City News - September 2018

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S P R I N G 2 0 1 8 | H O B A RT C I T Y. C O M . A U

A COMMUNITY VISION FOR OUR ISLAND CAPITAL The City of Hobart has developed a new city vision – Hobart: A community vision for our island capital. The document will set the City’s ten-year Strategic Plan and will be used as the basis for all activities and decisions for years to come. Between September 2017 and June 2018, the City of Hobart officers and a team of communications and engagement specialists under the banner of The20, undertook a significant research, community and stakeholder engagement process to learn more about what Hobart’s communities value about and aspire to for their city, and to create a new, community-led vision document to guide the City’s strategic planning. Over 1100 contributions went into the project, through 214 one-on-one interviews, a City Forum,

online surveys, pop ups, and workshops with key stakeholders and Hobart students. The engagement process culminated with a Community Panel, a group of 46 community members and business people from across the city. The City of Hobart worked with panellists to draft the complete vision document, which includes a vision statement, written and voted on by panellists, seven identity statements and eight pillars. The vision provides a depth and breadth of information about Hobart that can help policymakers, community organisations, developers and more align their work with these values and aspirations. The vision is available on the City of Hobart website at n

HELPING PEOPLE AND COMMUNITIES: Naomi Marantelli (2018 Citizen of the Year) and Fay Ibbott (2017 Citizen of the Year) are wonderful examples of outstanding citizens. They demonstrate exceptional commitment to their communities and work tirelessly supporting various events and programs. Photo: Rosie Hastie

City of Hobart Australia Day Awards 2019 Do you know an unsung hero who has made a contribution to the community? Do you know a young person who is deserving of recognition? Has your club or association organised an outstanding event? The City of Hobart invites nominations for the 2019 Australia Day Awards. The awards recognise outstanding personal achievements and contributions to the local community and an outstanding community event. Nominations close on 19 October. It only takes one nomination for someone to be in the running for the awards. To nominate someone is easy - simply write down why you find them inspiring and what they’ve done for the community. Nomination forms are available on the City of Hobart website or can be requested by emailing or calling 03 6238 2100. Australia Day in Hobart is traditionally marked by an Australia Day Citizenship Ceremony and the presentation of the Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen and Community Event of the Year Awards by the Lord Mayor of Hobart at the Sandy Bay Regatta at Long Beach Reserve. n

Lord Mayor Alderman Ron Christie C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 P: 6238 2702 E: lord.mayor@

Deputy Lord Mayor Alderman Dr Peter Sexton 3 Hampden Road Battery Point 7004 M: 0407 099 294 P: 6223 3996 (A/H) E: ald.sexton@

Alderman Marti Zucco 364A Elizabeth St. North Hobart 7000 M: 0418 120 060 E: ald_zucco@

CITY VISION: Community panel involved in the vision project. Photo: Amy Brown

Alderman Jeff Briscoe C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0418 127 311 E: ald.briscoe@

Alderman Dr Eva Ruzicka C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0407 391 317 E: ald.ruzicka@

Alderman Helen Burnet C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0417 284 267 P: 6238 2936 E: ald.burnet@

Alderman Philip Cocker C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0419 554 066 P: 6238 2943 E: ald.cocker@

Alderman Damon Thomas C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0429 064 805 E: ald.thomas@

Alderman Anna Reynolds C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0423 222 149 E: ald.reynolds@

Alderman Tanya Denison C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0458 005 454 E: ald.denison@

Alderman Bill Harvey C/- Town Hall Hobart 7000 M: 0428 243 964 E: ald.harvey@


NEW PARK DESIGN: John Turnbull Dog Park is offering new facilities for dogs. Photo: City of Hobart

John Turnbull Dog Park has been re-opened to the public, providing a state of the art park for people to enjoy with their furry companions. The park was redesigned earlier this year to provide a more enjoyable experience for dogs and dog owners. Unfortunately the May floods destroyed the park just weeks after it was first opened. The new park design was finalised after an intense, half-year consultation period with over 15 dog and community groups. The 15 000 square meters of the park has been split into two securely fenced areas with a larger part allocated for general use and a smaller area for puppies, small dogs and dogs that are just starting to socialise. The small park is for dogs to have some off lead exercise while learning important social interaction skills without being intimidated by larger dogs. The dog park has four main social areas including a mulched agility area, a sandpit, a gravelled area with logs and rocks to jump over and a shaded mulched area for hot summer days. Watering stations for dogs and drinking fountains for humans have also been installed. All entrances have double airlock gates with enclosures where a dog can be unleashed before entering the park and placed back on the lead when exiting. Three entrances have solar powered lights installed as a test, and if successful may be used to light the walking track for walkers over the winter months. Improvements won’t stop here – more seating, a water play zone for dogs, lighting for the walking path and an irrigation system for the grassed area are to come when funding becomes available. For the City of Hobart’s park crews to be able to do maintenance works and to make sure there isn’t machinery in operation while dogs are running around, the park will be closed each Wednesday from 9.30 am till 12.30 pm. n

Make your vote count at the next Council elections The next Council elections will be held during October 2018. By voting you can help influence what your community will be like. It is about your future so voting is a great opportunity to choose the representative(s) you want. Talk to other people you know and encourage them to vote too. Councils have a significant impact on the lives of all Tasmanians, supporting individuals and groups, and providing a wide range of services for the wellbeing of the community. Aldermen play a vital leadership role, working together to create and implement their community’s vision, strategic direction and the values within which they operate. Lord Mayors, Deputy Lord Mayors and Aldermen are all elected for four-year terms. Lord Mayors and Deputy Lord Mayors are popularly elected. City of Hobart elections are conducted by postal ballot. All elections for Aldermen are conducted using a multi-member proportional representation electoral system. Under the postal ballot system there is a ‘polling period’ of at least 10 days (excluding any Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday), rather than a single polling day. For more information, visit n Thanks to the Tasmanian Electoral Commission for use of the “Make Your Mark” image.

Stay in touch with the City of Hobart Call us on 6238 2711 Write to us at GPO Box 503, Hobart TAS 7001 Email us at CityofHobartOfficial City of Hobart @cityofhobarttas


SPORTS FACILITIES: During works to bring the ground to a high standard. Photo: City of Hobart

The TCA Ground moves into new era The historic TCA Ground has recently undergone a transformation both on and off the playing surface. If you haven’t been to the TCA Ground in a while, visit it to see all the improvements. The ground was first used for sport in 1880 and is still one of Hobart’s premier and most highly used sporting facilities. Following the master plan for the TCA Ground which was endorsed in 2013, the City of Hobart has been bringing the facilities up to standard to cater for modern sport, as well as for the increasing use of the ground for female sport.

CITYnews | SPRING 2018

Upgrades have recently been completed on the HC Smith Stand and visitor’s change rooms to include new shower bays and toilet facilities. In early 2018, work was also completed on the upgrade of the playing surface which involved levelling the playing surface and the installation of new drainage and irrigation systems across the ground. A new scoreboard has recently been installed with the assistance of a state government grant. A new picket fence made out of recycled plastic has been completed. n


BUDGET: Bridge over Brooker Avenue is one of the major projects. Photo: Artist’s impression

2018–19 City of Hobart budget FLORAL ABUNDANCE: Showcasing flowers of many colours and shapes. Photo: City of Hobart

City of Hobart Spring Floral Shows If you love flowers don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy this year’s free City of Hobart Floral Shows. You will be impressed and inspired by a series of spring and autumn shows presented by the Hobart Horticultural Society Inc and the Tasmanian Orchid Society in conjunction with the City of Hobart. The shows will be held on the first floor of the Hobart Town Hall. Accessible parking is located close by with ramps at the main entrance of the Town Hall and lift access at the Town Hall rear parking deck. The Rotary Club of Salamanca will be offering

delicious handmade devonshire teas and fresh sandwiches. Photographers are welcome to attend the show prior to public opening on Friday and Saturday from 8–10 am (excluding the Orchid Show). All shows apart from the Orchid Show will include bonsai displays, raffles, and stalls selling plants and cut flowers. The Orchid Show will have orchids for sale. To see the full program go to floralshow. For more information, contact the City of Hobart on 03 6238 2410 or via email n

The City of Hobart has adopted its budget for the 2018-19 financial year. The budget determines how the income can be spent to best meet the needs of the City. This includes essential services such as rubbish collection, roadworks and amenities. It also incorporates other important initiatives such as grants and funding for local projects, community programs and activities for young people, older people and multicultural communities, as well as large infrastructure projects. The budget provides capital works funding of $41.806 million. Major projects include $3.3 million for the bicycle and pedestrian bridge over the Tasman Highway, $3 million for the bicycle and pedestrian bridge over Brooker Avenue, and $2.9 million for the Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre refurbishment. For more information, visit budget n

FUNDING SUPPORT: Building Christmas spirit. Photos: Ingrid Inglis

APPLY FOR A CHRISTMAS ACTIVATION GRANT In 2017 the City of Hobart introduced the Christmas Activation Quick Response Grant program to support the community to celebrate the spirit of Christmas. Last year $8310 was provided to ten successful applicants, which included youth music concerts, performances in the Calvary and Royal Hobart hospitals, community Christmas lunch, Salamanca Square family film screenings, neighbourhood barbeques and small carol events. The projects involved 600 participants and were attended by over 3000 people. Six events were aimed at families and children, while the rest for a general audience and a broad spread of the Hobart area was activated including New Town, West Hobart, Battery Point, Salamanca and the city, Lenah Valley, South Hobart and North Hobart. The feedback from applicants was overwhelmingly positive including: ‘we are sure we helped celebrate Christmas most effectively at a grassroots level in our community’, ‘the event was an enjoyable experience in a safe environment and encouraged new friendships’,


‘it was a happy, magical place for guests to enjoy Christmas who would otherwise spend the day on their own’, ‘it contributed wonderfully to building community spirit across our suburbs residents, friends and businesses in this Christmas festive season’ and ‘the atmosphere of the public areas of the Hospital was changed from empty and sombre to uplifting during and after each ‘carols’ performance’. It is estimated that on average for every dollar we provided in funding support an additional $3.75 was brought to the projects through other funding. This means our investment of $8310 leveraged over $31 000 worth of community activity to celebrate Christmas in the community. If you would like to apply for a Christmas Activation Quick Response Grant to support your community activity this season, the application form and guidelines are available on the City of Hobart website christmasgrants The round will be open from 29 September until 29 October 2018. For more information contact the Grants Officer, Josie Chapman, on 03 6238 2770 or n

CITYnews | SPRING 2018

PROTECTING THE MOUNTAIN: Daphne laureola – eliminated forest threat. Photo: City of Hobart

Community action weeds out mountain forest threat Swift action by the City of Hobart and the Fern Tree community has all but stamped out an invasive weed that threatened to take over native bushland in the foothills of kunanyi/Mt Wellington. The weed, Daphne laureola, was spotted by the City’s bushland worker, Bec Johnson, in September 2012, but took months to identify. The plant is grown by some horticulturalists on the mainland but has never self-seeded anywhere else in Australia. What followed was a six-year community effort to rid kunanyi’s foothills of this environmental weed, an effort that involved hundreds of hours of volunteering by lots of local private landholders in partnership with the Fern Tree Bushcare Group. The City of Hobart continues to keep the mountain Daphne laureola free through ongoing monitoring and follow up efforts. n

South Hobart students tackle waste Students in years 5 and 6 from South Hobart Primary School are the first to have used the City of Hobart’s new waste audit toolkit. The toolkit consists of all the equipment necessary to undertake a waste audit and is designed to be used alongside Rethink Waste Tasmania’s waste program for schools. The students discovered that food scraps was the biggest category of waste at their school. Recyclable paper and soft plastics, such as cling wrap and snaplock bags, were also dominant in the waste stream. The problem of food waste has been tackled by collecting and composting food scraps generated by the year 6 students with the aim to extend the program to the entire school. The food scraps collected will be composted on site. The toolkit can be borrowed by schools for free. Contact for more information. Check out for the schools program and other resources. n

What Is Special about a Home? The City of Hobart is supporting a new art initiative from the Hobartians Facing Homelessness Group to create awareness about housing solutions and alternatives by asking the simple question – ‘What Is Special about a Home?’ This Community Art project aims to engage and activate grass roots discussion, ideas and barriers to housing solutions, whilst telling the stories of those in crisis or close to the issue. Students from Fahan School and South Hobart Primary School have created some beautiful drawings in response to the question. There will be two exhibitions to showcase their work. Works of South Hobart Primary School students can be seen along the walls in Wellington Walk from August to October. Ink drawings from Fahan School students will be displayed in Art on Victoria from October. Art on Victoria is a new outdoor art gallery curated by the City of Hobart’s Youth Arts and Recreation Centre team and is located in Victoria Street at the rear of Artery. The ‘What Is Special about a Home?’ initiative is part of the ‘Everyone Needs a Home – Hobartians’. n ART INITIATIVE: Ink drawing by Yr7 Fahan student. Image: Hobartians Facing Homelessness Art Campaign

WHAT’S ON Spring Floral Shows Daffodil, Camellia and Floral Art Show 7–8 September Orchid Show 20–23 September Rose, Iris and Floral Art Show 2–3 November Town Hall, Macquarie Street, Hobart Bushcare Winter working bees various locations

REDUCING WASTE: Students are tackling food waste head-on. Photo: City of Hobart

Bush Adventures Winter activities program various locations

Quiet achievers The City of Hobart has purchased a new zeroemission quick response utility vehicle for the City’s CBD cleansing crew. A water tank and high pressure unit have been fitted to enable the cleaning up of spills in the city. Together with the new electric blower, this makes for zero exhaust emissions and noise pollution when working in and around the city. The vehicle has increased public safety with a front sensor device that emits a warning sound when approaching pedestrians and obstacles. These new tools will complement the electric waste vacuum used by the crew to clean pavements, streets, alleyways and so on. n

STREET CLEANING: (left to right) Brendan Morrisby from Fleet and Support Services, Jarrod Ingram and Sean Sproule are taking possessions of the tools. Photo: City of Hobart

Mathers House Winter activities program 108 Bathurst Street, Hobart

PRECINCT UPGRADE: Local community’s stories underlain the murals Image: Alex Miles

In this place – an art project for the Lenah Valley community You may have noticed some murals appearing throughout the Lenah Valley retail area, painted in a distinctive blue. These are part of a series of elements developed by artist Alex Miles as the public art for the Lenah Valley Retail Precinct Upgrade. The work, titled In this place, evolved out of a postcard campaign developed to collect stories from members of the local community. The artist received many handwritten and digital responses to the campaign, and each of the elements she has developed for the refurbished retail area responds to or includes these stories. Elements, linked by stories and created with a similar illustrative style and a particular blue, include murals, surface treatments to bench seats, bus shelters, an illuminated sign and new seating. The work will be completed over the next couple of months. A full overview of the artwork is available at n

Light up the Lane

DIGITAL ART: Light up the Lane, Mather and Criterion lanes. Photo: Graziano Di Martino

On 21 September 2018, Hobart’s premier digital youth arts festival Light up the Lane will transform the city by projecting digital work onto the buildings and outdoor spaces of Mathers Place. Digitised artworks will include photography, graphic design, zines, short films, video, animation, manga, text, written word, cartoons, drawings, paintings – all created by young artists aged 12 to 25. n

CITYnews | SPRING 2018

Youth Arts and Recreation Centre Wednesday–Friday, 3.30–5.30 pm (temporarily relocated to Criterion House) Free Compost Workshop 6 October, 10–11 am Mathers House, 108–110 Bathurst Street, Hobart Garage Sale Trail 20–21 October Christmas Pageant 17 November Mawson Place Christmas Tree Lighting Event 30 November

COUNCIL MEETINGS OPEN TO ALL All Hobart City Council meetings are open to the public and start at 5 pm in the Town Hall Council Chamber, 50 Macquarie Street, Hobart. If you can’t come in person you can listen live online or to a recording after the meeting by vising: To see what’s on the agenda, visit the City of Hobart website: Meeting dates for September–December 2018 are Mondays: • 3 and 17 September • 8 and 22 October • 5 and 19 November • 3 and 17 December The 2018 meeting schedule is available on


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