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CIArb Australia Annual Lecture

Dr. Shane Monks, CIArb Australia National Councillor, Caroline Kenny QC, President of CIArb Australia, Paula Hodges QC, President of LCIA and Dr. Vicky Priskich, CIArb Australia Company Secretary

CIArb Australia Annual Lecture: The Continuing Evolution of International Commercial Arbitration – Is It Still Fit for Purpose?



Tuesday, 19 November 2019 Where: Herbert smith Freehills, Brisbane Guest speaker: Paula Hodges QC, President of lCIA and Head of Global Arbitration, Herbert smith Freehills

Welcome: Photos: Caroline Kenny QC, CIArb Australia President stuart riley

Maintaining our leadership as a contributor to global arbitration scholarship, we were pleased to host the 2nd CIArb Australia Lecture. The lecture was held in Brisbane as part of Australian Arbitration Week on 19 November. Our guest speaker was Paula Hodges QC, President of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) and Head of Global Arbitration at Herbert Smith Freehills, London, who spoke on The Continuing Evolution of International Commercial Arbitration. Sponsored and hosted by global law firm, Herbert Smith Freehills, the lecture addressed a variety of perspectives including the emergence of new technologies, what users like and dislike about the current arbitration process and practice, the trade-off between speed and low cost with natural justice and due process. Paula also contrasted the private and confidential nature of arbitration with the need for greater transparency and more publicly available information about arbitrators.

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