Pre-College Experience at Saint Rose

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The Pre-College Experience is an intensive program designed to engage students entering grades 9 –12. Small, faculty-led sections in criminal justice and forensics, filmmaking, music, and the visual arts develop students’ talents and immerse them in a vibrant college environment. Experience College Life--Stay on Campus Pre-College Experience students can elect to stay on campus. Students will stay in Lima Hall, located in the heart of our campus, overlooking the campus green, Events and Athletics Center, and library. Most meals will be provided in the recently renovated dining hall. All rooms are doubles. Cost for any of the two-week residential programs is $1,795. This cost includes tuition for the day program, all room and board, activities and field trips. Check-in for residential option is Sunday, July 12. College Preparation Program for High School Juniors and Seniors This one-week program, from July 27 – 31, prepares high school juniors and seniors to navigate the complex world of choosing and applying to college. Students learn to identify the key individuals and services that support a successful first year, and discuss the intellectual and career benefits of up to ten different fields of undergraduate study. The cost for this one-week program is $350 (includes all lunches and fees).




Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 24

Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 24

Students who have selected the residential option arrive on Sunday, July 12

Students who have selected the residential option arrive on Sunday, July 12

The Summer Pre-College Experience in Drama is a two-week intensive program

The Leadership and Entrepreneurship Pre-College Experience is a two-week

for high school students who have a genuine interest in college-level theatre.

intensive program for high school students with an interest in leadership, entre-

Classes are taught by Saint Rose professors who are highly experienced and

preneurship, and other areas of business. Classes are taught by Saint Rose

dedicated to recognizing and nurturing an individual’s acting ability. Limited to 15

faculty that are knowledgeable practitioners in leadership training, manage-

students, this program will challenge students through a curriculum of targeted

ment, marketing, and entrepreneurship with years of experience in their fields.

skill-building exercises to develop their fundamental skills as a performer of the

The students will be introduced to the process of developing and starting their

stage, including focus, connection, team work, and stage presence. The two week

own small businesses, from idea generation to marketing and operations plans.

program will culminate in a collaborative theatrical production, utilizing all the

There will opportunities to develop leadership, team, and communication skills.

skills that the participants bring to the stage.

Students will engage in a variety of hands-on experiences and competitions, as well as interact with local business leaders. There will also be field trips to local businesses and business districts in the Albany area.

CRIMINAL JUSTICE & FORENSICS Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 24 Students who have selected the residential option arrive on Sunday, July 12

Criminal Justice and Forensics is an intensive two-week program for high school students with a serious interest in crime scene investigation Classes are taught by knowledgeable practitioners in criminal justice and forensic science with years of experience in their fields. The students will be introduced to the crime scene investigation process starting with the study of the crime scene through the perspective of forensic scientists, crime scene investigators, and criminal and arson investigators. There will be a mock crime scene, and students will experience hands-on the collection and processing of forensic evidence. A field trip to the New York State Police Forensic Investigation Center in Albany is planned.

FILMMAKING Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 24 Students who have selected the residential option arrive on Sunday, July 12

The Pre-College Filmmaking Experience is a two-week intensive program for high school students with a serious interest in cinema and filmmaking. Classes are taught by a Saint Rose faculty member who is a highly experienced and recognized filmmaker dedicated to recognizing and nurturing an individual’s creative ability. This program will challenge students through a curriculum of targeted skill-building segments. Students will learn cinematic language and how to apply it to the craft of filmmaking, from developing a concept and writing a script, through production, post-production, presentation and distribution.

MUSIC Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 24 Students who have selected the residential option arrive on Sunday, July 12

Now in its seventh year, the Music program offers dedicated music students entering grades 9 –12 a remarkable opportunity to work with world renowned Saint Rose faculty in The Massry Center for the Arts — our state-of-the-art facility. Students can share their excitement about music with other talented young musicians from the Capital Region and beyond, as they prepare for and present a weekly performance in the College’s Picotte Recital Hall, home to all 22 of the Saint Rose performing ensembles and the Empire State Youth Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble and Wind Orchestra. Comprehensive and engaging classes are available to students at all levels who

Third Week Option:

have at least three years’ experience on their instrument. Students choose one

Honors Chamber Ensemble & Preparing for College Admission in Music

of the following: Wind Ensemble, Vocal Institute, Orchestra, Piano Intensive

Monday, July 27– Friday, July 31

Study, and Music Production.Students with an interest in Music Production will

Students who have selected the residential option arrive on Sunday, July 26

learn in our newly updated Music Technology Studios. There will be a variety of

This optional third week is designed specifically for high school juniors and seniors preparing for the college application and music audition process. Students will spend the mornings being mentored by a Saint Rose faculty member on their particular instrument or voice in a variety of Honor Chamber Ensembles. The afternoons are spent in a variety of workshops and seminars on topics such as Applying to Colleges, The Music Audition, Financial Aid, Choosing Music as a Major, Preparing to be a Music Major in College and other topics.

workshops, sectionals, and recitals given by The College of Saint Rose faculty and Music Education students. These music faculty members also teach private lessons, which are available at an additional cost to interested students.

VISUAL ARTS Monday, July 13 – Friday, July 24 Students who have selected the residential option arrive on Sunday, July 12

The Visual Arts Pre-College Experience is a two-week intensive program for high school students who are entering grades 10 –12 and have a serious interest in the visual arts. Classes are taught by Saint Rose faculty who are dedicated to recognizing and nurturing individual creative ability, and who are committed to challenging students through a curriculum of targeted skill-building studio sessions. Students will participate in both a drawing session and a studio elective of their choice. This year, elective offerings include Graphic Design, Motion Design, Printmaking, Plein Air Painting, Digital Photography, Black and White Film Photography, and Sculpture. In addition to building and refining students’ technical skills, the program is designed to engage their visual, intellectual and creative curiosities, and will include one museum trip, a visiting artist lecture, and a capstone exhibition. This highly intensive program builds strong foundational skills in: drawing from observation, developing technical information, learning to talk about and critique work using the language of art and design, and creating a strong portfolio of work that students will be proud of.

All registration for the Pre-College Experiences is available online at We encourage you to use this easy-to-use registration process, or you may also use the paper registration form below. Additional policies and procedures will apply to Pre-College Experience overnight students. Name of Student

Date of Birth




Name of Parent(s)


Telephone (preferred number)

Parent E-mail (preferred)

School Attending

Grade Entering in September

I WANT TO REGISTER FOR A SAINT ROSE PRE-COLLEGE EXPERIENCE PROGRAM. Residential option includes room and 3 meals a day. Check-in for residential option is Sunday, July 12, 3:30 – 5:30 pm. Day classes meet 9 am – 5 pm; lunch is included.

Monday, July 27 – Friday, July 31 Students who have selected the residential option arrive on Sunday, July 26

Drama ■ Day class — $795

This one-week, overnight program (with day-only option as well) is specially designed for

Criminal Justice & Forensics ■ Day class — $795 ■ With room & board — $1,795

high school juniors and seniors to help them prepare academically and emotionally for

Filmmaking ■ Day class — $795

their transition to college life and to give them a real feel for what it is like to be a College freshman. During this week, students will explore topics and fields of study that offer life-

Music ■ Day class — $795 Instrument or Voice

changing academic and social experiences for college-bound students.

With room & board — $1,795

With room & board — $1,795

With room & board — $1,795 Years Playing

Requested Concentration — Please Check ■ Orchestra (strings only) ■ Vocal Institute (voice students only)

There is a track for music students to work on their college auditions and strengthen their musical skills. The other track is for students to experience up to 10 different academic majors. Both

■ ■

Wind Ensemble (wind and percussion only) Piano Intensive Study

■ ■

Music Production Jazz Studies

There are a select number of scholarships for students in the Summer Youth Muisc program. For more information and a scholarship form, visit

tracks will learn about different college services, including the Library, Academic Support Center,

Visual Arts ■ Day class — $945 Elective Desired

Academic Advising, Study Abroad, Career Center, Spiritual Life, Financial Aid, Registrar, Technology Support, and Student Life as well. Meet with the staff and learn about how they support students in meeting their college and career goals. Students will also learn about the co-curric-

With room & board — $1,945 Art Classes Taken

Cost includes the fee for art materials

Preparing for College for High School Juniors and Seniors: Monday, July 27 – Friday, July 31 ■ Day Program — $350 ■ With room & board — $750

ular opportunities available to college students from student government to community service and how full involvement on a campus is what differentiates an ordinary college experience


from an extraordinary one that students will remember for the rest of their lives.

Check (Please make checks payable to: The College of Saint Rose)

Students will learn how to submit a successful college application and essay, prepare for a

Account Number

music audition, art portfolio, or admissions interview, and meet faculty, staff, and adminis-

Cardholder's Name

trators who will guide you through your college choices. For overnight students, this program





Expiration Date

Total payment enclosed: $

also involves students in plenty of enriching and entertaining evening activities.


Please mail form and payment to: The College of Saint Rose, School of Arts & Humanities, 432 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12203


432 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12203-1490




JULY 13–24


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