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Clarendon Lions Club to host Jones 5K here April 1

The 11th annual Chance Mark Jones Roar & Run 5K will be held Saturday, April 1, at the Donley County Courthouse.

The Clarendon Lions Club is hosting the event again in memory of the late Chance Mark Jones to raise awareness of Child Abuse. Jones passed away in January 2011 as a result of abuse.

Those interested in running or walking the 5K (about 3.1 miles) encouraged to sign up before March 20 to be guaranteed the official 5K t-shirt. Registrations are $30 each. The year’s 5K will again start and end at the Courthosue and will run through the city, around Prospect Park, which is the home of the Lions’ Chance Mark Jones Memorial Playground, and past several historic sites. The race will begin at 8:30 a.m. Race registrations are available at the Clarendon Visitor Center at the

Mulkey Theatre or at the Enterprise. Proceeds will go towards the many charitable activities of the Clarendon Lions Club, which includes eyeglasses for local school kids, Christmas food baskets for local families, hosting the local office of The Bridge – Children’s

Advocacy Center, local scholarships, continued park improvements, and monetary support for other local charities.

For more information, contact Ashlee Estlack at ashlee.estlack@ gmail.com or Roger Estlack at 806874-2259.

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