The Church Without Walls Fall and Winter Calendar

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TA B L E O F CO N T E N TS PAS’ WE LCO M E PAGE 4- 5 Pas’ Welcome, Mobile APP Covenant Community, August Month of Prayer

42 YEA R PRE ACH ING ANNIV ER SA RY PAG E 6 -7 Honoring Pastor Ralph Douglas West for 42 years of preaching


PAGE 8 - 9

Brookhollow Christian Academy, Ignite Youth Retreat, Fall Festival, Ignite Step Show


PAGE 10-11

Build Your Life classes and guest speakers on Eldridge Campus in month of September


PAGE 12 -13

Back To Church, Lady Sheretta West’s Birthday, Pastor & Sheretta West’s 35th Wedding Anniversary, Baby Dedication


PAGE 14-15

Noon Bible Study with Pas, Adult Sunday Bible Fellowship Classes, Small Group Bible Study, Fall Bible Study Classes

500 YE A R R E F O R M AT I ON

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In 2017, the world will mark the five-hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation


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Pastoral Anniversary Guest Speakers, Street Smart Shopping Cart , October Breast Cancer Awareness Events, Mission Sunday, Men’s Retreat Church Anniversary Guest Speakers, Family & Friends Day, Volunteer Breakfast, Thanksgiving & Founders Day Service


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New Members’ Reception, Angel Tree, Small Groups Graduation, Mosaic Sleigh Ride, Remembrance Service, Christmas At The Church Without Walls, Christmas Eve Service, Watch Night Service







Pastor Ralph Douglas West, Sr. Welcome to The Church Without Walls! We are always excited to have family and visiting friends join us for one of our six worship experiences. Summer is coming to an end, the children are preparing to start school and the routines of life are in full cycle. I pray that you’ve enjoyed your vacations, staycations, family reunions or just a few leisure days to recharge. I am looking forward to the Fall, not just to get a break from Houston’s blistering Summer heat, moreover to experience the season of reflection and celebration that’s coming in the months ahead. As the Founding Pastor, I have seen God do the unimaginable in the life of our church. From the first meeting in my home over thirty years ago, until present. He has graciously proven Himself faithful, over and over again. As an expression of gratitude to God, I anticipate our 30forThirty celebrations; that’s 30 years of towering as a beckon of light and hope in the community and 30 years of pastoring this body of believers. This celebratory Fall/Winter Publication lists a variety of happenings at The Church Without Walls. Please take some time and peruse each page. I am certain that you will find a number of events and ministry programs for the entire family. Yes, our visiting friends are welcome to join us. It’s a celebration... the more the merrier! I am also asking our church family to support our 30forThirty celebrations through: consistent church attendance, inviting an unsaved person to church, and committing to serve in a ministry. I praise God for this 30forThirty journey. My prayer is that our children and youth will keep the torch of faith burning brightly for the generations to come. Soli Deo Gloria,

Ralph D. West, Sr. Pastor/Founder


We have a new church app to keep you informed of all of the happenings at The Church Without Walls! Get updates with push notifications, view church events, trending videos, and announcements. You can also ask for prayer on our Prayer Wall and use the Digital Bible included in the App. The Church Without Walls Mobile App will be available soon!

CO V E N A N T CO M M U N I T Y M E E T I N G Monday, August 21th | 7PM Queenston Campus - SLC Monday, September 18th | 7PM Queenston Campus - SLC Monday, October 16th | 7PM Queenston Campus - SLC Monday, November 20th | 7PM Queenston Campus - SLC

Covenant Community is the leadership meeting for all ministry leaders: Staff Liaisons, Coordinators, and Co-Coordinators. Join us every 3rd Monday of every month to discuss and plan ministry strategies, growth, challenges, and learn biblical leadership principles. The apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to keep growing in his leadership skills. That’s good counsel for all of us. “Like the horizons for breadth and the ocean for depth, the understanding of a good leader is broad and deep.” Proverbs 25:3 (MSG)

During the month of August we will pray together as a church family for Pastor West and Family, Church Leaders and Staff, Church Ministries, and Church Family’s Restoration, Renewal and much more. There is a new prayer focus presented daily. Each campus will be open at noon on Wednesdays for personal prayer. From August 20th - 26th, we will fast and pray eating only fruits, vegetables, and drinking water from 6am to 6pm. Join the celebration of God’s faithfulness on Sunday, August 27th at 7:00pm in a Special Prayer Service.



The Church Without Walls joins with believers worldwide to celebrate and magnify the ministry of Ralph D. West, Sr. A native of Houston and a son of its 5th Ward, the Christian world recognizes Dr. West as one of its premier proclaimers. Nurtured in the faith by his mother Johnelle West and blessed with his wise and sagacious wife, Sheretta West, Dr. West answered the clear call to preach at 16 and has not been disobedient to that heavenly vision. Grounded early in the Baptist church of his youth, certain in his grasp of Baptist doctrine, he was shaped by Dr. A.L. Patterson as mentor and pastor. Spurred on by his mother, he was graduated first from Bishop College, then Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and after that earned the Doctor of Ministry from the Beeson Seminary of Samford University. From these academic venues, his reputation as pastor/scholar continues to lead him to work as Adjunct Professor at Baylor’s Truett Theological Seminary as well as learned venues worldwide. Along with First Lady Sheretta West, the pastor responded to the clear call of God to found Brookhollow Baptist Church Thanksgiving, 1987. From its modest beginnings the church, known as The Church Without Walls has expanded to three campuses and six services. It is widely recognized as one of the flagship tall-steeple churches in the nation, radiating influence far beyond the thousands who attend weekly. Dr. West, affectionately known as Pas, continue to minister beyond his own church at venues to diverse as the legendary Hampton Institute, the Baptist General Convention of Texas, conventions, conferences, colleges, universities and lectureships that now number in the hundreds. No preacher in the country is under more demand to preach, teach, lecture and lead in so many venues. A perpetual planner of his own pulpit work, Dr. West does tedious exegetical work unseen by the admiring millions, closets himself with the Word and the Lord in early morning and late night labor, gleans stories from the widest assortment of reading, and brings these together in preaching moments that are celebrated by ministers and laity alike. Worldwide unknown masses listen to him breathlessly as he ministers the Word of God with accessible warmth and scholarly insight. Seasoned ministers are stunned at Pas’s pastoral attention to the smallest detail. One nationally recognized minister observed, “No mega-church pastor in the nation gives himself so tirelessly to the individuals in his church, not to mention his day-and-night availability to other pastors who seek his counsel by phone and in person. If a pastor in Houston is in the hospital, the first person there at midnight is Dr. West.” As another has observed, “He is utterly without self-regard.” This is all on top of constant demands by the community and the city to bless many venues with his presence, including his pastoral friendship of his own member, the mayor of Houston. Astonished by his energy and engaged by his charismatic smile and genuine love for humanity, Dr. West owns any room when he enters. His ability to cross ethnic, racial, economic, demographic and cultural lines is legendary. Amused friends witnessed this when an iconic American athlete was more interested in meeting Dr. West than anyone else in the room with the highest national leadership. Gifted with rare gifts, disciplined to hone those gifts to the sharpest edge, Rev. Dr. Ralph Douglas West, Sr., anticipates the next chapters of his storied ministry. Depending on the Lord who called him surrounded by the family that supports him, upheld in prayer by the thousands who hear him, Dr. West lives with the humble assurance that the best is yet to be.


B RO O K H O L LOW C H R I S T I A N AC A D E M Y | Queenston Campus

We believe that all children deserve an exceptional educational environment that meets their spiritual, social, emotional, cognitive and physical needs. We are dedicated to building the legacy of our families as we prepare our children to lead the world in commitment to others and service to God. Here at Brookhollow Christian Academy, education is a partnership between school, parents and students. Our belief is that each student is an individual learner because not all students learn at the same pace. Having an experienced staff teaching our students to be well-rounded spiritually, academically, physically and socially is the core foundation at BCA.


It is more important now than ever before that our youth stay connected to God and the church. Invest in your teenagers and register today! Secure your spot online for a weekend full of spiritual growth, team building, fun, games, and entertainment. Register or sponsor a teen for only $125!


Join us for an afternoon of carnival games, candy, prizes, and bounce houses! Bring your kids in their costumes and invite your friends to fellowship with us in a Christian environment for Trunk or Treat. Children and youth of all ages are welcome.

I G N I T E FA L L S T E P S H O W | Queenston Campus - SLC

Stomp, clap, and dance your way to first place! We invite all area youth step teams to participate and show off your skills. Register your team today or purchase your $5.00 spectator tickets online at


God wants you to live life more abundantly! Come Build Your Life with us every Wednesday in September at 6pm on the Eldridge Campus. This revival will give biblical principles that will help us rebuild our spiritual lives. Dinner will be served from 5:00pm-6:00pm.

Reverend J. Lawrence Tur ner , by the divine providence of God, accepted the call to serve as the Senior Pastor or the Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Memphis, TN on January 13,2013. Rev. Tur ner is a 2003 magna cum laude graduate of Fisk University. with a BA in Religion and Philosophy. He received his Master of Divinity from Yale University Divinity School.


In 2011, at age 30, Dr. Charlie Edward Dates became the youngest Senior Pastor in Progressive’s rich 95-year history. Rev. Charlie ear ned a Bachelor of Arts in Speech Communication and Rhetoric at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and a Master of Divinity Degree at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deer field, Illinois.

P a st o r Jef frey A l l en Johns on, II (P a st o r Ja y) is a dynami c man of God w h o d rea ms o f changi ng the worl d t h ro ug h t h e G o spel of Jes us Chri s t. He received h is ba c hel or’s degree i n Mas s Co mmun ica t io n s from Pai ne Col l ege in Aug ust a , G eo r gi a before accepti ng h is ca ll t o min ist ry. Pas tor Jay went on t o receive a Mas ters of Di v i ni ty from t h e Mo reh o use School of Rel i gi on at t h e I n t erd en o m i nati onal Theol ogi cal Cen t er in At la n t a, Geor gi a.

The Reverend Dr. Geor ge Lewis Parks, Jr. thirst for spiritual growth led him to ear n his Masters of Divinity degree from Howard University School of Divinity in Washington, DC. In May 2016, he ear ned his Doctor of Ministry in Expository Preaching from Union University School of Theology and Missions.


Come Back to Church with us! An overload of summer activities can often interupt your Sunday worship, Bible Study, and ministry work. Reconnect with a friend and come Back To Church on Sunday, September 17th to reengage with your church family at The Church Without Walls.


Every day is a great day to celebrate God’s wonderful works. We celebrate you, one of God’s most phenomenal creations. Happy Birthday Sister Sheretta West! We pray that God will continue to warm your heart and lift your spirits while granting you peace and serenity on your very special day.

The Church Without Walls Family is delighted to wish you a Happy 35th Wedding Anniversary Blessing. May the freshness of your love always remain. “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.” - Psalm 125:1.


Do you have a flexible Wednesday schedule? If so, join us for Noon Bible Study with Pas every Wednesday! We invite business owners and retirees, or just take your lunch break for a refreshing midweek study starting this October.


Discover yourself and the new life God has designed for you through Sunday School! These studies are designed for your Christian Education, growth, leadership, and fellowship. The classes provide a dynamic small group environment to study God’s Word while building healthy and rewarding friendship with other believers. Classes meet throughout the year. Sign up online at


For 30 years, Small Groups have strengthened and matured The Church Without Walls family. It is important that we are equipped with the Word of God to sustain and uplift us as we go through life. Visit our website, and select a small group to learn, pray, and grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.


The goal of Firm Foundation is to develop a lifelong habit of listening and talking to God on a daily basis. Firm Foundation classes are designed to help you establish a solid Biblical foundation for your Christian walk and introduce God’s plan and purpose to people making decisions to follow Christ in responsible church membership. During Firm Foundation, you will have an opportunity to discover your spiritual gift(s), learn about the various ministries at The Church Without Walls, and get connected to a ministry upon completion of Firm Foundation. This is a 6 week study available on Sunday mornings and during midweek bible study on all campuses.


Many have tried to summarize the Bible in few sentences to capture its overall theme and flow, but the best description is that “The Old Testament” is an account of a Nation (the Hebrew nation). The New Testament is an account of a MAN (the Son of man). The whole Bible is built around the Greatest Story ever told of Christ, and His promise of Eternal Life to those who accept Him. It was written so that humans might Believe, Understand, Know, Love, and follow.

GRIEFSHARE Our GriefShare program is designed for people grieving the death of a loved one. We also have GriefShare groups to help you face any challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. We invite you to attend the GriefShare group at any session. Each is “self-contained,” so you do not have to attend in sequence. You will find encouragement and help whenever you begin. You will be able to continue with GriefShare through each 13-week cycle.

PRAYER: DOES IT MAKE A DIFFERENCE Do you ever ask, what is prayer? How does it work? Does it work? In this 6 week study, you will benefit through discussions, Bible exploration, personal sharing, and group prayer. The goal is to help you more full consider, experience, and cherish the priceless gift of prayer. The best part is, you’ll be encouraged to pray the way Jesus himself prayed-as if your prayers make a difference, as if God is there listening… to you.



“In 2017, the world will mark the five-hundredth anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, an event that tradition tells us began on October 31, 1517 when Martin Luther posted his ninety-five theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. At the center of this movement stands Luther’s rediscovery of the Gospel message: human beings do not earn their salvation by doing good works, but rather God freely offers salvation to all who believe.� We will celebrate the 500 Year Anniversary of the Reformation here at The Church Without Walls. Be a part of this historic event on October 31st at 7pm on our Queenston Campus!



Tuesday, October 3rd|Queenston Campus Dr. Remus E. Wright is the senior pastor at The Fountain of Praise in Houston, Texas. Beginning with less than 100 members in 1991, membership at The Fountain of Praise now exceeds 24,700. As an active participant in both foreign and local missions, he was instrumental in establishing three churches in Zimbabwe while supporting The Fountain of Praise - Nigeria, The Fountain of Praise in Cachoeira, Bahia, Brazil and local churches in Houston. Pastor Wright earned a Master of Divinity in Biblical Languages from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, a Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies, and a Doctor of Divinity from Martin University.


Sunday, October 8th The Reverend Dr. Joe Samuel Ratliff is a native of Lumberton, North Carolina; where in 1962, he began his Christian journey by uniting with The Mt. Sinai United Holy Church of Lumberton. Seven years later, he answered his Call to Ministry while attending Morehouse College. He served as pastor of the Cobb Memorial United Holy Church in Atlanta, Georgia for eight years. Dr. Joe Samuel Ratliff was elected as pastor of Brentwood Baptist Church of Houston, Texas in February 1980.


Tuesday, October 10th|Queenston Campus Pastor Jeffrey A. Johnson, Sr. accepted his Call to Ministry at the age of 17 and has served as the Senior Pastor of Eastern Star Church in Indianapolis, Indiana since 1988. Under his leadership, the “One Church in Three Locations� has grown to over 17,000 members and has planted three churches in Indianapolis as well. Pastor Johnson received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion with Honors from Bishop College in Dallas, Texas and matriculated at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis.


S T R E E T S M A R T S H O P P I N G C A R T: S TAY I N G S A F E D U R I N G T H E H O L I D AY S E A S O N Saturday, October 21st | Queenston Campus

The holiday season is one of the most joyous times of the year, but it can also be one of the most dangerous times for shopping. The Mosaic Women’s Ministry is hosting Street Smart Shopping Cart, Saturday, Oct 21st at 10:00am on our Queenston Campus. Michael Mitchell, First Law of Nature, will teach safety techniques and protective strategies that will help you avoid danger. This event is open to all. Register online at

S U R V I V O R S’ B R U N C H Sunday, October 22nd | 12 Noon Queenston Campus

First Lady Sheretta West invites all Breast Cancer Survivors to Living Pink’s Sunday Brunch. Come and enjoy lunch, warm sister-ship, hear encouraging testimonies, and receive pertinent information. You will experience love and joy from other survivors. All Breast Cancer Survivors are welcome to attend. RSVP online is encouraged.

CHANGE FOR LIFE Sunday, October 22nd | All Campuses

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and our Living Pink Ministry is collecting loose change to provide support to those who are in the fight for survival. Please donate your loose change on Sunday, October 22nd after each service on all 3 campuses. Your contribution will benefit many cancer survivors.

M E N ’S R E T R E AT: R E L E A S E ! Saturday, October 28th | Kaiserhof Retreat Center Tomball, TX

Join us for a day of spiritual rejuvenation! The Men’s Retreat – Release! is a tremendous opportunity for men to come together to develop a plan for their lives. We have a central goal for God to move forward with deliverance and healing. Register online at

M I S S I O N S U N D AY Sunday, October 29th & December 31st | All Campuses

Mission Sunday is every 5th Sunday. Our Mission involvement supports local and global initiatives from Covenant House, Houston Food Bank, Houston Urban League, Star of Hope, Life House of Houston to the National Action Network, National Baptist Union, United Negro College Fund and many others. In addition to your tithes and offering, we ask that you help support our ongoing local, national, and international missions. Thank you in advance for your gifts!



Tuesday, November 7th|Queenston Campus On November 10, 1960, Rev. Dr. Frederick D. Haynes, III was born in Dallas, TX to the late Rev. Frederick D. Haynes, Jr. and Lynetta Haynes-Oliver. Dr. Haynes continued his education at Bishop College in Dallas, TX and graduated, with honors in 1982 with a B.A. degree in Religion and English. He earned a Masters of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In 2005, he received his Doctorate in Ministry from the Graduate Theological Foundation where he was afforded the opportunity to study at Christ Church, Oxford University in Oxford, England.


Tuesday, November 14th|Queenston Campus In January 2015, Dr. Maurice Watson became the sixth pastor called to the historic Metropolitan Baptist Church pulpit in her 150-year history. He comes to Metropolitan after 10 years as Senior Pastor of Beulahland Bible Church in Macon, Georgia. Dr. Watson accepted the call to preach at the age of 16, and two years later he was ordained. St. Mark Baptist Church in Little Rock, Arkansas, was Dr. Watson’s first pastorate where he served for 7 years. In November 1988, at the age of 28, Dr. Watson accepted the call to pastor the Salem Baptist Church in Omaha, Nebraska, where he served for 15½ years.

DR. FREDDY J. CLARK Sunday, November 19th

Reverend Freddy J. Clark, a native of St. Louis, accepted a call to preach the gospel at a young age. Since that time, he has been pastor of several churches and founded the Shalom Church (City of Peace) in 1993, where preaching, teaching, and praying are the foundational pillars of his ministry. Reverend Clark earned a Bachelor of Arts in Religion and Philosophy from Bishop College in Dallas, Texas. He received both a Master of Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry from Eden Theological Seminary.


Tuesday, November 28th|Queenston Campus On December 8, 1990, Rev. Anderson became the fourth pastor of Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church and preached his first sermon as pastor on December 30, 1990. The anointing that rests on the life of Pastor Anderson has allowed the evangelism, ministry, fellowship, and discipleship activities of the Lilly Grove church family to overflow. More than 5,000 Lilly Grove members now receive the preached Word each week.


We love welcoming our guests! Church family, we encourage you to invite as many friends and relatives as possible to join you for a day of worship at one of our six services, on one of our three campuses. They will share in a joyous time of worshipping and thanksgiving!

Our volunteers are special servant leaders who freely dedicate their time and talents to our church. On Saturday, November 18th, Pastor West and the staff will serve a delicious breakfast to our volunteers as an expression of appreciation for their service in ministry.

“O give thanks unto the Lord; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.� - Psalm 105:1 (KJV)


Pas and First Lady Sheretta invite all new members who have joined our church family in 2017 to a festive evening! Come mix and mingle with Pas, the staff, and ministry leaders and enjoy hors d’oeuvres. RSVP online at

S M A L L G R O U P S G R A D UAT I O N Sunday, December 3rd | Queenston Campus

Graduates from Momentum Men Discipleship, Mosaic Women Discipleship, Masterlife, Eagles, and Celebrate Recovery classes will be celebrated. Join us to recognize our graduates for their scholarly accomplishments in Christian education.

A N G E L T R E E C H R I S T M A S PA R T Y Sunday, December 17th | Queenston Campus

Help us make a positive impact in the life of a child for Christmas! Our Angel Tree Ministry will collect gifts from November 1st to December 3rd on all campuses for children whose parents are incarcerated and PAS’ Angels, children who are living in economically stressed households. We will host the annual Christmas Party on our Queenston and Bingle Campuses to bless children and families with scripture, praise dancing, food, games, and gifts.

Saturday, December 9th | Queenston & Eldridge Campus


Ladies, join us for a holiday excursion filled with holiday cheer and shopping! We will shuttle over to the Galleria area for holiday shopping at Dillard’s, lunch, and then head to the Ensemble Theatre for a showing of “Soulful Sounds of Christmas”. Tickets available online at

This holiday season, the Pastoral Care Ministry will host a special service dedicated to those who have lost loved ones. On Sunday, December 17th on our Queenston Campus, we will take time to remember those who have transitioned from life to eternity. We also have GriefShare groups who meet weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. You are welcome to begin attending the GriefShare group on any of our three campuses. Register online at

Sunday, December 17th | 6PM Queenston Campus

The story of Christmas as told through the voices and sounds of The Church Without Walls Worship & Arts Ministry! Come experience A Joyful Holiday Concert. You will experience a scripture-inspired reenactment of the season of advent performed by our children, youth, and adults through music, arts, and dance. Celebrate with us the reason for the season!


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