State neighbors for a long time. We Rep. Pam DeLissio, pointing to are exasperated. We do not the high number of crashes on feel safe living here,” said this block and drivers who Catherine Avitabile. ignore the 35-mile-an-hour Ellen Kennedy, who has long speed limit on the curvy stretch inveighed against speeders and of state highway. They asked lack of enforcement, was outif City action to reduce the inci- spoken. “I have lived on the dence of speeding would be pos- 3900 block for 20 plus years. It sible in spite of the state’s was once a calm local street. It control of the road. is now an obscenely dangerous Richard Montanez, Deputy highway.” Streets Commissioner for Shirley Levitt called Henry transportation, met with Ave. a “death trap.” She statDeLissio and EFCC officials on ed, “I’m afraid to wait for the the block on Feb. 2 and outbus at Henry and School lined steps that the City could House, the speed of the traffic take. is so dangerous.” As a result, flashing speed Many years ago, when traffic measuring signs now greet dri- was a fraction of today’s vol-

by John T. Gillespie


EFCC to meet March 11


he next general membership meeting of the East Falls Community Council will be at 7 pm Monday, March 11 at the East Falls

ume, Henry Ave. was one lane in each direction with on-street parking and sidewalks. John B. Kelly, father of Grace, built his family home at the corner of Henry and Coulter, where the 3900 block begins. Today Henry is classified as a state “arterial” route, carrying 25,000 cars a day. The road is jammed during rush hours with commuters to and from downtown Philadelphia. Because rush hour slows traffic, most accidents occur during non-rush hours. What was once a community, semi-rural road is no longer so. PennDOT is planning traffic calming measures on the entire length of Henry Ave. in another year or two – including skid resistant surfacing, vegetated islands, bumpouts and medial barriers. The state, however, is restricted in what it can do by its primary mission to move traffic, regardless of volume. Traffic engineers call this protecting the “level of service” (LOS). Unwilling to sacrifice LOS, PennDOT has rejected roundabouts at major intersections on grounds that roundabouts lose their efficiency in Flashing speed warning signs installed by the City are the first steps to make (Continued on page 9)

East Falls misses out On ‘Slow Zone’ application A

s EF NOW was going to press the City Streets Department informed Presbyterian Church, Midvale the East Falls Community Council that its application to Ave. and Vaux St. The agenda for the meeting designate the Mifflin School will be posted at www.east- neighborhood as a “Slow Zone” did not reach finalist fallscommunity.org. status in the city-wide competition because of low crash and injury data, as reported by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and

It’s Time:


t’s time for an EFCC Search Committee to seek and evaluate nominees for EFCC officers. To volunteer, email: info@eastfallscommunity.org. And it’s time for East Fallsers who want a voice in their neighborhood to run for

all EFCC offices – President, Vice President for Zoning, Vice President for Events, Treasurer, Corresponding Secretary/Communications Chair, Recording Secretary/Grants Chair and Executive Committee at-large. Indicate your interest at info@eastfallscommunity.org.

Henry Ave. safer after the latest fatal crash on Jan. 27.


scarcity of “vulnerable populations”-- the young, the old, and the poor, measured by census data. Mifflin was one of 28 neighborhoods to compete for two “Slow Zone” awards funded with a $1 million grant from PennDOT’s Automated Red Light Enforcement program. The winners were the Fairhill neighborhood in North Philadelphia and the Willard

Elementary School neighborhood in Kensington. John Gillespie, Chair of the EFCC Traffic Committee, said there would be more opportunities to apply for “Slow Zones” when funding becomes available. In the meantime, he said, the EFCC will continue to seek safety improvements and traffic calming measures in streets throughout the community.

Grants: Now!

f your East Falls non-profit group has a project that benefits the community and needs funding, it’s time to apply for the EFCC’s Grants Program. The deadline is April 15. The appli-

cation is available at www.eastfallscommunity.org. Please mail completed applications to EFCC, PO Box 12672, Philadelphia, PA 19129. The receipt of all applications will be acknowledged.

News: editor@eastfallsnow.com • To advertise: ads@eastfallsnow.com • Opinion: letters@eastfallsnow.com • Questions: info@eastfallsnow.com


March 2019

East Falls NOW

Your March 2019 East Falls NOW Calendar Falls of the Schuylkill Library March hours: Mon. & Wed., 12 to 8 pm; Tues. & Thurs., 10 am to 6 pm; Fri., 10 am to 5 pm; Sat. 10 am to 5; closed Sundays. Delayed opening (2 pm) Thurs., March 14 for staff development. LEAP, the Free Library’s drop-in after school program, offers homework assistance, computer literacy and library skills for students in grades K–12, along with daily literacy enrichment activities for elementary school students. This program takes place every Mon. through Thurs. from 3 to 5:30 pm and Sat. from 1 to 5 pm. The librarians at the Falls Library are Drew Birden and Meredith McGovern. For questions, call 215-685-2093.

1 Friday thru 12 Tuesday

All day: Children’s One Book, One Philadelphia Song and Myth Scavenger Hunt. (Story Pg. 10)

2 Saturday

1:30 to 4:30 pm: Children’s One Book, One Philadelphia: Monument City. (Story Pg. 10)

4 Monday

4:15 pm: Read with a Therapy Dog at the Falls Library. School age kids are invited to read with Wally or Orchid, certified therapy dogs. Come share a new book or an old favorite in a judgementfree space. (Story Pg. 10) 6:30 pm: EF Historical Society program on the late U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter’s career, at the Specter Center. (See Story Pg. 10 for RSVP info) 6:30 pm: Recycling Realities eight-week course begins. Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

5 Tuesday

10:15 am: Music and Movement Time at the Falls Library. Babies and toddlers will enjoy a parentled music and dance story time. Children will play maracas, shake pom-poms, dance and listen to music and dance-themed books. Come tire out your little ones and meet local parents. Groups and daycares should call the library to set up special visits. (Story Pg. 10)

6 Wednesday

7 Thursday

9:30 am: EF Village Neighborhood Walk. Meet in Library Garden. (Story, Pg. 10) 11:15 am: EF Village lunch at the Market at the Fareway in Chestnut Hill. Carpool from the Library. (Story, Pg. 10) 11 am: Storytime and Block Play at the Falls Library for kids ages two to six accompanied by adults; siblings welcome. Stories and songs followed by playtime with wooden blocks. Groups please call to schedule separate appointments. (Story, Pg. 10)

8 Friday

8 pm: Lips Together, Teeth Apart, Old Academy Playhouse. (Story, Pg. 10)

9 Saturday

10 am: Friends of Inn Yard Park Meeting, BB&T Bank, 3617 Midvale Ave. (Story Pg. 2) 8 pm: Lips Together, Teeth Apart, Old Academy Playhouse. (Story, Pg. 10)

10 Sunday

2 pm: Lips Together, Teeth Apart, Old Academy Playhouse. (Story, Pg. 10)

11 Monday

4:15 pm: Read with a Therapy Dog, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

1 pm: Beginner’s Bridge, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

6:30 pm: Program on stoicism, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

6:30 pm: Home Buying Workshop, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

7 pm: EFCC General Membership Meeting, EF Presbyterian Church, Midvale Ave. and Vaux St.

12 Tuesday

10:15 am: Music and Movement Time, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

13 Wednesday

1 pm: Beginner’s Bridge, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

6 pm: Join EF Town Watch for a meeting with 39th District Police responsible for EF -- PSA1 -- at the 39th District headquarters, 22nd St. and Hunting Park Ave. (Story Pg. 3)

14 Thursday

Delayed opening at Falls Free Library for staff development, 2 pm. 9:30 am: EF Village Neighborhood Walk. Meet at Library Garden. (Story Pg. 10) 7:30 pm: EF Town Watch meeting, 3540 Indian Queen Ln. (Story Pg. 3)

15 Friday

8 pm: Lips Together, Teeth Apart, Old Academy Playhouse. (Story, Pg. 3)

16 Saturday 2 pm: Leap into Slime! For school-age kids, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

8 pm: Lips Together, Teeth Apart, Old Academy Playhouse. (Story, Pg. 10)

17 Sunday

Happy St. Patrick’s Day to all of our East Falls NOW readers! 2 pm: Lips Together, Teeth Apart, Old Academy Playhouse. (Story, Pg. 10)

18 Monday

4:15 pm: Read with a Therapy Dog, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

6:30 pm: Falls Book Group, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

26 Tuesday

5:45 pm: Advanced Bridge, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

10:15 am: Music and Movement Time, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

19 Tuesday

27 Wednesday

10:15 am: Music and Movement Time, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

1 pm: Beginner’s Bridge, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

2 pm: Tax prep information session, Falls Library. (Story, Pg. 10)

6:30 pm: Meditation Workshop, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

Thursday 20 Wednesday 28 9:30 am: EF Village Neighbor1 pm: Beginner’s Bridge, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

6:30 pm: Community Weds. night soup supper, EF Presbyterian Church

21 Thursday

9:30 am: EF Village Neighborhood Walk. Meet at Library Garden. (Story Pg. 9) 6 pm: EF Town Watch meets with 39th Police District PSA 1, 2201 W Hunting Park Ave. (Story Pg. 3) Call 215-686-3394 to confirm.

hood Walk. Meet at Library Garden. (Story Pg. 10)

29 Friday

10:23 am EF SEPTA train: EF Village explores Center City with Fred Vincent. (Story Pg. 10) These dates are beyond March and worth noting in your calendar: Wed., April 10, 6:30 pm: EF Historical Society program, “What Style Is My House?” by Ken Hinde, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10)

23 Saturday

April 13, 11 am: First Annual Gen. Hugh Mercer Celebration and Wreath Laying, Laurel Hill Cemetery, 3822 Ridge Ave.

24 Sunday

May 4 and 5, 10 am to 4 pm: East Falls Spring Market to benefit the EF Famers’ Market, Vault & Vine.

8 pm: Lips Together, Teeth Apart, Old Academy Playhouse. (Story, Pg. 10)

2 pm: Lips Together, Teeth Apart, Old Academy Playhouse. (Story, Pg. 10)

25 Monday

4:15 pm: Read with a Therapy Dog, Falls Library. (Story Pg. 10) 6 pm: EF Town Watch meets with 39th Police District Officers, 2201 W. Hunting Park Ave. Call 215686-3394 to confirm. (Story Pg. 3)

June 1: East Falls Flea Market and Festival, McMichael Park. Stay informed. If you don’t receive the EFCC’s weekly emails, send your email address to info@eastfallscommunity.org.

Inn Yard Park to meet March 9

Volunteers at the Fall 2018 Love Your Park included (rear, from left) Lauren Arnoldi, Jen Arnoldi, Ashlynn Sylvain, Gregory Davis and Sue Park; (middle, from left) Anna Arnoldi, Oliver Sylvain, Leif Taylor, Kelly Hummel, John Lee, Jessica Kim, John Chung, Eileen Chung, and Dan Sun; (front, from left) Sarah Cho, Willa Chung, Avery Chung, Haddon Chung and Christine Lee.


he Friends of Inn Yard Park (FIYP) will hold a meeting on Sat., March 9 at 10 am in the BB&T bank building, 3617 Midvale Ave. Anyone interested joining the work of the park volunteers

should attend. The agenda will include plans for the construction of the Garden House, the spring Love Your Park clean-up, other activities and grant applications. Neighbors unable to

make the meeting but interested in FIYP activities can email Jen Arnoldi, Coordinator, at jmartell@att.net or Sue Park, Treasurer, at suemhp@gmail.com.

East Falls NOW


March 2019

A feathered friend rescued from the Town Watch porch


n Feb. 8, Mary Jane Fullam, President of EF Town Watch, and I had a close encounter with a distressed East Falls resident of the flying variety. Except that this bird wasn’t flying. Mary Jane called me to report that a pigeon had been sitting for hours on the Town Watch office porch. It was in obvious distress, walking occasionally but moving slowly. The problem appeared to be a damaged wing. In the interest of full disclosure, I admit that I have never been fond of pigeons. I like animals, mainly the dog and cat types, and am very fond of the cardinals, golden finches and hummingbirds for which Beth and I set out food in our garden. But pigeons? Kind of messy. This pigeon, however, was in

and expert bird watcher Wendy Moody. We had the best of intentions. But this pigeon was not cooperating. It hopped around the front lawn of the Town Watch office, resisting our efforts to place the towel or the box gently over it. It took turns hiding under every tree on the property. Finally, we made one last A message from the chase of our feathered friend. EFCC To our surprise, it found the strength to go airborn at a low President altitude across Indian Queen Ln., settling on a window ledge. by Bill Epstein We saw our chance. We surrounded the bird and made an vince this pigeon to jump into effort to comfort it. I held the the box so that we could trans- box. Mary Jane was able to port him or her to the caress the bird, and after a Schuylkill Center for Environ- short while it allowed her to mental Education for treatpick it up and place it in the ment – a suggestion we credit box – which we quickly covto former East Falls librarian ered. big trouble. Mary Jane and I knew that unless we did something quickly it would become a victim of the cats, fox or coyotes that wander our East Falls streets. Armed with a box and a towel, we began a capture mission. We had no idea of how to con-

Injured Town Watch Pigeon.

Off we drove to the Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education, not knowing whether our pigeon was medically savable or not. We were greeted by Chris Strub, Assistant Director of Wildlife Rehabilitation. He

performed a quick assessment and assured us that our patient was a candidate for further examination and treatment before any drastic measures would be necessary. The next day Strub emailed to report that our East Falls Pigeon appeared to be responding well to anti-inflammatory medication and cage rest. The pigeon was eating well, and Strub said that the next step, as East Falls NOW was going to press, would be to be transfer the bird to an outdoor pen and eventual release if it appeared fully recovered. Mary Jane and I appreciate the attention and care that our new friend received at the Center. If any other East Fallsers have the opportunity to rescue an animal that needs help, the Center is at 304 Port Royal Ave., just off of Henry Ave. in Roxborough.

An important historic first -- The Philadelphia Platform


he members of the PA House representing the City of Philadelphia – aka the Philadelphia Delegation -- have adopted a platform that we believe will aid many of the citizens of the city to thrive, not just survive. This effort is significant because it represents the delegation’s functioning with a unity that I have not experienced in my previous four terms in office. My Philadelphia colleagues are serious about helping the city’s citizens, and we recognize that we must be strategic and thoughtful. A working group of eight from the delegation met over a 12-month period to identify the best way forward. One persistent variable we decided to focus on was the issue of poverty in Philadelphia -- where poverty has been stubbornly persistent.

Poverty has been part of the city’s landscape too long. Poverty, and in many instances deep poverty, keeps citizens from flourishing. The Philadelphia Platform is the result of the group’s

certainly noble. But we know we need to be practical and pragmatic in how we go about it. There is no quick fix. Our platform provides a multi-faceted approach to lift the 26 percent of our citizens who live in poverty and to provide them with an opportunity to thrive. The platform is comprised of four planks addressing the challenge of poverty from four different angles. No one plank is magic, nor are the planks combined magic. The planks by St. Rep. Pamela A. DeLissio represent what we believe are a consensus to support state policy initiatives that can work. It was adopted by the entire delegation last session. diminish the poverty rate in the city. The Platform represents our These planks are: Worklegislative agenda for this sesforce Development and Edusion and beyond. The goal is to “move the needle” on pover- cation, Commercial Corridors, Criminal Justice and Public ty in our city. Safety Reform and InfrastrucWe understand that when ture and Exports. we say we want to eradicate Investment in education, poverty in Philadelphia it is including the infrastructure of our schools for our youth

Pam’s Viewpoint

beginning with preschool, is the first measure we can work on to break the cycle of poverty. For people to pull themselves out of poverty, they must not only have access to good-paying jobs, they must have the skills to fill those jobs. Additionally, our neighborhoods must foster entrepreneurship and support the development of small and medium-sized businesses. Families must not be ripped apart by crime or an unfair justice system that keeps too many behind bars and unable to contribute to the economy. The Philadelphia Platform intends to address criminal justice and public safety reform to assist in safeguarding our neighborhoods and ensuring positive development out of poverty. Finally, government must make forward-thinking investments in infrastructure

that ensure Philadelphia competes nationally and globally, thus providing a foundation for our existing companies to grow and to attract new businesses and new jobs. The platform is a living document, meant to be updated and revised as variables change and new information is available. This platform is predicated on ensuring that to meaningfully reduce poverty in Philadelphia, it is imperative that Philadelphia and Harrisburg be aligned in the approach to this persistent problem. It was encouraging to hear Governor Wolf, during his budget address on February 5th, reference the four planks that are the foundation of this platform. Information about each plank and the vision and goals for achievement can be found at www.pahouse.com/pcd.

Town Watch sets clean-ups and meetings with police Published monthly and on-line by the East Falls Community Council PO Box 12672, Philadelphia, PA 19129 www.eastfallsnow.com • www.eastfallscommunity.org For news, contact: editor@eastfallsnow.com For advertising, contact ads@eastfallsnow.com For letters, contact letters@easfallsnow.com Everything else, contact info@eastfallsnow.com

Your East Falls Community Council: William Epstein, President Todd Baylson, Vice President and Zoning Chair Mary Alice Duff, Vice President and Events Chair Joseph Leube, Treasurer Christina Spolsky, Communications Director and Corresponding Secretary Mary Jean Cunningham, Recording Secretary and Membership Chair Christopher Caporellie, Member, Executive Committee at Large John Gillespie, Member, Executive Committee at Large and Transportation Chair Thomas Flynn, Member, Executive Committee at Large Alex Keating, Member, Executive Committee at Large Emily Nichols, Member, Executive Committee at Large Robert Rabinowitz, Member, Executive Committee at Large Christopher Rooney, Member, Executive Committee at Large and By-Laws Chair Barnaby Wittels, Immediate Past President

Printed by our partner in community news, The Chestnut Hill Local, and delivered to homes and businesses in East Falls


ast Falls Town Watch will get an early start on spring clean-ups with three community trash round-ups on Saturdays in March. Mary Jane Fullam, President of EFTW, said that while TW routinely does spring and fall clean-ups, this is the first time that a series of closelyscheduled community-wide efforts will take place. All East Falls residents are welcome to participate in any of the clean ups. PennDOT will supply trash bags, gloves, and safety vests. Each Saturday will have two shifts – 10 am to 12 noon, and 12 noon to 2 pm. Fullam said that residents can do one or both shifts. The Saturday dates and starting points will be:

• March 2, starting at the corner of Calumet St and Ridge Ave. (4300 Ridge Ave.); • March 16, starting at Ferry Rd. in the parking lot under the Twin Bridges; and, • March 30, starting at Henry and Roberts Aves. (Randolph Skills Center.)

To volunteer for any of the three clean-ups, contact EF Town Watch at 215-848-2033. “Town Watch has heard from people concerned about the trash build-up on their streets,” TW Secretary and Executive Committee member Marie Filipponi, said. “Espe-

cially when it is windy on trash collection day, our neighborhood tends to get somewhat more littered. If people on those streets are willing to help us work as a team we will schedule cleanup on their streets first. Without their involvement, TW members will start on

what we perceive to be the most heavily littered areas.” Meetings with police The 39th Police District’s PSA1 (Police Service Area 1) monthly meeting will take place at 6 pm Wed., March 13, at 39th District headquarters, 22nd St. and Hunting Park Ave. Fullam said the meeting will be an opportunity for all East Fallsers to meet the new supervisor for the 39th’s PSA1, Lt. Sean Bascom, 24-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Force, and to present their questions and suggestions to the police. If you need a ride, call 215848-2033. At 7:30 pm Thurs., March 14 EFTW will hold its monthly executive committee meeting at the TW office, 3540 Indian Queen Ln. All EF residents are invited. Finally, the 39th District Police meet with the residents throughout the district every fourth Monday of the month at the 39th headquarters. The meeting this month will be at 6 pm Mon., March 25.


March 2019

East Falls NOW

Raising caterpillars to emerge as butterflies – You can do it!


ith March comes the promise of spring. It might be cold outside still, but many plants are getting ready to burst forth into color. The birds that left for warmer climes in the fall will start slowly making their way back up north. You’ll probably start seeing more of the cold-hardy butterflies such as the Question Mark on warmer days. And it’s only a matter of time before the swallowtails and the monarchs are back. When I first moved into East Falls, I decided to plant some milkweed in my tiny backyard. If you read my column last month, I talked about the importance of native plants, so you might have an idea why milkweed is so important. It’s the only genus of plants that Monarch caterpillars will feed on. Without milkweed, there are no monarchs. When I planted my milkweed, I expected maybe a handful of monarchs to visit. But by the end of that summer, I had raised at least 80 caterpillars into beautiful monarch butterflies. Monarch caterpillars are toxic, so they

and it’s not raining. If it’s late in the day or raining, you can release them the next morning as they can go up to 24 hours without nectaring. In addition to keeping the cages clean, one important thing about raising caterpillars is to keep the tinier caterpillars separate from any chrysalises, as diseases can spread from an adult butterfly to caterpillar. It’s a wonderful experience to see them go from eggs to caterpillars to chrysalis and eventually beautiful monarchs, so I hope East falls NOW readers will by Navin Sasikumar try it this summer. In addition to monarchs, you also can raise Black swalcan use Mesh pop-up cages lowtails on Zizia, parsley or instead. Raising caterpillars dill; Pipevine swallowtails on is straightforward -- moist Pipevine; Spicebush swallowpaper towels at the bottom, tails on spicebush or saswith clean leaves on top and safras; and Wild Indigo some twigs for the caterpillars Duskywings on Baptisia. to climb on. Clean out the Monarch caterpillars last year in Navin’s garden – soon to become Monarch If you have bigger yards frass, or excrement, and add butterfles. than I do, native oaks, cherfresh leaves every day. ries and willows are the host Monarchs start out as tiny make their way to the top, getting ready to emerge. It plants for huge numbers of eggs that hatch in about three hanging like a J before formtakes about three to four caterpillar species. If you to four days into tiny caterpil- ing a chrysalis. hours for the butterfly to would like to raise caterpillars lars. The caterpillars then go Once in the chrysalis stage, slowly expand its wings and this spring, or just want to prothrough various stages known it takes about ten to 14 days be able to fly. vide better habitat for them, as instars. As caterpillars, all before the butterfly emerges. You can release them if feel free to reach out to me at they do is eat and poop. After If you notice the chrysalis there’s at least two to three navinsasikumar@gmail.com 5 instars, it’s time to for them turning dark, the butterfly is hours of light left in the day with any questions. to form a chrysalis. They are not often the targets of predation, but considering their declining status, I decided to give them the best chance possible. I brought in any eggs or caterpillars and raised them in large Kritter Keeper containers. You also

Navin on Nature

For the Love of Gardens: Urban gardening – rewarding, but not easy!


ike many gardeners, I live for summer’s bounty in my own little vegetable patch, an endeavor rooted in childhood and postponed -- but for the daydreaming -- in early adulthood, as two frenetic journalism careers sent us careening around the country. In 1985, we landed in East Falls, and the adventure began in earnest. First, we joined a community garden in Roxborough, where our plot devolved into an allnight critter feed. Then, we transformed containers on the back porch of our rowhouse in the 3400 block of W. Queen Ln. into a delightful mini-forest of tomatoes and basil. Ready for more, we embarked on a fun but short-lived gig at a new community garden on Conrad Street. Finally, in 2002, came the wonder and challenge of the enor-

mous double-lot back yard of our single house on the corner of W. Queen Ln. and Vaux St. Out went a truckload of degraded dirt littered with trash and glass shards from broken windows and tossed beer bottles. In came a load of beautiful, aromatic, organic soil. I grew corn, tomatoes, eggplant, peppers, cukes, squash, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, beans, greens and herbs. So much work, but it was heavenly, truly the “summer’s bounty” that I’d longed for. But as the years go by, there is far more challenge than wonder involved. We seem to be Ground Zero for generations of hungry squirrels and chipmunks, rogue neighborhood cats, and the occasional groundhog, raccoon and possum, along with an array of destructive insects and diseases and Hitch-

Peppers from Ginny Smith’s Summer 2018 garden.

cock-worthy swarms of birds. At one point, until the feeder was retired, more than 100 birds at a time could be seen scrambling for seeds and poking around my vegetables. At every turn, too, I was foiled by weather: weeks of extreme rain and scorching heat, which three successive irrigation systems, needlessly complicated, did little to mitigate. Their epitaph: “What a waste of money!” Why do so many, usually those selling new plants and expensive boots, promote the idea that gardening is easy? You know the pitch: “Just toss a few seeds into the ground and you’ll feed your family all summer!” This year, I’ll grow my reliables – cucumbers, peppers, herbs – and be done with the rest. Disappointing, yes, but as setbacks go, this is pretty benign. After all, I’m not a farmer and my family didn’t starve. Better yet: see you at the East Falls Farmers’ Market! For ideas, questions and submissions to For the Love of Gardens, contact Deborah Kaplan at dkaplan8@verizon.net.

East Falls NOW


March 2019

It’s about Mifflin and McMichael


n Jan. 8 and Feb. 5 of this year, I met with teachers, parents and community volunteers of the Mifflin School. Their request was simple. They need funding to build a playground and outdoor amphitheater on Mifflin’s grounds. In recent years, they engaged the Community Design Collaborative on a design plan that would completely revitalize a boring con-

crete space into a fun, energetic outdoor play space that the Mifflin kids richly deserve. They had me at hello. I promised I would help fundraise and speak to the powers that be at the School District about appropriating money needed to green and improve the school yard campus. Once completed, it will be a game changer for Mifflin, and I am proud to support

their efforts. At the same time, I have


Corner by Curtis J. Jones, Jr, Councilman

not forgotten about my com-

mitment to building a natural play space at McMichael Park. To me, this is not about Mifflin or McMichael, it is about Mifflin and McMichael. I have allocated $250,000 in funds that are available to me for capital improvements to public property to begin the construction process for the natural play space at McMichael Park. The Department of Parks and Recreation will manage the

project and we will regularly notify the public as more details become available. It’s a great time to raise a family in East Falls. Mifflin a wonderful public school with caring and committed teachers, parents, volunteers and administrators and ample public spaces such as McMichael Park for the kids to enjoy. I am proud to represent East Falls and I look forward to what the future brings.

Happening in or near East Falls EFSA The East Falls Sports Association has scheduled its coed soccer for boys and girls ages three to 13 to run from Sept. 8 through Nov. 17, 2019. The full schedule, registration and additional information is available at www.efsasports.com. Also available shortly on the website will be information about the upcoming baseball season. ‘Advocate for libraries’ session set for Mon., March 4 An “Advocacy Café” to discuss ways to replace funding that the Free Library system has lost in the past 10 years is set for 6 pm Mon., March 4 at the Chestnut Hill Branch, 8711 Germantown Ave. Stan Cutler, member of the Friends of the Chestnut Hill Branch, said the meeting will be open to all friends of the branch libraries in Northwest Philadelphia who want to use their time and talents to win Join the East Falls Community Council by visiting “Become a Member” at www.eastfallscommunity.org

increased funding for the citywide library system. Honoring Gen. Hugh Mercer The St. Andrew’s Society of Philadelphia will honor Gen. Hugh Mercer and all Revolutionary War veterans buried at Laurel Hill Cemetery at 11 am Sat., April 13 at the cemetery, 3822 Ridge Ave.

As Gen. Mercer was a native of Scotland who died in the Battle of Princeton, the Society encourages East Fallsers to wear period costumes and Highland Dress. The Friends of Laurel Hill Cemetery will be available for a walking tour of the cemetery’s Revolutionary War veteran burial sites. Great Pizza Since 1945

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March 2019

East Falls NOW

Officials restate support for Mifflin playground by John T. Gillespie and Robert Rabinowitz


ity, state, and school district officials have reaffirmed their commitment to build a $1 millionplus playground at the Mifflin School. That message came through loud and clear in a recent meeting at Mifflin presided over by Councilman Curtis Jones to discuss the long-planned playground and prospects for funding. Designed by OLIN architects working through the pro-bono Community Design Collaborative, the playground was one of two community projects singled out for support by Jones. The other is McMichael Park, where the friends of McMichael Park seek funds for drainage and turf improvements. Jones said he would “work with the school district, school personnel, and Friends of Mifflin to help raise the funds necessary to erect the playground.” He added that he would personally help “leverage” funding from city and school district sources. Kimberly Newman, assistant superintendant of schools, said the school district was prepared to do its part in providing financial support. The playground is to be implemented in three stages. The first is preparation of the school yard site; the second is construction of the OLINdesigned playground; and the third is rejuvenation of the arboretum attached to the school. The arboretum will add $900,000 to the total cost. OLIN describes the project as a lush, steeply-sloped arboretum and a paved, walled-in schoolyard. “The Collaborative’s conceptual design activates the

Architect’s rendering of proposed playground and arboretum at Mifflin.

schoolyard with a play structure, a water garden fed by the gym roof, and a nature play area that serves as the trailhead to the arboretum. A new schoolyard entrance with accessible ramps and planted terraces, and a ‘nature gate’ into the arboretum welcome the entire community,” the plan states. OLIN’s celebrated projects include Bryant Park, Canary Wharf, Battery Park City, the J. Paul Getty Center and the Barnes Foundation. OLIN’s current work includes a comprehensive master plan for 30th Street Station in

Philadelphia, the waterfront of downtown Alexandria, VA, and the competition-winning 11th Street Bridge Park in Washington, D.C. Friends of Mifflin’s Polly Edelstein is organizing residents and stakeholders to push ahead with the project. She says the playground and arboretum will “create a recreational and classroom experience” to join community destinations Vault + Vine flower shop and the Falls of Schuylkill Library on the other side of Midvale Ave. Robert Rabinowitz, a member of the executive commit-

tee of the East Falls CommunityCouncil and Chair of its education committee, said the playground “would connect the school with the community and be a center for growth and recreation for everyone.” Jones stated that he hopes to “implement an action plan to fund the entire space and campus plan in phases over the next four years.” Edelstein is organizing a launch party for the entire community in May. She said the goal is to have the playground funded by the summer of 2022. Planning for the playground began several years ago.

OLIN waived its design fee of $60,000. Tammy Murphy, a Mifflin parent, and Gina Snyder, former executive director of the East Falls Development Corporation, helped with the initial planning. Attending the meeting with Councilman Jones were Friends of Mifflin, officers of the East Falls Community Council, Friends of McMichael Park , school district officials, Mifflin principal Leslie Mason, Mifflin teachers, representatives of State Rep. Pam DeLissio (D-194), and representatives from OLIN.

Rendering of future Mifflin Playground.

East Falls NOW

March 2019

Mifflin students win spots at Masterman and Central


our students at the Thomas Mifflin School have captured highly competitive seats at Philadelphia’s Julia R. Masterman School, the Philadelphia High School for Girls High and Central High School next fall. Leslie Mason, Principal at Mifflin, said that two current

fourth graders will begin the 5th grade at Masterman. They are (left photo) Seamus Johnson (l) and Andre Bell (r.) Earning entry to Girls High (right photo) is Jarah Scott (l), while her fellow eight grader Anthony Soda (r) will attend Central.

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March 2019

East Falls NOW

Kitchen Corner by Anne Farnese


n March 17th folks will celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, which has evolved from religious feast to a celebration of Irish culture. Many will celebrate the day with Irish whiskey and Irish coffee – a delicious way to do that. Irish coffee, a cream-topped hot coffee cocktail, is so popular it’s a staple on bar menus around the world. Sweetened with sugar and laced with Irish whiskey, the soothe-thesoul beverage came about in the early days of commercial trans-Atlantic air flight when planes lacked flying range. Foynes airbase near Limer-

ick, Ireland was a stopping place for refueling between America and Europe, and O’Regan restaurant there became the birthplace of the world-famous cocktail, thanks to Chef Joe Sheridan and bad weather. On a winter night in 1942, a flight departed Foynes. But after several hours of stormy weather it had to return. The pilot sent O’Regan’s a message to be ready for the cold and weary passengers. Joe Sheridan brewed coffee, added Irish whiskey, brown sugar and floated whipped cream on top to warm up the chilled-tothe-bone, frazzled passengers. One happy passenger asked, “Hey, buddy, is this Brazilian coffee?”

“No” said Joe, “that’s Irish coffee.” And the rest is history. Irish Coffee • Fill a footed glass with hot water, then empty. • Pour one cup hot coffee into warmed glass until it is ¾ full. • Add 1 tablespoon brown sugar and stir until completely dissolved. • Blend in 1 jigger Irish whiskey. • Top with heavy cream that is slightly whipped, then add by gently pouring cream over the back of a spoon so a collar forms on top. Irish coffee

Interlude nets record attendance and more than $9,000


he Feb. 23 Winter Interlude fundraiser by the Friends of the Falls of Schuylkill Library recorded a record high for attendance and money raised. Margaret Sadler, President of the volunteer Friends group, told EF NOW that 173 persons attended the Saturday night wine and dessert event at the library. The festivities included a silent auction that generated, along with ticket sales, $9,200. The funds will be used for library programs and interior and exterior improvements to the Midvale Ave. and Warden Dr. building. Past work underwritten by the Friends include new flooring and chairs for the downstairs meeting room, new moveable bookcases in the main reading room, lighting, a new sound system in the meeting room with assistance from East Falls Village, and ongoing maintenance of the library’s garden.

The Falls Library was packed for the 2019 Winter Interlude – a fun time and fundraiser by the Friends of the Falls Library. (Photo by Brian Mudri)


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East Falls NOW


March 2019

Your antidote for loneliness – East Falls Village loneliness. What can be done to combat loneliness and social isolaou might have heard tion? Face-to-face connection news reports about how with others is the best remedy pervasive loneliness is – – through support groups, and that researchers have civic activities, adult educafound that it is just as lethal as tion classes, social groups, smoking 15 cigarettes a day! volunteering, faith-based According to the chief medactivities, political activism, ical author of Cigna, which con- book clubs, travel clubs, and ducted the study, loneliness is even dating websites, accordmore dangerous than obesity. ing to a psychologist in Boca Lonely people are 50 percent Raton, FL, who sees a lot of more likely to die prematurely loneliness in his practice. than those with healthy social This is where East Falls relationships. Village can help. The Village The AARP Loneliness Study offers programs – yoga, a reports that 42.6 million Amer- weekly walking group, lunchicans older than 45 have chron- es of the month, tours, even ic loneliness. A psychologist at monthly socials or happy Carnegie Mellon noted, “Loneli- hours. And our drivers and ness is particularly problematic tech volunteers make connecamong older people. They tions with the members they might have lost loved ones, or drive to medical appointments their social fabric might have or help with computers. frayed when they left the work- Almost all EFV members say place.� And this is not just an they have gotten to know American problem. England more people as a result of now has a national minister of

by Mary Flournoy


their membership and participation in the Village. Our February Lunch of the Month at LeBus was attended by 20 members – including Mike and Sue Burnett, who moved back to Tennessee after living in East Falls for a year to help care for a new grandchild. They keep up with EFV as nonresident members and were glad to see other Village members again – and hope to attend other Village events when they come back to visit. Some March Village Events Thursday Morning Walks – Every Thursday at 9:30 am, weather permitting, a small group meets at the Falls Library Garden for a walk in East Falls, followed by a coffee break. Registration is not necessary.

Lunch of the Month – On Thurs., March 7, EFV will travel to the Market at the Fareway, formerly the Chestnut Hill Farmers Market behind the Chestnut Hill Hotel, for lunch. Options include deli sandwiches, lobster rolls, and dishes from Korea, Jamaica, and the Middle East – plus desserts, coffee, and craft beers. Join us for a good split-the-bill lunch, good company, and to learn more about East Falls Village. Register at info@eastfallsvillage.org or call 267-444-4507. Meet us at the Falls Library at 11:15 for carpooling or meet us at the Market at 11:30. Explore Philadelphia with Fred – Philadelphia tour guide and EFV member Fred Vincent will lead a tour of some new and remodeled places in Center City: the new Comcast Technology Center,

the Holocaust Memorial Plaza and Love Park. The tour is Fri., March 29 and the group will take the 10:23 am train from the East Falls station. After the tour, we’ll do an optional lunch at the Oyster House, 1516 Sansom St., with the group splitting the bill. Register at info@eastfallsvillage.org or call 267-444-4507. To Join East Falls Village In addition to some programs that are just for members, benefits of membership include rides to appointments, technology help, and the service provider list. To join EFV, visit eastfallsvillage.org and click on Member Signup to join with a credit card. You also can print out the membership application and mail a check. Or, pick up a brochure at the Falls Library or call 267-444-4507.

The sound of the trees by Ray Lucci


wonder about the trees. Why do we wish to bear Forever the noise of these More than another noise So close to our dwelling place?� These are the first lines from the poem The Sound of Trees, by Robert Frost (1874 – 1963.) It speaks well to the oft-asked question, why do we plant trees? The hardy band of volunteers who make up the East Falls contingent of Philadelphia Horticultural Society’s neighborhood tree advocates, East Falls Tree Tenders, shares a passion for trees and for what they do for us. EFTT has been an active group of volunteer tree planters, advocates and stewards since 1995. We’ve planted just about 1,000 trees in the past 24 years throughout the community. I would categorize the benefits of trees into four broad categories: environmental, social,

economic and aesthetic. Environmental Trees are inextricably linked to the web of life worldwide except for the Arctic and Antarctica. Urban wildlife, primarily birds, thrive where there are trees. The birds gorge themselves on insects and help to keep insects in check. Trees are great photosynthetic machines, drawing in carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil. With the aid of sunlight, trees convert these components into various sugars and carbohydrates, including the wood of its structure. They produce oxygen as a byproduct and bring balance to several complex geochemical cycles. They store tremendous quantities of carbon and help counter the greenhouse effect that causes global warming. They filter our air as well of several noxious anthropogenic gases such as the NOX gases, NO2 and NO3, key components of photochemical air pollution.

Consequently, ground level ozone is also reduced. That’s good news for other plants and asthma sufferers. Trees provide shade and help lower ambient air temperature. And they help to move excess water from moisture laden soil by transpiring the water back into the air via their leaves. Social The social benefits are many and sometimes not immediately seen or appreciated. Both epidemiological studies and other research have concluded that city streets lined with trees help lower blood pressure and boost emotional and psychological health. Streets lined with trees are safer to walk because they encourage the residents to come out and

socialize. More eyes on the streets help defer criminal behavior. Lining streets on both sides with trees encourages drivers to slow down due to the tunneling effect. Road rage also appears to decrease when streets are lined with trees.

Aesthetic Finally, trees add an aesthetic to our streets. They frame them, shade and cool them. They bring a symmetry and help to soften the impact of often excessive street signage, utility poles and lines. They delight the senses with a palette of color that changes Economic among the four seasons. Study after study also Please sign up with us this reveals that a street lined with year when we begin to accept mature trees adds as much as applications for street trees to a ten percent to the value of be planted in the fall. We will homes. Additionally, because announce when PHS opens the they can manage large volumes window for those applications of water, street trees help our in various media, including EF community and city control NOW, NextDoor, our Facebook costs in storm water managepage and the EFCC website. ment by mitigating the need Join your neighbors in enhancfor large scale storm water ing our community’s urban tree infrastructure improvement canopy. and development.

Safety steps added to Henry Ave. (Continued from page 1) heavy traffic. Cost also is a factor. Ultimately, traffic engineers can go only so far in protecting drivers from their own behavior. There is no magic cure for speeding, driving under the influence, or distracted driving. According to PennDOT, in the five years from 2011 to

2015 some 352 crashes of varying severity were reported, including seven fatalities, on Henry Ave. between Allegheny Ave. and Port Royal Rd. in Andorra. PennDOT draws its data from local police reports, which might or might not list underlying causes such as drunkenness, speeding, texting or other driver distractions.



4265 Kelly Drive Philadelphia, PA 19129 Tel. 215-438-8400 Fax 215-438-9630

Join Up, Show Up, Speak Up Take part in the EFCC’s monthly general membership meetings – 7 pm every second Monday, East Falls Presbyterian Church, Midvale and Vaux Join an EFCC committee: Zoning, Events, Traffic, By-Laws. Contact info@eastfallscommunity.org Do you have news for East Falls NOW? Contact editor@eastfallsnow.com If you’re not getting East Falls NOW, contact info@eastfallsnow.com




March 2019

East Falls NOW

Falls Library roars into March


verything from 12 days of kids’ scavenger hunts to programs on tax preparation and the inside story on recycling will help the Falls Library roar into March. Please note a delayed opening (2 pm) for staff development on Thurs., March 14.

On the Children’s side:

Starting on Fri., March 1 and running daily through Tues., March 12, the Children’s Department will offer a song and myth scavenger hunt based on Sing, Unburied, Sing – this year’s One Book, One Philadelphia selection. Using clues based on folktales and music, youngsters will hunt their way through the library to solve riddles and enter chances to win gift cards. The Library’s drop-in after school program (LEAP) continues to offer daily homework assistance, computer literacy, and library skills for students in grades K–12 and literacy enrichment activities for elementary school students -every Monday through Thursday from 3 to 5:30 pm and every Saturday from 1 to 5pm. Stop in the branch for the LEAP monthly calendar to see the full agenda.

March 4, 11, and 25 @ 4:15 pm Read with a Therapy Dog: School age kids are invited to come read with Wally or Orchid, certified therapy dogs, and share a new book or an old favorite in a judgment free space. March 5, 12, 19, and 26 @ 10:15 am Music and Movement Time: Babies and toddlers will enjoy a parent-led music and dance story time. Children play maracas, shake pom-poms, dance, and listen to music and dance-themed books. Come tire out your little ones and meet local parents. Groups and daycares should call the library to set up their own special visits. March 7 @ 11 am Storytime and Block Play: Stories and songs followed by playtime with the Library’s wooden blocks. Recommended for ages two to six, accompanied by an adult; siblings are always welcome. Imagine, build, and create! Groups should call the children's librarian to schedule separate visits. March 9 @ 2 pm Leap into Building:

What can school-age children build with Legos, Keva Plants and Magnatiles? Young children should be supervised, as small pieces will be involved. March 16 @ 2 pm Leap into Slime: Let's make some slime together using different household ingredients. For school-age kids.

On the adult side:

March 4, 11, 18, and 25 @ 6:30 pm: March 4 will kick off an eight-part series on Recycling Realities, by the Wagner Free Science Institute. The series will survey current recycling technologies and policies, with an emphasis on the recovery of value from municipal solid wastes. It will address the recycling of glass, paper products, food wastes, common metals, plastics and technology metals. The course is free and requires no advance registration. March 6 @ 6:30 pm: Real estate agent Steve Buzogany from Keller Williams will lead a Home Buying Workshop for firsttime home buyers. (Continued on page 11)

2020 marks 125th anniversary of Falls Bridge by Ellen Sheehan, co-president of EFHS


he iconic Falls Bridge will celebrate its 125th Anniversary in June 2020. As a tribute to the love and support that the community has for the bridge, the East Falls Historical Society is calling for the bridge to be repaired and restored to its original condition. According to Darrin Gatti, Chief Engineer and Surveyor of Bridges for the Philadelphia Streets Department,

plans are underway for improvements to the bridge and some work is underway already. Crews are working during nightly closures to address repairs that cannot wait. Comprehensive restoration work will not commence until 2022. Since the work is funded by state and federal grants, the Pennsylvania Historic and Museum Commission will need to approve restoration plans in advance. Gatti said that the EF Historical Society will be consulted and its approval sought following a presentation of plans to the

Discovering, Preserving and Appreciating the History of East Falls: An Opportunity to Get Involved


Are you, or do you know, a very long-time East Falls resident or business owner who would like to be interviewed for our Oral History Program? Email eastfallshistory@gmail.com.

East Falls Community Council at a date to be determined. March 4 Program Professor Evan Laine, Director of the Law and Society Program at Jefferson University’s EF Campus, will discuss the life of the late U.S. Senator Arlen Specter at 6:30 pm Monday, March 4 at the Arlen Specter Center for Public Service, School House Ln. and Netherfield Rd. The event is free and open to the public, but space is limited and pre-registration is required. To pre-register, email eastfallshistory@gmail.com. Please include your name, email address and the number of people who will attend. Limited parking is available. April 10 Program Rescheduled because of bad weather on February 20, Ken Hinde’s talk on What Style is My House? will take place at 6:30 pm Wed., April 10 at the Falls Library. The event is free and refreshments will be served.

Lips Together, Teeth Apart cast: rear, Darin DeVivo and Eric Rupp; seated, Danielle Foley and Caitlin Riley.

Lips Together, Teeth Apart opens March 8


ld Academy Players will debut its production of Terrence McNally’s Lips Together, Teeth Apart on Friday, March 8. The drama -- directed by Rob Rosiello, produced by Nancy Ridgeway with set design by T. Mark Cole -- will run Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm and Sundays at 2 pm through March 24. It is McNalley’s tale of siblings Chloe and Sam and their spouses John and Sally. They spend an explosive Fourth of July weekend together in 1991. After the death of her brother from AIDS, Sally has inherited a beach house in The Pines, an exclusive gay community on Fire Island. Family relationships, unspoken fears and for-

Co-ed Sports in East Falls for boys and girls ages 3-10 Spring baseball and soccer at McDevitt Recreation Center.


Lecture on East Falls architecture is rescheduled for April 10, 6:30, at the Library. Our next program: “Arlen Specter and Bipartisanship” by Evan Laine: Monday, March 4, 6:00 p.m., Arlen Specter Center. Free admission. Email eastfallshistory@gmail.com to register (required).

For membership information: katy.hineline@gmail.com. For other inquiries: eastfallshistory@gmail.com. www.eastfallshistoricalsociety.org Or, visit us on Facebook!

Schedule, registration and more information at: www.efsasports.com

bidden longings are revealed despite the desperate sense of individual isolation, all set against the revelry of partying neighbors celebrating personal and patriotic freedom. McNally’s play won both the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding New Play and the Lucille Lortel Award Winner, Outstanding Play in 1992. McNally believed that a play provided a forum for the ideas and feelings that could lead a society to decide to heal and change itself. David Richards, in The New York Times, called Lips Together, Teeth Apart "fascinating and ultimately quite touching.” Old Academy’s cast includes: Caitlin Riley as Sally Truman, Danielle Foley as Chloe Haddock, Darin DeVivo as John Haddock and Eric Rupp as Sam Truman. Parking for all performances is free. Tickets are $20 per person online at www.oldacademyplayers.org/. Old Academy welcomes groups. Take advantage of group discount pricing ($17 per person with 15 or more people in a group). Call 215-843-1109 for more information. Old Academy Players, where Grace Kelly and Robert Prosky made their stage debuts, is a non-profit community theater at 3544 Indian Queen Ln. Constructed in 1819, the Old Academy building has been the theatre’s home since 1932. Old Academy has provided continuous community theater since 1923 and is a member of the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance.

East Falls NOW


March 2019

BIG birthday for McMichael Park th Shively & Tom Williams; for the best Bubbie, with love from Eli; in honor of my chilith McMichael Park dren, Danielle, Neal & Hanset to turn 90 years nah, with love from Mom; old in 2019, the mem- grandson, Eli, and our dogbers of Friends of McMichael gies, Charlie and Lola, with Park (FOMP) are planning a love from Mom; in memory of series of events to mark this Harold and Selma Lampert, important anniversary. from Rich Lampert and DeboAt the FOMP annual meet- rah Thorp; for Doris Steining on Jan. 22, members disberg, with love from Phil; for cussed plans for more trees; Eleanore Tompkins, from Keiconsideration of a hydration th Shively and Tom Williams; station; an anniversary art for Susan Steinberg, from Phil project on the park electrical Steinberg; for Guston the cat , box; an Easter Egg Hunt in from Rich and Deborah; for April; a pet adoption program the Shaffers, from Dr. Johnny in May; free theatre, Measure Cris; for Poochino, Gizmo & for Measure, on July 11; the Ally, from Marilynn Shaffer; potential return of Parks on to wonderful friends & the Tap; a Movie Night in May or best of neighbors, Patti KroJune; the return of the Pump- culick and Charlene & Geoff kin Labyrinth in October; Brock, from Betty Miller; for Scarecrow building in the fall; Edna Hobbs, get well from a scavenger hunt; a children's Christine Martin; in loving story hour in May or June; memory of Linda Leube, from and the Memorial Day celeJoe; in memory of my son, bration, which made a popuDavid Hayes, from Virginia lar return in 2018 after a long Hayes; for Doris Steinberg, hiatus. from Keith Shively and Tom And the spring version of Williams; for Spike the cat, Love Your Park, the twice-afrom Rich and Deborah; for year community clean-up, is Frances Bourne, feel better, scheduled for Sat., May 11. from the Friends of Watch upcoming editions of McMichael Park; for Marge EF NOW for details. The rain and Dick Lippin, from Mary date will be Sat., May 18. Jean Cunningham; for Mimi FOMP members also disSatterthwaite, from Phil cussed the importance of more Steinberg; for the St. Bridget's volunteers joining the work of Community, from Betty conserving the community's Miller; in memory of my huspark. FOMP leadership said band, Cappy from Virginia they are continuing a review Hayes; for "The Kids", from of plans for park maintenance, Mary Jean Cunningham; East and expressed thanks to Falls Village, from Betty Councilmember Curtis Jones, Miller; in honor of my son, Jr. for his recent funding of Christian, from Virginia turf maintenance and Hayes; Ms. Jazz, "Our Forever stormwater management pro- Kitty", from Christine Martin; jects and capital restoration for our friends and neighbors, work for 2019 and 2020. from Richard Lampert and In 2020 FOMP as an organi- Deborah Thorp; for Darisha zation in will celebrate 30 Parker, Rosita Youngblood's years of successful preservaoffice, thanks for the meeting, tion work in McMichael Park. from FOMP; in memory of The funding secured by Coun- Kirby Smith, with Love, Jody cilmember Jones for these Smith; in memory of Gavin combined projects and outSmith, with love from Jody reach programming will conand Andrew; for FOMP, from tinue the FOMP's original Frankie Jueds ; for best wishmission to conserve the natur- es to Jamie Gauthier on her al beauty and open space of next chapter, from FOMP; in East Falls’ beloved park creat- memory of Ethel Groves, with ed by and named for the forlove from Judy and Andrew mer Mayor and visionary first Smith; in memory of Tom president of the Fairmount Sauerman, from his many Park Commission, Morton friends in EF; remembering McMichael. Stormy, 1/4/19, from Robert and Donna; in loving memory Lovelights Shined Brightly of Peter Kishinchand, from McMichael Park was bright- Cynthia and Kumar Kishincened again in February by the hand; and for all the dogs and many friends and neighbors cats we have loved, from who participated in the annu- Leslie, Ted and Ike. al Lovelights tradition. This Friends of McMichael Park fundraiser brought in more than $1,400 to be used for matching grants that directly support McMichael Park. Here are "Belated Loves" that missed the February EF NOW deadline: For Sallie Maser, from Kei-

by Alexis Franklin


Help make our community great. Join the East Falls Community Council by visiting “Become a Member” at www.eastfallscommunity.org

Brightening East Falls the week of Valentines’ Day were the “Lovelights” of the many Friends of McMichael Park.

The A team that set up the Lovelights, from l: left Mike Andrews, Robert Rabinowitz, Christina Kistler, Brian Kistler Beth Gross-Eskin, and John-david Franklin. In front, Alexis Franklin.

Falls Library roars into March (Continued from page 10)

March 6 @ 1 pm: Beginners’ bridge for new players. March 11 @ 6:30 pm: Program on the stoicism philosophy. March 18 @ 5:45 pm: Advanced Bridge hosted by Friends of the Falls Library member Victor Lewis for advanced and experienced players. March 19 @2 pm: Tax preparation session in cooperation with St. Sen. Vince Hughes’ office. Call the Senator’s website for more

information: 215-879-7777. Wed., March 20 @ 6 pm: Author Kenneth Finkel will discuss his latest work, Insight Philadelphia: Historical Essays Illustrated. Finkel is a professor of history at Temple University, and the author of nine books on Philadelphia. He is a former curator of prints and photographs at the Library Company of Philadelphia, program officer at the William Penn Foundation and executive director of arts and culture service at WHYY. March 25 @6:30 pm: The Falls Book Group will

discuss A Long, Long Time Ago, by Bridget Pesultka. March 27 @ 6:30 pm: Meditation Workshop: This simple workshop will provide a foundation for gaining mindfulness through meditation. The meditations will utilize calming and energizing techniques to introduce ways to gain self-awareness and a peaceful state of mind. Join this session courtesy of the KIND Institute and the Urban Affairs Coalition partnership with the School District of Philadelphia. All ages are welcome.


March 2019

East Falls NOW

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