Field Ecology Journal - Fall 2019

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Field Ecology Journal

Fall 2019 Vol. 1

Ecological research and scientific analysis by Eighth Grade students at The College School.

FIELD ECOLOGY JOURNAL the college school

Table of Contents About Field Ecology............................................................................ 3 Botany.................................................................................................... 4 Cartography........................................................................................ 10 Chemistry............................................................................................ 16 Digital Data Collection...................................................................... 23 Geology................................................................................................ 25 Meteorology........................................................................................ 32 Qualitative Analysis.......................................................................... 38 Zoology................................................................................................ 44 Eighth Grade Scientists Botany: Rebekah, Zoe Cartography: Declan, Theo Chemistry: April, Audrey, Elizabeth, Mia, William Digital Data Collection: Elise, Noah, Sophie Geology: Alia, Phillip, Willy Meteorology: Amelia Qualitative Analysis: Ana Zoology: Camille, Isaac, Kate, Lydia, Molly


FIELD ECOLOGY JOURNAL the college school

“This journey didn’t begin last week, it began when I joined TCS.” —Alia, Eighth Grade Student

About the Field Ecology Theme Science, math, geography, technology, art, adventure, and outdoor education are all part of this multidisciplinary theme for Eighth Grade. Students apply for scientific jobs (Botanist, Chemist, Zoologist, etc.) that are part of ecological research. They learn the science behind their job and learn to work in teams across disciplines to gather information from a variety of environments. During the theme, the class takes a nine-day trip to the North Carolina region, conducting site studies at Black Balsam Knob, Graveyard Fields, Fontana Lake, Goose Creek, Fort Macon, and a Salt Marsh.


FIELD ECOLOGY JOURNAL the college school

Botany North Carolina Botanical Adaptations For Field Ecology we completed a thesis project that revolved around adaptations of plants found in the North Carolina region. Adaptations are ways certain plants and animals have changed and evolved to live in certain environments and living conditions. The Botanists were each required to pick multiple plants to research, illustrate, and write about how they have adapted. One of the plants studied was the American Mountain Ash. The Mountain Ash was one of the dominant species on Black Balsam Knob. An adaptation of this plant is that in higher elevations it shrinks to the size of a shrub (TWC, 2014). We saw this at the top of Black Balsam Knob when the trees seemed to be almost shrinking. Another plant we studied was Swamp Milkweed. This plant has roots growing horizontally and vertically, allowing it to hold onto moist or eroded soil. This plant lives in swamp habitats near the coast of North Carolina (Arcsin, 2004). The third plant we studied was the Birdfoot Violet. This plant has adapted to thrive in multiple environments. These environments are rocky open woods, sandy pinelands, and prairies. This is an example of an adaptation because if the plant only grew in one location it would become scarce. This could cause problems for animals or environments that depend on it, like certain species of birds and butterflies (TWC, 2014). The last plant we studied was the American Holly. The American Holly's leaves are thick and grow spines to help the plant retain water and protect it from dry weather and animals. This plant’s adaptations help especially in the winter when the ground can be dry. The American Holly’s spines are an adaptation like the spines found on a cactus. These two adaptations help the American Holly survive in a harsh habitat (Reberg, 2009). These are some adaptations of plants found in North Carolina in multiple different regions. This project helped us make connections between what we observed and what we studied. It also helped us learn more about adaptations so we could observe and identify them in the field.


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Botanical Methods As Botanists, we gathered information by going out to different site studies and collecting data about the plants. A site study is a habitat where we study plants living, or not living, in that location. We not only identify them but try to understand why or why not that plant is growing there and how that relates to other groups data. Our site studies included Hilda Young Conservation Area, Creve Coeur Lake, and Riverlands before we left on Field Ecology. Then on Field Eco we went to Black Balsam Knob, Graveyard Fields, Fontana Lake, Goose Creek, Fort Macon, and a Salt Marsh. All these places had unique plants, animals, and habitats that couldn’t be found at other sites. We identified many species of plants using books, ipads and other tools. One method we used to gather data was using an ipad. On the ipads we used an app called “iNaturalist”. This app helped us identify plants by taking photos of different parts of the plant like the leaf, flower, stem or trunk. The app would then give suggestions on what the identity of the plant was. This would help us quickly identify plants and collect data. Another tool we used was our field guides. If we could not use the ipad to identify a certain plant then we used the field guides. Another piece of data we collected was species richness, this is the number of species living in one area. We found this by looking around at the different plants and counting the number of different species we saw. Another type of data we collected was the average Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of trees. The tools we used to help determine the DBH were a measuring tape and calculator. First we measured 130cm from the ground up, which gives us the standard spot on the tree to find the DBH. Then we found the circumference by measuring the spot where the 130cm fell around the tree. We used the circumference and divided it by 3.14 to find the diameter of the tree. We would take the data from five trees total and find the average DBH of that site. We would then find a plant that was special or important to the environment and we drew it. We used colored pencils to draw an accurate picture of the plants we found.


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Botanical Data On Field Ecology we went to many different locations. Each site had diverse wildlife. At these locations we were tasked with studying the different plants we found there. The first place we went to was at the top of a mountain called Black Balsam Knob. Here we were very surprised to find that there were no trees at the top of this mountain because all the other mountain tops had lots of trees. A dominant species we found there was the American Mountain Ash and Purple Stemmed Angelica. Part of our job was to find the Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of five trees, so we had to walk down the mountain to find the trees. The average DBH of the three trees we found was 8.1cm. The species richness here was 15. Our second site study was at Graveyard Fields. There we saw multiple different species of trees and plants surrounding a small waterfall. We found that the Red Maple Tree was a dominant species there. We calculated the average DBH to be 25cm. There was a large range between the five trees individual diameters. We determined that there was a species richness of 20. The third site study was at Fontana Lake. This was a very unique place because it is drained by a dam. The draining causes the soil to erode. There was a species richness of 20. A dominant species was the Virginia Pine. Another observation we had about the trees there was that they were smaller than the trees in the forest. We found that the average DBH was 10.35cm. The fourth site study we went to was Goose Creek. At Goose Creek there were two very different types of environments to study. One of the environments was a wooded area. This spot was very rich with Loblolly Pines and old man's beard. The other environment was a beach along a brackish river. In this area Swamp Bay was a dominant species. In both environments we found lots of Pignut hickories. We determined the species richness was 27 and we found an average DBH of 31.6cm. The fifth site study was at the beach in Fort Macon State Park. At Fort Macon we found that there were no trees. Therefore we were unable to calculate the DBH. The site consisted of many sand dunes which were full of plants called Sea Oats. This was a dominant species there along with Saltgrass and Goldenrods. The species richness at Fort Macon was 17. The sixth and final site study we went to was a Salt Marsh in Fort Macon State Park. This was a unique place because the water levels would rise and fall with the tide. There were no trees in this habitat, which could be from the moist soil or variable water levels. The Salt Marsh had a species richness of 25. The dominant species were Switchgrass and Wax Myrtle. An interesting plant we found there was called Pickled Wart. This plant has the taste of salty pickles. 6

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At first glance this habitat looked like it had only a few types of plants. However, when we looked closer we found many different species.


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Botanical Conclusions The data we collect is very important to the Field Ecology trip because it helps show the diversity of plant life at the different site studies. This is important because it helps other scientific groups know whether or not that environment has the species it is supposed to have. For example, if there are no trees there might not be as many birds there. The data we collect is also very important because it can help show the changes of the environment over time. At the site study Fontana Lake there is a dam that drains the lake causing erosion and trees to fall down on the edge. There were no plants where there was eroded soil. There were many trees that had fallen in the direction of the lake. We hypothesize that these trees fell because their roots can't hold onto enough soil. We found that the types of plants at specific environments directly relates to the type of soil, its makeup, and its chemistry. To help understand this, we talked with the Soil Chemists and compared notes. One overall purpose of our research was to investigate what factors affect plant growth in an ecosystem. We found that certain places were especially affected by the soil chemistry. Some evidence of this was at Black Balsam Knob where the soil and trees on the mountain were affected by human impact. The area had been logged and had locomotive fires in 1925 and 1942 (North Carolina Outdoors, 2019). These fires burned deep into the soil causing trees to be unable to grow there. The data that we received from the Soil Chemists indicates that there was also very low moisture levels. This data also supports our observation that there were no large trees. This is important because it shows us that logging and man-made fires can have harmful and lasting effects on certain environments. Another example of how soil chemistry affects botany was at Goose Creek. The Soil Chemists had found that there were acidic pH levels in the soil. This data supports our findings that there was a large population of Loblolly Pines. Pine trees are well adapted to thrive in acidic soils. This was important because the soil chemistry affected the dominant species in the environment. Something the Soil Chemists found at most of the site studies was little to no nitrates. At the same site studies we found a large diversity of plants. This data makes sense because plants absorb most of the nitrates in the soil and the rest are taken away from runoff (BBC, 2019). Another thing that soil chemists found was a range from low to medium levels of potassium. Plants with very low levels of potassium don’t have the energy to properly grow which can cause them to die. Medium levels of potassium are good for plants (Brady,1996). 8

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Advice to Future Botanists As Botanists the experiences we went through on Field Ecology taught us many lessons. One recommendation is to keep organized. This is very important, especially for the equipment. It is best to carry equipment and group supplies in a backpack. Make sure to waterproof all the gear in ziplock bags, and bring extra ziplocks. Another recommendation is that the backpack can be very heavy, so make sure to only carry the necessary supplies. One way to do this is by only carrying helpful books for that site study. Always bring a couple books in case the iPads don’t work. Make sure the iPads are well kept. Always charge and clean them after messy sight studies. Also, always check the battery level of the portable chargers. A third recommendation we learned is when having trouble identifying a plant ask a teacher for help. One interesting thing to do at the Black Balsam Knob site study would be to take the DBH of the American Mountain Ash trees at the start of the hike and at the end of the hike to compare. Finally, make connections early on with the Zoologists, Soil Chemists, or any other scientific groups. This will help later in the process when analyzing data.


FIELD ECOLOGY JOURNAL the college school

Cartography Cartographical Body of Knowledge Cartography has always been around, because all that is needed is a pencil and some paper. There have been many famous cartographers over the years. Cartography was first designed when people still thought that the earth was flat; ancient people designed these maps to understand trade routes. They did this so they could get delicacies quicker, and so bandits would not steal their food. The first big map makers were the ancient Greeks and the Romans. Ptolemy is the most famous map maker, and was Greek. He made the very first map of the world, and it is because of him that Cartography is such a popular art. It seems that at the same time, the Chinese and the Indians were working on mapping the solar system as they knew it (Sen Nag 2018). When they first drew maps, they didn’t have a compass, which made cartography extremely challenging. A compass works because it is drawn by the magnetic pull of the North Pole. There is a magnetic North that pulls the compass away from true north and it is in Canada (Ashford). The magnetic North Pole has shifted over 600 miles over the past century (Ashford). Cartography can usually be split into two different categories, General Cartography and Thematic Cartography. General Cartography involves maps that are meant for the general public (Sen Nag 2018). These are usually produced in a series, with each map covering a certain part of their area of study. For instance, the United Kingdom Ordnance Survey are complete maps of the United Kingdom (Sen Nag 2018). The other type of Cartography is Thematic Cartography, which deals with more specific geographic fields of study (Escobar 2010). These maps are usually meant for a select group of people, like scientists. A great tool for General Cartography is Geographical Information Systems. These are online mapping databases like CalTopo and the point of these are so people can explore the areas in the United States closer and more in depth. As well as having two different types of cartography, there are two main maps. These two are Topographical and Topological maps. Topographical maps are generally highly detailed and quantitative, and usually focus on elevation. These maps have a key and focus on railroads, roads, man made features, forests, drainage patterns among other types of symbolized objects (Sen Nag 2018). Topological maps are very simplified drawings or diagrams of different areas. A good example of these Topological maps are the London Tube map, a beautiful feat of cartographic knowledge (Sen Nag 2018). GIS, or Geographic Information System, is the main body of knowledge for cartography. It has been greatly developed and enhanced over the years. It is now free and widely available to the public, even though it has been around for only 57 years. It all started in 1962, when 10

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Roger Tomlinson founded GIS after working on CLI or Canada land inventory. We’ve come a long way with our geographical systems, one of the most simplistic is a website known as Caltopo. Learning this site and the ins and outs isn’t too difficult but the first thing I need to do is find where it is I want to map out. I can do this by typing in the area of coordinates to a specific place in the search bar at the top of the screen. Then I need to apply a filter to convey the data. It has many versatile options from precipitation to the shade. And this is done by either adding one of the preset layers or adding additional layers by hovering the cursor over the “scanned area” number. Then check off the layers I want and then I’m good to go. Bibliography: Ashford, Molika. “How Does a Compass Work?” LiveScience, Purch, https://www. Escobar, Fredrico. “Thematic Cartography.” ISTE, 2010 php?id=361. Sen Nag, Oishimaya. “What Is Cartography?” WorldAtlas, Aug. 17, 2018, what-is-cartography.html.

Cartographical Methods The first thing we did when we arrived at the site study, was find a good location to draw our maps. After we did that we got out our Garmin GPS, and we would turn it on to get the information. This information was vital to our site study. The information we get is the elevation, true north, and the coordinates of our site study. A key tool is the compass rose, because it is important to orient the map to true north. The compass rose also provides a sense of place. After we get those pieces of data down onto our soon to be maps, we then decide what exactly we want to draw. We also have to decide which person wants to take which map view. The map views consist of satellite, birds eye, cut through, and street view. We then make a rough draft of the map with 11

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just pencils, this part is tedious. We have to do this so we can make edits to our maps later. We then start to color it in with appropriate colors. After we finish our map, we start gathering our data. We go to all of the different scientists to gather all of the data required to be on our map, and then we make sure we get the best data. After we get all of this data, we added finishing touches to our maps. Then we leave the site study. The Cartographers have little time to not focus and joke around. In Graveyard Fields at the lower falls I heard the water rushing by as I drew my map. I encountered a bunch of challenges in the field. One of them was rain.This is really bad for the Cartographers, because our maps get completely soaked and ruined. Our whole purpose is to convey the maps in a nice easy simple way, so that people can visualize our site studies and the data collected. The most important tool that we used was our drawing notebooks. We need these drawing notebooks, because they help us get down our data, and because they are just perfect to right on. They are also slightly bumpy so that there is texture to drawings. To collect data efficiently and effectively one will want to start by drawing a picture, but make sure there is room for data to be added. Once done with the art aspect the most crucial part of the data collection comes in, interviewing other scientists about their data. The job requires needing to talk to everyone and make sure they are represented in one way or another on the map. In this job I had a unique perspective, because I had the opportunity to step back and look at the big picture. Take for instance Goose Creek State Park. The Geologists had one piece of data which might indicate to them that the environment is pretty plain and uninteresting while the ecosystem had very intriguing Water Chemistry. Our job as a whole is to combine all of this data, so that we can view the area as a whole. We gathered all of the data so we could draw conclusions from the site studies. These are the methods for the Cartographers.

Cartographical Data Findings We traveled to the Smoky Mountains and collected data atop Black Balsam Knob. We found that there was no water on it because it is the Continental Divide which means that the water will fall on the sides. Then it will go into the Atlantic or Pacific ocean. This leads to the soil being abnormally dry. This also means there aren’t many large animals that live up there. The main type wildlife up there are plants and insects, more specifically Swallowtail Butterflies, Ladybugs, Purple Stemmed Angelica, and Mountain Ash. Since we were 6,240 above sea level we believe that might affect the rapidly changing wind speed as it ended up at 7.4 mph. As a Cartographer I had to find a way to draw recognizable trees. After that we hiked down to Graveyard Fields where we found copious amounts of salamanders and


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Mayfly larva. The Mayfly larva indicates that the water was very healthy. All the rocks have traces of quartz in the rocks. There were 2 types of soil, one with a clay texture and the other was sandy. Neither of them had nitrate, but the Ph of the soil was perfect. There was no wind but it was still 78 degrees fahrenheit. Lake Fontana had a plain ecosystem but we did have a multitude of different small animals. These included a centipede, an earthworm, a spider, and a butterfly. The soil near the water, can’t grow any plants, so the only foliage around were Virginia Pine. They grow in clay like soil, atop a layer of sediment. Our Goose Creek site study was packed with biodiversity. The foliage around consist of Loblolly pine, and Swampbay grass. The animals included a family of white tailed deer, a Screech, Barred, and a Great Horned Owl. There were also blue shell crabs, and old man’s beard lichen. There was also water that was brackish which occurs when fresh water is mixed with salt water. Finally, we drove to Fort Macon, a beach on the Atlantic Ocean. It was 22 degrees Celecius and the waves where larger than usual. The water had an almost perfect level of Ph and a large amount of nitrates. We also saw many sand crabs in the dollar weed or sand grass. The wind was a steady 13 mph with rain. Being Cartographers we need to capture the earth and the wildlife that dwells on it’s crust. There have been many challenges that we’ve had to face, like at Goose creek deciding what to record with an overflow of data coming in. Or in Graveyard fields where we had to depict a 3D object in a way it could be recognized. We need to make these decisions to try and accurately depict the Earth.

Cartographical Conclusions As Cartographers our job is to put all of the site studies data on to a coherent map that the general public can understand. Our maps are one of the few pieces of data that can stand alone. We have to ask the question that I now know by heart, what data have you collected? What that question means is so much more, it means what can I write on my map. These maps cause reflection and cause us to draw conclusions. Whether we do that with the Chemists data, or the Meteorologists data it doesn’t matter. We didn’t just gather this data just so we could hang it up on the wall, we gathered this data so we could understand more about the ecosystem.


FIELD ECOLOGY JOURNAL the college school

When we were on top of Black Balsam Knob, we learned that there is no water on top of there, and there are only birds and insects on top of the mountain. This means that anywhere with very few animals means that there probably isn’t much water. When I was on Black Balsam Knob, I could look out and see for miles and miles across the beautiful landscape, we were 6,000 feet above sea level, and on the continental divide.When we were in Graveyard Fields, we discovered a bunch of Salamanders and Mayflies. This meant that the water was very clean. When we were in shade filled Graveyard fields, it felt way cooler than when we were on top of sunny Black Balsam Knob. Even though it was 5 degrees hotter in Graveyard Fields. There was a waterfall hundreds of feet tall towering over our rock filled pool we were gathering our data in. The water was very cold, which meant that the animals would have enough oxygen to breathe and would not become smaller. If the water was hotter it would be opposite. We discovered that the closer we got to the coast the animals became more abundant. At Lake Fontana there were not many fish, because the water was almost too cold for fish to live there. At the bottom of the lake the water reaches 45 degrees fahrenheit. That will kill all the fish. That is why the fish that live there are really small. Lake Fontana had a very fascinating and sedimentary soil. After Lake Fontana the next site study was Goose Creek State Park. That area was full of wildlife, we found over 15 species there in our very short stay. At Fort Macon, when we were on the beach, we discovered 6 species and a lot of plants. This leads us to believe that the coast is lively and full of life while the mountains have less population and species richness. This means that the coast is a lively area full of animals. This leads us to believe that the ocean has more species and hosts a more diverse environment. The coast is the better area is for supporting more animals.

Advice for Future Cartographer Some future tips for the next several years of Field Ecology Cartographers are going to be addressed in this paper. When a Cartographer goes out on their very first site study, they should remember to bring at minimum legal sized paper. They will also need colored pencils and a sharpener and if they forget they should use the colored pencils as not to completely dull the tips, the colors they should bring are yellow, grey, green, blue, brown, and they should bring many varieties of these. They should avoid getting just data from 14

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one science group. The job of a cartographer is to gather all of the data and put it into a coherent map. If a cartographers friend is in a group, they shouldn’t spend the entire time talking to them and not getting any data from any other science groups. I always looked for connections in the field between my maps and what I saw and the data that other scientists collected. There are a lot of mistakes that can be made when working as a Cartographer and this is a guide on how to help future Cartographers not walk into one of these various pitfalls. Something that I struggled with was not leaving enough room to put data and this led me to writing on my picture. This is not good as it makes the picture worse and makes the text hard to interpret. Another thing that I can’t overstate is to keep the work organized and don’t fall behind on any of the coordinates or things of the sort. When I was in the field I made sure that I got as much data as possible. These are the tips to make the Field Ecology trip even better.


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Chemistry Environmental Soil and Water Chemistry In order to determine the healthiness of environments that we studied, chemists conducted tests on significant macronutrients in the soil and water. The research that previous scientists have done has helped us understand the meaning of the data that we have collected. The tests that both Soil and Water Chemists conducted were pH, nitrates, and phosphorus levels. The pH levels of the soil and water determine the acidity or alkalinity of the water and soil. pH is measured on a scale of 0 to 14, 0 being acidic, 14 being alkaline, and 7 being neutral. Levels of pH can be impacted by industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and pollution (Nelson, 2018). The pH of soil and water helped us determine the types of plants that could grow in certain environments because different plants need different pH levels to survive. Another test that all the chemists ran was a nitrate test. Nitrogen is a key component for life on Earth, and it is needed by all plants and animals to survive. If nitrate levels are too high, it can be fatal for wildlife in that area. Decomposing plants and animals release nitrates into the water and soil (The Environmental Literacy Council, 2015). The last test that both Soil and Water Chemists conducted was for phosphate levels. Phosphates are needed for growth in plants and animals. This compound plays a critical role in cell development. High levels of phosphorus can cause overgrowth of plants and animals and can lead to high levels of bacterial activity (BD Editors et. al, 2019). Excess phosphorus can come from human and animal waste, farming runoff, and pollution (Science Learning Hub, 2013). Two tests that only Soil Chemists conducted were moisture and potassium. Moisture levels are important because different plants vary in different areas because of the soil moisture. For example, plants and animals that are adapted to dryer conditions could not survive in wet areas like wetlands. Potassium is needed by plants and animals to form enzymes, which help make chemical reactions go faster (Hillel, 2008). Water Chemists conducted tests for ammonia, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen. Ammonia is used in fertilizer and in the production of plastics, paper, and rubber. High levels of ammonia indicates polluted water (Earth Force Low Cost Water Monitoring by earthforce. org).


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The turbidity test is a measure of how cloudy the water is. It is a way of looking at how much clay, silt, microorganisms, and organic matter are suspended in the water. Dissolved oxygen measures the amount of oxygen in the water. It is measured in percentage based on the temperature because colder water can hold more oxygen and warmer water holds less. Pollution, such as dumping and agricultural runoff, can fill up the water with toxins instead of oxygen.

Soil Chemistry Methods Geologists collected three soil samples from three different locations and gave them to us. To prepare the soil, we mixed distilled water with floc-ex. We did this for each soil sample. We waited until the soil settled and a semi-clear solution sat on top of the soil in the tube. Then, we used the solution to perform the three tests. For our nitrate test, we added a nitrate tab to some of the clear solution. Once this test was completed, we compared the color of the test to the color chart and recorded the data. For our phosphorus test, we filled a tube with a mixture of the clear solution and distilled water. We then added a phosphorus tab and waited for the color of the liquid to develop. Then, we compared the color of the solution to the chart. For our potassium test, we added a potassium tablet to some of the clear solution and let it sit until dissolved. Then, we compared the color of the liquid to the color chart. The last thing we did was find the pH and moisture of the soil. To do this we used a soil probe and recorded the results (LaMotte Company, 2019). As Soil Chemists, we used many different tools to conduct our tests. Our first tool that we used was a 50 mL clear test tube. We also used many 10 mL clear test tubes. We used pipettes to transfer liquids from one place to another. For the nitrate test we used silver sun proof sleeves. We also used a soil probe which told us the pH and moisture levels of the soil. For our macronutrient tests, we used nitrate, phosphorus, and potassium test tabs. Our last tools were latex gloves and safety goggles, which we used at every site study. 17

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Water Chemistry Methods We began our site studies by going to a source of water and collecting a sample in a small plastic cup. Then, we took the temperature of the water, by holding the temperature strip under water for a minute. For our dissolved oxygen test, we used a small tube and held it under the water for 30 seconds and compared the test to the color chart. To discover the amount of nitrates in the water, we filled a tube with water and added a tab. Then we inverted the test and compared it to the color chart. The last test that we conducted was ammonia. We filled a test tube and added a #1 tablet and a #2 tablet and inverted until dissolved. Then, we let the test sit and compared it to the color chart (Earth Force Low Cost Water Monitoring by For nitrate, phosphate, and ammonia tests we used 10 mL test tubes that were long and clear. We also used a small glass tube for the dissolved oxygen test and a large 20 mL tube for the turbidity test. We used a temperature strip for testing the temperature of the water. For most of our tests we used tabs that dissolved in our solutions. For the turbidity test, we used a sticker that we attached to the bottom of the tube to help us determine the clearness of the water. We also used pipettes to transfer our solutions. Lastly, we used gloves and goggles to protect our eyes and hands from the chemicals.

Soil Chemistry Data In North Carolina, we conducted five site studies at Black Balsam Knob, Graveyard Fields, Fontana Lake, Goose Creek, and Fort Macon. We also did a partial site study at the Salt Marsh, which was near Fort Macon. The first site study that we did in North Carolina was on top of Black Balsam Knob. The average pH was 7, which is neutral. The soil was dry with a moisture reading of 1. The nitrate levels were about 40 lbs. This means that there was a medium amount of nitrates in the soil. The phosphorus levels were around 20 lbs; this is a low amount. The potassium levels were medium, which is about 160 lbs. The second site study was at Graveyard Fields. The pH was 7. The moisture levels were 3. The nitrogen levels ranged from 0 - 160 lbs. The phosphorus levels were around 20 lbs and potassium levels were 80-160 lbs. The third site study in North Carolina was at Fontana lake. We did not record the pH and moisture here because of a miscommunication between the geologists and chemists.. The nitrate levels were 0. The phosphorus levels were medium, around 60 Ibs. The potassium levels were 60 - 160 lbs. The fourth site study in North Carolina was Goose Creek. The pH there was 7; however one of our tests was 3, which stood out to us because that is very acidic. The


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moisture had a large variation because there were levels of 0, 4, and 8. The nitrogen levels were 40lb. The phosphorus levels were 20 lbs. The potassium levels were also low, which is about 40 lbs. The fifth site study was at Fort Macon. The pH was 7 and the moisture was 1. The nitrogen levels were zero, the phosphorus levels were 20 - 64 lbs, and potassium levels were 40 - 160 lbs. Our last site study was at the Salt Marsh. The nitrogen was zero. The phosphorus was 20 lb, and the potassium was 40 lb.

Water Chemistry Data Our first site was Black Balsam Knob and there was no water. The next study was Graveyard Fields. The water was 18 degrees celsius, and the dissolved oxygen was 71 - 90 percent saturated. The nitrates were yellow which means that there was none. The pH in the water was neutral at 7. The phosphate was 1 ppm and the turbidity was less than or equal to 0 JTU, which means the water was clear. The ammonia was 0 ppm. At Fontana Lake, the water was 22 degrees celsius, the dissolved oxygen was 91 to 110 percent saturated, and the pH was 7. The phosphates were 2 ppm, nitrates were 0 ppm, and the turbidity was 0 JTU. Lastly, the ammonia was 0 ppm. At Goose Creek, the temperature was 24 degrees celsius, the oxygen was 91 to 110 percent saturated, and the nitrates were 0 ppm. The pH was 7, the phosphates were 1 ppm, the turbidity was less than or equal to 0 JTU and the ammonia was 0 ppm. The next study was at Fort Macon. The temperature was 22 degrees celsius, the dissolved oxygen was 91 to 110 percent saturated, and the nitrates were 0 ppm. The pH was 8, the phosphate was 1 ppm, the turbidity was 0 JTU, and the ammonia was 0 ppm. Our last site study was conducted at the Salt Marsh. The pH of the water was 7, and the phosphate was 2 ppm.


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Soil Chemistry Conclusions The purpose of studying the soil in many environments was to discover the levels of different key components that must be incorporated into the soil for it to be healthy. The presence of the different amounts of macronutrients, moisture, and pH in the soil helps determine the animals and plants that can survive in that environment. The majority of our sites contained evidence of no nitrates in the soil samples. This data suggests that there were many healthy and diverse plants in the environments. Plants absorb nitrates in soil, which causes the amount of nitrates to decrease and the rest is taken away by runoff (BBC, 2019). There were low to medium levels of potassium present at our sites. Plants that lack potassium do not have the energy to properly grow (Brady et. al, 1996). This shows that medium levels of potassium are healthy and good for the soil and plants. The phosphate levels at the sites studies ranged from low to medium, which is normal and met the needs of most plants in the area. At many of our site studies we made connections with botanists. At Goose Creek State Park, we were given a soil sample in the sand near the water. The location of that soil sample had a pH level of 3, which is very acidic. The botanists also noticed that there were many 20

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Loblolly pine trees and Loblolly trees thrive in acidic soil. At Fort Macon State Park, we made connections with the Botanists and Geologists about how there were no trees; this is because the soil was made up of sand particles. The roots of trees cannot hold strongly enough in the sand; and when the soil erodes, trees are not able to hold themselves up by their roots.

Water Chemistry Conclusion Our first test is dissolved oxygen which is the amount of oxygen in the water, which we converted to the percent saturation based on the temperature of the water. At Graveyard Fields, the oxygen levels were good with a 71 to 90 percent saturation. This conclusion was also supported by the zoologists finding numerous salamanders. For nitrates, all the sites in North Carolina had no nitrates in the water which reads yellow. Having some nitrogen in the water is important for some plants and animals to survive. This should be monitored by future chemists. The pH ranges from 7 to 8 in NC which is great because it is neutral. It means that most animals can survive because the water is not too acidic or alkaline. The next test is phosphate; it ranged from 1 ppm to 2 ppm throughout North Carolina. 1 ppm being the best and 2 being good. High levels of phosphates can lead to overgrowth. For turbidity, the water was outstanding in terms of how clear it was. All the tests were less than or equal to 0 JTU which means there was little to no sediment in the water. The last test was ammonia. All sites tested negative for ammonia, which is good because high levels indicate polluted water (Water Chemistry, 2019). One of our connections was with the Zoologists, specifically at Graveyard Fields because they found mayfly larva which indicates the water was clean which also connects with our data reading the water really clear and clean. At the Salt Marsh, the water was more alkaline. This made a better environment for the fiddler crabs to live in. At Fort Macon, there were many ghost crabs. The water was neutral, and this shows that ghost crabs can easily live in neutral waters.


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Advice for Future Chemists There are some things that should be kept in mind when conducting site studies. It is important to stay organized. This makes site studies easier and more efficient. For soil chemistry, think about preparing the tests before receiving the soil samples from the geologists because it will make the tests go faster. Be mindful of the equipment because some of the tools are expensive and it would be disappointing if it broke or a piece of equipment got lost. Avoid sitting too close to the ocean or in a risky spot because there might be a chance that equipment can get lost or ruined. As a group, we would have liked to investigate the Salt Marsh further and perform a full site study for soil and water chemistry. Another tip is to work as a group. Take turns doing water and soil chemistry because it helps to better understand what others in the group are writing.


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Digital Data Collection Methods of Digital Data Collection As Digital Data Collectors, we collect data through videos and photos to present to people outside of the class. At each site study, we take photos and video evidence of our class as they do their jobs. For example, if the Zoologists catch a frog, it is our job to take a picture of it or interview them about the catch. The tools we use are a still camera, a video camera, and tripods. The still camera, or an SLR (Single Lense Reflex), is used for taking pictures of plants, rocks, and animals, or just pictures of people doing their jobs. The video camera, or DSLR is used for taking time lapses, interviews, or again, just people doing their jobs. Our last piece of gear is the tripods. We use tripods for almost everything. They help to steady the camera and prevent a shaky video or lopsided picture. When we decide to do a time lapse, we take a video and speed up the time during the editing process. As a Digital Data Collector, we are always working. Even when everybody is relaxed and done with their jobs, we are still working to collect photos and videos. We go through the process of taking all of the cameras out of the yellow box, which holds all of our DDC equipment, setting up our tripods and connecting the video cameras to each one, while the DDC in charge of the SLR (Single Lense Reflex camera starts taking photos right away). When we run into a problem with getting a good shot, for example, we are on a beach trying to get a shot of sandpipers; this is what we will do: We walk down to a site where we can see them clearly, set up our tripod, and take around a one minute video of them running up and down the shore, so we can clearly collect the data that we need to record.

Advice for Future Digital Data Collectors Over the course of this theme, we have learned many things as Digital Data Collectors, one thing is to keep all of your equipment organized and kept in the big yellow box all the time. Organization is important because the cameras and the pictures and videos are 23

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some of the most valuable equipment that we have. Another important part is keeping the cameras, chargers, and battery packs in the yellow box unless the cameras are charging. This is important because the yellow box is waterproof and it is one of the only ways to protect your equipment. You also need to make sure that the tripods are always standing up feet first and not with the head facing down, because this will get dirt and sand into the small cracks and make it turn slower. Another important piece of advice is to not be constantly taking pictures. Yes, you should be documenting often, but after Field Ecology it will take a long time to sort all of those when you get back. And the last piece of advice is to stay on task and be productive when you’re editing the final video.


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Geology Geologic History of North Carolina In order to understand the scientific data that we collected and what it means, we must first look at North Carolina’s geological history and how geological changes began. Geological changes in North Carolina began around 1,700 million years ago thanks to the uplifting of tectonic plates. This process created mountain ranges and made North Carolina what it is today. Once these mountain ranges were created, erosion came into play and over time eroded numerous mountains and produced new shapes out of them. Thanks to different tectonic plates moving and colliding with each other, islands and vast landscapes were moved, including what would become North Carolina. Eventually, after millions of years of moving around, North Carolina found its current place on the eastern coast of North America, sometime before 200 CE. The reason that North Carolina and its provinces are so popular in the present day is because of these geological processes. (Walbert, 2018) Since all of these changes, many famous geologists, like James Hutton, Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, and William Smith have studied geology and contributed to the Body of Knowledge. All of these contributions have made geology the science that it is today. An extremely well-known geologist, who is considered by many to be the father of modernday geology is named James Hutton. Around 1750, he started studying and observing how the land around him interacted with the wind and water due to erosion. He revolutionized many theories now widely accepted, such as uniformitarianism. This is a geological theory that states how the changes in the Earth’s crust have resulted from a uniform continuous process over time. This process turned out to be the moving of the tectonic plates. (Rosenberg, 2018) He also put to rest the universally accepted idea that the Earth was only a few thousand years old. Another notable geologist is Charles Lyell. He had groundbreaking theories regarding how old the Earth was and published several famous books explaining his ideas of how old the Earth was. His findings proved it to be around 4.5 billion years old. All of his ideas about how the Earth was formed and how old it truly is are now universally accepted and truly changed how we think about the Earth and why we think it is as old as it is. He also contributed and added to Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. (Mitchell, 2019) This is how North Carolina underwent many changes over the course of millions of years and how famous geologists made groundbreaking discoveries to help further explain its history. If not for them, North Carolina’s background would still be a mystery. Around 1750, he started studying and observing how the land around him interacted with the wind and water due to erosion. 25

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Works Cited:

Geological Methods When we gathered data, we started by taking the soil samples. First, we collected the samples on land. This was achieved by pushing the core sampler down halfway. When we got the sample, we took some to the soil chemists and kept the other portion for our research. We grabbed a piece and used the colors on the Munsell scale, the system used to tell the color of the soil. After identifying the color, we determined the minerals which include: calcium, low oxygen, organic matter, iron sulfide, and iron oxide. Next, we took a small piece of soil, that should fit in the palm of a hand, and extracted all of the small rocks and twigs. We poured clean water onto the soil and rolled it into a ball. We did that for about a minute before beginning the next step of turning it into a ribbon. To do this, we pinched the edges as far as they would go without breaking, then measured it. The length of the ribbon determined the texture of the soil. The texture ranges from sand to clay loam (which is a combination of silt, sand, and clay), to heavy clay. Note: if the soil is made primarily sand particles it may be challenging to collect it in the core sampler. In this case, it is important to be extra careful when extracting it. That process is then repeated with all of the samples. Next, we found two rock samples. With rocks, we tested for: color, luster, type, hardness, and streak color. We started with the color and luster since it can be observed by looking at them. After that, we found the streak color by pulling out the Altoid tin that is full of white and black tiles. We scratched the rock against both, and whatever color it left behind was the streak color. Then, we figured out the rock type. If the rock was not clearly sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous, then we cracked it open. We always wore safety goggles and gloves. Lastly, we determined the hardness of the rock by taking out the small paper with the chart indicating the different levels of hardness. We typically started in the middle of the hardness scale, which is glass. If it scratched the rock, then the hardness was less than what 26

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it was scratched with, but if it did not scratch it then the rock is harder. We kept scratching the rock until the hardness was narrowed down. During each site study, we used the core sampler, the tiles in the Altoid tin, laminated sheets, and a pocket microscope. When breaking rocks, gloves, glasses, and a rock hammer was required. The core sampler is a metal tube piece of equipment used to collect the soil. We pushed and twisted it into the ground until it was halfway, then carefully pulled it out. The Altoid tin includes the black and white tiles on which testing of the streak color occurs. The laminated sheets have the colors, minerals, and textures written out for when we are testing. The microscope is used to identify the luster of the rocks. The gloves, hammer, and safety goggles all fall into the same category because when one is used, so are the others. We strike the rock with the pointy end of the hammer and if the rock won’t break, we turn it over and strike with the flat end. This process sometimes took a while depending on the hardness and size of the rock. These are our methods and ways of gathering data. With these methods, good, valuable and informative data can be collected and contributed to the B.O.K.

Geological Data Black Balsam Knob: For texture, the soil was heavy clay, the color was 5YR 2/4. The minerals in all of the samples were calcium. The second sample’s texture was light clay, and the color was 10YR 4/2. In the third sample, the soil texture was sandy clay loam and the color was 5YR 2/2. The first rock was a whitish orange and it had a shiny luster. Luster is the shiny bits on the rock, called mica. The streak color was white. The hardness was nine. The rock type was metamorphic. The second rock we found was pure white, had some luster, and had a streak color of white, the rock was sedimentary. Graveyard Fields: The first soil sample at Graveyard Fields was heavy clay. The color was 10YR 8/8 and 10YR 2/2. The minerals in the soil were rich with calcium. The second soil sample was sandy clay, and the color was N2. This sample was also rich in calcium. The last soil sample was in the water and it was only sand. The color was 10YR 4/4. Our first rock sample was sedimentary, the color was white and orange, and the luster was semi-shiny. The hardness of the rock was three. The second rock sample was orange, brown and white, the luster was shiny, and the rock was sedimentary. They both had a white streak color. Fontana Lake: The first soil sample’s texture was clay loam, the color was 10YR 6/9, and it contained calcium minerals. The second sample had the same minerals, but its color was 10YR 4/4 and its texture was light-medium clay. The third soil sample’s texture was light clay, the color was 5YR 2/6, and it also contained calcium minerals. Both rocks we collected 27

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were metamorphic. The first had a silver, white and orangey color, it had no luster, its streak color was white, and it had a hardness of nine. The second rock sample was similar to the first, but consisted of two different colors; silver and grey. It had no luster and had a hardness of eight. Goose Creek State Park: Soil sample one had a sandy texture, the color was N4, and it had low oxygen. For the second soil sample, the texture was sandy clay, the colors were N2 and 5YR 4/4, and the minerals were calcium. For the third, the texture was sand, the color was 10YR 8/4, and the minerals consisted of organic matter. This time, we found three rocks instead of two. For the first rock sample, the colors were grey and black, the luster was semi-shiny, the rock type was sedimentary, and the hardness was seven. The second rock was white and black, there was no luster, the rock type was metamorphic, and the hardness was one. For the third rock sample, the colors were brown, white and grey, the luster was semi-shiny, the rock type was metamorphic, and the hardness was five. All of the rocks had a white streak color. Fort Macon: Our first soil sample was sand and the color was 10YR 8/4. It had a lot of organic matter in it. The second sample was also sand but the color was 10YR 6/2. The sample was also rich in organic matter. The third sample was also sand, the color was 10YR 4/2. The sand had low oxygen. The rock sample had a hardness of three and had no luster. The color was a mixture of grey and brown and the rock was metamorphic. The second rock was greyish black. The rock type was metamorphic and there was no luster and the streak color was white.


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Geological Conclusions While our data can stand alone as its own science, it doesn’t have to, meaning it can have connections with other sciences. Our data is connected to several other science groups including the meteorologist and the botanists. Our science job is connected to the meteorologist because the different rocks that we find are usually very weathered down and because of this, we can ask the meteorologist exactly what this means and how weathered it is. This is a great connection to have because it means that we can find out even more about our rock samples than we can determine alone. Another science job that we are connected to is the botanists because we study different soil types and the type of plants that can grow in a particular environment is dependent on the type of soil. This makes our jobs intertwined and dependent on one another. This is also a great connection because it gives us another group of people to communicate with and it lets us have a second set of eyes on our data. These are two of the other science jobs that we are connected to. We collected this data and scientific findings because we knew it would have good value, significance, and would contribute to the B.O.K. We have compiled all of our data and drawn the following conclusions: in all of the site studies closer to the coast, the soil was sandier and the rocks were more brittle. However, farther away from the coast, the soil contained more clay and the rocks were considerably harder. Most of the soil in both Missouri and North Carolina was rich in calcium, meaning they were shades of brown, from 10YR 4/2 to 5YR 2/2. The soil samples collected from the water at all of our site studies were low oxygen, which is indicated by greyish color and can go from 10YR 6/2 to 10YR 4/2. However, farther away from the coast, the soil contained more clay and the rocks were considerably harder. Based on these findings, we can conclude that geologic features change according to the environment that they are exposed to. The soil closer to the coast is generally sandier because of erosion and not just erosion from the sea. Because water naturally flows into the ocean, the water found in the sea could be from hundreds of miles away. As water travels from the continental divide, it erodes rocks that can consist of more sediment by the time it reaches the coast. That is why there are fewer rocks near the coast, as opposed to farther away from it. As for the differences in soil texture, the explanation is remarkably similar. As the water deposited sand onto the land by the coast, the soil became less pure and acquired more sand. From this, we can conclude that the farther away from the coast the soil is, the more clay it has and the more solid the rocks are. 30

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Advice For Future Geologists Being a Geologist requires clear, concise notes that are legible and easy to understand. This means clearly labeling data tables and writing neatly. While collecting samples, avoid choosing areas in which the soil is similar. Try to select areas where there is a noticeable difference in vegetation, soil color, moisture, and texture. This assures that the data collected is more diverse. Investigating why the soil changes at various locations is something that should be thought about during Field Ecology and what the data means. For example, what does it suggest when the soil has heavy clay or has calcium minerals in it? Taking the time to comprehend the data is a large part of the job and is something that should be focused on. One piece of advice we have to all future Geologists is to label which soil sample is the one in the water. Even though we always did the soil sample in the water last, it would have been better if it were labeled so someone reading the journals could understand what they were looking at. Another suggestion is to bring colored pencils along to draw the soil samples. There is only so much information that can be inferred from graphs and tables, as it is just numbers. Drawing the soil allows for easier comprehension of the data. After all of the soil samples are collected and recorded, it’s time to move on to the two required rock samples. It is recommended that they are very different rocks and aren’t rocks from the same spot that look similar. Sometimes when a rock sample is collected, the type of rock may be clear without breaking it open. It is tempting to not have to break it open, but it is highly recommended that it is to confirm the suspicion. While it is only required to analyze two rock samples, sometimes, when in a diverse ecosystem, it can be beneficial to collect a third, or even a fourth so that there is more data. Regardless of how many rocks are collected, the tests must be run carefully to get accurate data. It is also recommended that for both soil and rocks to not merely collect quantitative data, but also qualitative data, simply because qualitative data has much more meaning and isn’t just graphs with numbers. As a Geologist, the job can be challenging, but if this advice is followed, success will be assured.


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Meteorology Weather and Climate Impact on North Carolina Weather affects ecology in many ways. It can affect animals’ living conditions based on rainfall. For example, high winds can carry seeds into different environments, which will expand the population of that type of seed. It determines how researchers are able to collect data. The weather ultimately controls every other aspect of ecology from animal and plant life to the ability to even research in the study sites. For example in North Carolina, Researchers have studied the extreme weather conditions and noticed an increase in extreme weather events, (Ballard, 2019). This can affect the ecology of the location of the event by creating potential invasive species, change in water quality, and irreparable damage from high winds to name a few. For example in Pamlico Sound, North Carolina, after 3 major hurricanes hit, researchers noticed a change in the carbon and nitrogen concentration in the water affecting the aquatic ecology, (Paerl, 2001). Finally, something as small as a 1 degree temperature change can affect the ecology of a location. In North Carolina, NOAA found that the mean average temperature has changed by 1 degree in the state, (Frankson, 2017). At this point in time, there is no clear research to show how this has affected the ecology of North Carolina. In conclusion, weather has the ability to control every part of ecology; without proper weather conditions, animal life, plant life, researcher’s abilities, and geology are all changed. Frankson, R., K. Kunkel, L. Stevens, D. Easterling, W. Sweet, A. Wootten, and R. Boyles, 2017: North Carolina State Climate Summary. NOAA Technical Report NESDIS 149-NC, May 2019 Revision, 4 pp. Paerl, Hans W., et al. “Ecosystem Impacts of Three Sequential Hurricanes (Dennis, Floyd, and Irene) on the United States' Largest Lagoonal Estuary, Pamlico Sound, NC.” PNAS, National Academy of Sciences, 8 May 2001, Ballard, Allison. “Environment Still Recovering from Hurricane Florence.” Wilmington Star News, Wilmington Star News, 12 Sept. 2019, environment-still-recovering-from-hurricane-florence. US Department of Commerce, and Noaa. “Historical Hurricane Florence, September 12-15, 2018.” National Weather Service, NOAA's National Weather Service, 10 Jan. 2019, www. 32

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Leslie, John. “The Environmental Consequences of Hurricane Florence in North Carolina.” Socialist Action, Philahistory, 5 Oct. 2018,

Meteorological Methods When first I was assigned the job of Meteorology, I researched how to use the equipment. For instance, when I didn’t know how to find the radio channel I needed, I decided to investigate the NOVA website. Also I was provided with a weather handbook, so I read it to become more familiar with the science. At the study sites, I tested for wind speed, air temperature, wind chill, relative humidity, heat stress, dew point, air pressure, and dominant cloud type. Wind speed is how fast the wind is traveling. Air temperature is the measurement of degrees (Fahrenheit) in the environment. Wind chill is the combination of the wind and the air temperature. It tells us what it feels like for humans. Relative humidity is the amount of moisture inside the air. Heat stress is the measurement of how the heat impacts your body. Dew point is the atmospheric pressure at which water begins to condense. Air pressure is how the air feels on your body at a given altitude. We measure for all of these things because it gives us a better understanding of how weather can cause change on a location’s ecology. When I collected my data at the study sites I used a Kestrel 3,000 to test for the wind speed, air temperature, will chill, relative humidity, heat stress, dewpoint. I tested for these things three times in three different locations. I used the iPad to check the air pressure. Additionally, I used a chart to study the dominant cloud type. In my spare time, I used the weather radio to prepare the class for more unpleasant weather. It also was handy in situations where we needed to find out whether or not we could go out on the water during the Field Ecology trip.


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Meteorological Data The first study site we went to was Black Balsam Knob in North Carolina. The barometric pressure changed dramatically because we were up high upon a mountain. Since there was no shade, the temperature was relatively the same in the area. As a result There were no trees in the area because of the previous logging that had occurred in this location. There was a variety of clouds. This was one of the warmest North Carolina study sites. The temperature was 80.1 degrees. Next we went to Graveyard Fields the same day. We were closer to a water source which changed the weather conditions, especially humidity. The humidity was 79.7% compared to 72% at Black Balsam Knob. We also were in a valley instead of being on a mountain which changed the air pressure. The air pressure at this study site was 856.33 hPa. It was easier to breathe at this location because the pressure was higher. Our next study site was Fontana Lake which had a dramatic increase in the air pressure because we were going lower in sea level, closer to the ocean. At this location I observed that there was no direct sunlight because the cloud type blanketed the sky. The cloud type was altostratus meaning the sunlight was not able to penetrate through the clouds. This location was one of the chilliest because of cloud coverage and location because it was on water. Our fourth study site was Goose Creek, North Carolina. This was the warmest study site because most of my data was collected near the river making the temperature warmer. The highest temperature got to 82.6 degrees which was the hottest it was on the trip. There was a decrease in humidity even though we were closer to the water. I found that an odd pattern in the data. Even though it was sunny while I was collecting my data, the cirrocummulus clouds were moving in and there was rain coming. Fort Macon was the most unique site I studied at during Field Ecology. It was raining while I was doing my observations and it was the windiest study site I observed. The wind speed at Fort Macon was 10 mph. Compared to the other study sites, Fort Macon was more dynamic because the data was higher in range than other sites and there were safety risks involved. Fort Macon was 72.5 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity at Fort Macon was 96.9 %; this was due to the storm that the cirrocummulus clouds brought from the previous study site. The temperature, wind, and humidity differences are substantial from the other study sites in North Carolina because Fort Macon is closer to the Atlantic Ocean. This created an increase in wind speed, humidity, and decrease in temperature.


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Meteorological Conclusions The difference in data between Missouri and North Carolina made me question the difference in climate. The variations in climate I observed between Missouri and North Carolina are humidity, temperature, wind speed, and wind chill. Collecting this data will help future researchers to study climate change further. This makes me wonder whether or not others will see the same differences or if they will find varying data. I observed differences in weather patterns based on the geographical location of the study site. The study sites Fort Macon, Fontana Lake, and Goose Creek are all locations near the ocean. I found that these study sites had higher humidity and decreases in temperature. This would change the ecology of these study sites because only certain species can survive in this environment. I also noticed the wind speed at these three study sites increased. It was interesting to me that we didn’t see as many birds at these locations. I think that this could be because of the increased wind speed. Meteorology is such a wide topic that it affects most, if not all, of the other fields of study. For example, the climate will affect what kind of species of plants and animals will be in the study site. Extreme weather can change a location’s plant and animal life due to high winds, flooding, and soil composition. The wind carries seeds; therefore if the wind is faster than normal it can carry them farther than normally expected.

Advice for Future Meteorologists

Collecting the data can turn into a jumble of numbers, so it is important to use charts, keep them inside a journal, and have organized supplies. I recommend learning about the supplies you have to use ahead of time. Always have extra batteries for the weather radio. It is important to check in on the weather radio once a day to be sure you can prepare your class for any potential weather events. It is also important to make sure you know if the water is safe in your study sites, specifically at Fort Macon because it is on the Atlantic Ocean.


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Qualitative Analysis Invasive Species and Their Impact

Invasive species are a huge problem for ecosystems and native animals in the United States. Originally they were brought over by humans from other continents and released into the wild. Some were released on purpose while others were released by mistake. Invasive species compete for natural resources and are capable of causing the extinction of natives in the area. They are also responsible for causing loss and change of habitat as well as reducing biodiversity. For something to be considered an invasive species it must be able to do all these things to the environment in which it is invading. According to professionals, if invasive species are not eliminated, the ecosystem will most likely become much less diverse. Less diversity would make the ecosystem more prone to further disturbances such as diseases and natural disasters. (Ericson, 2012 ) Some examples of invasive species are Nutria and bush honeysuckle. The first example is the nutria, a large, web-footed rodent that lives mainly in the water. They were brought to the states by humans for their fur in the early 1900s but were released into the environment and soon became invasive. They live in wetland marshes and eat tall grasses and rushes. These plants are necessary for the survival of the wetlands. They are a source of food, nesting sites, shelter, and also help secure the soil. Without them, there could be massive erosion and many of the native organisms could starve from lack of food. (National Geographic, 2011) The other example is bush honeysuckle, which originated in Asia and was also brought over to the United States by humans. The bush is invasive and grows at a very fast rate, making it capable of easily outnumbering the natives in the area. If this invader continues to thrive, it will surely take over the region and greatly outnumber every native shrub living in it. (University of Missouri, 2015) Because of these species and many other invasives becoming more dominant the environment is becoming less and less diverse, and in some cases even more prone to things such as erosion and disease. For example, the nutria is destroying the environment by eating a plant that is a valuable resource in the biome. Without this plant, the marsh becomes more prone to erosion and all the animals that live there more prone to extinction without one of their main sources of food. (National Geographic, 2011) Qualitative data is a good tool for looking at human impact. Thanks to the research done through qualitative research, we can have a better understanding of what’s happening and people can take action and try to prevent these problems from becoming worse. 38

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Works Cited Ericson, Jenny, et al. “U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.” FAQs - Invasive Species - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Geographic Society. “Invasive Species.” National Geographic Society, 9 Oct. 2012, Plant Sciences. “Weed of the Month: Bush Honeysuckle-an Ornamental Gone Wrong.” Weed of the Month: Bush Honeysuckle-an Ornamental Gone Wrong // Integrated Crop and Pest Management News Article // Integrated Pest Management, University of Missouri, ipm.

Qualitative Methods Qualitative Research appears at first to be fairly simple, but there’s much more to it. For qualitative research, the scientist needs to look at their surroundings and find evidence of the human impact that interests them. Once they’ve decided what their focus will be, they start to ask questions about what they are seeing in the field and record it. The Qualitative Researcher should then go ask other scientists about the data they’ve collected to help answer their questions. Once they’ve collected all the data, the Researcher creates a theory based on all the data collected using the data to back up their theory. To gather data for Qualitative Research the researcher needs their journal, a pencil, their scientific mind, and the help of other scientists. They need to look around and record what they see in their surroundings that relates to their focus. The Researcher then goes and asks other scientists whose sciences overlap with the form of human impact they have chosen to research. They ask the scientists what their findings were. Of the sight studies we did, the most prominent was at Goose Creek State Park, North Carolina and the Mississippi River, Illinois. The data I gathered at both sight studies further suggests that my theory, or the protection theory as I have named it, is more likely to be true since I have data from multiple places that support it. At Goose Creek, for example, I found 39

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that there was a lot of variety in both plant and animal species and that zoologists hadn’t identified any invasives. While there were a more dominant species of plants in the area, botanists still hadn’t identified any invasives. These pieces of data suggest that the amount of species in each area is important since it could have something to do with what invasives could thrive there, etc. The human impact at the state park was relatively low in terms of invasives. At the Mississippi however, there was at least one type of invasive species, the Asian Carp, which lived in the river. They were also what seemed to be a more dominant species of the fish within the water. This told me that the human impact here was relatively high. After finding all these discoveries I immediately wrote them down in my journal. Now that I had recorded all this data I could use it to back up my theory. The final step to being a Qualitative Researcher is processing the data that has been collected. This starts with the scientist looking through all the data collected and coding it. This can be done by making a key and writing down what everything means, then putting the codes by significant pieces of information. After coding they go back again and look at which of the codes seem to be occurring the most. Then they do this a few more times, focusing more and more on the most significant pieces of data to use to create their theory. This is an overview of what a Qualitative Researcher typically needs to know while doing their job.

Qualitative Data I observed that invasive species seemed drastically less common in more protected environments, and environments with fewer species in general. There were a few exceptions to this since a couple of the places we went had a high variety of species and no identified invasive species. I included a graph of the different places we did site studies and the species richness at them. However, I did not include an invasive species column in the North Carolina graph, since no identified invasive species there. I’m not completely sure why this was, although it most likely had something to do with the environment and species richness. At some of the places we went to, the environment and plants there were less protected. This meant that there might have been a higher chance that it had invasive species there. For instance, the Asian Carp that we discovered when doing a site study at the Mississippi Riverlands were the only invasive species identified throughout the trimester. The Riverlands was a much less protected environment and was more prone to invasives than any of the other places we did site studies on. However, the species richness was the secondhighest of all the places we studied. The number of species identified was 11. There were far less invasive species identified in our site studies in more protected areas, which were mostly located in North Carolina. However, as we were driving across the state, 40

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I saw entire forests of kudzu off the side of the highway while at the site studies we did, no one saw any trace of it. I found this odd since kudzu a huge problem in North Carolina and all along the East Coast. Meanwhile, at the site studies where Botanists and Zoologists had identified fewer species, there seemed a less of a chance that there were invasive species nearby. Take Fontana Lake or Fort Macon, for instance. Both of those locations didn’t have much of a variety of animals near us and no identified invasives. This was also odd since people tend to make a big deal about invasives and how they are everywhere. But, I presume that’s where my explanation for what’s happening comes in to play.


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Qualitative Conclusions Throughout the trimester, I found that that for the most part, invasive species seem to be drastically less common in more protected environments, and environments with fewer species in general. I have named this the protection theory. This is important because people can use this information to find ways to reduce the human impact made by invasive species within their yards, farms, or other properties they own that has the risk of being taken over by invasive species. This data can be important not just to scientists but to regular people as well. If more people know how to stop invasive species, others could learn from them and invasives may finally be exterminated or at least no longer be a constant threat. Invasive species have proven to be a huge problem since they tend to do more harm than good to the surrounding environments they are in. If they were to be exterminated, more native species could thrive and have a better chance of survival. This data can be used by future 8th graders and others who want to use it since this is not being put into the BOK, or Body of Knowledge, for my enjoyment alone. With a better understanding of how something happened, why it keeps happening and ways to stop it, not only can human impact in the form of invasive species stop, but all types of negative human impact will be reduced as well. In conclusion, this data could contribute to lessening the human impact, at least in terms of invasive species, and prevent humans from accidentally wiping out ecosystems and native species. The more people that know how to prevent negative human impact, the more likely it is to decrease.

Advice for Future Qualitative Researchers The advice I would give to future Qualitative Researchers is that they should work together if there are two or more of them. If there is only one person, they’ll have to do everything alone, which has some ups and downs. It’s not necessarily much more difficult to work alone, but it can make larger tasks like the wall and collecting data more difficult than it would be if there were two or three people. They just have to take extra care to collect a lot of data and work efficiently. 42

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To do Qualitative Research effectively, the scientist must record everything and always be asking not only themselves questions, but other scientists questions too. Other scientists have often already gathered important information about the topic they are studying, data that can’t be gathered just by glancing at something. For example, if the form of human impact that they have chosen to focus on is invasive species, a Zoologist may have important information about how many animals are in the area, and whether they identified any invasives. Make sure that there is always a journal, or at least some paper and a pencil on hand. Qualitative Researchers do a lot of writing out in the field and it would be a shame if there wasn’t access to a functioning writing utensil or something on which to write all the data down on. The data collected in the field is very important for later on. If everything that is found doesn’t end up getting recorded, something that’s crucial could be forgotten or be left out and now it can’t be gotten back. Since all the data is recorded in a table and gets used for writing pieces for the wall after the trip, it would be much more difficult to complete those things if there were missing chunks of data. Now, after reading all of this, I hope that future potential Qualitative Researchers will have a better understanding of what one does out in the field, and more. The job is a bit confusing and difficult at first, but hopefully reading this will make what they do in the field much more clear. With that, I wish the reader good luck on being a Qualitative Researcher!


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Zoology North Carolina Zoological Adaptations Adaptations are genetic traits that increase an organism's fitness. The fitness of an animal is a measurement of its ability to survive in a particular environment. A change in environment can make an organism's fitness increase or decrease. There are three main categories of adaptations. The first category is a structural adaptation. This is a physical change in an organism. The second category is a behavioral adaptation. This means that an organism changes how it interacts with their environment. The third category is a physiological adaptation, the body chemistry and metabolism of the animal. Before our trip to North Carolina, our group studied the adaptations of several animals in Missouri. One animal we studied and observed in North Carolina was the White-tailed Deer. White-tailed Deer are born scentless; this helps ensure that predators won’t find them. Another adaptation that helps the babies survive attacks from predators is an instinct to remain motionless when threatened (Animal Spot, 2019). When the deer are adults, they can sprint up to 30 miles an hour. This helps them get away from slower predators. Unfortunately, some of the White-tailed Deer’s predators are as fast as, or even faster than they are. To get away from their faster predators, the deer can jump up to 10 feet high and 30 feet outwards (UWSP, 2019). This helps them jump over fallen trees or bushes whereas predators would most likely have to go around. Even if this is not enough to get rid of the predator, White-tailed Deer are very talented swimmers. In the time that a deer jumps in the water, most predators do not want to follow them (Nat Geo, 2019). One of the many animals we studied in North Carolina is the Northern River Otter. These otters are remarkable swimmers and have webbed feet that help them to swim up to 9 mph. They propel themselves farther to get away from predators, such as bears, coyotes, foxes, and bobcats. (The National Wildlife Federation, 2019). Frequently they will purposely entangle themselves in seaweed so they do not float away with the current of the river. The River Otter’s tail is also very important. Their tails help them propel through the water, and their long, narrow bodies as well as flat heads are great for gliding through the water. Another adaptation is that their long whiskers are used to detect prey in cloudy or murky water (The National Wildlife Federation, 2019). Adaptations are an important part of zoology. They let us figure out how and what an animal does to survive in its natural habitat. An example of a structural adaptation is the White-tailed Deer. It has strong legs that can jump ten feet high. A physiological adaptation is an internal response to help an organism gain stability. One example is the Desert Lizard. 44

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Their kidneys help regulate and absorb as much water as possible. These are specific examples of adaptations. All in all, adaptations are one way we can study and understand an animal’s relationship to the environment. Sources: (AS,2019) White-tailed Deer. (n.d.). Retrieved from html. (Nat Geo,2019) White-Tailed Deer. (2018, September 21). Retrieved from https://www.nationalgeographic. com/animals/mammals/w/white-tailed-deer/. (UWSP, 2019) Wildlife EcologyCollege of Natural Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.uwsp. edu/wildlife/Ungulates/Pages/White-tailed Deer/White-tailed-Deer-Behavior.aspx Otter

Zoological Methods We used many different ways to collect data at our site studies. When we caught animals, we wrote down what time we found them, their behavior, where we found them, and what they looked like. We also drew the animals if we had time, and at the very end of the site study, we would count all of the animals we found to calculate the species richness. Another way to gather data is using nets. They helped to see the animals up close, which is important when observing and writing down small details. While at our site studies, one of the ways we caught an animal to observe it is by using throw nets. Using the throw nets takes practice and skill, and it’s easy to become angry if it takes a number of tries to get a perfect throw. After an animal is caught, place it in a bin and write down the certain traits it 45

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may have. Remember to take a picture of it on the iPad before releasing it. The iPad has an app called i-Naturalist, which we used often. It helps to identify specific species. Dip nets were an integral way for collecting aquatic data. They are used for scooping up smaller animals that are near the shore. One way we used them was to catch frogs. When we needed to catch a smaller frog, we slowly snuck up on it and scooped it up to examine the details. Another tool that we used were throw nets. Throw nets are used to catch bigger animals like crab or larger fish. When we used them for Field Ecology at Goose Creek, we were out on the shore taking turns at throwing the nets to see if we could catch anything. After we went swimming ,we spent most of the evening before dinner hanging out on the shore using the throw nets. When we brought up the net, we saw that there was a Blue Crab fighting to get free. At Creve Coeur Lake, our first site study, we canoed to find a spot where we gathered our data. During our site study we used the throw nets to try and catch fish. One creature we caught was a small Cypress Minnow, and in our journals we wrote down the things we observed. Later, we watched someone catch a fish which we were told was a grass carp. On Field Ecology, the first study was at Black Balsam Knob. Because of a fire that ruined the soil, trees were unable to grow there. That means there weren't any plants and shrubbery for insects like butterflies or beetles. There wasn’t any shelter or shade, so bigger forms of animal life had to go elsewhere. During the site study at Goose Creek, we saw green anoles and a small lizard that can be found in deeply wooded areas. We went on night walks to go owl calling for owls, such as Barred Owls, Screech Owls, and more. Before long, we saw a Screech Owl hidden in the trees. That afternoon, we used throw nets to catch fish and we caught a Blue Crab. We acquired the Digital Data Collectors to take photos so we could draw it later.


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How to Use a Butterfly Net 1. Pick up the net, and with one hand, begin running in the direction of an insect. 2. When the insect is in the net, twist the pole 180 degrees, capturing the insect in the net. 3. Hold the net up to the sun, and look for the shadow of the insect. 4. Lightly pinch the bug through the net, and hold it in one hand. 4. Twist hand, opening the net, and quickly put the insect in a closed container. NOTE: Never leave the net in the dirt. How to Identify Animals 1. Put the animal in a container where it is easily visible. 2. Take out a journal, and begin a light sketch of the animal. 3. Once the animal is drawn, use a book or ipad to identify the animal. 4. If in a rush, have DDC take a picture of the animal for future identification. NOTE: make sure not to release the animal until it is identified.


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Zoological Data All of the locations on Field Ecology have many different species and habitats. To calculate how healthy an ecosystem is, we count species richness, meaning the number of different species in a specific area. We found an average of 7 animals at each site study; the most diverse areas being Riverlands, having 11 different species, and Goose Creek having 18. At Black Balsam Knob, our first site study in North Carolina, we only found small insects like grasshoppers, beetles, and butterflies. There were no trees because of heavy logging. This makes it difficult for larger animals to survive. Our second site study at Graveyard Fields was a waterfall downstream of Black Balsam Knob. There we found mostly mayflies and salamanders because of the extremely healthy stream systems. Many of the islands at Fontana Lake showed heavy erosion because the dams drained and filled the lake every season. It also had low species richness, containing mostly small insects and fish. Although we didn’t find many animals, we still found a spider nest. Goose Creek had a very healthy ecosystem. There we found crabs, owls, birds, beetles, fish, and many other species. One of the most fascinating species we observed was a male Atlantic Blue Crab; it was incredibly large and aggressive. Goose Creek was one of the healthiest ecosystems we studied. We even saw as many as three great horned owls at once, which is incredibly rare. Lastly at Fort Macon, a beach bordering the Atlantic ocean, we found crabs, birds, and a sand dollar. Although the ocean was teeming with life we weren’t able to catch any marine fish due to the high surf and being limited to the beach. Lastly, at the salt marsh, we found an overwhelming number of Arthropods (Arachnids, Crustaceans, and Insects) and Egrets which were the dominant species. One of the arthropods we found was a Golden Silk Spider, about the size of a palm; it had black and yellow legs with an orange body and white spots. Most species (excluding egrets) could survive a long time both on land and underwater, because of the constantly changing tides.


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FIELD ECOLOGY JOURNAL the college school

Zoological Conclusions We collected fascinating data at Black Balsam Knob and found there were only butterflies, bees, grasshoppers, and ladybugs. We observed that this was because the mountain was very dry and had no trees. This limited the different species that lived there. One connection we made to the Botanists and Soil Chemists was that dry soil often caused few species of plants to grow, as these conditions made life difficult. The data we observed was significant, because it reflects the variety of different species in the environments that we studied. One connection we made with the Meteorologist was that data indicated animals are often redirected due to storms. Birds often get caught in the eye of the storm and are relocated in another place. Then they have to adapt in order to survive. The animals in North Carolina were much different than the animals living in Missouri. One reason was because of the difference in temperature. Temperature is an important piece of data for a Meteorologist's job. If it gets really hot on the surface of the water, fish often dive down. One connection we made that related to North Carolina was that North Carolina's Blue Crabs were impacted from hurricane Florence. Because of this, they were carried towards the shores where fisherman took advantage and caught many of them. This made the blue crab population decrease greatly. As time has passed, the population is thriving once again. There was a diverse population of crabs that we collected in North Carolina, and we caught crabs at all of our site studies. At Goose Creek, we saw two Blue Crabs and several fiddler crabs. At the Barrier Island, the next day, we saw several Ghost Crabs. At the Salt Marsh, we saw hundreds of fiddler crabs. With our data from each of these places, we made connections with the Chemists. We identified that the reason there were Ghost Crabs on the beach and not at Goose Creek was because of the type of water, soil, and sand. The water Chemists said their tests at the beach and at Goose Creek were different. At Goose Creek, it was a pH level of 7, meaning that the water was neutral, but at the beach the pH level was 8, meaning that it was less acidic. Because the water at Goose Creek was brackish, meaning a mix of salt and freshwater, there were no Ghost Crabs there;


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and because the water at the beach was pure salt water, there were no Fiddler Crabs. The Salt Marsh was closer to the beach, but it had no Ghost Crabs in it. Instead, it had a large number of Fiddler Crabs. The pH of the water there was 7. We thought this was especially interesting because when the pH was 7, there were Fiddler Crabs and no Ghost Crabs, and when the pH was 8, there were Ghost Crabs but no Fiddler Crabs. At Graveyard Fields, we made a connection to the Water Chemists. When searching for creatures in the water, we found Mayfly Larva, which indicated that the water is clean because the Mayflies have gills that are very sensitive to polluted water. We talked to the Water Chemists about their test on turbidity. Turbidity is how clean the water is. Their test results were less than or equal to 0 JTU which is the best result when testing the water.

Advice for Future Zoologists From catching animals, drawing them, and studying their behaviors, zoology has a lot to offer in terms of learning. In order to be successful, make sure to be prepared for the job by having organized documentation and by working with other sciences. It’s important to write down any information needed once you catch an animal. This will help later on in the trimester. Writing all the information down as soon as there is a break is a very good idea. This helps prevent having to catch up on data later. It is especially important on Field Ecology because the class goes to different places constantly. Waiting to write down information is not a good idea because details for specific animals are easy to mix-up. Additionally, working on learning how to write down information in the best and quickest way is very beneficial. The best way for writing down information quickly is by using abbreviations or other quick reminders. Be constantly looking for animals at each site study. Identify the animal before releasing it. Another important note is always draw the animals and have the Digital Data Collectors (DDC) take pictures of the animal before it is released. Additionally, it’s crucial to remember never to forget to keep the supplies clean. Connections are very important in the scientific world. Finding connections to other sciences can be helpful when figuring out why the animals are there and how they got there. Look for connections with the chemists, because depending on how healthy the water and soil is, certain types of animals will be living in or near it. One example we found is that Mayflies only live in exceptionally clean and healthy water. Their gills are super sensitive and can be damaged if polluted. Also, look for connections to the Botanists. Animals use plants for lots of things, from food and shelter to protection, and even tools. The types of plants in an area can drastically affect the types of animals that live in that environment. If no trees are in a certain area, it is less likely to find birds, for example. Be sure to make connections with the Meteorologists. The climate and weather can greatly affect where animals live. 53

“As I stood on the top of the mountain, I felt I could do anything.� -Ana, Eighth Grade Student

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