Vol. 1 No.129
Thursday Nov. 15 2012
יום ה’ פ’ תולדות א’ כסלו תשע”ג ראש חודש
4:38.....שקיעה 5:38...............60 5:50...............72
Friday 4:22.............זמן 4:37.....שקיעה
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The King’s Friend
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flu or cold? Page 4
BabaGanoush Tomato Salad
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Over your coffee
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The King’s Friend Based on an urban legend
By Bentzion Elisha Once there lived a gentile king who delighted in having an audience with a particular rabbi who lived in the kingdom’s capital. The two would converse on various subjects, and the rabbi’s acuity and sharp intellect amazed the king again and again. No one could compare in counsel and wisdom to the charming rabbi. The king had a fascination with outings to the country, and he would invite the rabbi so that they could discuss the kingdom’s happenings. The rabbi had a way of always weaving into the conversation the idea of hashgacha pratis, constantly seeking to connect the unfolding events with G‑d’s underlying presence and guiding hand. The rabbi fumbled with the rifle, and a shot accidentally escaped from the weapon. On one of these outings, the king decided to go hunting. Accompanied by the rabbi, his companion of choice, the king insisted that the rabbi also hunt together with him. Unfamiliar with the sport, the rabbi fumbled with the rifle, and a shot accidentally escaped from the weapon. A bitter scream pierced the forest, a scream from none other than the king himself! The rabbi had mistakenly shot the king, damaging his hand forever by shooting off one of his fingers. Enraged, the bleeding king had his guards imprison the rabbi immediately, with swift orders to put him into one of the dungeon’s prison chambers.
Months passed, and the king’s injury slowly healed. His hand was getting stronger, and his desire to go on one of his outings finally made him plan a most extravagant trip to many far-off lands. Throughout his trips, he missed the wisdom and companionship of the brilliant rabbi. In one particularly exotic location, the king was warned not to leave the camp grounds, because hostile natives lurked. But the king’s adventurous spirit was sparked by the idea of seeing the area as it was. The king was warned not to leave the camp grounds, because hostile natives lurked. On one of his forays outside the camp, the king was captured by cannibal tribesmen. As was their custom, they inspected their “merchandise” before cooking. They were alarmed to find that the enticing specimen before them had a missing finger. Immediately they declared it a bad omen, and discarded the king close to his campgrounds. The king was beside himself with joy. The rabbi’s “blunder” had saved his life. He immediately changed course and directed his entourage to return home. He had to speak to the rabbi. When they arrived at the capital, the king immediately set the rabbi free. He asked him: “Dear rabbi, you have always spoken of divine providence, and how everything comes down from heaven for our good, and I see that here. But rabbi,
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I have one question: what was the divine providence as it relates to you? You were in the dungeon for months; where is the good in that?” If I wasn’t in the dungeon, I would have been with you. The rabbi smiled as he answered, “Your majesty, if I wasn’t in the dungeon, I would have been with you, and the cannibals would have eaten me, G‑d forbid.” “What lesson can we take from all this?” asked the king. After some answered.
“Perhaps the lesson is that everyone is essentially a friend of the ultimate King, the Creator of heaven and earth. Since He is a true and good friend who wants the very best for us, we must have faith that all our experiences, even the seemingly negative ones, are really for the best.” BY BENTZION ELISHA Rabbi Bentzion Elisha is an award-winning chassidic photographer and writer, based in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, New York, where he resides with his family. Reprinted from the Chabad.org
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Is it flu or cold symptoms?
How do you know if you have flu or cold symptoms? Take your temperature, say many experts. Flu symptoms often mimic cold symptoms with nasal congestion, cough, aches, and malaise. But a common cold rarely has symptoms of fever above 101 degrees. With flu symptoms, you will probably have a fever initially with the flu virus and you will feel miserable. Body and muscle aches are also more common with the flu. This table can help determine if you have cold or flu symptoms. Symptoms
Sometimes, usually mild
Usual; higher (100-102 F; occasionally higher, especially in young children); lasts 3 to 4 days
General Aches, Pains
Usual; often severe
Fatigue, Weakness
Usual; can last 2 to 3 weeks
Extreme Exhaustion
Usual; at the beginning of the illness
Stuffy Nose
Sore Throat
Chest Discomfort, Cough
Mild to moderate; hacking cough
Common; can become severe
Sinus congestion; middle ear infection
Sinusitis, bronchitis, ear infection, pneumonia; can be life-threatening
Usually, the time of year will give you some sense of what you’re dealing with. The standard flu season runs from fall to spring of the next year.
T:347.927.4ADS(4237) F:718.799.9188 E: mail@thecoffeepaper.com
כולל חצות
די סגולה מיט די "כח התורה"
ראטעוועט מיין קינד! ס'איז שווער זיך צו קענען קאנצעטרירן נאך אזא שווערן דורכגאנג וואס מיר האבן מיטגעלעבט ,אבער אלס הכרת הטוב מוזן מיר אריינשיקן דעם איצטיגן פאקס פאר אייך.
ליידער איז אונז באשערט געווען מיטצומאכן אזא אומבאשרייבליכער עגמת נפש און צער ,אז אונזער טייער קינד איז פארשוואונדן געווארן פון די ישיבה ,און איז אנגעקומען אין זייער א סכנה'דיגע מדינה ,אין א סביבה וואס האט חלילה געקענט מיינען פאר אים דאס ארגסטע ה"י ,סיי פיזיש און סיי גייסטיש. מיר האבן באלד אריינגערופן צו אייך אין אפיס ,און איבערגעגעבן דעם נאמען פון אונזער טייער בחור'ל ,בעטנדיג אז די חשוב'ע אינגעלייט זאלן מתפלל זיין און לערנען און דערמאנען זיין נאמען, אז ער זאל באווייזן ארויסצוקריכן פון דארט לייכטערהייט – מיטן הילף פון השי"ת .און מיר האבן אויך געבעטן אז איר זאלט אינזין האבן אונזער שליח ,א חשוב'ער עסקן וועלכער האט אנגענומען די ריזיקאלישע מיסיע ארויסצוראטעווען אונזער קינד פון אזעלכע שעדליכע הענט, אז ער זאל האבן הצלחה אין זיין ציהל. חשוב'ע בני תורה! ס'איז שווער צו שרייבן אלע פאקטן ,אבער אונזער טייער קינד איז ב"ה אפגעראטעוועט געווארן! דער עסקן דערציילט אז ער האט געזעהן
זעלטענע און אפענע ניסי ניסים אויף יעדן טריט און שריט ,יא! אייערע הייליגע תפילות האבן אים באגלייט איבעראל. איר האט געראטעוועט אונזער קינד!
יעצט בעטן מיר אייך :מיר ווילן ווייטער האלטן אונזער שותפות מיט אייך ,זייטס ווייטער מתפלל פאר זיין הצלחה ,ער זאל צוריקגיין צווישן די הייליגע ישיבה ווענט, און האבן חשק און סיפוק צו זיצן און לערנען נאך אזא שווערער דורכגאנג ,און מיר זאלן שעפן תענוג ונחת פון אים אויך ווייטער בסייעתא דשמיא.
דורך די סגולה פון אויפשטיין חצות ווערט מען גענצליך ניי, אויסגערייניגט פון אלע עבירות!
ווערט א שותף מיט די לומדי הכולל וואו אידן זעען כסדר ישועות
די קטורת סגולה:
איינציגסטע סגולה וואס ווערט דערמאנט אין די תורה הקדושה
לימוד משניות וש"ס:
לויט אייער פארלאנג לע"נ עלטערן\ משפחה-מיטגלידער\ א.ד.ג.
וואך נאכט שמירה:
לימוד התורה פארן קינד'ס שמירה דורך די לומדי הכולל שליט"א
)כף החיים סימן ג' אוט"ז(
יעדן טאג; אן קיין הפסק דער שטורעמישער האריקעין ,קאלטע ווינטן ,און מאסיווע קורצשלוסן ,האבן נישט צוריקגעהאלטן די חשוב'ע לומדי כולל חצות שליט"א פון אפרעכטן זייער געווענטליכן הערליכן סדר הלימוד .יעדן אויפדערנאכט זענען די לומדי הכולל שליט"א געקומען אין ביהמ"ד צום לערנען בהתמדה און דאווענען אינאיינעם, דערביי דערמאנענדיג די נעמען פון אלע טויזנטער אידן וועלכע האבן אריינגעשיקט צו דערמאנען לישועות ורפואות און מיט אלעם גוטן.
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BabaGanoush Tomato Salad A salad of rich spice and oriental taste perfect for that extra to enrich your Shabbos table or family dinner! Ingredients: 1 large eggplant - sliced length-wise 1/2 lemon - juiced 3 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp cumin powder 1/2 tsp smoked paprika powder 1/2 tsp red chili powder 1 tsp minced garlic 1 cup grape heirloom tomatoes - halved 1/4 cup fresh flat leaf parsley Pinch of salt & pepper to taste Garnish with sesame seeds (optional) Tahini Dressing: 1/4 cup tahini 2 tbsp lemon juice salt & pepper to taste 3-4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil Directions: Add juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 tbsp olive oil, cumin powder, smoked paprika powder, chili powder, minced garlic, pinch of salt & pepper on a baking sheet and stir everything to combine. Add eggplant slices and thoroughly coat and marinate for 15 minutes. Heat a large non-stick grill skillet on medium high (a regular grill can be
used too). Add 2 tbsp olive oil and wait to heat, then add slices of marinated eggplant. Note: do not overcrowd the pan. Depending on the thickness of each slice, cook for at least a minute on each side. Prepare the Tahini dressing in a small bowl by combining all of the abovementioned ingredients. Set aside. Remove grilled eggplant and put onto a plate to cool slightly. Chop into bite size pieces. In a non-reactive bowl add halved tomatoes, chopped parsley and grilled eggplant. Lightly toss everything with Tahini dressing or serve with dressing on the side. Garnish with some sesame seeds. Bon apetito!
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Over Your Coffee They say... Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.
Did you know...?
Today’s English alphabet has 26 letters and concludes with the letter Z, but it wasn’t always like that. The ampersand, the symbol “&” which means “and”, used to be the 27th letter of the English language. The ampersand has an interesting history behind both the symbol and the name. So where did it come from and where did it go? The symbol “&” came into being over 1500 years ago. Roman scribes used to write in cursive and tried to save as much space as possible. The Latin word for ‘and’ is et, which when written in cursive became “&” after linking the e and t. The name “ampersand” also has an interesting history. & was considered a letter in itself and was said by children at the end of the alphabet in the 1800’s. They would conclude the alphabet by saying “X, Y, Z and per se and.” Per se means “by itself,” so children were really saying, “X, Y, Z, and by itself and.” As the years passed, the end of the alphabet began to slur together and the words “and per se and” simply turned into “ampersand,” which is now the name for the symbol &!
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The Ampersand (&) used to be the 27th letter of the English Alphabet!
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3 bedroom apt 11 hi 40s 1 flight up good for Young couple call yesh 718 436 9374 office for rent nice big basement 2 bathroom 46 off ft ham call yesh 718 436 9374
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1 1/2 bedroom 1st floor back apt bulding 55th street 13th ave call YESH 718 436 9374
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3 bedroom apt good for young or older couple 11th ave hi 40s call yesh 718 436 9374
Classifieds Seeking
Looking for a 1 bedroom basement Apt. for a couple. please call/text: 1-347-576-5687
a 2 bedroom basement apt. (Large) in a new house for a couple, call 917-675-9063 (in Boro Park only)
Reflector Belt Gemach Stay safe. Be seen. Wear a reflector belt! 718-853-4966 evenings.
Job opportunity
customer service experience or sales & computer proficiency CALL YESH 718 436 9374
Job opportunity
Local Heimishe company seeks for secretary part time work call (718)704-0699
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HUNGARIAN WORKERS male/female, live in or out, experienced elderly care, housekeeping, store help, etc. steady hours only call Sarah: 718 972 1324
Apartments-rent/sale Boro P. for rent.
39th street off 12 commercial space for rent 1st and basement call yesh 718 436 9374
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Gown for sale
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Black dress sis-of-bride. Approx size 6. Used only twice. 350 dollars. Call-718-436-5918
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Job opportunity
Local company seeks ambitious individual for phone sales. Great position for the right person. If interested please call (718)704-0699
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