55 integrated campaign the college of saint rose

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2013-14 Integrated Branding Campaign Campaign Strategy

TARGET MARKETS Primary Local Albany Secondary New York (New York City, Long Island) Northern New Jersey Connecticut Western Massachusetts

TARGET AUDIENCE Teens Juniors/Seniors searching for a 4-year College (P17-18) Freshmen/Sophomores looking for College options (P13-16) Adults Parents of College-bound students (A35-54) Influencers of College-bound students, including Teachers, Counselors, relatives (A35-54)

STRATEGY Utilize a combination of Mass Media, Digital and Social Media to reach the primary and secondary audiences. Schedule media during peak Application periods to increase awareness among potential students and their parents/influencers. Implement a variety of targeting tactics, including demo-, geo- and interest-targeting (where available) to reach CSR’s audience. Utilize a combination of On Demand Video and Digital Radio. Capitalize on Transit opportunities to reach commuters and business travelers during the Holiday season. Use Digital and Social Media to support the traditional media buys. Incorporate Search into the media mix to stay competitive with other schools.

Television — HULU Flight TV Campaign to run from late December through January. Commercial can be viewed at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZq3_xu4HYI ■ Capitalize on increased viewing around Holidays and during January ■ (6) total weeks of Hulu, flighted across the campaign period ■ :30-sec. Video commercials and BONUS Companion Banner units ■ Statewide reach in NY, NJ, CT and MA ■ Demo-target to Teens (P13-18) and Parents (A35-54), weighted toward Teens Create brand awareness Power of sight and sound Allows viewers to watch what they want, when they want Capitalize on migration of Cable and TV viewers to On-Demand video services Guaranteed impressions and views

Radio— Pandora Flight Radio Campaign to run from November through January ■ Run a sustained campaign with (12) total weeks of Digital Radio ■ :30-sec. Audio Everywhere commercials and bonus Companion Banner units (300x250 and 500x500) ■ Mobile Display Banner units (300x250) ■ Statewide reach in NY, NJ, CT and MA ■ Demo-target to Teens (P13-18) and Parents (A35-54), weighted toward Teens Builds Frequency of Exposure Reaches multiple platforms Message delivery follows listeners where they go Clean, uncluttered environment Guaranteed impressions Drive traffic to designated landing page

Transit Post Interior Transit Campaign on Amtrak, NJ Transit and MTA lines from Dec – Jan ■ Campaign to start in mid-December and run during the Holiday season ■ Schedule to include interior units on the NJ Transit system, servicing Northern NJ; and the MTA’s Transit system, servicing Westchester & CT ■ Includes 33”h x 21”w interior Car Cards Broad reach medium Targeting business travelers in NJ, NY, CT & MA Capitalize on busy Holiday travel season Reach captive audience

Social Media — Facebook Flight Facebook Campaign to run from November through January ■ Focus on key Application periods (Dec, Feb) with (12) total weeks of Facebook ■ Facebook Display ad units on right side of page ■ Promoted Posts in News Feed ■ Statewide reach in NY, NJ, CT and MA ■ Demo-target to Teens (P13-18) and Parents (A35-54), weighted toward Teens ■ Interest-targeting options to target by “likes” or behavior True ROI-based medium (pay per Click) Low production costs High consumer engagement Can test creative and adjust to optimize Drive traffic to designated landing page

Social Media — YouTube Flight YouTube Campaign to run from November through January ■ Focus on key Application periods (Dec, Feb) with (12) total weeks of YouTube ■ :15 or :30-sec In-Stream Video ad units ■ 300x60 Companion Banner ad units ■ Statewide reach in NY, NJ, CT and MA ■ Adults 18+ (no demo-targeting available) ■ Topic-targeting options to “follow” users based on interests Combines power of Television with interactivity of the Web True ROI-based medium (pay per View) Utilize produced Video units Drive traffic to designated landing page

Digital — Rocket Fuel (Ad Network) Flight Digital Campaign to run from November through January ■ Focus on key Application periods (Dec, Feb) with (12) total weeks of Digital Display ■ Banner ad units running across a variety of websites (728x90, 300x250 and 160x600) ■ Statewide reach in NY, NJ, CT and MA ■ Demo-target to Teens (P13-18) and Parents (A35-54), weighted toward Teens ■ Re-targeting options to “follow” users based on behavior True ROI-based medium (pay based on Clicks/Impressions) Low production costs Can test creative and adjust to optimize Drive traffic to designated landing page

Google Search Flight Search Campaign to run from November through January ■ Focus on key Application periods (Dec, Feb) with (12) total weeks of Search ■ Texts ads in “Super 7” position (top and right) ■ Statewide reach in NY, NJ, CT and MA ■ Cannot demo-target, but will optimize based on results Increases overall awareness of Brand True ROI-based medium (pay based on Clicks) Can test keywords and adjust as necessary Drive traffic to designated landing page Allows advertisers to stay competitive within the category

Direct Marketing A series of engaging direct mail postcards mailed to a list of 80,000 households comprised of a qualified house list and geo targeted purchased list. ■ Developed to build and enhance brand. ■ Smart headlines, concise copy and beautiful imagery. ■ Engage recipient to inquire for more information, schedule a visit and/or apply.


Facebook Ads —100 x 72 (right-hand display) and 154 x 154 pixels (news feed)


YouTube Ads —300 x 60 pixels


Pandora Ads — 500 x 500 and 300 x 250 pixels


Ad Network/Rocket Fuel Ads — Real-time, optimized, reactive ads. 300 x 250, 160 x 600, 120 x 600, and 728 x 90 pixels


MTA Transit — ]New Jersey, Westchester, Connecticut




“Except Another Number” :15 Anncr: Be anything you want... except another number PANDORA

At The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY your individuality will be empowered by faculty, and small classes... internships and service experiences will make you life-ready Apply today.


(:31) Current commercial

Watch at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZq3_xu4HYI


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