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Eighth Grade Themes
MIDDLE SCHOOL the college school
Eighth Grade Themes
Field Ecology (fall) Field Ecology is a science-based Mathematics at The College School follows multidisciplinary theme. Science, math, a developmental continuum that includes geography, technology, art, adventure, and basic computation, geometry, estimation, outdoor education are all part of this theme. problem solving, and algebra. Math is Students apply for scientific jobs (Botanist, often integrated into other classes as Chemist, Zoologist, etc.) that are part of students create graphs and surveys, solve ecological research. They learn the science group problems, or predict outcomes of behind their job and learn to work in teams experiments. To prepare for these realacross disciplines to gather information from a world uses of mathematics, as well as variety of environments that they visit as part prepare for the more advanced math they of the class. They gather data on the living will encounter in high school, students build and non-living aspects of the sites they study. their mathematical thinking and skills in During the theme, students take a nine-day trip to the Southeastern United States. On this trip, students study sites from the summits of Math in Focus the Appalachian Mountains through the watersheds of eastern North Carolina to the estuary and ocean environments of the Outer Banks. After we return from our trip, students break into groups to create a Middle School is excited to introduce the Singapore large graphic display, designed to share the information collected, their scientific conclusions, and the experiences they had throughout the trimester. Math curriculum Math in Focus, beginning this year for sixth grade students. Math in Focus is a good match for our rigorous and hands-on approach to mathmatics.
Now What? (spring) The “Now What?” Theme combines service learning with adventure education Sixth Grade Math Seventh and reflection. Eighth graders engage in challenging experiences that require them All students take Sixth Grade Math, Students to build and strengthen individual and group which focuses on building the who are capacities. Through a variety of local service mathematical prerequisites for more complex operations and algebra. Students strengthen their number on grade level take Seventh opportunities (e.g. work in the wilderness, in urban communities, and so on), students use fluency with positive and negative Grade the skills they have developed during their integers and with fractions, decimals, Math, careers at The College School to give back and percents, and deepen their which to the community. Students interact with a understanding of geometry, probability, reinforces variety of service-based organizations and and statistics. Students also work on building the habits of mind that will support them in more advanced students’ calculation skills, builds professionals to learn about their fields. The course culminates in an adventurous six-day Students who completed Seventh classes. Grade Math the previous year take their number sense, and deepens the trip to New Orleans that provides the class with an extended service opportunity. Throughout the process, After completing Sixth Grade Math, students may be placed in one of three classes during their seventh grade year (see descriptions). Eighth Grade Introduction to Algebra, which completes the pre-algebra curriculum and introduces the fundamentals of algebra in preparation for a full algebra course in high school. connections between mathematical concepts and applications. Students who are prepared to skip one grade level are placed in Pre-Algebra, students work to identify deeper lessons from their College School careers to craft their graduation speeches.