ELC 381 "The Institution of Education”

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The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Education Leadership and Cultural Foundation Department ELC 381 (section 1): The Institution of Education, Spring 2016 Time: Mondays. 4-6:50 PM | Location: MHRA Building, room 1304 Instructor: Revital Zilonka (r_zilonk@uncg.edu) | Office hours (SOEB 370): by appointment. Overview: In this course students are invited to participate in challenging discussions of what it means to be an educator. The course will feature reading, writing, art, movies, performance arts, and classroom activities, games and discussions regarding the vocation of teachers, social justice, dis/abilities, bilingual education, social class, poverty, sexuality, gender, race and community membership. Goals of the course: The goals of this course are to create the conditions by which teachers and their students can work toward strengthening their communities and making the world a better place. Participants in the course will leave it with new knowledge(s) and a sense of belonging to a community of learners and world changers. Course materials: Materials include books, articles, book chapters, short stories, poems, movies and online videos/articles. Required readings and/or links for videos / online articles for each week are listed below in the semester timeline. Readings (in pdf format) will be placed on Google Drive and are organized by units. Required book: 1. "Totto Chan –The Little Girl at the Window" ,by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi 2. "Just Mercy - a Story of Justice and Redemption", by Bryan Stevenson Note: There are many used copies online (starts in $0.01 on Amazon for Totto Chan, and $7-10 for Stevenson's book). Course Assignments: (!) All assignments should be typed (12 point font, 1.5-2 spacing), printed and handed in the beginning of the class meeting that they are due. If you miss the class when an assignment is due, please email the assignment to the instructor no later than 2 PM of the due day. (#1) Reflection essays: During the semester (see the time-line for the course below) you will write reflective essays (4-5 pages length) in which you discuss and analyze the readings/videos, incorporate in your writing your understanding of the studied materials, classroom activities and classroom discussions. The reflection papers MUST show evidence that you read and/or watched the assigned readings and videos. No evidence of reading will result in losing 2/3 (two thirds) of the possible points. Prompt questions for every essay will be provided via email. 10 points x 3 essays = 30 points possible. First reflection - community and teaching units due 2/15

Second reflection - social class and disabilities units due 3/14 Third reflection - race, racism, whiteness and privilege unit due 4/4 (#2) Interview and analysis assignment: In this assignment you are required to find a person that you don't know anything about her/him, their culture/religion/native language, family/personal history, etc. You will conduct a minimum of 20 minutes interview with that person, and then you will analyze the interview (use the 3rd and 4th units' readings/videos as references). Questions to reflect on in your analysis: what did you learn from the person you interviewed? what did stand out? what prejudices came up on your mind while interviewing/thinking about the interview? The interview should be recorded and transcribed. It's also recommended that you will take notes while conducting the interview. 20 points possible. Due: 2/29 (#3) Personal/Professional Commitment Statement/letter: By the end of the semester, you are required to write your own personal/professional commitment to social justice (7-8 pages), given all the new knowledge(s) that the course participants generated every week. The questions for this assignment are: what challenged you in the ELC381 course? What stood out? What did you learn about yourself? Given the new understanding you have by now about society and education, what's your personal/professional commitment to social justice? More instructions and information about this assignment, if needed, will be provided later in the semester. 30 points possible. Due: 4/18 (#4) Attendance, Participation and Contribution in the classroom: There is a mandatory attendance to the first (1/11) and last (4/25) class of the semester. You are encouraged to participate in -and contribute to the course and be part of the discussions and classroom activities. See for more thoughts regarding attendance in the classroom expectations section in the syllabus. 20 points possible Grading scale: A+ 98-100 | A 95-97 | A- 90-94 | B+ 87-89 | B 84-86 | B- 80-83 | C+ 77-79 | C 74-76 | C- 70-73 | D 60-69 | F 0-59 Classroom Expectations Attendance, participation and contribution in class: Attendance is very important, not only as a requirement, but as a commitment to your classmates. One unexcused absence is all you get for the semester. More than one unexcused absence will result in a loss of a letter grade (=10 points). Absences should be communicated before class starts, via email. Students are expected to make sure they do the readings/videos and other assignments even if they miss a class (or more, for that matter). You get one unexcused absence; second time you miss a class, you need to submit a brief summary of the readings/videos of that week within 3 days (Thursday). If a reflection paper is due on the class you miss, you should email it to the instructor no later than 2 PM of that day (or send a hard copy with a classmate).

Please be in the classroom on time (4 PM), and don't leave before class ends (6:50 PM). Tendency to come late to class or leave early will affect your grade as well. Missing more than 4 classes during the semester will be resulted in an F. Actively participating and contributing in the class are always welcome. It will benefit your classmates' and your own understanding. I expect you to take notes while reading the assigned readings. Please show up to the class with the assigned readings (hard copy or electronic copy)and notes. Bring a notebook and a pen/pencil every week in order to take notes and participate in writing activities during the class. Writing is essential in this course. Technology in the classroom: No unauthorized usage of cellphones, smartphones, tablets and laptops during sessions (including texting, surfing and other unnecessary activities that are not related to the class). As a community of learners, we will listen to each other and we will not get interrupted by technology during classes. Drinking/eating: You are welcome to drink and/or eat in the class. Bring your dinner or snacks. Just keep it thoughtful and respectful (no noisy wraps, e.g., chips). Suggestions: You are more than welcome to recommend other readings, movies or leads on local community activities. As a community of learners, we share knowledge(s) and benefit from each other, all the time. You can do that also on the ELC-381 Facebook group. Please join the Facebook group of the ELC-381 course: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheELC381 FYI: On average, for every in-class hour, you will be spending an hour at home (reading, watching videos and writing/preparing for the assignments) Students with Disabilities: If you have specific physical, psychiatric, emotional or learning disabilities that may require accommodations, please let me know in the beginning of the semester, so that we can coordinate our efforts. Suggested schedule for the Spring 2016 semester (subjected to changes): Read: chapters/articles/stories on a Shared folder on Google Drive (GD) or provided with a link. Watch: videos on TED.com or Youtube or other online resources such as Netflix. Date 1/11 Mon.

Topic Introduction to the course; getting to know each other

Reading/watching at home due for this class Mandatory attendance



MLK day

No Class

1/25 Mon.

UNIT #1 Community and Connection

Read: Brené Brown (chapters on GD) Watch: Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/brene_brown_ on_vulnerability.html Watch: Brené Brown: Listening to shame http://www.ted.com/talks/brene_brown_listening_ to_shame.html Watch: Ken Robinson: How schools kill creativity http://www.ted.com/talks/ken_robinson_says_sch ools_kill_creativity.html Watch: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: "The danger of a single story" (TED Talk) http://www.ted.com/talks/chimamanda_adichie_th e_danger_of_a_single_story.html

2/1 Mon.

UNIT # 2 To be an educator

Read: "Education is politics", by Ira Shor (GD) Read: "Teaching: Introduction", by bell hooks. p. 1-3 (GD) Read: "Critical Thinking", by bell hooks. p. 7-11 (GD) Read: "Engaged pedagogy", by hooks (GD) Read: "The banality of evil" by Shapiro

2/8 Mon.

To be an educator

2/15 Mon.

UNIT #3 Cultural Identity

Read: "Excerpt from pedagogy of the oppressed", by Paulo Freire (GD) Read: "Schooling for a life as a race", by Svi Shapiro (GD) Read: "A+ for Finland", by Hancock (GD) Read: "An Indian Father's Plea" (GD) Read: " I didn't know there are cities in Africa" (GD) Read: Cultural appropriation http://nativeappropriations.com/

2/22 Mon.

Unit #4 Bilingual Education

Read: "The girl who wouldn't sing", by Kit Yuen Quam (GD) Read: "Mother Tongue", by Amy Tan (GD) Read: "How to tame a wild tongue", by Gloria Anzaldua (GD)

2/29 Mon.

UNIT #5 Ability/disability in education

Finish reading "Totto Chan" Read: "Cathedral", by Raymond Carver (GD)

3/7 Mon. 3/14 Mon.

Spring Break

• No Class • Start reading "Just Mercy" Read: "The Stolen Party", by Liliana Heker (on GD) Read: “Free Barbie”, by Eve Ensler (GD) Read: Sociology in Education, by Schwalbe (GD) Read: This superintendent has figured out how to

UNIT # 6 Social Class and the school system

Extra credit opportunity Write a one page response to Shor's article.

Due: Reflection paper #1 Connection, community and To be an educator

Due: Interview and analysis (identity + bilingual education units)

make school work for poor kids www.washingtonpost.com/local/education/thissuperintendent-has-figured-out-how-to-makeschool-work-for-poor-kids/2015/12/20/cadac2caa4e6-11e5-ad3f-991ce3374e23_story.html Read: The History of American Education (GD) Watch: Bryan Stevenson: We need to talk about an injustice www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/bryan_stevenson_we_ need_to_talk_about_an_injustice.html Read: "Recitatif", by Toni Morrison (on GD) Read: “Sweet Potato Pie�, by Eugenia Collier (GD) Read: "White privilege", by Peggy McIntosh (GD)

3/21 Mon.

Unit #7 Whiteness, Race and Privilege

3/28 Mon.

Whiteness, Race and Privilege

4/4 Mon.

Unit #8 Gender, girls and boys

Read: "Feminism", by bell hooks (GD) Watch: We should all be feminists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hg3umXU_qWc Watch: Gloria Steinem and bell hooks in a conversation https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=tkzOFvfWRn4


Unit #9 Sexuality

Read: "What Matthew Sheppard would tell us", by Risner (GD) Watch: http://fusion.net/video/2549/activist-janetmock-flips-the-script-asks-alicia-menendez-toprove-her-womanhood/ Read: Raising Penelope, My Transgender Son http://www.refinery29.com/2015/10/95887/jodiepatterson


Unit #10 Connecting the dots

Finish reading "Just Mercy"


Last class

Evaluations, saying goodbye. IRB Mandatory attendance

Facebook pages to like: www.facebook.com/humansofnewyork www.facebook.com/HumansOfIndia www.facebook.com/rethinkingschools www.facebook.com/humanrightscampaign www.facebook.com/ButtonPoetry www.facebook.com/sonofbaldwinfb www.facebook.com/amightygirl www.facebook.com/pages/Amy-Poehlers-Smart-Girls www.facebook.com/MissRepresentationCampaign www.facebook.com/weareultraviolet www.facebook.com/feministing www.facebook.com/pages/Bitch-Media/20954259668

Due: Reflection paper #2 (dis/abilities+ social class units)

Reflection paper #3 (Race, racism, whiteness and Privilege unit)

Final paper is due Extra credit opportunity (ask the instructor for details) Bring snacks :-)

www.facebook.com/WOMENSRIGHTSNEWS www.facebook.com/thehistoryproject www.facebook.com/nativeappropriations www.facebook.com/colorlines www.facebook.com/TheEyesOfChildrenAroundTheWorld www.facebook.com/MillionHoodies www.facebook.com/TRAPTheRealArtofProtest www.facebook.com/BrownGirlCollective www.facebook.com/forharriet Facebook groups To Join www.facebook.com/groups/BadAssTeachers www.facebook.com/groups/twbpep Last, but not least: Writing Center 3211Moore Humanitarian Research / 334-3125 www.uncg.edu/eng/writingcenter Prepare your papers for final submission with one-on-one help offered by a consultant. They will ask you a lot of questions about your assignment, what you want to accomplish in the paper, the work you have done on it so far, the due date, and your concerns about the work so far. Speaking Center 321Moore Humanitarian Research / 256-1346 www.uncg.edu/eng/writingcenter Services are designed to help our speakers further develop their oral communication confidence and competence. Assistance is offered in the preparation and delivery of speeches, development of knowledge and skill in interpersonal communication, and group or team communication. The Speaking Center is located along with the Writing Center in 3211 MHRA, 3rd floor. MHRA is on the corner of Forest and Spring Garden, across the street from the Mossman Building. Academic Integrity Integrity and ethical conduct are important to your success at UNCG and in later life. Academic integrity is based on five values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. As a member of the UNCG academic community, I expect you to know, understand, and uphold the Academic Integrity Policy. You should familiarize yourself with the Academic Integrity Policy by reading the material available at http://academicintegrity.uncg.edu/. The practice of academic integrity extends to all work for the course, including your service with a community partner. Every member of the class is expected to foster the spirit of academic honesty and respect at all times and to encourage that spirit among others. ANY INFRACTION OF THE ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY CAN RESULT IN AN AUTOMATIC "F" FOR THE COURSE (AT A MINIMUM).

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