4 minute read
Bella Banaa
Tell us about your education.
I studied engineering. I’m a biomedical engineer officially. But I’m not working in this field at the moment.
How and when did you become interested in bodybuilding?
After getting married, I started to gain weight and I didn’t like that. As soon as I started to workout around 6 years ago and seeing my body transformation, I got interested in keeping it continued and getting better and better.
Provide some background for the readers (height, age, contest weight, competition history).
My height is 160cm, age is 33 years and contest weight is 48kg Highlights from my competition history: 4th place bikini class A IFBB grandprix 2019 Georgia country 3rd place bikini Georgia IFBB open championship 2019 3rd place bikini Class B kingkong open championship 2021 Canada, Toronto 2nd place bikini Class A kingkong open championship 2021 Canada, Toronto
Was your family supportive of your bodybuilding goals? What are the prevailing attitudes towards bodybuilding within the Female community?
Yes, one of the first person who always have my back in this is my husband Ebi. He is the one who always encourages me and supports me for being the best of me. My parents and my siblings are also very supportive too.
The prevailing attitude towards body building within the female community has been always challenging. We need to raise public awareness about this sport which is so important for the women and girls who are interested to join this field and they are stuck in the public fear and ignorance!
If you had to define all that you do in a title, what would you say?
Physical and mental fitness.
How would you describe your philosophy about being fit and healthy?
In my opinion, this is not only a sport, it’s all about health, physically and mentally.
What has been your greatest bodybuilding achievement, and why? Have there been any disappointing moments?
I always have short-term and long-term goals. For short-term goals my greatest achievement is my Pro Card, and in long-term it is being a bodybuilding judge. Because this is my career and I’d love to improve in it.
Yes, this is life and there are ups and downs for sure. We all have disappointing moments but important thing is; we shouldn’t give up on it!
Describe the experience of competing in your first pro show. Where did you place?
In my first show I took 4th place. It was a fantastic experience. I was so nervous and excited at the same time!
Did you arrive in the type of physical shape you were hoping to?
Yes, I did, even better! But the more you get the more you want.
What are some tips you have for people looking to get into shape?
Be patient, stay strong, keep it up!
What mistakes do people make when working out?
In these days, with the technological and scientific developments, people have access to the source of information to learn a lot about everything and minimize mistakes.
What’s your favorite quote or mantra you live by?
Learn to enjoy the way, as much as you would enjoy the destination.
Who or what gives you the most inspiration?
My past and my future.
How was the fitness scene affected by the pandemic?
Pandemic has changed everything. Online coaching flourished during the pandemic but the shows got affected and canceled for 2 years.
Do you think bodybuilding is a healthy sport?
I think all sports are healthy as long as you always consider your health benefits first before anything.
Tell us about your fitness modelling experience and what are your goals for modelling?
I started modelling 10 years ago as a face model in beauty field. After my first show experience I received some fitness modelling job offers. It was a fantastic experience and I decided to do it more and get better every day!
Do you consider yourself a good poser? What is your approach to designing your posing routine?
After around 10 years experience of doing modelling I do consider myself a professional athletic model. I have weekly posing practicing sessions and I’m telling you the mirror is the best judge!
What do you hope to achieve, ultimately, as a bodybuilder? What are your future plans?
As a bodybuilder my ultimate achievement is improving my knowledge as a bodybuilding judge.
What important thing have you learnt during the pandemic?
Well, we all learnt a lot during the pandemic and our lifestyle has changed. The most important thing I learned that I realized how to work out at home. Bodybuilding is a sport which needs equipment. I learned to build my body up without equipment.
If people have only 10 spare minutes a day, what can they do?
I recommend stretching exercises, it helps you to stay tuned.
Your message for us at CiiN magazine.
Never give up for what you want to achieve! Thank you for having me CiiN!