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Personnel meet
The Donley County Retired School Personnel Association held their bi-monthly meeting on Monday, January 23, at 6:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center.
After a potluck meal, President Carlton Turvaville presented informative instructions on the use of Texas Retired Teachers Association (TRTA) computer portal to access materials and information vital to retired school personnel.
There were 10 members present and no visitors. The next scheduled meeting will be March 27.
Golden Needles work on Quilt of Valor
The Golden Needles Quilting Club met January 19, 2023, at the Donley County Senior Citizens Center.
The club worked on a Quilt of Valor. Dortha Reynolds pieced the quilt, which will be given away.
Those attending last week’s meeting were Tiny Alderson, Frances Smith, Sharon Shaller, Dortha Reynolds, Barbara Helms, Gay Cole, Louella Slater, Allene Leathers, and Janan Koontz.