Saint Rose Commencement Program 2015

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The Colege o Saint Rose is proud o you. Today you become one of 40,000 alumni in 49 states and 30 countries. You will pursue graduate and professional degrees in business, education, healthcare, or law. You will transform lives by teaching or leading schools, influencing public policy, writing novels, reporting the news, creating art or music, building IT systems, conducting groundbreaking scientific research, or running your own companies. Be fearless, trust your instincts,


learn to laugh, and savor each moment as you did at Saint Rose. You are now all proud Saint Rose alumni.

Welcome to the expanded edition of your life.

History of the College7 The College of Saint Rose was founded in 1920 by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet as a Roman Catholic college for women. Its founders selected the name of Saint Rose to honor the first canonized saint in the Americas. The primary academic purpose of the College was the full development of the person through a strong liberal arts curriculum. Initially, emphasis was placed on the professional training of teachers, and this emphasis was expanded in the early years to preparation for business and other professions. As needs in the Albany area increased, the College expanded and revised its programs to meet those needs. An evening division was developed in 1946 to meet the needs of World War II veterans and was reinstituted in 1974 to respond to continuing education needs. In 1949, a graduate school was added to provide master's degree programs. Men were admitted to both the original evening and the graduate division and, in 1969, the College became fully coeducational. In 1970, the Board of Trustees was expanded to include laypersons in addition to the Sisters of St. Joseph. With the formal transfer of control to this Board, The College of Saint Rose became an independent college sponsored by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Albany Province.


\\ Mission Statement9

The College of Saint Rose community engages highly motivated

undergraduate and graduate students in rigorous educational experiences. In the progressive tradition of the founding Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, we welcome men and women from all religious and cultural backgrounds. In addition to developing their intellectual capacities, students have the opportunity to cultivate their creative and spiritual gifts in a diverse learning community that fosters integrity, interdependence, and mutual respect. The College delivers distinctive and comprehensive liberal arts and professional programs that inspire our graduates to be productive adults, critical thinkers, and motivated, caring citizens. Our engagement with the urban environment expands the setting for educational opportunities and encourages the Saint Rose community's energetic involvement and effective leadership in society.

Integrity Statement9

Honesty, trust, respect, fairness, responsibility, and the free exchange

of ideas form the foundation of integrity that supports the entire community at The College of Saint Rose. Faculty, staff, administrators, and students embrace these ideals in all their interactions and communications. Members of the Saint Rose community are committed to developing and implementing clear and fair institutional policies, standards, and practices, applied equitably and humanely. In keeping with its mission, The College of Saint Rose creates a culture that continually fosters the development of personal integrity and promotes ethical behavior throughout the larger society.

Statement o Values9

The College of Saint Rose values an environment which:

Promotes academic excellence; Nurtures respect for and commitment to lifelong learning; Strives to achieve a caring, diverse community; Fosters the development of the whole person; Empowers individuals to improve themselves and the world around them; and Reveres its Catholic history and heritage and respects other traditions.

te National Antem6 O say can you see by the dawn’s early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight, O’er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?


In tuo lumine videbimus lumen x In ty ligHt we shall see light


— Francis Scott Key

CEREMONY 92nd Annual Commencement








Hadi Salavitabar, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


Justin Whittaker ’16, President, Student Association James H. Manley Jr., Ph.D., ’93, G’95, President, Alumni Association National Board of Directors Mary Ann McLoughlin ’63, Ph.D., Senior Faculty Member, Professor of Mathematics

\\ PRELUDE CONCERT The College of Saint Rose Wind Ensemble, Robert S. Hansbrough, Ph.D., Conductor

PROCESSIONAL Pomp and Circumstance Op. 39, No. 1, Sir Edward Elgar, arr. by Clare Grundman The College of Saint Rose Wind Ensemble, Robert S. Hansbrough, Ph.D., Conductor

THE NATIONAL ANTHEM The Star Spangled Banner, Francis Scott Key, arr. by Jack Stamp The College of Saint Rose Wind Ensemble, Robert S. Hansbrough, Ph.D., Conductor

INVOCATION Joan Horgan ’79, Director of Campus Ministry




Carolyn J. Stefanco, Ph.D., President

\\ CONFERRING OF THE CARONDELET MEDAL Sr. Anne Bryan Smollin ’66, CSJ, Ph.D., Former First Vice Chair, Board of Trustees Accepted posthumously by Sr. Patricia A. St. John ’79, CSJ, Ed.D., Member, Board of Trustees Presenter: Jeffrey B. Scott, Member, Board of Trustees Reader: Michael Brannigan, Ph.D., Professor, George and Jane Pfaff Endowed Chair in Ethics and Moral Values

RESPONSE Sr. Patricia A. St. John ’79, CSJ, Ed.D., Member, Board of Trustees

8 PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATE FOR HONORARY DEGREE Doctor of Humane Letters Timothy John Fenton Presenter: Judith A. Calogero ’80, Chair, Board of Trustees of the College Reader: K. Michael Mathews, D.B.A., Interim Associate Dean, Huether School of Business and Associate Professor of Business Administration

8 COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Dr. Timothy John Fenton

8 PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR THE COLLEGE EXPERIENCE CERTIFICATES Carolyn J. Stefanco, Ph.D., President Hadi Salavitabar, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Judith A. Calogero ’80, Chair, Board of Trustees Judith A. Kelly G’90, M.S. in Ed., Registrar Dennis McDonald ’77, G’91, M.S. in Ed., Vice President for Student Affairs Margaret McLane G’78, G’93, Ph.D., Interim Dean, Thelma P. Lally School of Education




Carolyn J. Stefanco, Ph.D., President Hadi Salavitabar, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Judith A. Calogero ’80, Chair, Board of Trustees Judith A. Kelly G’90, M.S. in Ed., Registrar Dennis McDonald ’77, G’91, M.S. in Ed., Vice President for Student Affairs

\\ TOWARD THE LIGHT Nicole DeMarco ’13 (arr. by Steven Musso ’13) The College of Saint Rose Chamber Choir, Michael Levi, Ph.D., Director

8 PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES AND CONFERRING OF GRADUATE DEGREES Carolyn J. Stefanco, Ph.D., President Hadi Salavitabar, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Judith A. Calogero ’80, Chair, Board of Trustees Judith A. Kelly G’90, M.S. in Ed., Registrar Dennis McDonald ’77, G’91, M.S. in Ed., Vice President for Student Affairs LeRoy Bynum, D.M.A., Dean, School of Arts and Humanities K. Michael Mathews, D.B.A., Interim Associate Dean, Huether School of Business Margaret McLane G’78, G’93, Ph.D., Interim Dean, Thelma P. Lally School of Education Richard J. Thompson Jr., Ph.D., Dean, School of Mathematics and Sciences

8 BENEDICTION The Most Reverend Edward Scharfenberger, D.D., Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany

8 RECESSIONAL Fanfare and Recessional, Charles Carter The College of Saint Rose Wind Ensemble, Robert S. Hansbrough, Ph.D., Conductor

The audience is requested to remain in place until all the participants in the Academic Recession have left the Times Union Center.

Immediately following the ceremony, graduates, their families and friends are welcome to an on-campus reception on The College of Saint Rose Lawn.



In case of inclement weather, the reception for Undergraduates will be held in the Daniel P. Nolan Gymnasium and the Graduate reception will be held in the Main Dining Room at The College of Saint Rose.





Candidates For CoLege Experience CertiFicates Mary Melissa Cohen Rachel Lee Coleman Christine Elizabeth Cox

Bryan Darby Abigail Smita Griffing Sara Lehnert

Vincent Mancini Cory Wayman

\\ Candidates For Undergraduate Degrees SCHOOL OF ARTS & HUMANITIES LeRoy Bynum, D.M.A., Dean

BACHELOR OF ARTS Kelly Chaney Erwin Contreras*** Shana Cooper,** magna cum laude Eamonn Coughlin Christina Marie Cramer, cum laude Katherine A. Crodelle** Andrew Cronin Mรกire Eilis Cunningham** Justin R. Davis*** Alexandra Deming Paige Audi DeSorbo John R. Diggelmann Jr. Shawn William Dixon** Rachel Elana Dymond** Caleb Aaron Eick, magna cum laude Nafisah Salimah Epps** Jessica Farone** Laura Flemming** Meagan Adare Foley, magna cum laude

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Chelsea Lynn Foster, cum laude Spencer S. Franks Marie Danielle Frankson** Lisa Frye, cum laude Brendan Patrick Gallagher** Ashlie Angelina Garcia*** Emily Giroux, cum laude Christina M. Golson** Amanda Caroline Green Alyssa Marie Haddad** Kristen Harrington, summa cum laude Amy Hayes,** cum laude Michelle Hazenbush Ryan Dean Hooper Connor Howard Alexander Isham, cum laude Kimberlyn C. Kenney Joel Benjamin Kersting, summa cum laude Meghan Maureen Kiely, cum laude



Haley Anderson, cum laude Simone C. Arrington Lolita Avila April Lynn Banach** Abigail Y. Barker Adama Barry** Brian J. Beaury, II Kaitlyn Victoria Lea Bennett** Rachel Miranda Bolton, magna cum laude Sarah Patricia Breen Abigail Marie Brigham, summa cum laude Michael Anthony Bruni** Carlee Bryda Nicholas Alessandro Buonanno,** summa cum laude Allison M. Burns, cum laude Jared Burns Courtney Corinne Carr Anthony M. Casey**

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ Ercan Kilic*** Sara Noel Kingsberry,** summa cum laude Themba Knowles** Sirzen J. Kotin Katherine LaFerriere Jessica Lamoureaux, summa cum laude John Christopher Lantz David M. LaPrade II Kristina Laverde, magna cum laude Scott Lawson II** Jessica Nicole LePore Allen Michael Lekocevic** Mariah Lesure*** Nick Longo Kelli Marie Lovdahl, magna cum laude Jenessa Lynn Matis,** cum laude Michayla McMahon,*** cum laude Cameron Miller,** cum laude Shannon Tyler Mish, magna cum laude Maggie Lyn Moran,** magna cum laude Malcolm McElroy Moran Nicole Elizabeth Mt. Pleasant,** summa cum laude Mark Mullens Rachel Elizabeth Newman** Derick Noetzel Kacey Marion O'Brien

Kelsey O'Brien Derek Olander** Elyse N. Oosterman, magna cum laude Diana Sofia Ortiz Salazar,** magna cum laude Joshua Pabon** Victoria Perras, cum laude Tyler Vincent Piazza Gabrielle Anne Polce, magna cum laude Christopher Chummar Ponthokkan** Elizabeth Martha Rápalo, cum laude Jilian Marie Reilly Olivia Lauren Rickenbacher Kesha Jenéa Robinson,** magna cum laude Sierra J. Rose, cum laude Vincent Anthony Rullo Joseph P. Russell*** Matthew Sano** Monica Santiago Rodney Schuyler** Brianna Scparta Jenna Elizabeth Scully*** Lauren Ellyse Sears, cum laude Jessica M. Serfilippi, magna cum laude Conor T. Shea, summa cum laude Katherine V. Siegel, cum laude

Jessica Anne Siemion, magna cum laude Laura M. Simonelli Shaquille John Sinclair** Eric John Sinko John F. Slagg Michael Smith Emily Lauren Sobieski** Stephen Sorli, cum laude Stacy L. Spindler** Dominick Michael Spylios, magna cum laude Ashley Marie Sweet, cum laude Elizabeth Ivana Tapia** Ryan Taylor Brittany Ann Terry Jourdan Chanel Thompson Daniella G. Toosie-Watson*** Tabitha Vazquez*** Jeffrey M. Williams, cum laude Zachary Allan Williams Emily Willwerth** Ariana Marie Wilson, cum laude Drew Wingate Travis Winter** Matthew S. Woods Jesse Wright** Amy Nicole Zobre***

Jori Marie Figueroa Jeremy Fink, cum laude Tyler James Flood Joseph Frank*** Corrine Furjanic, magna cum laude David Maxwell Jacobs Harrison Johnson Garrett Michael Kipp Gregory Matthew Leguire

Eden Victoria Loeffel, cum laude Anagabriele Loor Marcos A. Martinez Marissa McNutt Nicholas Mino William Henry Mintzer Amber Rose Moak Edward Molina** Caroline Murphy


Academic Honors: summa cum laude — with highest praise



Rachael Alling Cheryl Lynn Ambrosio, cum laude Jessica Vaughan Ayotte Amanda Paige Bovee, cum laude Kristy Anne Castellano Sarah Marie Cioffi Christina Hodsoll Coogan** Janna Czepiel, magna cum laude Whitney Emilyn Dobladillo

magna cum laude — with high praise

cum laude — with praise

\\ Kayla O'Hare Rita R. Papandrea** Kathryn D. Pastula Katherine Poorman**

Pamela Lynn Poquette** Nicole Maria Ravetto,** magna cum laude Kelsey Anne Renko Theresa Susan Hope Whittemore

Kaya Woon-Phillips** Sarah Olivia Zabka

Cody Patrick Deschaine Marilyn K. Dizon, magna cum laude Kathryn Erin Fitzmorris, cum laude Patrick Charles Foxton, cum laude Marilla Gucwa Amy Elizabeth Hayter** Jeremy Matthew Hollon** Brendon Lennon, magna cum laude Alejandra Elizabeth Lizama,** magna cum laude William D. Mayer Jr., magna cum laude Jessica McDonnell, cum laude Brittany Nichole Meegan,** cum laude Janet Morrison, magna cum laude

Ian Piascik Stephen James Russell, magna cum laude Andrea Nicole Sharp, magna cum laude Aaron Richard Sickler Megan Maria Tompkins, cum laude Nicole Van Glad, magna cum laude Shannon Kathleen Kenney Vanderlaan, cum laude Stephanie Vaughan,** cum laude Andrew J. Waldron Nathaniel Wardlaw, cum laude Lindsey L. Wiehl, magna cum laude Cante Yacobellis, summa cum laude

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Gregory Albertson Michael J. Barranco Thomas Baxter Russel J. Bellinger** Leigh Birdwell** Taylor Marie Blakley, cum laude Jennifer Ann Brannigan** Josephine Calabro Anthony Charles Calascibetta** Joshua Casano** Kieferray Dominick Chung,** cum laude Tracie Cook,** magna cum laude Jackson William Corbo Elianna Decker

8 HUETHER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS K. Michael Mathews, D.B.A., Interim Associate Dean

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Calla Lea Constantine** Michael Benjamin Corrado** Danilo Cortez** William A. Coyner Sara Alexandra Cummings** Aaron A. Czarnecki** Kathryn Daniels, magna cum laude Joseph Anthony DeCarlo** Michael D'Elisiis*** Jenna DeMarinis Danielle Lauren DePierro

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Vicki A. DiLorenzo,*/** cum laude Nicholas G. DiPasquale*/** Christopher Dorgler, magna cum laude Daniel P. Durant,** cum laude Taylor Ryan Farrell*/** Lauren Ann Febraio, magna cum laude Jake Files Logan Thomas Frese, cum laude Tavita Gajraj Juan Diego Garzon Dashawn Yusef Gates***



Alicia Lynn Biernik** Elizabeth Rose Biondo Adam Biron** Ralph E. Blond** William H. Boardman V Michelle H. Bousquet Lauren Sarah Burgasser, summa cum laude Brandon David Bush Brett L. Cannon, cum laude Joseph John Carcone** Brendan M. Clause**

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ Christopher Gaynair** David Benjamin Genender, cum laude Ana Sofia Gonzalez Urrutia,* cum laude Christopher S. Gould Allison E. Gray,*/** magna cum laude Geoffroy O., K. Green*** Sara Holland Ryan Hooker Soroya Hudson** Felicia Hug Jordan L. Hughes,*/** cum laude Colleen G. Hulbert*** Sierra Stephanie Hwaszcz Alexis James Rebecca Jean-Paul Stephen Charles Jenkins** Kassandra Jessamy Bianca Jordan Christopher Joseph Michael Kelly Kellie Kerr Rebecca Lynne Kircher Beata Kirzhner,*/*** magna cum laude

Kelly Rose Kobani, cum laude Krysta Koerner Matthew R. Krzykowski Eric William Leith** Ann Rita Lombardo* Ryan Magee Daniel CG Marshall** Brittany Mayer* Gerrel J. McFadden Justin M. McKenna, cum laude Jesse Lloyd McNamara Dominykas Milka,*/** cum laude Christopher David Miller Diogenes Montano** Thomas Mack Naughton* Lukas James Nethaway** Lionel Nichols Zachary Novak,** cum laude Kathleen Palumbo,* summa cum laude Tiara Parkinson*** Douglas R. Parry,** cum laude Alexa Marie Patnaude Cierra Jene Paul***

Jaclyn Perra Samuel Pierre Andrew James Pugliese Thomas James Rahn Meghan Rathbun** Timothy Charles Robbins* Nicholas Angelo Romeo Desiree Simmons** Kelly Ann Slingerland,** cum laude Amanda Slivienski Patrick Wendell Sunday Kareem J. Thomas*/*** Kyle Jordan Thompson Elizabeth Venizelos Destiny Watkins** Emily H. Wightman Arlene Joy Winrow,* magna cum laude Michael Wordelmann II John Young Rebecca Lynn Zindell*

8 THELMA P. LALLY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Margaret McLane G’78, G’93, Ph.D., Interim Dean

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Lindsey Brooker, summa cum laude Catherine Buser Samantha Marie Byrnes, magna cum laude Tina Marie Caden,** magna cum laude Samantha Rae Capece,*/*** summa cum laude Victoria R. Casciaro, magna cum laude Alexandria Ann Chace**

Academic Honors: summa cum laude — with highest praise

Brittany Chlud*** Kaylyn Elizabeth Ciullo, magna cum laude Megan Clough,** magna cum laude Mallory Louise Collier Dashira Marie Cortes** Kimberely Ann Cozzy*** Alexandra Nicole Crankshaw,** magna cum laude



Kayla Kathleen Abel Brittany Banks Kiersten Briana Beckford, magna cum laude Kaylee Eileen Behm, cum laude Emily Berben, cum laude Courtney M. Bigness, magna cum laude Emily A. Blaufuss, magna cum laude Amanda Boctor

magna cum laude — with high praise

cum laude — with praise

\\ James H Hoteling** Nichole Houle*/** Jade Frances Isaacs,** magna cum laude Alyssa Michelle Jackey Alyssa Lee Jaquinto*** Joshua H. Johnson Taylor Owen Johnston,** magna cum laude Dana Elizabeth Kelley, magna cum laude Samantha Kirincic** Laura M. Kirker** Sarah Jane Kleffke Karen Koblensky** Megan Marie Krenzer, magna cum laude Caroline Kuligowski, magna cum laude Rebecca Joyce Languish Gabriella LaPrade Alyssa M. Lee*** Emily Marie Lisosky Nicole Livaditis Madeline LoGiudice, summa cum laude Frank Lombardi Jr.,** magna cum laude Jessica Lynn Lopez, cum laude Bianca Marie Malta Kaley Ann Manning, cum laude Alexandra Lynn Mareno,** cum laude Emily M. Marsh Meg Elizabeth McCarthy** Samantha K. McCauley, magna cum laude Shane M. McCormack*** Valerie McGilpin,** cum laude Justine Elizabeth McGovern** Kerry Anne McNamara, summa cum laude David P. Mellan,** cum laude Ashley Meyer Elona Mikelaj** Marlena Jean Moran, cum laude Kaitlyn Ann Moresi, summa cum laude Dylan T. Moss**

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Bridgette Moss,** magna cum laude Katherine Elizabeth Nelson,*** cum laude Siobhan J. O'Leary Deanna Rose Osborn, summa cum laude Sophia Anna Osofsky** Kyle D. Parmenter Daisy Pasán** Kerry Elizabeth Peterson, magna cum laude Samantha Peterson, cum laude Helen Pindiak,**magna cum laude Melissa Christine Ragan Elizabeth Renda Amanda Marie Rich** Nicholas Richards, cum laude Shauna Kae Justine Rockwell** Sean Michael Rossley*** Kayla Reneé Rouse,** magna cum laude Andria Concetta Rufa** Robert Kyle Ruggles,*** cum laude Lauren Marie Schmidt, cum laude Jillian Elizabeth Scott, cum laude Patrick David Searer Milissa Silvia*** Kyle Christine Simcik, magna cum laude Sarah Simon,** cum laude Jennine Slaughter,*/** cum laude Courtney S. Smith,** cum laude Samantha J. Spano, cum laude Ashlie Lauren Spence Charrette Marie-Lee Spooner Sarah Elizabeth Sroka Shauna Elizabeth Stack Megan Sloan Stacklum Alexa State Amanda Margaret Symons, magna cum laude Nicole Syslo Michael C. Tesch,** magna cum laude Asia S. Tillery,**



Katherine Ina Cross,*/*** summa cum laude Katie Elizabeth Cummings** Daniela Cunsolo** Andréa Monique Dassie Sarah Katherine Elizabeth DeFazio Sandra Enid Del Valle Robles, magna cum laude Danielle DeMichele** Tori Logan Deyo, summa cum laude Robert John Diamond, cum laude Amanda Lea Distin** Rebecca Lynn Drischler Sara Drobnica, summa cum laude Sarah Loyola Drohan, cum laude Alicia J. Dufifie,** magna cum laude Brittany Leigh DuQuette,** cum laude Krysta Farrell** Chelsea L. Fasolino** Emily Margaret Fletcher, cum laude Laura Antoinette Flynn** Jessica Aurora Forehand, cum laude Ashlee Marie Frazier Veronica Isabella Fuda, cum laude Caitlyn Fuelleman, magna cum laude Alyssa Fumarola Jenna Lee Gallo** Erica Theresa Georgeo*** Ashley Marie Giaquinto Ashley Ann Graham, magna cum laude Mary K. Graulich Karlee Nicole Hamel Emma Harrington Ashley Nicole Hartman Cassandra Jane Hawk, magna cum laude Nicole M. Hayden** Alyssa Marie Hebert Ashley Michele Herthum Connor Patrick Hicks, magna cum laude Ashley Rebecca Hodgkins

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ Megan Olivia Tilley, magna cum laude Mathew John Vincent,** magna cum laude Jordan Westcott,** cum laude Maggie Elizabeth Westlake

Rebecca Jane Wisniewski, magna cum laude Juliana Irene Wood Juliana Wuerdeman

Monica M. Zecca,** magna cum laude Carly Fitzgerald Zink

8 SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & SCIENCES Richard J. Thompson, Jr., Ph.D., Dean

BACHELOR OF ARTS Kayla Anne Bartlett** Kristin Bent, magna cum laude Robert Johnathan Daley Mildred Ivette Duran*** Alexandra Marie Finch

Jacqueline Flynn Hardy*** Alec Kristopher Hickey*** Joseph M. Laino III*** Luvia Lamont Tyler Pomakoy, cum laude

Anthony J. Sauve, summa cum laude Kevin William Walsh Monica J. Wolff**

Kari Bird Valerie Bishop, magna cum laude John A. Blundell,** cum laude Shakerria J. Braswell,** cum laude Courtney Bryan, cum laude Louis Buccella Michael I. Burgess** Maryssa Kathleen Capelli** Anna E. Carey Kaleigh Carmichael** Gabriella M. Castillo Kaleb Joseph Catricala** Elisabeth Ann Cecil*** Amer Cecunjanin Katlynn Conley, summa cum laude Francesca Connelly,*** cum laude Elizabeth Cregon Brett Crowell** Mauricio Antonio Cruz

Victoria Daniels, summa cum laude Meghan Michele DeBerry Jessica DeNicola Sharon L. Denman, cum laude Elizabeth M. Devane,** cum laude Ashley Di Stefano** Kaitlyn E. Dragon William Alexander Drake Anna Christine Ebert*** Emma Rose Ervolina,** summa cum laude Katie Ann Eslinger Allison Everard Daniel James Farley Jennifer Farmer Jessica Margaret Fontaine Mallory Foran,**cum laude Douglas P. Freeman Rhea French Sarah Beth Ganzer, cum laude


Academic Honors: summa cum laude — with highest praise



Sarah Haskins Abelson** Sarah Elizabeth Agan*** Katherine Agard, cum laude Jesenia Alcantara Celia Rose Altidor** Christopher Alvarado Sabrina Anatriello Kiersten Mary Anderson** Shannon M. Antenucci Amanda Shelbi Anzalone*** Lily Kate Appleton Victoria G. Austin** Kristen Ayres,** cum laude Jonathan Babie** Bryan Timothy Barry** Amanda J. Bartik Taylor A. Basford, magna cum laude Brad Bellinger Marisa Bird

magna cum laude — with high praise

cum laude — with praise

\\ Charisse L. Martin-Cooper** Richard Martinez Enedina Maya Erika McDowell Tiffany Monique McFarlane Ryan David McFee Cari Elizabeth McKenzie Kyra Meli, summa cum laude Marielena Mercado Francesca Barbara Mills, cum laude Lauren Minkoff DĂŠbora Morillo*** Ryan J. Murphy Nicholas Nigro, cum laude Christina Elizabeth Noval Catherine Elizabeth O'Hearn, summa cum laude Adam George Pacecca Nicole F. Palermo,**magna cum laude Heidi Pangratis** Jena E. Parker*** Jessica M. Parker** Bryan Parrott, cum laude Vincent M. Pasquini** Erin Pelkey Jeremy Peralta Alexandra Nichole Post** Daniel Ryan Priddle, cum laude Shelby Quintal Yinesky V. Ramos,** cum laude Emily Anastasia Rancourt** Michael David Raymond Clive Ricketts II Emily Caitlyn Riordan Kevin J. Robinson,** cum laude Kyle W. Robison, magna cum laude Kelly Rohrwasser,**magna cum laude Dogeli Octavia Rojas Jorge Alberto Romero Fernandez, cum laude

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Steven Ruhle** Kelli L. Sawyer,** cum laude Marissa C. Schatzel,**magna cum laude Molly Elizabeth Shapiro*** Garianne Sheridan*** Jenna Seymour Jennifer L. Shevy** Vincent L. Soldani III,** magna cum laude Colin J. Sorber Reagan Sottile Sarah Steiner KC Christine Stevens, magna cum laude Sonja Anna Mae Stewart,** magna cum laude Kendall Julia Sullivan Luis Miguel Tejada*** Ian Thombs* Erica Thompson Jacob Thorp Elizabeth Eilish Tryon, magna cum laude Renee Lynn VanSlyke, summa cum laude Kevin Viglucci, cum laude Kristin Lynn Wagner,**cum laude Maxwell Wallace Weaver, cum laude Carley Joan Whittaker** Caitlin Rose Willey Alexis Williams Alexis H. Williams Jessie Corinne Williams Shaquavia Williams Brian Xavier Willis Samantha Leigh Willson*** Kyle Noel Wilson** Nicoleen Kathryn Winklarek Derek Thomas Wright Marisa Lee Young Jessica Zappia Matthew J. Zingerman



Nicholas Garso Melanie Gerace Cody Charles Gifford Justine M. Glynn,** magna cum laude Bianca O. Gonzalez Aliyah Y. Goodbee*** Rebecca Gosselin Stephanie Maria Gross*** Allison Hanover Stephanie L. Hascup,**cum laude Danielle M. Heidcamp,** cum laude Evan Helming Dylan Michael Hodgkiss,** magna cum laude Zachery Christopher Horton Christina Hoult Sarah Elizabeth Hughes** Jory Hutchins** Leah Kathryn Hyldelund, cum laude Melanie Laurine Karow, cum laude Jessica Marie Kaufman, magna cum laude Megan Annette Kellogg Matthew William Kendziora Joachim Janos Koka, magna cum laude Drew Koniszewski*** Jeffrey Louis Kozlowski Kayla Rose Kwiecinski Shelby Marie LaDue** Alex Michael LaFrance Nicole E. Lassone InYong Lee** Annalisa Lee-Bjerke,*** cum laude Lina Marcela Libreros Kailey Ann Loucks Christopher Austin Lovell Tyler William Magnis Katherine Majewski Courtney Mannigan Daniel C. Mardon

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ Candidates For Graduate Degrees SCHOOL OF ARTS & HUMANITIES LeRoy Bynum, D.M.A., Dean


Nan-Hsi Liu Michele Theresa Morehouse Samuel William Negrich, Jr. Michael Roda

Mark William Adam** Katherine Chwazik Kristina Lyn Dufel** Stephanie Ford Kreis**

Charles Patrick Silverstein Rachel S. Simonds** Nathan J. Stone

MASTER OF FINE ARTS Jennifer Austin Juliet K. Barney

Samson Myron Dikeman Jr. Sarah Michelle Sherman

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Alex J. Boccio Richard Thomas China Judson D. Hoffman

Michelle Ley Daniel Milici Kimberly Miller

Jason Thomas Rickey Stephany Robinson Anthony Joseph Schrader


8 HUETHER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS K. Michael Mathews, D.B.A., Interim Associate Dean


Aimee B. Bastian** Elizabeth B. Bastian Rashmi Bhosale*** Tabatha Lynne Biggane

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Dominic Brefo LaAsia Brown** Imani Terese Carrasquillo Kayla L. Casey



Nicholas T. Anapolis** Charles J. Assini III Ahmed Awan Kadiatou Barry

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ Deepak Dhakal Vicki A. DiLorenzo*/** Nicholas G. DiPasquale*/** Tyler Patrick Fane** Taylor Ryan Farrell*/** Morgan Leanne Frasier** Sandra Frese Rachel Fusaro Brian Joseph Gasparro Eva F. Gleason** Ana Sofia Gonzalez Urrutia* Ryan Michael Harper Sandra Lynn Hatfield Jordan L. Hughes*/** William H. Irons** Dinesh Kandasamy

Rochelle Eileen Karg Richard Aman Kouacou** Brandon Michael Krupunich** Petra Kulhankova Nancy-Mary Lalan** Christopher LaRoe** Carla A. Mastriano** Nicole Michelle Miele** Matthew J. Millea** Derek W. Montanye** Michaelle Mugisha Ella Niyokindi*** Rose M. O'Brien Api Sandrine Ohouo** Simran Othee** Kurt Joseph Pahl

Whitney Hill Pagano*** Kathleen Palumbo* Veena Parangi** Ruchita Patel Prasantti Philips Roy** Robert C. Piser III** William Egnitius Price III** Peter W. Ragsdale** Timothy Charles Robbins* Danielle A. Serrano** Abrar A. Shareef** Carrie Lynn Sheeran** Sandra M. Tanoh** Taeko Tsuzuki** Brianna Michele-Charlotte Wadsworth

Joshua Martin Brittany Mayer* Dominykas Milka*/** Jasmin Modi*** Gerald C. Moore Jr.** Thomas Mack Naughton* Jacklyn Postulka Cristina Randazzo*** Todd Ravinett

Justin William Reed** Stephanie Denise Robinson Gianfranco Santaniello Kareem J. Thomas*/*** Priyanka Tope*** Stephanie R. Vega** Gregory Dimitri Voutsinas*** Arlene Joy Winrow* Rebecca Lynn Zindell*

MASTER OF SCIENCE Craig Borgen** Samantha Lynn Brown Nehreen Chowdhury** Ranran Dai Jessica Dawkins** Allison E. Gray*/** Beata Kirzhner*/*** David Leather*** Ann Rita Lombardo*

CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDY Lauren Jesmer** Kathleen Palumbo Prasantti Philips Roy** William Egnitius Price III**

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Ariane Seifert** Carrie Lynn Sheeran** Micaela Townsend**



LaAsia Brown** Deepak Dhakal Arthur P. Forget III** Eva F. Gleason**

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ THELMA P. LALLY SCHOOL OF EDUCATION Margaret McLane G’78, G’93, Ph.D., Interim Dean

MASTER OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION Amanda Marie Bishop** Olivia Rae Blanchard Jeremy Bogan Jennifer Marie Bologna Kelli Bolton** Shannon Marie Booher Ali Kate Brayton Samantha Anne Brewer Alexa Brito** Denise A. Brodock-Nicotera Caitlin Diane Brooks** Rebecca Jacklyn Brown Melina J. Brustle** Ryan Lance Butler** Stephanie D. Butler** Anthony Calarco Sergio Alejandro Camacho** Samantha Rae Capece*/*** Lydia Marie Cappadonia Amanda Brooke Cardoze Brittany Carusone Alexandria Casey** Ekaterina Cassella** Sabrina Jill Castrovinci** Tracie Casullo Colleen Ann Cavanaugh** Amy Marie Cermele** Carlee L. Chapko Megan Chew** Megan Elizabeth Clark** Myles Dexter Clendenin Michelle Lyn Clifford Nailah Amara Clinton Teresa Marie Cohenno** Shannon Coleman**

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Kayla Colgan** Christopher Collins Jarred M. Collins Eileen M. Conroy** Brittany Ann Cooney** Amy Lynn Cornell** Rachel C. Costanzo*** Kelsie Lynne Cotton** Alicia N. Crichton Ashley Beth Crisman Katherine Ina Cross*/*** Erin B. Curran** Stefanie Czelusniak Desireé Marie D'Agostino Emma Rose D'Aguanno** Debra D'Ambrosio** Cara Elizabeth D'Amico** Alissa Rene DeBaun** Theodore Michael DeConno III Elizabeth Irene Delmonico** Amber Rose Dempsey** Angela Catherine Derico** Victoria Elizabeth DeSarbo*** Christina M. Devling** Kelly Marie Diehl Giovanna Theresa Diffenback Danielle D. DiGiacomo** Maria E. Dilis*** Alexis Rose Doin** Erin Marie Donnelly Breanna Lyn Douglas** Matthew Drescher** Michael N. Eisenstein Alisia Luisa Engle Elizabeth A. Farley**



Sara Marie Adams*** Amanda Addeo Kasey Agneta** Arwa Ahmad N. Alharbi Fatima Alharbi Hamdan Nafel Alharbi Salem Abdullah Alhoty*** Ohud Alkharashi** Lauren Eloise Anderson Amy Elizabeth Armstrong** Emily Laura Arnett** Roaa Rashed Arrashoud Jamie L. Azcona** Dina M. Baker** Jennifer M. Baker** Vinthiya Balachandran** Diana Lissa Balcácer Catherine M. Barber** Lauryn Barrett** Anna Barth Heather Bates** Shelly Bauer Sarmiento** Alexander Becher Alicia L. Beckens** Faith Ruth Beidl** Kate M. Beidl** Stephanie Belmont** Jessica L. Benedetto Chelsey L. Bergami** Shelly Bevan** Alissa Bevivino** Gina M. Bikowicz Megan Rose Billings** Kyra Marie Billington** Michelle Bilodeau-Lanne

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ Nichole Houle*/** Lauren M. Howley** Rebecca N. Hughes** Shera Dawn Hunt** Anna Latimer Hutchings** George A. Jenkins Angela Abate Johanning** Malana E. Jojo** Machaela R. Jordan** Dana Josephs** Yulia Josiger** Janice Kaelin-Kee Eleftheria Kananis** Stephen F. Karandy** Heather A. Kiegle** Jennifer Marie Kingsley Rebecca Nicole Kisselback** Emily Case Knapp** Laura Meghan Knapp** Lauren Knightes** Amanda Kollias Alexandra Krayets** Marissa Kruzinski** Salome Kung'u Rebecca Marie LaBarge Julia Johanna Lange Anne M. LaSalle** Kimberly La Torre** Andrew Blake Lazarus Andrew D. Ledoux*** Kathryn A. Lee Theodosia Hope Legato** Jose E. Lopez** Natalie Elizabeth Lorbecki Alyssa Grace Loudon** Megan Elizabeth Loussedes** Kaylee Luppino Courtney Marie Lynch** Julie Anne MacVean-Stover** Julianne Madsen

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Paige Nicole Maguire** Katelyn Marie Maher** Vanessa Maldonado** Jennifer Leigh Marro Brittany L. Martin Jasmin Martin** Jeffrey William Martin** Marielos Martinez** Breanne M. McCabe Emily Jane McCabe Gregory J. McCullough** Carla Christine McGrath** Allison Jane McKenzie Erin McLaughlin** Mallary Kay Meerwarth Thalia J. Melendez Lyndsey C. Mellon** Jennifer A. Miller** Lauren C. Miller Brandon Anthony Milonovich*** Mubaarak A. Muhammad** Daniel Murphy Erin Elizabeth Murphy** Megan Kristine Naples** Elyse A. Nepa Maria Kimberly Gierka Noakes Jaime M. North** Andrea Lauren Novak** Caitlyn Anne O'Donnell** Erika T. O'Leary** Debra Ann Oligny Katelyn Elizabeth O'Neill** Sunshine April Osella** Kristen O'Toole** Eleni A. Parisi** Asha Parkash** Brenda L. Pashley** Lyndsey Elizabeth Peters** Carly A. Pine** Jenna Pitko**



Anne Feldman** Andrew Ficili Katherine Marie Filak Kimberly E. Filippone** Regina Faye Finelli** Adam Bruce Fischer Cathleen Mary Fitzpatrick Cristina Natasha Franqui Arielle Fregoe Nicole Elizabeth Fuller Paula A. Gallego Meghan Jane Gallen** Alexandra Galvin** Andrew Garufi Marc E. Geer** James J. Gibbons Jr.** Margaret Madeline Giordano** Kathy M. Glaser Janet Glaubman** Nicolette Glebatis** Jessica Marie Gomes** Sean T. Graney Christine Elizabeth Greeno** Brittani Rose Marie Griffin** Erika K. Grueniger** Johanny Grullon** Samantha Adele Gutterman** Elizabeth Mary Hafer** Chelsea Hall** Sarah Elizabeth Hamel** Eva J. Heffner** Emma Elizabeth Heritage*** Heather Nicole Gosnell Hill** Cailin Noell Hipps Barbara Jane Hoenzsch** Virginia Hollner Matthew Sheldon Holmes Laura Hopkins Christopher E. Hornbarger** Jessica Noelle Horwath**

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ Bridgette Plummer Maria Elizabeth Qualtere** Chelsea E. Ranck** Stephanie Ratcliff** Lisa Marie Reilly Jill Rhein** Nicole Rhodes** Matthew F. Risler Anthony Roberto** Jessica L. Roney** Kaitlyn Rose Rooney Melinda Rose Mary Ross** Edda Antonietta Sacco Joseph Sainato** Meghan Elizabeth Salmon** Jessica D. Sautter Laura Scialabba** Jessica Barbara Sears Ryan A. Seymour Daryl Sewing** Jamie L. Sharratt** Amanda Shaw Laura Jean Shaw** Sarah Shaw Kendra Ida Shedina Dawn Willow Obrig Shirak

Linda E. Shkreli** Siddiq Ahmed Siddiq Meer Carlos Silva Urdaneta** Jennine Slaughter*/** Elizabeth Margaret Snyder** Coleen Anne Spath** Laura Susan Sprague Briana Stevens Michelle Stevens** Hannah E. Stewart Naydean A.N. Strakos** Nichole P. Sullivan** Kate Sutherland Asya M. Taormina** Kaitlyn Dorothy Tartre** Trevor Taylor Jessica Kathleen Tedesco** Ahmed Jameel Tharwat*** Richard T. Thompson** Deborah E. Titus** Rebecca Tommell Stephanie Toniolo** Nancy Christelle Umugwaneza Kali J. Van Dyk Joey Vargas** James W. Verhagen III Cristina Michelina Vesprini**

Zachary Vine** David Viscusi Jennifer C. Wallace** Elizabeth S. Walsh** Kevin B. Walsh Jr.** Lynne M. Washburn** Audra Janet Wassenaar Kameka Waugh** Jessica Weaver Audrey Lynn Wedenbine** Susan Marie Weegar** Jennifer L. Wesolowski** Lindsey Westerveld Ryan Whitcher Alexandra Williams Annelise Morgan Williams Lindsey Ann Winterbourne** Meaghan Elizabeth Wood Samantha Elizabeth Woreth Danielle Marie Wright Marcus Wyns** Eri Yamaguchi** Jonathan Luke Young Gena L. Zaiderman** Carissa Zuniga** April Lynn Zwack

CERTIFICATE OF ADVANCED STUDY Raquel C. Archer** Theresa Marie Aslin** Steven Aufiero** Rebecca S. Avery Melanie Ann Aviles Kimberly L. Balcom** Nancy B. Barile** Sara Jo Barone** Marcella Barros**

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Gianfranco Bastone** Shelly Bauer Sarmiento** Kristine J. Beedon** Christopher Beihoff** Christopher S. Bejar** Alexis Beras D.J. Bernat Aisha A. Beverly** Kristina Biamonte**



Hussain B. Abdullah Julie A. Adams** Erin M. Aebisher** Andrew Akapnitis** Mildred Alcaide Sanatha C. Alexis** Maria Graziella Amato Eileen Annino** Dwayne Archbold**

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ Neysha Colon** Dennis N. Conroy Jr.** Eva Marisa Leopardi** Richard Francis Coppola** Eric Jude Cortes** Kristen Crespo** Alicia N. Crichton O'Mayra C. Cruz Roslyn Curet** Rodrick Fitzroy Daley** Dorthea Dalton John A. Davis** Anthony Joseph Debenedetto** Donna M. De Freitas** Esmery De Jesus** Claribel DeLeon** Michelle DeLuca** Leigh P. Denning Michael Devane** Kristin A. Devine Nicholas M. Devita Michael DiSchiavi** Christine J. Ditrano** Karen Theresa Doheny Marilyn Donnellan Patrick Dorfer** Keisha Douglas-James Kimberly J. Downing** Carrie Ann DuBois** James T. Ducharme Jude Duffy** Shelley Dupuis Kristina Dvorakovskaya** Cheryl Ann Doyle-Edwards-Barran Jason Sean Ellis** Karen Esdelle** Gladys Evans** Kerri M. Evers** Patricia Falcetta Tracy L Falvo**

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Kristen Elizabeth Fanning Lisa A. Ferranti Giselle M. Ferreira** Jacqueline D. Fields-Clyburn** Regina Faye Finelli** Mary F. Finn** Kristin Lynn Frawley Mariana Fuks J.L. Furnell** Paula A. Gallego Ingrid Priscila Gamboa John J. Gavrity** Albana Gega Carmen E. Geraldi Barbara J. Gerson** James J. Gibbons Jr.** Janet Glaubman** Jeannine M. Gomez** Nathan Everett Gonyea Ines Ileana Gonzalez Lisa Howerton Goodson** Peter N. Goodwin** Donna Graff** Amber Gravelin** Marjorie Grey** Jacqueline B.H. Grossman Samantha Adele Gutterman** Emily M. Haines Sheila M. Halligan** Christina Elaine Hanks** Christian J. Harrigan** Amanda Harrington** Brendan Hayes** Chantel T. Hazell** Miah J. Hedgepeth Cynthia L. Hendrickson Stalina M. Hernandez** Ross Hogan** Virginia Hollner Stephanie Holmes**



Natasha Lavie Blakley** Lisa Marie Blando** Matthew T. Boccanfuso** Alex J. Boccio Oriana Enza Bogler** Michael Bollati** Frances A. Bolton Rosa Boyer** Maxine Brisport** Alexa Brito** Candice Brodie**/ Christina Brown Margaret Bruce Andrew Budris** Amanda V. Bueno** Joseph Burgos Andrea Byrne** Miguelina C. Calderon** Melissa Marie Cambria** Una May CameronLee** Catherine Elisa Campanale** David J. Campion** Mary Cannone-Scott** Charlynn Caputo Angelo V. Carboni** Jennifer Diane Carboni** Danielle Marie Cardarelli** Nicole J. Carr** Arlise Sheta Carson** Joan T. Cass** Katie Lynn Castle Robert Celeste** Adriana Celis** Lucy Cerezo-Scully** Amy Marie Cermele** Tyee S. Chin Maureen Ciccone** Nichole Cicileo Sean R. Colfer** Kevin L. Colon**

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ Susan Hilary Lesser** Jennifer Lewner Jose E. Lopez Jaime K. Lynch Maureen Lynch Shannon Manning Kym Marc Alexander S. Marcus** Ryan J. Maresco Jasmin Martin** Joshua E. Martin Ana R. Martinez** Emerly A. Martinez** Sophia Matos Michele Whipple May** Brandon M. Mayer Salimah A. McCallum Genevieve McCauley Sharon McGreevy** Shvonne McHugh** Phillisha Latoya Mckenley** Gina Marie McKeon Jave Meade Christopher R. Mekelburg** Christina Merle Dawn Elizabeth Meyers Michael R. Miller** Julie Mirwis** Ethel M. Mogielnicki Valerie Theresa Monforte** Soledad Montanes Stacey Mooney** Suzanne Mora Michael Moreno Kristin Morrow** Kerin E. Moser Marianna Mostovaya Rose Mourdoukoutas** James Muller Nirmala Nanes

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Steven M. Neal Jacqueline Negron Anne M. Nugent** Heather O'Connell** Jessica Kathryn Odegaard** Jesse Oliver Jr.** Lawrence B. Orr** Ebere T. Osu** Cesar V. Ottey** Jenny A. Oviedo** Dawnmichele Palmieri Daemian Passarelli** Micheal B. Pelan** Cathleen Marie Peter** Elizabeth S. Peterson Koriene Lyn Petrelli** Ady Pi単a Adriana Piraquive** Danielle Polito** Stephen G. Posselt** Sara Acheson Powers** Kristin M. Probst** Vasilis Psoras** Sean Pugni** Christina Punturieri** Maria Elizabeth Qualtere** Muriel Quintana** Jacqueline Radoslovich** Alexandra D. Raskin** Courtney Handley Rattenbury** Bianca Raysor** Dorsett Reid** Phillip Fitzherert Reid** Barbara Reinfeld** Diana P. Rendon** Gilbert Renschak** Charmaine Ricketts Debora Rocha Claribel Rodriguez** Jeannette Rosado**



Traci Holtz** Kayla Sue Hornbeck Georgia Ioannou** Antonietta Izerelli Virginia M. Jackson** Monique R. Jackson-Dickens** Adam Jacobs Adele Roxanne Jacobs Dionne A. Jaggon** Avi Joffe** Sarah Joy Johnson Vidya Johnson-Sandiford** Jhana Jones** Christine A. Jordan Aimee Lee Joseph** Meredith Joseph** Daniel Kalbfliesh** Eleftheria Kananis Jessica A. Karn** Susan Katzoff Annette Keane Bret Kearney** Brett Howard Keeports** Joann Khan Bo Young Kim** Joseph W. Kistinger Amber Nicole Knise** Denis Kogan Amanda Kollias Melissa A. Korotki** Alexandra Krayets** Robert J. LaCasse, Jr.** Suzanne P. Lamendola Catherine E. Lang** Carolyn M. Larsen** Betsy L. Lashin Emily M. Lawyer Colleen Marie LeGere** Thomas G. Lehman Jose G Leon**

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ Stephanie M. Rosado** Mark Rose** Melinda Rose Michele L. Rose** Ivan Rozon** Ali Ruggiero Angie Russell** Jennifer L. Russo Magalie Stephen St. Victor** Justine M. Samuel Regla Isabela Santiago Paul M. Schropfer** Debra Schwartz Paola Sciove** Erin R. Scutt** Jamilah M. Seifullah** Emily Shapiro** Jessica Sherman Marissa Shibley Jacqueline Simone** Tamara Nichola Simpson** Tashema A. Spence-Davis Antoinette S. Spencer John Randolph Spotts Jr. Monica Jane Staats** Tonita Stanford** Dylan Stoll

Corinne M. Streever** Hemendra Sukhdeo** Lisa Irene Sullivan** Lisa Ann Svara** Sarah L. Sweet** Dana Szalkiewicz** Zeovadis Tavarez** David A. Taylor** Theresa Juliana Thomas** Corinthia Thompson** Clement H. Tian** Eileen M. Tobin Jennifer Troman** Enoch O. Usenbor Arwina Vallejo-Rosero** Alice M. Vanderveldt**/ Holly Verner** Christine Vigliotti** Daniel J. Vincent Joane Vincent** Whitney Vitiello-Gibbs** Victoria N. Walden** Marcia Walker Brianne Elizabeth Walsh Patrick T. Walsh** Valrie L. Wauchope** Kameka Waugh

Jennifer Lee Wesolowski** Jessica Westervelt Joshua Wayne Wickline** Dana L. Wideman** Joseph Wieckhorst** Jasmin Wildman** Joseph J. Williams Lynnette R. Williams** Candice Fallon Willie-Lawes** Daniel R. Wilson** Lindsey Ann Winterbourne** Christine Wise** Jennifer Wissemann** Marcus Wyns** Katherine York** Jonathan Luke Young Sarah Leona Young Gena L. Zaiderman** Anthony H. Zalak Joseph F. Zaleski** Tracy E. Zambelli Jeane-Marie Zarzycki** Stacey Zgaljardic** Willow Zielenski** Craig Zinkiewicz** Michael Zone

8 SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICS & SCIENCES Richard J. Thompson, Jr., Ph.D., Dean

MASTER OF SCIENCE Mohammed AlQadheeb Ahmed Abdrabalrasool Alsaffar Christopher Michael Badalucco** Shannon Coale Jorge L. DĂ­az Correa

*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Xiaohua Guo** Prameela Sita Ramalakshmi Manda** Harinath Mekala Riam Nassir*** Sneha Kaustubh Pandit**



Hasan Taha Albar** Ibtihaj Ahmed Alghamdi** Majd Khaled Alhamsh** Abdullah Ibrahim Alhargan** Khaled Abdulbaqi Alhodery

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

\\ Rohini Patil** Deepika Reddy Patlolla Rashmi Reddy Podduturi

Somasekhar Puthi** Durgapraba Selvaraju** Manasa Siripurapu

Ian Thombs* Ephemiah Nafula Wekesa***


Elizabeth Koessler**

WIND ENSEMBLE Piccolo Stacia Burns Flute Amarie King # Jacob Mortensen Shaiyah Lev Taylor Rossi Stacia Burns


Saxophone Alyssa Gallagher Scott Pilecki Tenor Saxophone Patrick Foxton Baritone Saxophone Alex DeAntonis

Oboe Ashley Armer # Shannon Vanderlaan Conor Grocki Christina DeStefano

French Horn Stephanie Noble # Kim Miller * Nicole LaMarch Patrice Maletesinic *

Bassoon Lindsey Wiehl # (b) Aidan Daft (b)

Cornet Daulton Mysliwiec (b) Jason Rickey * (b) Stephen Russell Haley Duraski Trumpet Heather Colley Adin Korack

Trombone Mary Nardo # James Ferro # Jake Brodmerkel Richard China — bass *

Tuba Randall Bennet t# Jeremy Langevin Percussion Michael Barranco # (b) Brian Chiappinelli # Ryan Joeckel Will Hahn Avery Witheral Molly McIver Graduate Assistant Richard China Kim Miller # Principal * Graduate Student (b) 2014-15 Band

Altos Shelby Amato Lauren Beauchamp Kylie Canavan Brittney Domagal Olivia Faure Julia Gardner Rebecca Hughes Kathryn Kierstead Taylor Knapp Abigail Luther Meghan Mallon Maria Rabbia Jilian Reilly Nina Santana

Basses Christopher Benfield Riley Christensen Aidan Daft Caleb Eick Daniel Frank Kristopher Graesser Judson Hoffman Christian Gunn Michael Razzano Daniel White Graduate Assistant Judson Hoffman

Tenors Joseph Badore Christopher Brennan Conor Donovan Zachary Grappone Daniel Milici Andrew Pariseau James Reilly Brian Tomek Corey Towne Nathaniel Wardlaw


*Completed both undergraduate and graduate degrees

Sopranos Megan Bannon Ashley Brannan Emily Costopoulos Monica Enright Rukan Khondker Claire Haile Melissa Narusky Lucelly Orrego Alyssa Pertell Francesca Primeggia Tina Quoi Madeline Schmidt Maria Southworth Elizabeth Tapia Megan Vanacore Nicole VanGlad

Euphonium Jesse Rawson #


Clarinet Colleen Weresnick # Alan Sweet Abby Michelson-King (b) Marilyn Dizon (b) Courtney Hays — bass Clarisse Neilan — contra bass

Ella Niyokindi***

**Degree requirements completed August or December 2014

***Anticipating completion of degree requirements in August or December 2015

Honorary Degree Recipient TIMOTHY JOHN FENTON Chief Operating Officer, retired, The McDonald’s Corporation When Tim Fenton went to work at a McDonald’s in Utica at age 16, he quickly saw what it takes to do well and get noticed. He got noticed and stayed with the company for 41 years, rising to the highest ranks of corporate management. Fenton opened thousands of McDonald’s restaurants around the globe, building a ubiquitous American brand while also respecting vast differences among world cultures. China opened its first Hamburger University, and McDonald’s India introduced a masala burger. In the years that Fenton worked overseas, the proportion of income McDonald’s derived from its international sales rose from 32 percent to 58 percent. But in spite of his great success, Fenton felt he missed out on the experience of running his own restaurants. Today, after retiring as chief operating officer, responsible for all 35,000 McDonald’s, he has purchased 10 of them in southwest Florida, where he lives with his wife, Joan O’Sullivan Fenton ’80. “McDonald’s is something that gets in your blood,” Fenton noted recently. “We say we have catsup in our veins.” Fenton, who left community college as he rose through McDonald’s leadership, served as COO from July 2012 to October 1, 2014. Among other things, he made his mark by taking note of promising young managers and keeping them in mind for postings around the globe. This followed several decades of heading domestic and international regional operations. Based in Hong Kong from 2005 to 2012 as president of McDonald’s Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa, he oversaw rapidly growing markets in such countries as China, Australia and New Zealand. Prior to that, he was president of the East Division for McDonald’s USA, responsible for 5,200 stores in 21 states - including the one on Oriskany Boulevard in Utica where he had worked his first shift.

\\ Earlier, as senior vice president of McDonald’s operations in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Africa, Fenton oversaw 1,300 restaurants in 22 countries. From 1992 to 1995, he was managing director for Central Europe North. In that capacity, Fenton opened Poland’s first McDonald’s, a post-Communist milestone that almost did not come about. Three weeks before the opening, the Polish government said that it planned to block import of the sauce used in the Big Mac because of a ban on one of the ingredients. As he met with a government official to explain that McDonald’s could not open without its flagship sandwich, President Lech Walesa entered the room. Through a translator, Fenton outlined the impact the famous western brand would have on Poland’s economy. Walesa was convinced. “The ban was lifted the next day,” Fenton said. Before opening in Lebanon, Dubai or Poland, Fenton studied how McDonald’s had initially developed in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s and modeled the cost assumptions. “You don’t start with all the bells and whistles,” he reasoned. He also studied the mistakes made when restaurants opened outside the U.S. “In every country we opened, we seemed to break world records,” Fenton marveled. “It was normal to have a drive-thru line of cars one to two miles long.” In 1995 McDonald’s gave him its International Profit Award. In 1979, he was named Manager of the Year. Fenton also made contributions to civic life. In Warsaw, he served on the board of directors of the Luetefska Children’s Hospital. The Fentons have been generous to Saint Rose. They support the 1980s Pathways to Success Scholarship, which Mrs. Fenton initiated to provide financial assistance to motivated sophomores. Fenton has spoken at the College’s Huether School of Business, and serves as of-counsel to the Board of Trustees. Born in Utica, he started working at McDonald’s as a high school sophomore to help his mother after his parents divorced. “I saw that if I swept and mopped the floor better and faster than others, I got noticed and got more hours,” he said. Fenton attended Mohawk Community College. But he left as McDonald’s moved him from restaurant to corporate management. In addition to three semesters at the community college, he studied finance at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. As he starts his next chapter, as a franchisee, Fenton remains awed by the staying power of a Big Mac and fries. And he harkens back to those early lessons learned behind the counter. “I never expected to come out of college and get a job as a vice president of a company,” Fenton said. “But I knew that whatever position I got, even sweeping the floor, I would treat it as if it was the most important job in the company.”

In Recognition9 Timothy J. Fenton, in a 40-year corporate career that has taken you, your wife, Joan, and your three sons around the globe, you have demonstrated an unwavering respect for people from vastly different cultures and religions. You have seen to it that local individuals manage the thousands of McDonald’s restaurants you have opened on five continents, so that their lives might improve as the restaurants took root. You have advanced the lives of women overseas by providing training and management opportunities that might not otherwise have been possible. Along with your wife, you have given your support and hours of your time to The College of Saint Rose. For demonstrating that even the most complex businesses can succeed by following simple ideals, The College of Saint Rose is pleased to confer upon you the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa, with all its rights and privileges.


Carondelet Medal Recipient SR. ANNE BRYAN SMOLLIN ’66, CSJ, PH.D. (1943 – 2014) Alumna, Trustee, Community Leader, International Speaker Sister Anne Bryan Smollin — learned, humble and ever sensitive to the needs of those around her — saw the many tools that could be used to provide comfort and motivation. The tool she chose was humor. A sought-after speaker, counselor, author and member of countless community boards and organizations, Sister Anne found her calling in delivering a good joke. She once quipped that people used to spend weeks waiting for a stagecoach but now grow agitated waiting for the next elevator. She joked about how a text message she sent to a medical office had autocorrected to read “I love you.” In every address Sister Anne gave, she made her audience her own. “The person next to you is affecting your mood,” she noted during a keynote address. “Maybe you want to change seats.” But Sister Anne’s purpose was deadly serious: to help people gain insight into their lives. “Humor,” she said, “heals and relaxes. It renews the joy that gets hammered out of us by life's daily shocks.” And stories “are how we give each other life.” Whether addressing an educational conference or imparting wisdom in her popular books — with such titles as “God Knows You’re Stressed” — Sister Anne inspired kindly. She shared her gifts in circles that ranged from the highly religious to the decidedly secular. She hosted a radio show for 18 years. She was the first woman to lead the Albany Rotary Club, representing the group in China. Her chosen tool, laughter, was all the more meaningful given that she so frequently immersed herself in circumstances that were anything but funny.

\\ When administrators at Saint Vincent’s Hospital, the medical facility closest to the World Trade Center, sought to lift spirits of the staff following the September 11 attacks, they called on her. When she saw that impoverished schoolchildren were not getting adequate support, she became an elementary school guidance counselor. And for 33 years until her death, Sister Anne counseled individuals experiencing emotional difficulties and marital problems as founder and executive director of the Counseling for Laity Center of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany. Sister Anne served on numerous boards and committees in the Capital District, including the AIDS Council of Northeastern New York, the Albany Diocesan School Board, the board of Albany Clowns on Rounds, the Chairman's Circle of Northeast Health and the Marjorie Doyle Rockwell Center's board of trustees. But her wisdom — including an admonition to savor all 86,400 seconds in a day — resonated far beyond Albany. She delivered speeches and led workshops throughout the U.S., in Europe and Australia on the benefits of humor and laughter. The Humor Project, Inc. counted Sister Anne among its most successful speakers. Once, as keynote speaker at a Humor Project conference, Sister Anne allowed how she was less than enthusiastic about fitness. “The only exercise I believe in is laughter,” she said, noting that it takes 15 muscles to smile and there are 80 different ways to do so. Born in Troy, Sister Anne earned her bachelor’s degree in education from Saint Rose in 1966, a master’s degree in counseling from the State University of New York at Albany and a doctorate in counseling psychology from Walden University. She entered the novitiate of the Sisters of St. Joseph on March 20, 1961, and professed final vows on August 6, 1968. Even in the midst of her obligations as a motivational speaker and a counselor, Sister Anne remained active at Saint Rose. She was a member of the Board of Trustees for 17 years, serving as first vice chair until her death last September. She made time to guide students. And, always, to provide some levity. “Laugh,” Sister Anne would say, “and then laugh some more. Then laugh again. Exercise your lungs, and then bring the gift of life and humor to every waking moment of your life.”

In Recognition9 As a Sister of Saint Joseph and an intense observer of the suffering around her, Sister Anne Bryan Smollin administered kindness through humor. The jokes were really the bridge between the wider points she raised about appreciating the moments we are given and caring for both our closest friends and the stranger seated next to us. In the workshops and keynote addresses she offered around the world, Sister Anne was as candid as many stand-up comedians. She was generous enough to use herself as the punch line, when addressing human foibles and everyday mishaps. Her enormous contributions can be measured through the decades she devoted to caring for children and ministering to those with illnesses or other struggles. Less tangible are the effects of the rooms she brightened with her laughter. Sister Anne Bryan Smollin was many things, including a friend to The College of Saint Rose, who was always ready to break the stress at a Trustees meeting, and guide and mentor countless students. In recognition of her service to our own community and her outreach around the world, The College of Saint Rose bestows upon Sister Anne Bryan Smollin, CSJ, its highest honor, The Carondelet Medal.


\\ HonorarY Degree Recipients 1971 Sr. Catherine Francis Soulier, CSJ † Samuel E. Aronowitz † Edward J. Mortola † 1974 Harold C. Martin † Dorothy B. Baker † The Honorable Samuel S. Stratton † 1975 Sr. Catherine T. McNamee, CSJ Ronald S. Berman 1976 Frederick T. Allen The Rev. Matthew T. Conlin, OFM † 1977 The Most Rev. Howard J. Hubbard, DD James S. Smoot Helen A. Warren † 1978 The Rev. Peter G. Young Herbert L. Shuttleworth II † The Honorable Daniel P. Moynihan † 1979 Sr. Mary Kevin Ford, CSJ † Henry D. Paley † Pauline K. Winkler †

1982 Erastus Corning II † Albert Hessberg II † Gerald and Patricia M. Mische The Honorable Hugh L. Carey † Rev. James C. Finlay, SJ † 1983 Ernest L. Boyer † Sr. Margaret M. Keeshan, CSJ † Victor J. Riley Jr. Richard M. Krasno 1984 Sr. Serena Branson † Joseph A. Califano Jr. The Most Rev. Edward J. Maginn, DD † Raphael F. Simches † 1985 William Kennedy The Honorable Richard J. Conners † Ambassador Rinaldo Petrignani 1986 Margaret B. Furlong Maloy † The Honorable Thomas M. Whalen, III † The Honorable Sol Wachtler Eoin McKiernan † Christo and Jeanne-Claude † 1987 Toni Morrison Aloysius A. Mazewski † Ann D. Muehleck Dolores D. Wharton

† Deceased



1980 Warren F. Beer Sr. Mary Seraphine Meaney, CSJ † Reverend Timothy S. Healy, SJ † Laman H. Bruner Jr. † Sr. Therese Lynch, CSJ † Elizabeth Sewell

1981 William J. Donlon Sr. Dorothy Ann Kelly, OSU †

1988 Vivienne Anderson † Jeay Ling Koo † Jack Smith Rosalyn S. Yalow † 1989 Irving Kirsch † Kevin G. Langan † The Honorable Ronald B. Stafford † 1990 Sr. Maureen Joyce, RSM † Charles Osgood Robert H. Sloan † 1991 Sir Michael Tippett † Rev. Hugh F. Hines, OFM Sr. Mary Rose McGeady The Honorable Michael R. McNulty 1992 The Honorable Leonard A. Weiss Mary Jane Smith ’63, G ’68 Roland W. Schmitt 1993 Frank Foster † Luz B. Allende Ernest (Ernie) Tetrault 1994 First Lady Matilda R. Cuomo 1995 Leon Golub † Patricia Hayes Rev. Joseph A. O’Hare, SJ The Honorable Loretta A. Preska ’70


1996 Joseph James Bulmer † Louis C. Vaccaro Clifton R. Wharton Jr. Antoinette O. Bosco ’50

2002 Dr. Frank H.T. Rhodes Lee Shaw Gail Deegan ’68 Dr. Frances Fox Piven

1997 Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, CSC † The Honorable Raymond W. Kelly Mervyn L. Alphonso ’75

2003 Michael R. Bloomberg James P. Menzies William R. Pulleyblank Joy S. Emery

1999 Sr. Karen M. Kennelly, CSJ Thelma P. Lally † Matthew H. Mataraso 2000 John Hume Timothy J. Russert † The Honorable Joseph L. Bruno The Honorable Joseph W. Bellacosa The Honorable Inder Kumar Gujral Tadesse Wuhib, M.D. ’87 Rev. Leo J. O’Donovan, SJ 2001 His Eminence Edward Idris Cardinal Cassidy Patricia Brady-Danzig ’53, G’56 Linda Caldwell Fuller Millard Dean Fuller † Kati Haycock Carl E. Touhey † Sr. Helen Prejean, CSJ

2004 First Lady Libby Pataki Elaine Houston Dr. Antonia Coello Novello Morris Massry Dr. Carol Warenchak Denicole ’56 † 2005 Mary Beth O’Brien Lawrence M. Small The Honorable Gerald D. Jennings

2010 Maria Bartiromo Dr. Jeremiah Lowney, Jr. 2011 Michelle Rhee 2012 Kathleen Sullivan R. Mark Sullivan, Ed.D 2013 James J. Sandman J. Spencer Standish Patricia Hunter Standish, ’50, G’57 2014 Daniel P. Nolan Harry M. Rosenfeld

2006 Dr. Billy Taylor † Joseph J. Plumeri Gerardine Fitzgerald Ferlins ’70 2007 Chuck Close Dr. Gregory Peter Maguire Denise E. O’Donnell, J.D. The Honorable Elizabeth O’Connor Little ’62 2008 Gov. David Paterson



1998 H. Carl McCall Grace Corcoran Kennedy ’37 † George J. Mitchell Thomas A. Manion

2009 Jimmy Fallon ’09 John Joseph Zogby

† Deceased

te Carondelet Medal6 The medal is designed as an award for an individual who, through working in the community, has enabled others to move toward a fuller development of their personhood. Thus is the larger human family nourished. The recipient has given evidence of commitment to a constant striving for excellence as well as to equal access to education, as seen in the College’s early role in the education of women. In addition, the recipient is one committed to the Saint Rose tradition of the liberal arts, understood here as education of the whole person, and to those moral and religious values that are consistent with Judeo-Christian tradition. Finally, in conferring this medal, The College of Saint Rose recognizes the individual for exceptional contributions to education, which, in the broadest sense of the word, is the passing on to others that which one has received. The medal was designed and executed by the late Paul Cavanagh, Trustee Emeritus of the College.

RECIPIENTS OF THE CARONDELET MEDAL 1985 Sr. M. Rosaleen Gilroy, CSJ, ’24 †

1995 Sr. Anne Tranelli, CSJ, ’66, G’78

2008 Sr. Rose Regina Smith, CSJ, ’50, G’90

1986 The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet

1996 Sr. Anne L. Clark, CSJ, ’59, G’66

2012 Karene Tarquin Faul †

1998 William A. Dunne

2013 Howard J. Hubbard, D.D.

2002 J. Robert Sheehan

2014 Margaret M. Kirwin, Ed.D.

1989 Sr. Mary Kevin Ford, CSJ, ’41, L.H.D., ’79 † 1991 Sr. Catherine T. McNamee, CSJ, ’53, L.H.D. ’75


2005 Charles E. Greene, Jr.

Academic Heraldry The history of academic dress reaches back to the days of the oldest European and British universities. From the basic design of this attire, the American colleges devised a suitable symbolism for academic apparel. The bachelor’s gown has long pointed sleeves in contrast to the master’s gown which is distinguished by the long oblong sleeves; the doctor’s gown is faced along the front with broad velvet panels and has full bell-shaped sleeves each bearing three horizontal bars of velvet. It is the hood that gives color to the academic costume and identifies the degree awarded. The hood is silk-lined with the colors of the institution conferring the degree. Gold and white are the official colors of The College of Saint Rose. The hood is bordered with velvet of a prescribed width and color to signify respective fields of learning: white for bachelor and master of arts, golden yellow for bachelor and master of science. Caps worn with bachelor’s and master’s gowns generally have black tassels. The tassel for the doctor’s cap is usually gold thread.

ACADEMIC PROGRAMS AND DEGREES The College Experience Program In partnership with The College of Saint Rose and Living Resources, the College Experience Program is a two-year certificate program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The curriculum is designed to foster independence and encourage students with developmental disabilities to explore areas of interest both professionally and socially. The program’s main goals are for each student in the program to be ready to enjoy independent living (with or without assistance) and work upon completion of the program. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) The degree conferred by institutions of higher education for the completion of a four-year curriculum in liberal arts, originally with emphasis on the humanities, but more recently without regard to the special field of emphasis.

Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) The degree conferred by institutions of higher education for the completion of a four-year curriculum in the visual arts. Bachelor of Science (B.S.) The degree conferred by institutions of higher learning for the completion of a fouryear curriculum with emphasis on science or for the completion of a four-year curriculum in certain technical or professional fields. Master of Arts (M.A), Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Master of Science (M.S.), Master of Science in Education (M.S. in Ed.) The degree of advanced character, usually a second degree, ranking above the bachelor’s degree and below the Ph.D., Ed.D. or other equivalent doctoral degrees.

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) The highest professional degree in education awarded by colleges or universities for the advanced study of education, usually granted at the completion of the equivalent of a minimum of two or three years of graduate work in a teacher education school, college or university. Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.) The highest degree granted to one in the field of pastoral theology. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) The highest earned academic degree, which requires the pursuit of original research. Juris Doctor (J.D.) The first degree awarded for the study of law.


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Judith A. Calogero ’80 Glens Falls, NY



Sr. Mary Anne Heenan ’68, CSJ Ballston Lake, NY

o SECOND VICE CHAIR I. Norman Massry Loudonville, NY

Jeffrey D. Stone Waterford, NY

Robert H. Barlow Stratford, CT

Sr. Elizabeth Giarrusso, CSJ Utica, NY

Michael S. Miller ’87 East Greenbush, NY

Sr. Patricia A. St. John ’79, CSJ Albany, NY

Rita B. Crotty ’70 New York, NY

Ryan P. Halliday ’99 Fruit Heights, UT

Daniel P. Nolan Loudonville, NY

Charles Touhey Albany, NY

Rita F. Dillon ’76, G’96 Guilderland, NY

Sr. Katherine Hanley ’61, CSJ Albany, NY

Kevin O’Connor Albany, NY

Sr. Mary Louise Dolan ’62, G’68, CSJ Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, IN

George R. Hearst, III Menands, NY

Dr. Kathleen S. Ricker ’70 Colorado Springs, CO

Sr. J. Elizabeth Van Deusen ’84, CSJ Schenectady, NY

Sr. Joan Lescinski ’70, G’74, CSJ Davenport, IA

James Sandman Washington, DC

Julie Massry Knox G’04, ex-officio Loudonville, NY

Jeffrey B. Scott Guilderland, NY

Matthew H. Mataraso Guilderland, NY

Gregory V. Serio Latham, NY

Tonita K. McKone ’60, G’81 Carlsbad, CA

Elizabeth A. Simcoe G’90 Albany, NY

Sr. Margaret M. Edic ’72, CSJ Albany, NY Joanne B. Esposito ’69, G’82 Guilderland, NY James M. Gavin Saratoga Springs, NY

Marcia J. White ’00 Saratoga Springs, NY Harold L. Williams Albany, NY Sr. Diane Zigo ’80, CSJ Syracuse, NY

TRUSTEES OF COUNSEL Martin J. Barrington ’77 Richmond, VA

Timothy John Fenton Oak Brook, IL

TRUSTEES EMERITI Paul Cavanagh † North Scituate, RI

Sr. Margaret M. Keeshan, CSJ † Latham, NY

Kathleen M. Picotte ’34 † Albany, NY

Carl E. Touhey † Feura Bush, NY

Rhea P. Clark Menands, NY

Kenneth T. Lally † Schenectady, NY

Victor J. Riley, Jr. Hubert, NC

Hon. Leonard B. Weiss Albany, NY

John R. Dunne Spencertown, NY

Kevin G. Langan † Menands, NY

Margaret D. Sandman ’40 † Naples, FL

Sr. Mary Kevin Ford ’41, CSJ † Latham, NY

Thomas A. Manion DePere, WI

Robert H. Sloan † Loudonville, NY

Richard J. Huether Schenectady, NY

Donald A. McKay † Richfield Springs, NY

Hon. Ronald B. Stafford † Plattsburgh, NY

† Deceased

432 Western Avenue, Albany, NY 12203-1490 1.800.637.8556

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