1 minute read
Measuring success
The most important part of any strategic plan is its delivery, and how performance against the plan is assessed, measured and communicated to the community. Our community will be our guide on whether we are supporting progress towards their vision for their city: that we are meeting their aspirations and retaining the identity of Hobart. To deliver on the outcomes for Hobart that this plan describes, we will continue to facilitate active community participation, encouraging people to provide feedback on whether we are getting things right and how we can improve. The City’s strategic measurement system helps us deliver on this plan. Tracking community outcomes and our own performance ensures the plan, and thus the City’s work, is useful, robust and meaningful. The City of Hobart’s Annual Plan will detail what actions are being taken to meet or work towards the outcomes. Updates on performance against the Annual Plan are undertaken quarterly, reviewed by the Council and published for public viewing. This Capital City Strategic Plan will be reviewed at least every four years and, if necessary, will be adjusted to meet changes in Hobart.