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Bushcare Roundup
Sjaan Field Program Officer Bushcare
Autumn’s cooler weather has done nothing to dampen the spirits of our Bushcarers, who have been very active over the past few months. We’ve also seen an influx of new volunteers, with 212 people becoming part of the Bushcare family since January!
In May we bid a fond farewell to Rob Mather, who leaves his position at the City of Hobart after 20 years to take up a new enterprise. We thank Rob for his incredible support and commitment to our bushland reserves and in particular Bushcare.
John Fisher, who brings a wealth of experience managing bushlands and biodiversity in other states, has taken over as Manager Bushland.
Our tracks and trails are improving thanks to Trackcare. Volunteer numbers have swelled this year, with 82 new people coming on board. They’ve put in solid work on the Missing Link mountain bike tracks project, and have started bringing the popular, informal ‘Drops’ track up to international standards.
Students from The Friends’ School are also helping to improve our mountain bike tracks, with 21 students working on the Slides track over two morning sessions.
In March, the Friends of Wellington Park helped install stepping stones along the South Wellington Track, making it much better for walkers.