ELEMENTARY SCHOOL the college school
One School, Two Campuses The College School owns 28 acres of property in the School Hours LaBarque Watershed near Pacific, MO. It’s quickly Classes begin promptly at 8:15 AM. Students should arrive proven to be a rich place for experiential, hands-on, in plenty of time to be in their classrooms at that time. inquiry-based learning and our headquarters for Students are not allowed to be anywhere in the building learning the School classroom. (other thanbeyond the Before Program) earlier than 8:05 AM. Thereon is no for BSP from 7:30 to 8:05 AM. Located thecharge property is our Jan Phillips Learning Classes are dismissed at 3:15 PM. A few times per Center, which is designed to connect people year,
Early Departure with nature andschool advocate ethic Students leaving prioratosustainability 3:15 PM must be signed for our region. This 6,550 square-foot complex out in the Administration Office. Drop Off/ Pick promotes TheUp College School’s long held values of conservation sustainability School is in sessionand from 8:15 AM - 3:15and PM.serves Students can enter their classrooms at 8:05 for AM;sustainable students who arrive as a regional headquarters earlier can attendlearning, the Before School Programstarting (BSP). After conversations, and inspiration, with school, parents have until 3:30 PM to pickup their child; our students. otherwise, the child will go to the After School Program Science (ASP). See below for more details. Preschool students
Absences Both campuses offer hands-on opportunities for When students are absent, it is requested that a science and inquiry. naturaldoctor setting parent callexploration the office before 8:15 AM.The If possible, at the LaBarque Campus allowsforaafter moreschool intimate appointments should be arranged or on and familiar connection to the science of the land: no-school days. Extended family vacations during the observations can be made over time, changing Tardiness seasons can be experienced, and trends can be Students tracked.not in their classes by the 8:15 AM bell are
Our experiential education program cannot be contained by one campus. Lessons traverse and connect between our suburban Webster Groves Campus and our pristine 28-acre outdoor LaBarque Campus in Pacific, MO.
marked tardy. Parents should go to the Administration Social Office to Studies sign in tardy students. Because of on-going structured activities schedules,on it isour important all students to arrive on timehave to school. Parents will notified ifemail a pattern Throughand technology WebsterforGroves campus, students opportunities tobe research, Discipline develops. with experts, or interact with maps. Lessons then come even more alive atinthe Campus,The where We believe it is essential to maintain a safe and healthy environment for everyone ourLaBarque school community. students do flint knapping, cook over campfires, and experience period crafts. purpose of our discipline policy is to help foster such an environment. Our policy seeks to be childcentered and compassionate, while at the same time attempts to clearly communicate what we believe is Adventure acceptable and unacceptable behavior. We believe that consequences should focus on what is to be learned, not There is a full climbing at examples the Webster Campus, andfound thereinare trees and a rock rappel the punishment. Below arewall a few of consequences thetwo Earlyclimbing Childhood Program. • • •
station at the LaBarque Campus. On both campuses, adventure education teaches students they can do Giving or writing an apology to the victim more than they initially believe—a powerful lesson. Losing privileges
Calling home
All schools recycle and talk about caring for the community. However, not all schools earn an MSD tax credit for their semi-permeable pavers; compare coal, wind, and solar energy on their own campus. The College School has been committed to environmental stewardship since we were established in 1963.