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Custom Integrative Healthcare Solutions: Network Lease See only the best IH providers
Network Lease: See only the best integrative healthcare providers The CHP Group (CHP) is the authority in delivering accessible, high-quality integrative healthcare (IH) solutions that promote member and employee health and satisfaction while controlling healthcare costs. Founded in 1989, we have nearly 30 years of experience in managing evidence-based integrative healthcare. We are the partner of choice for health plans and employer groups who want the best IH services. For health plans and employer groups, a Network Lease arrangement offers participants the ability to access the highest-quality integrative healthcare providers in their area. At CHP our provider network is carefully vetted and continually evaluated to ensure each patient experiences the best medicallynecessary care. A Network Lease arrangement includes the following services:
High-Quality Provider Network Access to over 2,000 credentialed chiropractic, naturopathic, acupuncture and massage therapy providers.
NCQA+ Credentialing Our credentialing process has been developed to meet NCQA standards and adds additional CHP requirements including philosophy of care, office safety and accessibility, and high-quality record keeping practices. These additional
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Negotiated Fee Schedules We use proprietary integrative healthcare data and apply our expertise to create professionallydeveloped and -maintained fee schedules.
Provider Performance Management At CHP, we have developed a proven methodology for identifying and managing unexplained variation in practice patterns. This expertise allows us to correct outlier behavior and detect fraud and abuse.
Provider Education To ensure that members or employees have the best clinical and administrative experience when accessing IH care, we offer extensive educational and training opportunities for our network providers. • Our website has Best Practices guidelines for providers that cover topics such as record keeping and radiographic guidelines. • Our Clinical Pathways outline treatment recommendations from recent, evidencebased research for conditions commonly seen in integrative healthcare practices. • We offer clinically-focused continuing education programs and administrative education and training for our network providers and their office staff.
standards allow us to maintain a mature network filled with high-quality providers.