This is an exciting time in the life of The Church Without Walls. Over this past year our church has witnessed exponential growth; not just physical growth, but most vital in the life of Christians, we continue to grow spiritually. In July, we hosted a life changing “One Day Revival.” We were blessed to baptize 158 new believers in one evening; lives were transformed, the lost was found and souls were reclaimed. This is a testament to how your unwavering commitment to evangelism and discipleship has produced much fruit. We are grateful that God continues to trust our church and use our community of faith to evangelize and disciple his people.
The summer is drawing to a close and we are preparing for an exciting season of church wide celebrations and events. Since the inception of The Church Without Walls, evangelism and discipleship has been engrained in the fabric of the culture of our church. As you read this issue you will see that the staff and ministry team has carefully orchestrated an atmosphere of teaching, evangelism and fun for you and your entire family to enjoy. We are excited to take a glimpse at what God has in store as we look forward to outreach opportunities like our September Revival, “Walking with the Shepherd”, “National Back to Church Day/Church Picnic” and the celebration of our 28th Church Anniversary. Take the time to read through this issue and mark your calendars for upcoming events; we don’t want you to miss out on fellowship and the opportunity to evangelize and disciple others. I pray that you will continue to develop your spiritual gifts and use your talents to build the Kingdom of God. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to serving in ministry and responsible church membership. I look forward to seeing the wonderful things that what God is doing in the life of our church.
Welcome - Mosaic Women’s Ministry Aug 08 - Back-to-School Drive Aug 09 - Celebrating 40 years of Preaching Aug 11 - Ignite Youth S.P.I.R.I.T. Rally September Revival - Build Your Life Sep 18 - Military Ball & Featured Article Sep 19 - Knock and Pray Sep 20 - Back To Church Sep 20 - TCWW Church Picnic Fall Classes - Christian Education Oct 17 - Momentum Men Tailgate Party Oct 25 - Change for Life Oct 25 - Survivor’s Brunch Oct 31 - Ignite Youth Fall Explosion November - Featured Devotional November Celebration - Church Anniversary Nov 26 - Thanksgiving Service Dec 04 - New Members Reception Dec 05 - Mosaic Women’s Ministry Sleigh Ride Dec 19 - Ignite Youth Winter Wonderland Dec 25 - Christmas Service Dec 31 - Watch Night Service
The Church Without Walls Campus Locations & Service Times Bingle Campus (North 5314 Bingle Rd. Houston, Texas 77084 Sundays - 10am Eldridge Campus 7500 Eldridge Pkwy. Houston, Texas 77083 Sundays - 9am | 11am September Tuesdays - 7pm Queenston Campus 5725 Queenston Blvd. Houston, Texas 77084 Sundays - 8am | 10am | 12noon Tuesdays - 7pm (Except in September)
The Church Without Walls
Michael Criddell recounts his time spent in the Marine Corps during 1963- 67 in heavy isolation and under extreme conditions in Da Nang, Vietnam. He was one of three black men who had top secret clearance as a Certified Morse Code Operator in the largest operation during the Vietnam War, Operation Starlight. When asked, “Did you know God then?” he replied “Oh, I knew him very well!” He came into the Marine Corps a 21-year old college educated young man with ambition of becoming an architect before Uncle Sam drafted him into the military. He found himself the main target to the North Vietnamese army for his Morse code communication skills. He came in realizing he was committing his life to this nation and he uses the famous quote from President J.F.K. “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” He reminisces sitting on the side of his bunk talking to God. He said, “I don’t know what the heck I got myself into but if you will just save me and be with me, I promise you I will be the best person I possibly could be and I will serve you for the rest of my life.” He tells that peace immediately fell over him. His contribution to this country left him with 50% loss of hearing, jungle rot, a jungle fungus that attacks skin and PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) but he came out of the military with honorable discharge and top secret clearance. Shortly after coming home from the war, he met a young woman who he credits for helping him find himself again. Mattie Criddell, Student Affairs at Prairie View A&M University. They would later marry and now 46 years later. He cautions this generation to not give up hope in finding real love. “I put it in my heart first and my head second of what I wanted and I told the Father [God]. Pledge yourself to commit to that. Tell the father what you want and leave it in his hands because he knows your heart!” says Criddell.
1:00PM Queenston
Don’t miss our annual Church picnic an afternoon full of food, fun, and friendly family-oriented activities. Participate in our cook off, learn the TCWW dance shuffle, or compete in our church-wide volleyball competition and much, much more. Food Vendors Needed Calling all food vendors! If you are a food vendor or know a food vendor that would like to participate in this year’s church picnic on September 20th please email us at or call us (281) 649-6800.
Need help building your resume or improve
your interviewing skills? Join the The MoMentum Men Ministry and the Business Economic Empowerment Ministry for an exciting day of fun, food, fellowship and football. Learn how to build your professional portfolio while giving back to the community by donating gently worn suits, dress shoes, dress shirts and professional attire for a brother in need.
Use Your Time Well
So teach us to number our days,that we may gain a heart of wisdom. (Ps. 90:12) A part of the human condition is always to bargain for more time. Growing up, we used to sing, “Give Me Just a Little More Time.” Then we would listen to the rhythm-and-blues philosopher as he would sing the words, “If I could turn back the hands of time. . . .” Some of us have also sung the hymn, “Time Is Filled with Swift Transitions.” All of us know something about the need to negotiate for more time. “Where has all the time gone?” someone wonders. Others say, “There is never enough time to get done all that you need to get done.” Even though children have never taken a course in one-minute management, they have learned about time negotiations early. You set a time in the evening for them to go to bed, but they have an uncanny way of asking, “Can I just have a little more time?” Students often plead for time with teachers for an extension on some project. We know something about that even in our own workplaces: sometimes we request more time to fin- ish some assignment that has been given to us. Often in the courts, attorneys will stand before judges and plead for an extension of time to allow their clients to settle matters that have been left undone. Patients go to their doctors who have a God-complex and beg, “Doc, tell me how much time I have...” What difference will you make? What difference does it make whether you live or die? Other than the people who are your friends, relatives, and acquaintances, who will be heart- broken by your absence? What is your reason for wanting to live another year? Today, if you could appeal to God for more time, what would be your reason for living? Lord Jesus, we thank You for the precious gift of time that You have given to each one of us. Forgive us for how we’ve squandered our time on futile pursuits in the past. Grant us the wisdom to use each minute wisely for Your kingdom. Amen.
The Month of November All Campuses