4 minute read
I Can’t Breathe
By Tammy Lendore
The Greek translation of breath is pneuma. In the religious context it refers to the Spirit or Soul. I CAN’T BREATHE is a slogan associated with the Black Lives Matter Movement in the United States of America. It originates from the last words of Eric Garner, an unarmed black man who was killed in 2014 by the New York City Police after being placed in a chokehold. More recently, those were the same last words of George Floyd. Another black American man who’s death was witnessed by millions after a video went viral showing a police officer with his knee on Floyd’s neck. I CAN’T BREATHE is a slogan which now lives in infamy in our society and modern culture. Indelibly etched into our MINDS.
For nearly a year the world has been gripped by the COVID 19 Coronavirus Pandemic. The Wikipedia definition for Coronavirus: A disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. The connection between the two is that many who are seriously attacked or who have died, have the same problem as Eric Garner and George Floyd. THEY CAN’T BREATHE (As a result of developing Pneumonia). People are dying because their BODIES can no longer breathe.
Our Minds which we need to survive in society is under attack and evidenced by the Black Lives Matter Movement and its slogan. Our Bodies which we need also to survive, and function is under attack and evidenced by COVID-19. BUT our Souls: Those are not governed by our Minds or our Bodies. Neither Society nor Biology. Genesis 2 verse 7: And the Lord formed man of the
dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (i.e. Pneuma); and man became a living soul. GOD BREATHED HIS PRESENCE INTO HUMANITY FOR HIM TO BECOME A LIVING NEPHESH.
Ezekiel 37 v 5 and 6: Thus, saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring flesh upon you, and cover you with skin and put breath in you, and ye shall live, and ye shall know that I am the Lord. Read also verses 9 and 10. Matthew
27 v 50: (of the NIV)
And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, He gave up His spirit. In other words, He gave up His breath or pneuma. It is at this point in the Matthew and other Gospels that Jesus had died. The point to remember it that Jesus death was not the end because in 3 days, He would resurrect as the Christ. He is now seated at the right hand of the Father and acts our advocate. With Him and in Him we too are heirs to the Kingdom!
What is it that you depend on to breathe? Can you with conviction agree with the worship song that: This is the air I breathe, Your holy presence living in me. And I, I’m lost without You.
And after reading these kids Bible lessons about superheroes, you may be wishing for a superpower of your own! What would it be?!
When you think of the “Dynamic Duo,” you probably think of Batman & Robin! But after we receive Jesus as our Lord & Savior, we are no longer depending on our own strength; He gives us a partner!
Well, when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, He gives us His Holy Spirit to live within us – talk about SUPERPOWER! WOW! BAM!! SHAZAM!!!!
Don’t think now that it’s all over! Our journey with Jesus is just beginning!
LOOK IT UP: Open up your Bible to Romans 8:9-11, and you will see it say that Jesus (Christ) lives within us through His Holy Spirit! Your Bible may say “dwells” or “indwells” which both mean to “live in”. Turn to Philippians 1:6 in the New Testament and see what Paul says about this work that Jesus has begun in you! He didn’t start something new in you for you to finish; He promised He will keep on working on us to make us more and more like Him! We may doubt because we can’t see the Holy Spirit. We can’t see the air either, but we can see when it moves the leaves on the trees or we hear it and feel it blowing! Look in the Gospel of John 3:8 to see what I mean! THINK ABOUT: Go outside and see if the wind is blowing. Let it remind you that even though we may not see God, we can know He is with us and all around us and in us!
REMEMBER: God is for you! Jesus is our ONLY hero and desires to lead us each and every day as our Captain. We can trust Him with our life now and our life forever!
PRAY: If you already have accepted Jesus as your Savior and Lord (Captain), thank Him for saving you! Pledge your allegiance to Him; tell Him you want to live for Him and serve Him every day from now on! And thank Him for living in you by His Holy Spirit!
For more of these lessons go to https://www.creativebiblestudy. com/kids-Bible-lessons-heroes.html